Fortnite | 10 Funny and Game Breaking Glitches in Season 5

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PlayStationGrenade: I asked my twitter followers to give me random words to hide in this video. I wonder if you can find 'em. :D

Henry: One time it happed to me on accident

Henry: Him: extra waffles if you use the code me: >:) I already have that.

Parielz: Anyone else noticed that Jones is wearing the same ring as the Season X John Wick skin?

Joe Michaud: i know that sand tunnel one its tectrure is from the camper where you can find kyle

tino poxy: the slurp truck changed into the old blue van texture am i right

star fox: the side of the slurp van there is the camper van window when you sand tuel

Micke G: Best intro ever

Lee Cole: The trucks texture is replaced with the RV's texture

Gecko Hunter gaming: Is it just me or does the slurp truck texture look like the camper vans that Kyle is in ??

KID Marine: i found them they are in a io guard thing next to steamy stacks

Jalil Rouzitalab: here's athorer glich become mave eat a pink crystal AND DROP mado's jet pack if done right u will have mave's fish tail in land and anywere!

Wayne Piper: The slurp truck is textured like an rv

Llama Boy76: That jiggly car thing happens all the time, and I haven’t even tried the glitch!!! It just happens when I get out

Chad Bretzlaff: The texture for the srlurp truck is in RV

Jess is not the best: The texture from the slurp track is the camper aka trailer

Foxsi dlf Jebjerg: Camping-car im not 100% From weeping Woods

The meme Gang: The slurp truck texture Is a Campervan

u know the rules AND SO DO I: You dont need a full inventory you just need to hold x to switch weapons

Logan East: Use code adinmmaru sorry I bucher his name a lout

Logan East: That slurp truck is a tralir

Carol Wright: Myth buster can you put a nice through the zero point?

Lloyd Koncar: Gift? Pls mjkoncar


Katsuki Senpai: Somebody is stealing your content and saying “if you want more sub” they are literally using your videos


Jose Vera: What did you say?*balls*

Taylor Edwards: I love waffles

Wallace: The truck texture is a camper van from weeping woods

th3 slayer 136: The texture from the slurp truck is one of the motor homes in pretty sure

Colin Gillespie: The texture of the slurp truck is an rv

Purple Dragon: The slurp truck turns into a trailer from weeping woods if you could tell, and does anyone know why in season 4 the Halloween store’s bushescant break but now they can in season 5?

ReachX8: I did the underwater car last season in the grotto, it was a op spot


Hutch animations: Slurp texture it is caravan

David Gordan: Has anyone noticed now that the one of the houses on the island between stealthy stronghold and craggy cliffs has a lot of explosives

darth nihilus: I've found the bromance they spawn at the IO spawns are RANDOM

Dippes 23: I found the bromance. they can randomly spawn instead of IO guards

Edi Leo: Im already subbed gimme this waffles 😂

Caleb Jordan: The best glitch is the bouncing underwater car, I kind of want to do this in a public game and just meme around and see how they react (hopefully not reporting, I'm not killing or harassing them, don't ban me)

Caleb Jordan: 4:32 I want to do this glitch, but in a nice way I will simply toss healing items at players on range so that they can continue while I'm stuck in the void

WULFY GAMEZ: Hey Adam just wanted to let you know that the tattoo on the bachii skin Spy style actually looks like A symbol of the order

Dragon Heart02: You say "Oh well" like extra waffles in life isn't enough to convince me.

superboy plays: General Grenade!

Jack Heidl: If you stand on a truck while above sand you will go into the sand while on the truck

Reynalds: can we have a myth busting video where you try if a sharks mouth goes light blue if you feed it an exotic

The1kaboom: The texture is an rv

Jaysillyman: use code adamaru for Cotten candy

Joel Zurliene: Hey do any of you know where Kyle is

no one: Ngl the car do be vibin

DC: Hey PlayStation grenade I love your videos and I use your code so I was wondering if I can be freinds with u on fortnite and I can add u on discord

galaxy man YT: 5:20 maybe it is the caravan texture

Torn Rat: If you do the water glitch at brutases basin the you get put in a whole underground

Pranki TV: Bruh i was eating a waffle while watching this

Defualt-fortnite: Hut watch more like big shot wait or is it good shot?

CrispyGaming: That trucks yea tire was an rv

scarif 15: I have a secret tip. If you go to the green bridge on the map, bellow it are SEVEN rocks circling a campfire. THE SEVEN?

Jason Graham: It’s from the rv

V33: Whan is new Minecraft video upp lode 300 day

Blue The Alolan Vulpix: Hey Adam I don’t know if you know this already. BUT THE HENCHMAN HAVE BEEN LOCATED! If you go to IO guard spawns. There’s a small chance they appear and just stand there confused. Don’t know what’s going to happen to them. Code Adamaru in the shop

Seth Knox: The waffles convinced me

Captain galaxy: Anyone can't find Mando

Just Another User: Myth:Will each Quest person have the default Glider or each have different and unique Gliders

Just Another User: Myth: Can you kick the soccer ball from weeping woods to the Soccer Goal at Pleasant Park will it score?

Spøøn Bøb: There is a giant rat 🐀. My attic

KeaOboka Tongwane: Thanks for 21 waffles

Umar7175 Umar7175: does a dragon shotgun light a campfire

Marcus Honeybourne: playstation grenade:some will get you banned also playstation grenade shows bannable glitches for content

Tari: I found mr snowmannnn in just cause 4 yeeeesss Edit: i am now using ur code so yee Edit 2: epic is Goodboi61

soyboy Hunter: I wondor how kids still even like fortnite after season 7 it ruined everything

BroBradders YT: Hi I use your code so can I have them waffles😁

blake revell: I FOUND THE BROS

Obi Wan kenobi: General Grievous

YeetyYT: You can find the rock dog from chap 1 and the henchmen in the IO pods

Emfroggy01: Hey Play station grenade you can get the Deagle in Cold War on desperate measures in the vault to your left the gun

joshm779: beak all of the colloseum by the rift there is a basement that looks like agent jonesys base

yoyo 20o18: The texture is a blue rv

Suavemick 46: The texture is from the caravans around the map

minercraft 1738: It actually makes mave's legs disappear when the npc goes in the water

dopeduck: you know it gonna be a great video when that intro plays

Rough Buff: It's an rv camper texture

Fe4RLess: Rv texture

left 4 dead 2: Go to lazy lake and find the number one house and go to the basement you will find a golden gnome a golden pot and the golden toilet

McNitro117: BILL AND TED ARE BACK 😆😆😆😆

Giller Playz: what is the name of your starting music

-MooseLord619 -: The texture of the slurp truck is a rv van texture.

19th Century Freddy Frostbear: We know where the henchman are you Know where the io guards come up there’s a rare chance they will spawn and they will be confused also the rock dog frm the last season can be found

Darkrin Shade: dude what about the FKING glitch where if you drive a car into an npc, you die instantly

M M: 5:25 the texture is from a van in weeping woods

Cup Cupy: If you see this talk to bunker jonsey in the storm

MoonHeadLife 924: Yes, everyone needs more waffles in their lives.

Ooriley2: My Xbox live ran out so I have not been able to play for a week

LDuke505 Gaming: I have seen Bill and Ted in Weeping Woods

iamaepicpersonlol: Glitches are just "Reality Warping"

Thomas Mooi: I found the henchman!!!

meta: btw the slurp truck texter is from the caravan

Houngerovo Blbosti Cz: 5:15 when you hit every slurp truck it will happen too... every in sand minimally

126haugiang: Bill and Ted spawn in the io guards box like so he can see

126haugiang: I found bill and ted

Elian Melendez: That was supposed to be a secret

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