When sheldon figured out the problem | Young Sheldon Season 5 Episode 7 NEW!!!

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Lydia Lujan: He reminds me of a young Tom Cruise.

akaKorey: sheldons voice changed so much from the start.

Isabel gisb: Is that Eda from the Owl House?

ROBO Bow: Im sorry Young Sheldon VS Cedric Daniels from the wire lmao. I need to watch this show

Felwinter: Zavala back at it again

Adiel E. Saint-Vil: I guess this was his life before joining the continental. Trust me Sheldon u don’t wanna push him. I’ve seen him with a gun

AUSSIE: I guess I will need to think about this a bit more. I don’t get it 🤔

Caleb Smith: Teaching Sheldon and checking in John Wick.

Sameer Sharma 7183: Funny you never see black physics and mathematics proffesers in real life( not mixed race).

Alex B: Was the professor the butler/childhood friend of col. Shaw in Glory(film) with Matthew Broderick?

Mike Fratz: This episode was hilarious if you haven't seen it headlights are boobs

ArcticFoxBot: 1:00 I JUST REALIZED THAT SHE VOICES EDA THE OWL LADY, and I find it funny that the "I will stand too" followed by "I'm just gonna sit" was very Edalyn. xD

BooKyodai Animate: Wow Eda what are you doing here?

Psycho gaming: His voice is change so much since the first episode

kingmike40: I don't understand why a professor would tear the paper before even looking at it. It sounds like one of the teachers/professors that I've had who wears their ego on their sleeve.

The Amazing Avengers Family: Sheldon Freeman and Damon Freeman:Yeah us family Two on are Side of are Family family Love family Doing are family’s Science Together in are Family😁💙🙂💙

Tynes the best: Zavala

Batman: Funny thing is that Tenure isn't as full proof as it sounds. It certainly is job security, but if the board votes against it you can lose your tenure and job. If the professor actually did cause Sheldon to leave the school and it made a big hit in the school's reputation it could very well lead to him losing tenure and his job. I still think he did the right move as far as teaching Sheldon, just wanted to point out that Tenure isn't as sound of an argument as is sounds

Zombie Sheep: All I hear is eda.

Gamers Guild UK PeterAmaranth: ok guardians, sheldon needs you to fight your way through some hive infested old citys, to get his bag back now get going

John Roman: "I hate engineering" LOL, I can see why he went into Physics

saurav rao: I loved Lance Riddick in quantum break

Kusanchi: Is it just me or is the kid actor that plays sheldon voice got deeper.

Game Guardian: All I hear is eda and zavala talking

Girlprogamer: ✋🏼🤚🏼

Robert Deuel: Lol Commander Zavala...

Kartikay Bhagat: Hey it’s Zavala from Destiny 2!

Mo A: And that's how we know why Sheldon held a grudge on Engineering and probably the professor.

Hussien Alsalehi: Normally i would say the professor is right. And most teachers will say the saying “everyone else figured it out on thier own its only you that didn’t “ here is the thing in reality the people who figured it out probably cheated or asked someone else for help. In the end you will only find about one or 2 people who will actually figure out the answer. I am not saying sheldon isn’t arrogant but he the method of teaching although tough ruins sheldon’s confidence and that is why lots of people hate engineering

JorgGamingCR: As an electronic engineer I must say that although I understand the "real world" thinking of professor It may be a little help to maybe give a hint about what was wrong. Just checking the work is not the professor's job, it has to do with teaching and guiding, if he didn't want to he could be better doing engineering job than a teaching job. Also, he even didn't check the work, just a instant view and ripped the paper. I remember working o lab project years ago, the project did what it was supposed to do, it worked great but when the professor reviewed he said it was not the design or execution he wanted, even when he never said or explain how, he only gave us the objectives, the goal and work on it. But in the end he, at least, said that maybe it was not our fault but it was from the other professors who, for him, where terrible professionals...he is kind of an old type professor and there are a lot of new ones, more younger....not that any of that helped because I'm here, graduated...trying to properly learn systemverilog...

Marcus Howard: Normally, Sheldon is acting like a little butthead, but he was late because he was doing what the teacher wanted.

Mark Shaw: I like this show. The only problem is with that kind of family support, there's no way he grows up into the selfish nutjob we see at the beginning of TBBT

Hasufel y Arod: 3:10 You've gotta hand it to him: He wants to know what he's doing wrong.

Denise : Oh man I always want to defend STEM but this clip and comments prove to me why I never can

Armando Balla: Young Sheldons voice is deeper than the old ones😂

keiming227: Why the manager of the Continental from John Wick end up being the teacher ?

IDrinkInk: Zavala’s toy r me job didn’t work out now he’s a teacher.

Nate Watson: Dude, fire that teacher, he is a terrible teacher

Gamaliel Burgos: I wish it were Lavar Burton.

Tomas Roberts: I’ve been waiting to hear his voice change. Our Shelly’s becoming a man. Albeit a selfish and sometimes silly man.

MizzKittyBichon: 0:46 RIP! RIP! RIP!

Kier Kier: Its the voice actor for Zavala from Destiny 2!!!!

Rebecca Michael: Every time I hear Sheldon talk, I hear Oh. I know they're the same person but still.

Avan Strash: So this is where the Continental Concierge take his part time job....

Landon Guernsey: The principal looks like Leonard’s mom in the Big Bang theory with a Wig

Marshall Uppill: I only hear Zavala lmao

Landon Guernsey: Love the vids

digital subliminal messages: S T O P R AP EI N G B A BI E S oh wow / .... / never9nd/ // youer good / not nessary / whats t the problem with the paper

Diamond Dragon: Eda the owl lady a principal, oh how the mighty have fallen.

Tom Scites: Dull boring no missy or meemaw

Vfernandes 94: I like how the show is telling us that Sheldon is just an arrogant person that cannot cope with the fact that things do not go his way😆

MissRJB: I like how the professor wasn’t gonna give in the serve Sheldon the answer and happiness on a silver platter like everyone else does

Sized Toaster0: Toys R Me!

picklerick 42: That explains why Sheldon hates engineering

Chef Chef: Whether Sheldon wanted it or not. He’s stepped into a war with the cabal. So let him get to work taking out there command one by one.

House of Crews: Holy Shit its COMMANDER ZAVALA

melanie vergel de dios: I can see that he got older

Eric Brisson: Why does the dean remind me of leonards mom

Krista Mallia: Where do i know her voice from- someone pls tell me

frenk berberi: I love your videos!They’re amazing!Please bring out new episodes of Young Sheldon.

Edward Cook: Did nobody notice that every time the professor tore up the paper, he caused the paper to wave a bit? No? This was his way of letting Sheldon know what he needed to look for in order to solve the problem. So he was not denying Sheldon help. Let's just say that Sheldon was too dense to take the hint. In my opinion, what this professor did was brilliant. Sheldon just needs to accept that he is not the smartest person on the planet.

Ken To: Welcome back mr wick ** mr cooper

AR_119: John Wick... Now this... That's a 180

Nilou Boe: Omg!!! I just made the connection that he voices sylens in horizon zero dawn. 😁😁

amy murray xo: where can i watch this episode in the uk?

Merlion Matthew: Y'all have no idea how wide my eyes and mouth opened when i heard him say "i hate engineering".

Bob Xan: Zavala has went from teaching guardians to teaching kids :D?

Carpe Diem Tales: Oh, the brilliance with which the amazing writers of this show are connecting the dots for Big Bang Theory fans! They get me with each episode.

Chazz Michael: So this is why sheldon always belittles Engr. Howard Wolowitz 🤣

秋あやかね: Lance Reddick is amazing in this episode.

Matteo Watteo: This episode was horrible. The engineering professor tearing up Sheldon's work without looking at it made no sense. June's injured leg story line was dumb. One of the worst episodes ever.

Hament Singh: As a 4th year engineering students in india I would say that happens alot 😂😂but at the end you are all serious about your mistake and factors to keep in mind

Ken P: And this is why John Wick shows him respect at the hotel

Tary Sunshine: This professor’s stict time reminds me of my Soil professors

Cindy George: That professor was a jerk and should have been nice to sheldon

Ken P: Tenure is why our education system is failing

Jordan mahony The blind world: I go to school for the blind in Arden Court Child Vision and despite what you think of the name it’s not just for children it’s for adults as well and like in this episode where his dad was telling him the answer no I’m not giving you a football pet top this is real life as the sack same thing with us I go to school with visually impaired people we all have a visual impairment to some degree and we will be told the same things instead of pouching instead of waiting for people to call you and get the answer to you go out and do yourself and learn something and that’s the problem in today’s society everyone has been cuddled and told how good they are when really they’re just being sheltered and protective and it’s not the way

Saa Willy_no: is that Sylens from horizon zero dawn in person

rico567: The best part of this wasn’t the video, it was all the comments by people convinced they know what teaching “is.” Hint: it’s not singular.

Edith Piaf: Yeah, the prof is a bit I over the top, but as a former teacher, I can tell you HS and college students - and their parents - today just want an "A" because they handed it in. Candy grades. Everyone gets a trophy. That is not education. And if you don't give them what they want, you are "mean."

Lordy: Zavala

Jan Wensveen: Sheldon was forced to do actual engineering, which is to provide a solution that works in real life instead of one that only fits under ideal circumstances as thought up by theoretical academia. Accounting for all external factors and limitations is what engineering is about.

cococo7 coco: Engineering is the hardest major in college.

Omni G: Yeah but how did the Professor know Sheldon didn't write about wind in his report without reading? And is that the Owl lady?

Owinski W: As a Destiny 2 player, and a big bang fan, this show just got even better for me!!!

Rocketeer: Yo

Erica Stones: The idea is to teach the students not just do it again and not tell them what they did wrong. I know they want them to figure it out, but at least give them a hint to the problem. I had a English teacher who said to me I had to redo my paper. I asked her what was the issue was so I know what I did wrong. She gave no hint or idea just told me to read it. I took the same paper and said this to her grade it and tell me the issue. She ask if I read it. I said no because I can’t see the issue unless someone proof reads it for me and teaches me the issue. Is it a spelling issue? It is misuse of a word being use twice in one sentence? Or is it a grammar? You want me to check it as my teacher you need to help me understand what I did wrong. I don’t care if I don’t get a A or get a C or D you need to teach me. Turns out it was a grammar problem at the end of the paper I put the word “did” twice and forget to put “ , “ next to the “and” in my sentence. That meant I could have gotten a B or C and learned something at the same time. I get they want us to figure it out but why become a teacher if you don’t teach.

Joshua Baratheon: Lance Reddick is a national treasure.

Kathrin Bauer: So, the profesor guesses that Sheldon is wrong without the slightest look to the paper? That doesn't sound like good teaching. That is just a power play

Sweet Spicy: What the Principal should have said was - Sheldon might be gifted but he is still a child and their job is to help him grow and not break his confidence.

Skg: Mr.Lance.....wow great surprise

Johnson Shougaijam: If sheldon was john wick than he would have take the problem seriously

Christopher Bingham: So this is not only the origin of Sheldon hating engineering, it's also the origin of Sheldon believing that tenure is a bad thing to give to employees because it makes them lazy (He said that in The Big Bang Theory episode "The Tenure Turbulence"). I can't blame him for that. What's the motivation to do your job well if you can't get fired? The professor could have said "You didn't factor in real world elements," or told Sheldon where to look in the textbook to learn what he was doing wrong or something. What kind of professor refuses to give his students any hints?

Kallie Moore: I don't get it It's part of a teacher's job to explain things and TEACH them. Everyone learns along the road from experience and your parents that life is not always easy. And it really SHOULD be the parents job So why is this teacher even bothering

Rei: I cant unhear Eda…….😂

A Mundkur: Not letting people inside because they are late, is kind of below the belt in a low-key way. As far as the paper is concerned, May be it would help if Sheldon gets the paper laminated. That way, the professor cannot tear the paper apart at least.

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