Cobra Kai Season 3 Trailer Reaction

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Jojo: will it ruin the experience for me if i watch the trsiler, does it spoil alot

BR C: I’m excited!!

Gonzo Life: Sometimes I fell like this series is a wake up call for me 🥴 im I the only one?

don conatser: Dee snyder’s (former twisted sister vocalist) solo band

Jody Carter: Looks like they got a stunt double for Ralph which is good... he’s Daniel San... he should be like frieakin’ Neo in the matrix. And Chosen and Kimiko are back... totally psyched!

John Ray Fernandez: OMG!!!! SO EXCITED for Season 3!!! 💖💖💖 Absolutely love it!! There are so many things that I think might happen later on in the series.... there are so many parallels to the characters to some events that in original trilogy 1. Daniel's return to Okinawa parallels his first visit there wherein Daniel's story will now revolve on him following Mr. Miyagi's footsteps in confronting his old nemesis on the island itself: Chozen, the nephew of Sato. 2. Without his father and sensei out there for his situation, Robby is forced to join Cobra Kai against his own will now that he will be recruited by Kreese, thereby unconsciously going through Daniel's story arc in Part III in which he is forced to enter the tournament against his own will. 3. Daniel's return to Okinawa sparked the unresolved love triangle between him and Chozen over Kumiko. 4. The All Valley Tournament will be the inverse of the tournament back in season 1 wherein Robby will be fighting for Cobra Kai with no other choice left until Daniel, Johnny, and Miguel's intervention make him snap out of it. Plus points when Robby will be saying exactly what Daniel said in the movie Daniel: "You must not lose your fear!! You stay focus" Robby: "Yeah! I'm afraid of him, alright? I am scared!!" In the elimination round, Miguel will singlehandingly take out all the Cobras under Kreese's tutelage until he and Robby will face off again in the finals. Plus points again when Daniel will be shocked that Robby is training under Kreese...this will instantly give us a flashback to when Daniel trained under Terry Silver

ActionDK 22: Dee Snyder from Twisted Swister - rock band from the 1980's (We're Not Gonna Take It, song)

NemosPodcast: I’ve been waiting to talk about this, on your channel for a long time I’ve been holding it in for so long LOL I knew the whole time that they were teaming up because of the audition Breakdowns. I was so excited to hear that they were teaming up!My friend auditioned for one of the guys that Daniel and Johnny beat the crap out of at the mechanic shop. I was on hold for another show so I couldn’t audition, I’ve been trying to audition for the past couple seasons hopefully season 4. Can’t wait to watch season 3!!!!!

You Wished: Alli will be in one episode at least! The Johnny in white jacket confirms it!!!!!

Chris Hess: My question is why has Chozen come around?

Xanstrom: thats twisted sister, the band

Xanstrom: i think it will take johnny and daniel to fight kreese and either just barely win or loose, and in season 4 it will be a kreese and someone else vs danny and johnny.

Zexon Hairi: Top death predictions since we know one or two people will die: Daniels mom, Kreese, and Tory.

Flak Lognon: hmm seem the miguel ark is pretty much a rip off of bruce lee's real life story.

Jerry Slaugh: Dee Snider lead singer of Twisted Sister is the concert they are at

Roblue Let’s Play: Btw the band on the stage is twisted sister.

Roblue Let’s Play: Pretty good the trailer music

Marilyn Neikirk: You should do what if Daniel killed chozen on karate kid 2 and what if chozen won the fight and killed Daniel

MrPantera123456: And that band was Dee Snider. Lead singer of twisted sister.

MrPantera123456: Hell ya!!! I had no idea my Star Wars guy also does one of my fav shows! Insta subscribed bud!

Richierich204: Does anyone know if the episodes will be released all at once or weekly????

FartingCowboy: Are we going to ignore the fact that they got dee snider to perform for the show. Also I have a prediction that Johnny is in a white suit at the end of the trailer cause there’s probably a high school reunion and he’s about to see Ali

Nekoyama69: Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister - We are not gonna take it! Playing Cyberpunk 2077 too?

JohnyGamer !: Yo kyler is back yo hawk would straight up beat the shit out of him

Tony Griego: Karate Kid 2 was my favorite also of the series.. glad to see those characters pop back up again. Looks like Chozen redeemed himself.

Kahn Tsung: What are your thoughts on Kyler joining Cobra Kai? And how will this impact Hawk? Also, it looks like Chozen will only appear in a couple of episodes. Do you reckon Chozen will eventually go to US in a later season?

Brian Lee • 82 years ago: Imagine in Season 4, we get to see Terry Silver

ULTIMATE MADNESS: Miguel arms are bigger and Robbie on the ground smiling must of been his payback in jail

Jake Gwilliams: Johnny could be meeting Ali at the and of the trailer

Johnny Utah: Most forgiving high-school in history🙈

Turtle Cubing: WHERES AISHA

kaleo k9: By the end of season 3 Miguel will be able to walk again

Ryan Hellyer: I feel Stingray is going to be play a pivotal role in season 3. The real new Karate Kid!

Keith Miller: Julie Pierce season 4 !?

Keith Miller: Ali is coming

Tony 1888: Is it only me that noticed Miguel put on weight after being in a coma ?

Nathan White: Kreese will corrupt Johnny’s teachings and his students will end up thugs and creating havoc. This is going to get seriously amped and Johnny and Daniel will have to use their skills to save the kids they dragged into this mess.

Mark Reyes: Johnny wearing the white suit could be a Christmas party and he meets Ali.

Jay Young: For the record, I highly doubt that Silver will appear. Thomas Ian Griffith hasn't acted in anything since 2007, and I believe that he stated at one point that he didn't have any interest in reprising the role.

JonGon Productions: Imagine if Hawk's actually beating up Demetri in that scene and he becomes allies with Kyler because of Kreese's twisted teachings since he looks like he's about to join Cobra Kai too.

Sargeant Tinkles: So with 88% of my theories proven in this trailer I have full confidence in saying that terry silver and mile Barnes will be returning. Seeing chosen makes me think there will be even more returning characters.

MichaelBEarl: The band had Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister

Dylan Newton: Demetri swept the leg 😱

Jaden McKinney: Where's the Breakdown?

Catherine Olenick: I am so pumped that Johnny and Daniel our teaming up it's going to be lit !!! Let's Go

dank killa: I was watching the season 3 trailer in my car for the first time in my car and I thought I had my Bluetooth on but I didn't I had my radio on and the song Rise above this by Seether was playing and I swear to God I thought it was part of the trailer. It went perfect. Play the trailer on mute and play that song. Made me cry

AMT Ariel: Hawk beats up Kyler which explains the bloody knuckles.

Torrey Gipp: Dude I cant wait. So excited. And happy

Jane Ross: hi

Smithy Gamer: I think it will only be 3 episodes of Miguel recovering because so don’t think too many people want to see a full season of the main character recovering it would be a bold move.

Jason Ristau: I want Chozen's first words to be...."So coward, you return" as a throwback to Sato

ShadeRG: I can wait 5 more minutes

Tal Moore: Dee Snider's the lead singer of Twisted Sister.

Anthoney Wycough: why the hell would robbie not try to defend himself

RoboCop: I think that clip of Hawk Beating someone up is actually Hawk Beating up Kyler.

The Projection Guy: After that leg sweep of Demetri to Hawk hopefully Hawk will still beat him as fuck up

Javier Moran Jr: Did you just say to watch 4? What in the world is wrong with you?

- DEV: 12:39 are Ali and that dude already married because I think this might be Johnny at thier wedding

Lisa Batley: I think hock has been buching killer

Jim Draven: I was screaming "Holy shit" the entire trailer, then I saw Chosen and Kumiko and lost it. Am I alone though, in thinking that Johnny in his white jacket at the end, was meeting up with Ali?

Samuel Bowling: I want to see a massive showdown at the end of this show with kreese/silver/tori/hawk/colonel Dugan vs Johnny/Daniel/Julie/Robby/Samantha and possibly even more. I include the karate kid 4 characters cause I just think that’d be hilarious.

Bills Mafia Forever: Miguel falls from balcony on the first day of school in August.....and he’s fighting in the tournament in December? Or will there be a time lapse?


Dermis29: Bro the new season gonna be so good

Michael Giannace: Kreese definetly needs allies and I am not sure if its Silver or Barnes but by season 4 you will see them both

Odst soldier: Him constantly saying silver coming back is getting real annoying

Gabe Nelson: Ali, Terry and the profound issues between Kreese and Miyagi/Daniel seem more like the long game for the series. Wonder what promotes Daniel's trip to Okinawa. Is it at the beginning of the season or does something happen later that sparks the trip.

Trikol Sorensen: Oof poop

Glitch FC: Ok I think it’s shows the whole season so Miguel in the last episode is gonna be able to walk or stand then obviously Daniel go’s to okanawa then learns how to use weapons then teach the myagi do kids I’ll show more later

Bear YT: I just thought of this. I think that kyler is chozens son. MAYBE, there is a possibility

llainie4: Hawk is pounding on a ground bag, he's ground training. I've been in martial arts for 20 yrs and higher belts in most styles practice this

Homes and Sons Pressure Washing: I hope the dude hawk is beating up is Dimitri

Emilio Merino: Kreese should be injures in the final battle and left crawling and the snake should finish him off.Best irony for his death

Average Bri: I feel like Miguel is day dreaming maybe. I don't think we will see him fight this season.

Gabriel Benitez: All of our guesses were right, Chozen and Kumiko are making an appearance

superuly23 da man: at the end is Johnny at his high school reunion where he finally sees Ally

Xevious: The rock concert was Dee Snider of Twisted Sister.

antony baker: I want that shirt!! I can't believe how excited I am for this new season!!

Xevious: I’m pretty sure what everyone is wondering with the new season is WHERE IS STINGRAY?!? Is he the new partner with Kreese?


Hotwheels Racing -Bill Gould: How about bringing back the "next karate kid"(girl). Over the top would be with Jackie Chan lol


Liquid Ninja: lol you don’t know who Dee Snider is?

vxnys: Im so exicited about alot of things but my question is what the fuck is Kyler doing in Cobra Kai dojo, and why it looks like Hawk is still scared of him???? And ALL THE OTHER STUFF I CANT WAIT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Isaiah Ayala: I was told at the end Johnny is at a high school reunion

Art9_69 6: The band is dee Snyder the singer used to be the singer for twisted sister in the 80s

Jackson Deering: The scene where Sam is crouching at the club looks like the other where Tori is in the trailer so I'm just guessing that's a dream sequence of the two fighting

Flightive: so the ending shot there with jonny in a tux, i think its him meeting up with ali or hes in a dream where he is meeting ali since this is the first shot where he doesnt have bruises and cuts on his face

Imran Ceesay: yes

Christian Velasquez: I saw kumiko i mean is it her?

AMV Sapphire: total badassssss

Polar333Bear: I've said it on other people's reactions, but I really think there might be a secret connection between Amanda LaRusso and Kreese. Like he's her father or step-father, and she's kept it a secret this whole time. They can't have Amanda be like the voice of reason for two seasons, then do a 180 and her join in on the fight. Either they have history or Kreese does something messed up enough to get Amanda involved.

Galaxy Clan Leader: If silver comes in and helps krease would be sick! And I wanna see Jonny Defend Daniel against Chosen would be sick!

Galaxy Clan Leader: I CANT WAIT! 🤭🤭🤭🤭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

vegitausa: You keep for your collection, I know you like it!

David: Get em to 100k!!

Izuku Midoriya - Deku: Yesss

Fil L: Auld Lang Syne - Happy New Year! 2:25 "Should all acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind"

Mr. Skeptical: Chosen will kick daniels ass, but then teach him different techniques. Daniel will rekindle with his former love interest. I just hope Hawk keeps going rouge!!! I'm a total kreese fan!!! I hope kyler gets his ass handed to him again!!!

Martavious Tisby: Yes

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