The Watch Season 1 Trailer 🔥 Premieres January 3rd | BBC America

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Frankie Fracture: Where is Carrot?

Curious Kelpie: This. I hate this. 🙃

MARIO: wow same going to be failure as the last robin hood shit .. .

Ei Dirst: It is like an alien taking the appearance of your mother to gain your trust. The alien can't fathom why would you hate him while you love your mother at the same time.

jimjamjoeyjoejoe McJammyjoeson: Why are you doing this? Do you hate Terry Pratchett? His books? The fans of the Discworld?

Roan Brightman: Going back to my original comment, I agree it is very sad and frustrating that Terry Pratchett's vision for this series and the world of Discworld are being disrespected and that they decided to go in the opposite direction and do their own thing. I absolutely love all of Terry Pratchett's books. God bless Sir Terry. RIP. Hopefully future adaptions will be more faithful and true to his books. In the meantime, please be kind to each other and all beings. Over and out.

lizard zilla: Everyone: this isn't even close to the books Me who has never even heard of the books: cool dragon

Ei Dirst: I was wondering, how to stop myself frying to charcoal over this. Got it. Just imagine that, after the title card, it says: Producer: C.M.O.T. Dibbler ...and enjoy. Plus, try not giving them any money, so that they move on to the next fandom asap

Jon Miller: Is no one going to ask why Cheery is average height and why she doesn't have a beard?

Jon Bennett: What absolute trash. Even if it weren't related to Diskword it looks like a steaming pile. If it were even remotely related to the DW beyond the names it would be loved by millions. As it is it's so obvious trash it will NOT be hated by millions because we will never watch it in the first place.

Khamsin Fu: Это точно не Праттчет! И это точно не Ночная Стража!

desolatefix miller: holy shit this is garbage

Jenna Lutz: Did even ONE person on the crew try to read an actual Discworld book? Hell, watch one of the BBC's own movie adaptions at least? This is... wrong. May the Hogfather hate you, the Librarian learn what you did to a book and all your food turn into a Dibbler's Special in your mouth.

Justin Sherman: Does anyone know the name of the song that plays in this trailer?

cthulhu Pthagn: You should all be deeply ashamed. Sir Terry Pratchett was (and is) a national treasure to England, and his books are the stuff dreams are made of. He was knighted with a sword he forged himself. And foisted on the world after he is dead. Will the BBC dig up his corpse and molest it over the opening credits?

Lord Zephyros: Alert British comedy .... the worst nation of comedy lol

Roan Brightman: At least they are finally making tv shows and films out of Terry Pratchett's brilliant books. To everyone commenting, please don't be mean if you refer to the cast and crew. There will be no nastiness no matter how the show turns out.

MysterMysteryHunter: Trust American writers to totally screw up a British classic. They did the same with Red Dwarf and they'll do it again with Miranda. Just simply awful.

Corvus Albus: If you all would excuse me fot a moment, I have to go and scream in frustration into a pillow...

Boerboel Mummy: This from the same people (BBC) who have destroyed and/or retconned every single piece of important cultural IP under their control. If watching this absolute pile of rancid, woke garbage, doesn't convince you that the BBC hates every aspect of western culture and civilsation from Shakespeare to Dickens to Churchill, to Pratchett and everything inbetween... I don't know what will. #GetWokeGoBroke

backwards7: This grim trend, where makeweight TV writers of questionable talent, wrap-up their unsalable, half-baked ideas up in the guise of a much-loved IP, has to end. Was Sir Terry Pratchett's version of The Watch not good enough for you?

Leo W: 1) Cheery should have a beard. 2) Cheery should also not be almost the same height as Carrot. 3) Lady Sybil is repeatedly described and depicted in the books as a large woman of at least forty or thereabouts. 4) Why is Sam wearing eyeliner and acting like Captain Jack Sparrow? 5) Where's Colon and Nobby? Or were they not considered cool enough? 6) Everything about Death. Feel free to add any further grievances about this dreck below.

Rabbitline: Looks really bad. Hope it proves expectation wrong.

Claudia Teodorescu: Looks like it was made by Nobby Nobbs on crack!!! What in the name of Om is this chaos?

Paulos 2571: Haha as if your all not going to watch it we'll see, you won't be able to help yourselves.

depreseo: Adaption: "a film, television drama, or stage play that has been adapted from a written work." BBC Americas The watch: "Throwing all the source material on a burning pyre thinking "we can re-invent the wheel but better! and with edges!" only to realise that people actually like their wheels/adaptions to be functional/faithful, and that you get nowhere when you throw the instructions on the fire" I know that this concept is difficult to understand but they're quite easy to comprehend once you look them up in the dictionary. Dictionary: "a book / resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage. Typically found on bookshelvs alongside the works of Sir Terry Pratchett... Hint hint."

Chance Hooper: Utter dogshit. To the Scorpion Pit for them, along with the mimes.

Stusstrupp: Ghost Busters, Star Wars, Marvel and now Diskworld: What is it with movie- and show-makers these days that they value p*****g off fans above anything else - including earning even production costs?

Discworld and Known Space: "Robin, but he's a red bird commonly found in North America."

Ronnie Beaton: Well, that's the chances of a faithful adaptation gone down the crapper for the next twenty years.

Ale Db: Abort this shit please

Domenico Di Fiore: guys... it makes me laught. But this is not funny.

Rebecca Gers: Well this is a lot worse than expected. Have you even read a single one of the books?

Sajith Suhaifdeen: Please dont tell me that woman was lord vetinari

Darko Nikodinovski: OMG is this Guards Guards? I wonder is someone in BBC America familiar with sir Terry Pratchett's work?

Jamin Lloyd: I don't understand why they thought basing this off of the Watch would be a good idea? It means nothing to people who don't know Pratchett and it will alienate the existing fanbase. Call it something else and leave Pratchett alone if your not going to do him justice.

ToneDefRebel: Clearly no one involved with this show has ever actually read the source material. They are also talentless hacks who decided to use a beloved book series to lure unsuspecting Discworld fans in to watch their hackneyed drivel. The Watch isn't just unfaithful to the work of Sir Terry Pratchett, it manages to corrupt and despoil every character it touches and drag the world created by a beloved author through the mud.

sj A: Well this looks terrible. More importantly, "anyone can be a hero"?!? Pterry's WHOLE THING is how heroes are bad. All of the watch books EXPLICITLY state this.

Collin O'Toole: And now I know why Rihanna Pratchett disowned this series.

Mike Ryan: Did the U.S. military commission this shit to be shown to inmates of Guantanamo Bay? Why is the public being exposed to this?

liam metcalfe: 3 Easy steps to ruin Terry pratchett discworld 1. let the PC brigade off there leashes 2. Don’t both reading any of the books just make stuff up 3. and this is most important let the Americans do it !!!!!

Mick Hogben: This is not The Watch from the much loved books. So I’m going into this assuming they share a name only and treat it as what looks like a whimsical piece of fantasy and judge it on its own merits.

Shannon Peacock: Me before I saw this trailer: I have hope that 2021 is gonna start off right with no disappointments! BBC: Hold my tea and crumpets.

Shannon Peacock: I've always hated cancel culture. I'm suddenly reconsidering my stance.

Jakub Novák: BAD BAD BAD

Ian Thomas: With all the money that went into this Camel of a production would it have killed them to stop for a second and figure out what it is that makes the Discworld series so compelling.

Khron0: Насколько был шикарен сериал по Благим знамениям, настолько же этот трейлер на дне.

Garrick Darts: Why would you do this? I mean, money, obviously, but have you no shame?

peter k: Box ticking at it's finest

Aria Green: Как это развидеть ? Это на сколько надо ненавидеть Терри Пратчетта чтобы снять ЭТО ???

Jacob4753: What is this song!?

Symon2099: The predictable "Ermagherd, this looks nothing like Discworld!!" comments aren't a surprise, no more so than the fact that you know at least half of said comments are from people who've probably read half a Pratchett novel on train in 1998. See, the thing with the Discworld series is that you can't make a good adaptation of it. It's just not possible. Because 80% of the best part of Pratchett's work is all in the prose. It's not the situations or the stories or even a lot of the dialogue that's funny. It's everything inbetween, the narration, the footnotes, the meandering anecdotal descriptions; basically all the stuff that you can't translate to screen, even if someone did produce a 100% authentic adaptation of a story. And that's been the case with pretty much every adaptation to date. Yes, some of them have been OK. But even the best of them felt like a much more gentle, broader comedy than I ever got from reading Pratchett's work. For that reason, I'm all in for this. Is it a word for word, character for character, 100% recreation of any Discworld story? Definitely not. But it already looks more interesting, anarchic, and frankly, more Pratchetesque than the adaptations of Going Postal or The Colour of Magic.

GrandpaNash: As a big fan of Discworld, I won't be watching this. Perhaps some day someone will make a proper TV adaptation of Sir Pratchett's wonderful novels. This clearly isn't one.

KainGerc: I think I get it now, they set out to make a show where no one who actually read any of the Discworld books might like it.

Calum Davies: I think it looks good.

Fayelin449: This is not my Watch. Don’t know who that dude at the end was, but that wasn’t my Death either! I am horrified.

hex37: I don't get casting decisions sometimes. Forget Vetrinari- Sybil Ramkin could've been the one of the few strong minded, overweight female characters in today's media, and they made her hot instead. *Why Though*

John Osullivan: I really believed that the makers of "Shartimus foul" would have been akin the millennium prize for worst adaptation but I see I was wrong on that. This one misses the mark by so much that it's more representative of 'Miss Marples' than the bloody Ankh-Morpork Watch. Well done to the fools guild production of CMOT Dibbler's "The Watch"

Von Norden: Bet they are going to have Granny Weatherwax in season 2 as a 8 year old girl super genius detective in season 2. Wouldn't be past them at this point

Von Norden: People please remember that the actor are not at fault here. It is the hack producers and writer who think they can "improve" the works of Terry Pratchett.

Dushan Vasic: I want 1 minute and 43 seconds of my life back.

Ahem: This is not Pratchett, not Discworld, NOT Watch. Please rename all your characters and title, don't shame great work and great author.

Gray Pritt: This is a perfect example of how to totally disregard a authors work when making a series, this is such a bad adaption that it is insulting to anyone that read any of the discworld books. May whoever is involved in this live in interesting times.

Jamjarr: Every trailer I see of this makes me dislike it more. As I've said elsewhere, I will watch it, I'll try to be objective.... Because to be fair, if you don't think of it as a Discworld series, it does look entertaining. But therein lies the problem. It is wearing the skin of Sir Terry's work. Don't get me wrong, this series will never ruin the books (there they are on my shelf, most first editions, all in protective sleeves), but unfortunately it will influence a lot of people who haven't read any Discworld novels into never reading them at all. I'm hoping it'll at least be entertaining, but I have a feeling that I won't be able to ignore the fact that this is supposed to be Discworld, and clearly isnt. I am in two minds about this.

Fake Username: So... We tried to be very modern by making a woman patrician which would be very hard to pull off for any actor, because Charles dance is so Perfect for the role, throw in some black people in it for diversity (very good of course) but we were not comfortable with making sybil a 'big girl' on screen... That just tells you all you need to know; it is not an adaptation of a beloved work of fiction, it"s just there to be sold. I was looking forwards to it for a LONG time , but not anymore.

Jonathan Gurkin: Ive wanted this for so long....

jos meijers: no. just NO !

Onibaba: C'est une blague!!!! rassurez moi !!!!

Aldaris1234567: Going to be honest, this trailer independent of anything else because I haven't looked into the project, looks pretty good. Not sure I get the complaints.

Anička Č.: NO! NO! BAD BBC AMERICA! BAD! I mean... what are you thinking?! What even is this?! Did you ever read any discworld novel? What are you doing? BADLY DONE GUYS!

TheAllomar: Normally, trailers either make me feel excited or disappointment. This made me angry - very angry.

SamauraiRippeR: How very..... American. Seems like its trying to come across as punky british but modernized to appeal to the American public. Everything about this seems wrong, but I'll still be checking it out before I determine if its worth purging it from my memory.

Adrian Saven: Боже мой! Какой пиздец! BBC Можно только поаплодировать. Чтобы снять такое убожество нужен великий талант!

don't don't: Dubbed in Hindi language this

chris okeeffe: Please AMC and BBC America, don't touch any other British fantasy series, both past and future again!!! Youre ruining many childhoods here!

Paul Toop: This looks, to use the scientific term, shite

Den f: I like to imagine CMOT dribbler sold this idea to BBC America

Megumi Hayashida: Plastic Bertrand - Ça Plane Pour Moi 🎶

Bumble - Bee: If you imagine a stone dude in brown, it will be your reaction to this insult to the original author

Tomesz Cz: I don't know what this is, but it's definitely not a discworld.

David Abzug: Looks like a fun romp. I wonder why the characters are named after Terry Pratchett ones?

B R: Look how they massacred my boy :(

Gadzinisko: I see you even removed PTerry's name from the title. Good, because this is some Squareworld or something.

Bendrago: Eh, cant you people read ? You are completely destroying the world, the characters, the spirit of the discworld books ... I would be ashamed ...

Teodora L. Kostadinova: Wait a minute, was that Death laughing at the end? You had to screw up just about all the characters, didn't you...

King Noodle: I was confused until the end but then they butchered Death's character and now I'm just angry.

S.P.A.S Mλdness: I was hyped as hell for this show. What the hell is this ?

Paul Nabil Matthis: I always thought it'd be cool if someone spent this much money on a Discworld adaptation, shame no one's done that yet.

Nikhil Krishnadas: As if 2020 was not bad enough

joshua clare: This looks much better than the first trailer, but this isn’t Discworld. It will probably be a pretty good series, but it feels bittersweet knowing that this will be many people’s first exposure to Pratchett’s wonderful series.

Birk Lebowski: Perhabs the writers of this series should have read one of Pratchetts books. It feels so bad to see the watch in this interpretation.

bandiceet: "For the Represents!" they changed everything, while being to stupid and brain dead to realise the novels was already full of representation.

Павел Губанов: Оно даже в чём-то прикольно. Но, чёрт побери, при чём тут Сэр Терри?

0Maguar0: Burn in hell BBC ! Shame on you !

Sidecrawler: Fire 'em all

Zemplin Castellan: If this wasn't supposedly based on Discworld, no one would care. As it is, this series seems to be treating the property, particularly character and place names, in a completely parasitic way. I have nothing against the cast and crew, but the authors of this... thing... have clearly not read any Discworld books. Otherwise they wouldn't be lionising Carcer Dun, making Sam Vimes an apparent drug addict... And if "anyone can be a hero", why did you fat-shame Lady Sybil out of existence ? She's not a slim model. I think the people behind this series stopped short of introducing Tipphany Aching into the series and making her an exotic dancer. Good grief !

Štěpán Bořek: I hoped that if I don't think about it as an adaptation of Pratchett books that then it could be ok to watch... But now I realize it looks awful even as a totally standalone series...

Deniz Demirel: Only if the starring waa Floki... Seems nice anyways

Iwona Klich: Looks cool.

Alexey Kolchurin: You will burn in hell for this.

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