Snowpiercer Trailer: Season 2 Premieres January 25, 2021 | TNT

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Joshua Initorio: Just finished ep1, all I gotta say is, Train Go Boom.

Andrew Carlson: I'm passed the 25th and there's no s2 on HBO max

Joshua Morris: 1:11 i think this is a refrence to the fan theory of this being related to willy wonka..

Rayshawn Tillman: Just finished season 1 didn’t think I would like it as much as I do 💯

Buzy Vlog: Ep1 Season 2 ❤️❤️❤️

Hani Tablet: This is Snowpiercer and Big Alice, 1034 cars long.

S. Y.: Prefer the movie

immortal: 난 사자가 싫어 >:(

Angel Potat: How does the series tie in with the movie?

Sam Sum: be there in3l3l3l3l33 3333 for44

Chaika Gaz: The tv series will never be good as the movie.. its the budget.


Joshua Bathke: Spoiler Alert: Sean Bean DIES!!!!

Anudheep Sriraj: Okay! Snow Piercer is longer than 997 cars?

Rashad Heyward: CANT WAIT

walkwithgrace: I'm so so so excited for this! I'm excited to see how the relationship is between Mr. Wilford and Alex.

Little Mollar: Let's see what two engines can do! ❤️

Scrawny Frag: watch them let sean bean survive for once

Sabrina Cichy: "you want to slingshot us up the mountain!?!??!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ruth

brock Venom the cat: Someone tell lovelyti to watch this show lol she into GOT lol

Dau Chi: Ya Allah ampunilah dosa kami semua yang setuju like.

Jackie Dennis: Que Dios nos perdone.

Just Dro: Melanie makes a statement about the strawberries and how they are more important than the tailies... (wait how do you spell that lol) telling Layton.. “ .. the truth is, you need this strawberry more than Mr. W needs you(the tail section)” It pretty much sums up her character and why she did all the things she did. The numbers and Mr. W’s rules combined for her version of “order” the very thing she believed was necessary for the survival of the human race. Which is why she ditched his ass and took over because I’m sure as we will see in season 2 that he is much more ruthless than Melanie ever was to Snowpiercer. You can tell in a lot of the scenes when she uses the name drop as a power move or says things like Mr. W would want.. or would expect at least a limb for these crimes etc. that it’s not something she wants to do but NEEDS to do because the train(1st & 2nd) wants a leader.. someone willing to make the tough decisions.. a protector.. a savior. That’s a lot to put on one person... at least a person who doesn’t want the notoriety and responsibility Mr. W is known for. I don’t agree with her move on Josie but it’s a perfect example of her cracking under the pressure of being the savior for the last of the human race... or so she thought lol Hope she keeps redeeming herself in s2 Long ass comment ranting lol don’t judge me I’m hype for the next two seasons!!!

Jack Daniel: I would never watch the show and you can thank the commercials for that because I can't imagine a world where someone laying in a bathtub eating pickles is the height of power and luxury.

Erin -: This show is SO GOOD! I’m so hype for the next season. Love love love

Mei Mei: I hate Ruth and I hope Mel don't die

Khaled Hussain: This is Bran the Builder, but he looks like Ned (or Ned looks like him)

Blair Brown: She stands alone between civilization and chaos.... ....between the shadows of freedom and the certainty of conquest.... ....between the last vestiges of hope and the promise of icy Armageddon.... ....she is the ultimate line of defense for the uneasy but familiar status quo against the certainty of unstable tyranny. She is mankind's last,best hope for survival....and their last great accomplishment. She is....Snowpiercer.

David Johnson: I wanna hear YOUR theories.. what's next season gonna be like?

Farid Anwar: The king in the north.

Kyan Djemal: Is It on Netflix?

Matthew Fredericks: What if the worlds governments sent people into space

James Marvel: Just finished S1, I am HYPED for S2!

Sanele Shabalala: As good as this show is, i think it shouldn't be renewed and stretched for more than 3 seasons

JR Ruiz: Mr Wilford thought of everything except for surveillance cameras.

Ali Javidi: Will it come at 25?really?

Jaris Goes Ahead Pretty: I'm so excited.

Ava’s doll Reviews: Give me a comment or like if you think miles is cute! Hope I’m not the only one!

MD Ayie: Sean Bean always died early in movies. Now he got resurrected.

Bryan Alejandro: 0:11 this bit right here with Leytons monologue and the background beat almost sounds like a rap

Eric Warren: Why is Sean Bean always in the most awesome TV shows and movies? Because he's Sean Bean.

Qui-Gon Jinn: Idk there was a tv series

jefferson starships: Mr Wilford: “We all know how this ends, don’t we?” All of us: Mr Sean Bean... not again?

HYDRA GAMING: Thanku this season 2 iam also wating

Mason DeRoss: Doesn't seem very honorable.

kevindamick: This show is fn great!

Anonymus Caesar: Team WILFORD!

Kamakani: Its funny that this got more views than frickin WWE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tp681: Good show except for the forced indoctrination

Concepcion30: I do love the premise of the show. It's just you're forced to put your brain on hold, the idea of this train with an eternal engine running on tracks for years that never seem to need repairs.

appropriately spartan: Not interested looks pathetic

UrMysery: Ned stark of the stark ned starks

Damian Pembrook: "There is only metro nothing else"

Ian Morin: 1:11 is that Willie wonka

Julia Vaoita Maeva Mareko: WH😮A! King of the North aka Ned Stark has risen from the dead! Hello Mr. Wildford on a new & improvef runaway bullet train. Can't wait to tune in for the saga later this month. & p.s. the TV show is so much better than the film.

Paola Sanchez: I hope to see melani command the train, as the owner of the train, and that those guys don't mess with her, why did she save them all and they gave it back badly

Edu Souza: Bacana

Socialist Husky: Alright people you know the drill, let's go rewatch season 1

Alsya Marinda: Omg rowan

Movies Hindi: Iam from india this series iam also wating

nathans Mods backup: Is season 3 confirmed

nathans Mods backup: Do a season 3

nathans Mods backup: Where is Bennet do you think Wilford killed him?

johann roberto freire freire: Estreno en Netflix Latinoamérica el 26 de Enero

SW33TSPARKL3: Yasss my favorite show is coming back. I can't wait 🙌🏾😁

Graham Smith: TNT has some pretty good shows

Terkimbi Wilfredsaater: I love it.. ooh yeah 😻

tahrah11: We should do the honorable thing and give Snowpiercer back to Wilfrord. The train is his by right

Combustable johnson: Mr wilford says "We all know how this is going to end" and judgeing by the fact that Sean Bean's characters always die, Mr. Wilford will probably die by the end of the season. Wilford is obviously foreshadowing

M.A.S. Productions: I really enjoy this show but its underrated smh😒

Carletta Goodrich-Mann: Mutiple facets for portals frozen from engineering political narratives that took to much time going back and forth . Several portals for comprehensive tails have detailed the derailment of human specificity. GOD BLESS THE USA and our BLACK HISTORY mixed with BROWN history sounds in seamless intergration . I LOVE THIS SHOW . It is written with respect for the human race survival mechanisms of actions.

Kopi: does anybody knows the song?

YStudio: i was here for rowan blanchard. love herrrrr

Boi Lo: Ya Allah ampunilah dosa kami semua yang setuju like.

Nikola Stavrevski: SEAN BEAN <3

Starbob Deceptipants: 1:05 are this Wilford and Miss Audrey?😳

Lon Tra: 0:22 so sexy moment

francisco Choque: awesome

Роман Образцов: Спойлер: Шон Бин умрет.

MaxArt: Brace yourselves, winter is co- er, seems like it's came a while back...

The Bored Poster: Did anyone else notice that big ass balloon? I know that’s how they administered the gas in the Snowpiercer Prequel Books but this looks different.

Germando Cruz: Okay let's finished this!! At January 25th

Taah Daah: Yo, this is making me believe in the willy Wonka theory😮

Var Varuso: Sean Bean??? Well, R. I. P. to his character in advance! 😂🙏

Prian Furler: i cant wait

Epma4: Who know music track name?

Felix Helix: Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss fuck tears

Rick Everson: I thought big Alice had a number of carriages? And wasn’t just one... or am I mistake

Aaron Carpenter: Holdup, so that balloon thing in the air was possibly one of the rockets used for CW-7, and it has a big W. Does this mean Mr Wilford purposely created CW-7 for the goal of causing the apocalypse... woah. Edit: I know it’s a whether balloon now... but I still think Wilford had something to do with CW-7

Junior Mphahlele: That ship maybe contains survivors or resources

Lorena Rodrigues: Aahhh super ansiosa!

helsinki: Sean Bean? So at which point of season 2 will he die?

Core 395: This is gonna be SOO F*CKING GOOD...

The Walking Dead. France: Snowpiercer the best series in the world


Drew Fernandez: Time for Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory season-2 Wonka’s revenge

Elliott Taylor Perkins: I actually think the show is really good and actually as good as the movie, I'm so excited for the season so much!!

rumpledsocks: idk if this will be good but im still watching it for daveed diggs lol

Harrison Bassett: We’re will I watch this

Black Pink: S1: Melanie saved their ungrateful lives S2:Melanie will save their ungrateful lives again.

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