All Scenes Hawk: Cobra Kai Season 4

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RyuSoken Lee: Hawk : Finally a worthy opponent,you’re not gonna hold back right? Miguel:No Eli and Hawk:Good, neither am I. Proceeds to fist bump and bow❤️

DEAN23: The way that I see it, The Binary Bros are no more. I consider them now 3B - The Baddass Binary Bros....

AWF1000: hawk would be the best fighter in the show if he could control his anger.. which he did exactly that in this season...

Jason Cross: I think moon and Eli are gonna get back together in season 5

ACEY: Its like Eli absorbed hawk into in ultimate persona

YO: I hated Hawk in season 2 and 3. He became such an asshole and a jerk. But now, I’m starting to like him a little. He’s getting better. And I prefer him without the Mohawk. His buzz cut is cute.

Wap Bap: Hawk before moon's kiss: I don't know who I am Hawk after moon's kiss: Lemme take on goku

Б. Анхбаяр: What i liked most about him this season was that when they cut his hair and he knew he was wrong and deserved it but took it like a champ not some loser who seeks revenge

Travis Begaye: 8:40 what in the heck!? 🤣🤣🤣 that build up! 💀

Jon Stefanik: Eli and Moon belong together.

Jaye Kisses: What does Hawk call Miguel in Spanish

Arthur: Yo Hawk is literally the best character is character in Cobra Kai

Certinho: Kyler is such a great villain, he plays it perfect! Reminds me of some of the douchebags from my high school.

Dtv channel: I mean it been like that for 2 reason 2 and 3 so cant really complain but yea they got one Tournament left so i hope robby wins to get his redempion arc and season 6- be about them splittin apart like kresse saying goodbye to jonny ,tory lose her mother ,robby enjoy his life says goodbye to his dad,miguel family reconnect to with his dad ,sam missing miguel,tory missing robby and sam and tory becoming best freinds -after all that they focus on the new generation like daniel son,kenny,devin and many more and that how the spin-off can be created hope yall like this, also i had a dream that hawk dies, like déjà vu and it woldnt be a bad idea because if they suffor a lost they could grow from it but i hope this doesnt happen yall enjoy

cloud strife: Thinking about it, Robby never defeated Hawk in 1v1 as far as my memory serves only Diaz defeated him truly. For me Dimitri's lucky kick doesn't count and in previous tournament, he got disqualified against Keene.

Grizz: 8:38 me about to win a game but my mom unplugs the console

Albert Ontogtokh: Honestly Hawk was my most favorite character this season, either him or Demetri

Slo Biden.: This was like in Devil May Cry 5. They gave the character they introduced in DMC 4 a haircut. He had an emo cut in 4 but just short white hair in 5, but it made the character a lot more relatable.

Hi I’m Carson: i like how there’s a balance between eli and hawk in this season. not super shy with zero confidence like eli, but also not all about winning and being badass like hawk.

Harry Twister: At 7:04 you can clearly see the mental BADASS Hawk transition. With or without Mohawk , he's still nothing but a BADASSS

KiamarMasterT: I thought Hawk was going to break something with that hammer like he was angry. I was wrong, he was building a next door dojo for Eagle Hawks. Haha!!

Raigreus: That is so sad, how dare them do that to hawk bro, 4 against 1 person? wow, Cobra did dirty man, but aye, at least he still beats Roby that for sure 🙏🏻😇❤️

Kevlob: Chris went thru puberty lmao

theraptorus: I thought Hawk would be Eagle Fang for this season. Never expected him to be with Miyagi-do but he definitely kicked ass.

MC 68: Crazy how he’s been taught in all three dojos

Alex Smith: 7:53 he said it! He said the meme

AM: I just want to thank the writers man, so far they have respected the oroginal story so well.

Dead Aim X: 4:26 Hawk, with that haircut you remind me of Keith Flint from that hardcore U.K. electro-punk band: The Prodigy! That band is INCREDIBLE!

H-Dawg: This shows wicked. Shows how you can introduce new characters to a franchise whilst staying true to the original story and characters, showing love to the franchise without making Luke a depressed hermit and shitting on all that came before and destroying a decades old franchise. Everything about this series is great except Miguel.

Jonathan Leeming: Eli/Hawk was stand out this season

Rage Jacob: everyone wonder what position does hawk sleep?

Gavin Gurung: Hawk is the most coachable person in cobra Kai took over Johnny’s style with the hawk and Daniels style with Eli he combine the two and won

Gun Slinger: R.I.P. Eli's mohawk 2018-2022

Zane Hawkins: I like how with Kenny you'd think Hawk would have an outlet for bullying on Kenny but he really doesn't go in on him. Even warning him to get out of Cobra Kai

eric hammer: 7:52 Ryu vs Ken!!

CB 2008: hawk is and always will be my favourite even without the mohawk im sure he will have one next season it will be like 4 or 5 months later

Sixkicks Fightertricks: Hawk finally surpassed prime Miguel and s4 Miguel. I still think Robby could beat Hawk in a street fight but it'd be a close fight after all the skills and gains he gained. 🥋💪

George Prchal: Next season he needs to grow the Rufio triple hawk.

Link : Six weeks...and devon are using black belt hajahahahahahahahahahahahaaj

TheCheapGamer: I think in the next few seasons, Eli will influence the black kid to become a better person instead of bullying. They have similar scenarios.

Cs1 swayy: And they could call him eagle😂

Cs1 swayy: He should tell Rick to take the mohawk off of the hawk

Cs1 swayy: He is still hawk

Aris Super3: Hawk shouldn't show respect to robby

vodkagal28: Go Eli!! Got the title,got the girl,and he got his identity.

Yuri L: Hawk winning the title saved the season imo. This was the weakest season so far but hawk’s redemption helped it.

The Tiger Underlord: I hate how cobra Kai shaved off hid mohawk

Terran Man: Everytime Hawk/Eli makes a mistake in his life and gets criticized for it, karate related or not, from this day forward, small asian boy Nathaniel shall appear out of nowhere and say: "And you beat the shit out of me!" *At Home* Mother Moskowitz: "Eli, Grandma got a heart attack after seeing your mohawk!" Nate *Appears out of garbage bin* "And you beat the shit out of me!" *In Bed* Moon: "We have to work on that, you are a pretty selfish lover!" Nate: *Voice from inside closet* "And you beat the shit out of me!" *In Hospital* Mother Moskowitz: "Eli, Grandma had another heart attack because your mohawk is suddenly gone!" Nate *Enters room dressed as a tiny 12 year old doctor with clipboard and everything* "And you beat the shit out of me!"

Elixir: even without the Mohawk hes still badass

Pop Cat: Wait hawk had blue then red then purple blue and red makes purple

clufix: I was shocked when his mo hawk got cut off

Sturdy: Hawk was badass this season he always has been

K: RIP mohawk T_T

Vinmango B: got up at 4 am and watcvhed the whole dam season by 11 lol.

Fire Female14: 2:23 Is it bad that I want Hawk to push me up against the wall like that?

Sanø Manjiro: How do you break you leg mid air?

JaetonWesley: I love the throwback with the “finally a worthy opponent” while fighting Miguel

Silvia De La Garza: Im sorry that Robbie did this to you and he👎

Jayden Orta: Kfjfjk

Jayden Orta: Ok

Dimi: Season was awsome but give me season 5

Ali Jaman: Eli deserves the all valley boys champ after getting no respect from miyagi do and getting jumped by the cobras and cutting his mohawk so he deserves the win but I don't mind if Robby won but at least Robby went back to Johnny which I wanted the most

xXSOA4EverxX: I cried when hawk lost his mohawk

Gaming With The meme bois: I was wating until I finished season 4 to see this but I'm only missing 2 episodes

jason walker: I know who I am now.... "the guy who's gonna win this whole fucking thing"

KyubiDZNS: You forgot the scene when Hawk had the hammer in the first episode

John_Boy Dripツ: “The guy who gonna win this whole fuckin’ thing” most badass moment ever in cobra kai.

King Dragon YT: Now he look’s like jack manifold

John Katsoudas: Eli/Hawk is easily the best character of season 4! Season 4 definitely delivered . They keep taking it a whole new level with every season. Season 5 is going to be insane.

sweet cheeks: Hawk is the coolest character in the show and the cutest and I love how moon and him are liking each other again

ScxR: I like how he beats kyler with ease

Isaac the Worship Warrior: Well, I think Eli/Hawk might be my new favorite character of the show now. I liked him before in the first two seasons, but then he became the biggest dick in the whole thing. And it wasn't just the fact that he was breaking his best friends arm and trashing dojos, but even little things like, stealing tickets from little kids at the arcades, and the way he almost confronted Miguel to DEFEND KREESE after he used the coma he went through as a weapon against Johnny, I just couldn't stand after a certain point. Granted, I liked what they did with his turn, and there was a decent build up towards it, but the execution of his turn was rather weak, and the only thing that saved it imo, was Demetri choosing to forgive him because THAT'S what Daniel was teaching Miyagi-Do. Again, the build up with everything else before hid turn was decent, but I feel like an extra scene where Cobra Kai is getting ready to attack the house and Hawk looks hesitant or questionable about it might have helped. And I knew that, he wasn't going to be on good terms with everyone right away and he still had some work to do. But this season? I thought the stuff with him was GREAT! Because it adds onto the pressure and guilt of what he did to everyone, both in the way he treated Eagle Fang and Miyagi Do, as well as the way he turned his back on Cobra Kai, until it all came crashing down and he was forced back into being Eli. Al the confidence, bravado, and masculinity, just shattered him back into the depressed kid in his room, until now it was balance and peace that he needed in his life. I've been writing this one story for awhile, and much like the main character in my story, when someone like Eli lives through an alter ego like Hawk for so long, when you're forced to go back to who you were before, you almost dont remember who you are, so I really liked that identity crisis, and of course, he had Moon, his best friend and Daniel to help him relearn who he was. And, I wasn't expecting him to have the final fight against Robby, and that actually 5ook me off guard in, kind of a bad way. But then, when you see that the script has been flipped again to where, in this finale Robby is the Hawk from Season 1 and Eli is similar to how Robby was back then, both of them are expert fighters for both sides, and Robby had lost track of his redemption while Eli has found his own redemption, it was just brilliant, and it easily beats their rematch at the mall food court by a LANDSLIDE.....EVEN IF the shirtless portion of the fight was corny as hell. Overall, i was anticipating more from the redemption arc out of Hawk this season, but what i got instead, was a redemption for ELI, and it was glorious!

Matheus Lamha: I really like this actor. The way he goes from one personality to another is amazing. It's good to see more of Eli this season, but also a little bit of hawk when it's needed.

megaelectricOMG: Hawk is the real Karate Kid

Prod ByGemz: Favorite character in Cobra Kai. Such a good fighter and such good character development!!!

ICET100: Hawke is Now back to ELI

Alex Huynh: We should call hawk the bald eagle

gifted Rickey music JA: The guy who's gonna win this whole .... thing

CRAZY UNCLE: All I could think of during the final fight was ken vs riu

King Casso: Honestly, Hawk joining Miyagi Do was my least favorite part of the season. I think that the character development could have happened without him leaving Eagle Fang, and I don't think the character they set up would leave Eagle Fang, it was a strange move from him. People forget that Dimitri instigated most of the conflict he had with Hawk, but Hawk has always had a home with Johnny and Miguel. I would have hoped he'd stay loyal to them, and I would have hoped Miguel would have cared enough about his friend to check in on him, Johnny too.

Fabio Yuji Shibuya: I was expecting Robby vs Miguel But Hawk vs Robby was freaking AMAZING

CapalotJay: I think Next Season At the all valley it would be Anothny against kenny

Iambravvo: Robby fans always bring up how hawk would have lost if Robby didn’t think about Kenny but keep in mind that hawk would have won if the buzzer didn’t sound so I’d say they were very evenly matched at this point

Anou: hawk and eli became one person in this season. he fully embraces every side of himself

Cobi Jucaban: Kobrai really bring back reall karate movies without power powers hahaha

Batman Rocks: Eli is dead! No hawk Is dead. Eli is alive

Camoumile Camoflage: just realized demitri was wearing a pacman suit for prom lol

HOP Gaming Zone: you didn't include when Eli brought a sledgehammer lol

Michael Matura: Does Daniel even know that Hawk trashed Miyagi Do?

judokarl2: The Hawk arc was the BEST!

matt holt: 3 things.. first they need to do a back story of terry silver on what he was doing between the time he went his own direction from kreese the first time because silver ends up knowing ore karate than what kreese and him both learned...2nd...a back story for barnes for his return and so we can see what happened between barnes and silver after he lost to daniel....if i were the creaters and writers i would explain barnes has been in the military or something all this time since. it would explain why he hasnt been around since cobra kai has been in the news on the tv show...and finally they should let the story line from the arate kid movies keep going until season 6 and then break off from it so they can have ther own stories and ralph...william and all the grown folks can start letting the new era/genertin take over the show so that cobra kai can live on and be more seasons...becaue sooner or later ralph and william will end up leaving the show at some point and the ther grown folks lol. sam and hawk and robbie...demtri..miguel...can take over the show once they leave. my thoughts.

FlameCake97: Hawk is the best😊

vxxdxxsnxw: He went from being a badass to becoming sid from toy story

Zirpyy: Hawk topless is the Best fighter

otoot kol: after miguel best fighter

ZENKO_: Red hawk is the best hawk

ET_2_0_1_0_2_5_ Tazrean Rifty: 7:11 my favourite moment 😍😍😍😍

もう分からない: Hawk/Eli was the better fighter against Robby and won the fight fair and square plus with a payed of ref

Kevin Thompson: I'm glad that Eli got his moment to shine, especially in the tournament. Edit: Could someone please translate what Hawk called Miguel in spanish? I know Diablo means devil but I can't understand the rest. Edit again: Never mind I googled it. De la mean "Of the" and Lliuvia means rain so Hawk basically nicknamed Miguel "the devil of the rain".

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