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M: no it's not pieck who was watching them 😂

るは: Mr. Isayama was about 20 years old, thinking about all the structures of Attack on Titan. I'm really a genius.

Oki Island Loving: Why is the beast titan named ''beast'' titan?? Why not monkey titan?

- ToT: Zeke's speech was omitted too much. I strongly recommend to read the manga Vol.24 Chapter 95 after ep3.

Tioh Zeca: *''possibly spoiler''* ''Falco is gonna side with Eren's team'' remember those words..

TheGirlRobin: That wasn’t pieak on the roof 😏😏😏😏

Nicolás Cabello: 5:00 Pieck was waching.. yeah.. sure xD

Nes Ally: Why are they hating on Zeke's grandparents???????

AND3X GHOST: As a manga reader manga reader

Puneet: Akermans can be blonde as well..the father of mikasa was akerman..it's a big misunderstanding in fanbase

MR. GACHA PRO: haaaa im a spoiler bye

MR. GACHA PRO: and also inhenerited the founded titan

MR. GACHA PRO: the guys with the wrong bandage was really eren go back and see it guys and also some spoiler here eren eats the war harmered titan

Catch the light: Zeke knows he has royal blood. Remember the conversation between Eren Kruger and Grisha? Kruger said he abandoned Dina exactly for the reason that Dina is royalty and it's only a matter of time before Zeke tells Marley. Zeke is pushing to get the coordinate power back being fully aware that someone with royal blood will be able to wield the full power of the Founding Titan. He wants the power to rule them all and prolly end all these wars.

Solo Leveler: Zeke has royal blood, son of dina fritz. His special exclusive royal powers allow him to simulate the awakening of titans by his spinal fluid

Muhammad Fikri Nuryasin: try to watch the Japanese gang series, namely high & low and also the movie, there are 2 season series and 6 movies that you can watch

Muhammad Fikri Nuryasin: try to watch the Japanese gang series, namely high & low and also the movie, there are 2 season series and 6 movies that you can watch

Muhammad Fikri Nuryasin: try to watch the Japanese gang series, namely high & low and also the movie, there are 2 season series and 6 movies that you can watch

Muhammad Fikri Nuryasin: try to watch the Japanese gang series, namely high & low and also the movie, there are 2 season series and 6 movies that you can watch

Muhammad Fikri Nuryasin: try to watch the Japanese gang series, namely high & low and also the movie, there are 2 season series and 6 movies that you can watch

Anish Verma: Did anyone notice eren?or it was just me

Kenneth Arinos: funfact! if you were to get the beast titan your looks and ability would be based on what animal you are very attached to just like how zeke looks like an ape

dominik pozarko: Spoiler warning: Erens team... Yea...

Mad Pamlian: best actor 7:07

ItsBiox: the biggest hype in this episode is seeing eren as a background character

Sensei Nonsense: A little sneak peek of ere- i mean Mr. Kruger

- ToT: Zeke's speech was omitted too much. I strongly recommend to read the manga Vol.24 Chapter 95 after ep3.

Dennis Grammenos: 7:02 oh they don't know 👀

顔林せのり: 日本語で「責任をとる」を、時として「尻を拭く」と言います。 ジークは「責任の取り方が人とは違う」と言っています。 ジークは何かを企んでいるに違いない。

Justin Gastelu: here is a lot of subtle character trait shown perfectly in this episode like Commander Magath don't have any problem having cigarettes with an Eldian outside work, Reiner cold response when seeing his mother after very long time, Pieck father having a cough when she hug him, Falco choose to help injured soldier instead having reunion with his family, Zeke subtle "Not in this room" warning, and Reiner saving Galliard ass from saying incriminating thing about Marley government by cutting him talking.

M Rafli: 7:04 eren disguised as an eldian nation, the person in second place^_

Warren Zkie: Guys the man with the long hair is eren he chops his own leg and stabbed his eye to blend in he did not regenerate because they can controll the regenerate powers

The_Partyzant ;-;: Reiner: that girl who ate the potato, shes so evil what a monster Gabi: And I took that personally

Anime Song Viral: Falcon Was Tanjiro Voice Actor I love when he say "Matte Kudasai"

SlyBandit: 7:14 guess who he was talking to

Sampari K: Noo he didn't notice eren in this epidoe I didn't read manga am I the only one who saw anime and recognised he was eren and the last epidoe he was Jean noooo I am so disappointed

Gemmary Eiden Chavez: Eren acting : 100.

Cody Villarreal: Yeah, Gabi's a problem...

Tyler Koo: I get falcos dream now because he’s flying around with knives and scouts use odm and have swords, I’m so stupid

Rasool: eren look gooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!

elmexicanitoborracho: Metallica shirt guy can do solo reactions to other animes, would surely subscribe to him asap

Dario Ferretti: Bruh this comment section is amazing. It's ridiculous. You watch videos of people who are anime-only and get upset because "tHeY dOn't uNdERstAnD!!!11!!". They're having a discussion, giving their impressions and making up their own theories as they move forwards, isn't that the point of the video? But 99% of the people are here like "No, no, no. Here's what you should be thinking" It's baffling that people who read the manga would follow a youtuber who makes videos about AoT only to actively ruin both the experience of said and the content of said youtuber...


Taylan Özgür Özdemir: 2nd dude wears metallica and rhcp t-shirts he is getting my attention ಠ_ಠ

MeRKiiNGz: Ya'll are really stupid expecting the left middle guy I swear, miss so much


minghai Weng: hope you dont be spoiler by manga reader

Daruki Neo: *''were sure gabi will be dangerous''* YES, VERY DANGEROUS. AND TOO MUCH.

Sj Pe: 6:40 Awww grandma grandpa. They are still alive. Bastards hahaha

Gisela Villanueva: Manga readers are so annoying! Like bruh we get it, you know what happens stop spoiling it for the rest of us 🤧🤧

RK 500: 7:09 guess who you just saw. I aint seen one reaction who noticed and knew who that is. No its not a side character. Reply your answer 😈

Ahmed Sorkatti: One of the eldian soldiers who had PTSD seemed really suspicious to me

Kill The Killer: They didn't show HIM...manga readers should know.


Kumar Ayush: nobody noticed that falcos name is falco grice . Grice was grisha's friend from the resistance who was pushed from the wall and chased by the other resistance members who have now been turned to titan.

Saeko Busujima: I can't blame them for not noticing Eren in this episode

Alex Tseng: That one guy in the group of soldiers with ptsd looks like eren

Benjamin plaza: 7:15 ereh

IceCreamFrost: 16:40 good theory!

Md Shaown: Just wanted to say eren was in this episode ;) if you look hard enough XD BTW guys loved this video keep up the great contents <3

Izeek: Shhhh don't do any spoiler comment. I love how the are so innocent

aymane Ait bousaidane: 5:14 "pieck" was watching they said lol

EREN: You guys have no idea

Aaryan bhattarai: everyone's gangsta until levi arrives

Majid Mghafri: SO marley doesn't know that Zeke is royal blood, they think this is mysterious but why didn't they give him, just in case , a harem of women so he can have a child royal blood ? are they baka ? XD

trickyagent127: So Ackermanns normally look more like Kenny than Mikasa and Levi, its just that they are half asian

VeryNice: I think the girl on the right is on to something with Zeke. I think his priority is his own people and he only cares about Marley because their fates are intertwined.


Edu Alves: Picker Fingers is the Cart Titan and that is not a spoiler!

Dattebayo: 7:14 Eren :)

Zandrelle Pingol: Hey guys did you saw eren he was there with the traumatized soldiers

Wiggle Diggle: Some of yall theories are a bit stretched. Don’t think about Falco flying around with swords, that shit was added to the anime. Looking forward to seeing your reaction later

Δĸ⁴KiLL ™: Ppl who hv read manga knows that anime watchers don’t know shit about to happen lmao .

Someone: okay, pieck was watching :)

æ: Reiner : "Am I going back to the island" Eren : *"No, me."*

Mike: the girl is too smart

Ow Yong: fat guy is smart tho

Zak Ben: 7:16 eren

Robin Gaeher: Are u actually Japanese? so could u watch these episodes raw without subtitles? :o btw i really like your reactions :)

Kirann Kornat: Eldians don’t like the people on Paradis not because they’re brainwashed. They hate them because they were abandoned when they fled to Paradis. The mom even said this.

Kirann Kornat: Can’t believe they missed Eren

DaYEve Gaming: Don't read this comment if you are anime-only fans. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pay close attention to 7:04. Don't comment anything keep it for yourselves. Love lots <3

UcanTurk Edits: Attack On Titan「AMV」- Living Life, In The Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9yDcuomqWY&feature=youtu.be

M: That lightning scene.. i actually thought it was my imagination, until they mentioned they saw someone

Absalon Drms: Who saw Eren on this episode 😏 ?

Absalon Drms: Gaby reminds me of young Naruto

sunchan soksan: Yes not spoiler but trust me gabi its the dangerous kid .

iffat tanjiro: 7:17. DUDE THATS EREN DUDE......THATS EREN!!!

Niño Angelo Gonzales: I'm liking the innocence in their reviews.. we were once like that though.. until isayama f*cked up our brains..

mr Nohax: 6:03 take that literally thats all im gonna say


xKronify: Eren eats Miss Tybur and gets the Warhammer Titan

Ultimate Sage: Pieck is the cart titan. And the cart titan never stands upright.So when she changes back she can't stand properly.

Lucifer Godson: Gaby, Gaby, Gaby. ☹️

Dendotss 37: 7:05 that was eren tho

Dima Ivanov: everytime i see reiners family i have to think about bertholds and annis families :(

Suneet K: Okay but..you guys missed eren

kenma kozume: finally anime onlys who understand what’s going on, your reactions are the best

Marcos Kraft: 7:00 Eren is here

Nathan Racoma: Did you see Eren there? I saw him, just ask if yall want spoilers.

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