The Mandalorian Season 2 Premiere Time Released
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Sean Beads: how come it isnt out yet then?Написать
Darth Memeious: blemc
The brick gamer: That episode was amazing, don't worry i wont spoil
MsLostboysforever: Where can I get the baby yoda picture shown 3:34 on this video?
David Aarons: No it starts at 12:20 am
Urkki: That was a good episode!
BenTheJedi: Well I have a long way. I'll be at school through the releases
Josh Livinton: The lies. It's still not out lol
Branden Newman: It has been released but it is having issues playing I guess everybody and their mama is trying to watch it says something to do with Disney plus servers
mikexxx11: You were wrong Thanks for the misinformation
Bryce Jones: Error 41 stayed up till 2 in the morning and i got error 41
Jonathan S: ok, its 8:18am HTC+1 and I cant watch this thing! what gives?
Dudda _GAMEZ: When are they making more episodes though
Joaquin Barrios: Mandalorian came out at 12am pacific time now now now
XX RA XX X: Toooo soon cant wait!!!!!!
miesjepoeijsje: In the Netherlands the time when season 2 will release is in the afternoon 8:00 that is five minutes after I go to school
Kylo Ren: One hour away 😜
daddy longneck: who else is gonna watch at 2 am? 😈
Henry Bolch: Gonna watch at 12:00 AM right when it comes out (hope parents don’t catch me).
Dutch Van Der Linde: Damn I have to wait until 1:00 I live in mountain zombie
Jeff The killer: In Texas when will it start what time in Texas
Arda Atas: I am no jedi padawan or young Ling I am a Mandalorian
I want hat: 1 MORE HOUR
Ezekiel Alimpia: Yey, Its October 30 in my country, What time will i watch here in the Philippines?
Pedro Jr: Its oct30 it still nont out 😪🤧🤧😪
phenixwryter: We made it! It feels like Christmas Eve.
Michaela Hassien: tldr: 3 am eastern
Cade Patton: It’s 12 where’s it at
NervousWizard39: Lol this man is talking about setting an alarm clock. A true fan doesn't know the definition of sleep and just stays up to watch it
Brandon Brown: Ill be awake after streaming tonight so I guess that will be my watch before bed! So excited. Have a cool(well to me and my buddies at least) story about the guy that plays boba fett. If anyone wants to hear it let me know!
Gold bird o: Wowowo yessssss 😁😁🤗🤗😄😄😄😄👏👏👏👏😂😂😂😂😂😂I AM SOOOOOOO HAPPY😭😭😭😭😝😳😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😄😄😄😄😁😁😁😁😁😳😳😳😂😂😂😂😂😂OMG OMG OMG OMG ONG OMG OMG OMG 😲 thank you so much for telling me God bless😊😊😊
Alaskan Gold Rush: 🤘YEET🤘
Squires XD: Idc I’m staying up 😂
Polar Bär Melone: 182 Comment ❤️
Jack Dugan: It’s 12:02 in Us est time
Pengu: It comes out in my time zone tonight at 12 am let’s go!
VIKING Wolf: I get to watch at 1 a.m. I'm Mountain time zone.
ToxicHawks77: Stay up to 2am or sleep for school???
Brian K: Not sleeping.
Feeding Trolls: 12 am pt so you don’t have to listen to a lot of pointless commentary
Ichiro Alnair: Finally the intro is not the zabrak and twileks impaled scene
Tanush Kulai: This is the day
It’sdarksolo Gamer: If I live on Sydney's timeline then what time well the episode come out for me.
Joshie B: For people who don’t want to watch the whole video, it comes out at 3:00 A.M ET.
XVI Z3NE: Hey I don’t know how to use the converter.Can somebody please tell me what time it comes out?Im Central day time
Joe Nash: It's at 2 min. 5 sec.
Carer Forever: I can't wait to watch Mandalorian Season 2 tonight at 7pm here in Australia 🐨🦘🇦🇺😁👍
Conner Perkins: I going to bed... I get ya wake up at 3am
Darth Valdez: Im staying awake until 3 am to watch it and work on a video about it on my channel. I live in Nebraska aka Tatooine and Hoth. would that make it at 2 A.M?
Seventeen76: Great to know, thank you! Can't wait!
David Nagle: This video makes me not want to watch more of your videos... way to drag it out as long as possible
joe bond: Not seeing many people know about mando s2 coming today, and I'm not very excited the trailers been crap. Hope I'm proven wrong
CooperRBLX: 3am my time witch is EST :)
music man: Bro.. ..we've known premier time for like 3 weeks...
Hasan Elenanzih: mandalorian is one of the best show ever and there barely getting started
Sergio Longoria: 3am CST usa
mr wick: God forbid the yanks didnt see it first 🤣
Romana Tuiloma: It's almost 3 pm on October 30th where I am lol
Peacock Falcon: This is the Star Wars content I need.
Obi-wan kenobi: Im on disney plus rn
Tyler Cross: Who else is going to stay up till midnight to watch it
Onix: One hour... one hour... can't sleep
Yucksby Gaming: "Younglings out there" umm.. don't think there is any left tho.
Eric: all this to say midnight Friday in the Westcoast.
Br Dr: alrighty midnight it is then
Liam Kochakji: When a 20 second announcement takes 4 mons :/
Coleman Mixon: 👋
alf reboot: Such a long wait and I will be watching Star Trek Instead lmao
Rhyan Shelby: Can't decide if I want to stay up to watch it, watch it when I wake up, or stay away from the internet and watch it in the evening.
Jay McClure: 3am EST
Eddie L.: For future reference, everything on Disney Plus premieres at 3:00 a.m. ET. It's been that way since the day they launched.
akbar sen: its the 30th and its not released
Alex Video. Com: Star Wars coffee what would we do without you
yorhiness Sherell Heinz millionaires club srv: Hi everyone said hi we love you we're looking forward to seeing the Mandalorian season 2
Pizzatc 0: Let me save you some time 12.01AM California Times
Verelyn Alexander: Got that info hours ago. You’re late
The Mandalorian: I've been looking forward to this. This is the way.
The greatest Chigone: As someone from the UK I’m glad it’s not released 8am est I don’t think I can wait any longer xxx
J stormy: Who needs sleep on the east coast I’ll just do some editing till three am and watch the show with a pot of coffee
Jedi Mandalore: Guess I’m staying up until 7:00 in the morning to watch ep 1 lol
Stephen Snipz: You should do a watch party thing. You can get like a lot of people watching it at the same time in the new feature
Spector: it just hit me that im gonna be able to watch it tomorrow... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Devin Brice: You know there's a countdown timer on the mando Mondays website
Lego Starwars channel: 3:00 AM for me. I have a tough decision to make
Dyn Jarren: Prediction: Mandalorian will break the internet tomorrow
Gabriel Gustavsson: Anyone from Sweden?
Cheetahjammerplays AJ: Hehe I usually stay up extremely late, so I’m definitely watching it at 12am pst
ThaBeastdotcom: This is the way !
Lucas Roscoe: When does it come out in uk?
Filip Andersson: 8 hours to go, cant wait.
RAWFLAVA RECORDS: have spoken...tik, tok⏳⏰
Christine Thilmany: yha I can't wait for mandalor season 2 premiere tomorrow but I"m not wakeing up at 2:00 am for it I"'ll watch it at 9:00 am.
Nocturnal Gamer: Well usually everything on Disney+ releases a year later after the Official Premiere Date....
TheKingOfCarp: If I remember correctly S1 episodes always premiered at 12:45 am PST so it's not that bad for me
Niels Henriksen: Hmm.... I will be late to work friday :D About one hour
Ayman: 20 hours left I cant wait...😒😒 waisted my time for nothing and will come late to school tomorrow! Its midnight here in germany
LittleEye1203: Lets go!!! Mando is badass.
Eva Hernaut: i hate that disney+ is not available in my country. idk how and when im gonna watch it
Stephen Fletcher: Thanks for that, for those in Eastern Australia that is 6 pm, AEDST (5 pm in QLD). As well I am a Sith, it would be nice if you would give my people a shout out occassionally (LOL)
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