Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 8 Finale - TOP 10 WTF and Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my Full Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 8 Finale video and Easter Eggs. Let me know how many you spotted. I'll do a Post Credit Scene video and Mandalorian Season 3 video next. Here's my new Obi Wan Kenobi Teaser video too!

Nando Plays: I believe you also get a good look at the hilt and you know who it was

S&K Wildflower Rescue Nursery: 60 years old now and that finale, WOW. It was 1977 all over again!!!!

Wolvves: Din didn't give the knob from the razorcrest to Grogu before he left

Z06 Cali: You forgot bo katen recognized Bobas voice from the clones

aross0877: luke's cgi face looked good to me and i'm so glad they didn't recast him, so epic

Chris Darbonne: That picture is so close its uncanny. They MUST get him to play Luke Skywalker. No matter the cost

Namit Saxena: 2:53 it kinda sounds like “Boba fett dogs the shit” lol

Callum Higham: The dark troopers were super menacing

Jeffrey Gunn: There's a really simple way for them to delete the sequel trilogy and get the timeline back on track: A de-aged Luke wakes up in bed. He turns to the beautiful redhead lying next to him and says, "Mara, I just had the strangest dream..." #Dallas

Larry Gill: I just want ashoka and Luke to meet, and Ashoka talking about anakin to Luke

Sirazum Munira: Luke was the biggest wtf moment. A lot of people have guessed earlier already. I knew it could be him. But I still wasn't prepared.

Pamela LHdz: My favorite wtf reveal is when we see who is the jedi that showed up

edmundo357: WTF moment when Jedi revealed himself! Great CGI face!

edmundo357: WTF moment when darkside robots get annihilated by the Jedi #hotknifethrubutter

John Doe: If this is the future of Star Wars...they can have it along with the worthless Millenials.

Merthiolate: It let me asking for more action. The dark troopers should've broken through and engage in fierce battle with the protagonists, kill the fat chick cause Carano is simply disgusting, and then Luke saving our heroes at the last minute when everything seemed lost.

Gábor Emri: It was good to see Luke in full jedi mode, but i really hoped for a certain man with a purple lightsaber.

mynamesblurr: I didn’t know sidekicks could talk - the sidekick

PrinceArt77: i'm feeling giddy as a child again seeing the young Luke....this is way better than the last StarWash movies......i like the introduction of classic StarWars......

This world is insane: I disagree about ashoka scenes being more badass than Luke's. I think Luke's hallway scene was the most badass thing in Star Wars since revenge of the sith

dark1up: The mando reveal so Good

Brian Deluca: We need flashbacks to the Jedi Temple in upcoming seasons.

Ivan Valencia: "I can't believe is not butter", said Luke to those Dark Troopers.

Brian Deluca: Either Bo thinks Boba is just a clone trooper wearing mandalorian armor or she knows who Boba fett is. Lol

Kevin Nostrand: I'm so confused. So Luke is alive? How did they get Mark Hamill to look so young again? Did they used deleted footage from the films?

tears_of_Apocalypse: Flood social media with #fireKathleenKennedy

Baron van Dedem: Biggest WFT: Luke's cgi mouth

rilluma: 15:30 and using his robotic arm !

Ragnar SwE: Something you missed was "He is strong with the force but talent without training is nothing" A big obvious F-U to the sequels!


Owen Richards: Seeing Boba become the new leader! 👀👀👀

Jorge Ser: Wait I’m still confused on how Luke came back

Robbie Gee: Son, have you seen my hallway scene? Dad, hold my beer.

victor time: This Is The Way

Jay: the force crush of the dark trooper was coolest wtf moment for me

Kat V: So, The Mandalorian of the title refers to what or whom? Mando, Fett, Bo-Katan, the Mandalorian Ruler, or all of it. I wonder if Mandolorian is being used as a plural like Jedi can be used. Also, wonder if one of the droids got Grogu out of the temple, like the tiny frog General riding inside his droid friend in Clone Wars. It could explain why Grogu is speaking almost in soft little bleeps and bloops, and R2 seems to understand him.

SpadeZap: So does Kylo kill Grogu?

eswainz: Koska Reeves using wrestling moves 😁

BackstocK InC: Imagine if Grogu was a little Black kid lol. Would they all drop what they were doing to save him? 🤷🏾‍♂️ #EmpireWins

MelindaBane: Mando should propose to Bo-Katan and present the Darksabre to her as a wedding gift.

TheBestBoi: The Book of Boba Fett was confirmed a spinoff

MelindaBane: What we all REALLY need is "R2-D2: A Star Wars Story"..that little guy has seen EVERYTHING.

Nick Parker: That Tie Fighter game was the shit! I spent so many hours playing that one. I played the Dark Forces game too but I was pretty young and never got past like the second level.

Wheelie boys productions: I feel like luke didn't need to use anything crazy because he's the most powerful person in existence at the time

Leo A Tru Lion King: OK nevermind, I SEEEEEE

General _ Kannoli: NERD aleeeeeeeeeeeert!!!

Dane Whaley: What? Damn it!!!!! I have to go back an see the credits.

Kathleen Pitman: Luke was my favorite wife moment!

Leo A Tru Lion King: So real quick how is Luke there?

Noah Perez: R2-D2 saved Grogu from Anakin during order 66🤔? Also does Grogu die by the hands of Kylo years later?

Sean Lau: At 10:29 white was ejected because white sussss

Jason Pape: I think Boba’s book will be separate from The Mandalorian and the only reason they didn’t announce it officially at Investor Day was to avoid spoiling the post credit scene, and we’ll get Mando season 3 separately either before or after Boba Feet’s show drops

Chris Smith: Wait does that mean there’s a good chance grogu died when Ben (kylo ren) destroyed lukes Jedi temple?

Tones and Hues: Love it,a many thanks

Sebastian Vislie: Man, when she said: «One X-Wing? Yay, we’re saved.» IJUST KNEEEEEEW

Schyferyel: Would be cool if Grogu's personal fighting style involves a metal ball, and shooting it around like Magneto. Imagine, little Grogu decimating imps with a tiny metal ball moving at brutal, blinding speeds. Then, when he reunites with Mando, along with his toy, he'll get a Beskar ball as well.

Kojo Black: An easter egg a lot of people missed was the "human element" missing from the Dark Troopers. During Clone Wars (TV) I believe it was a clone or the agent that said that humans can think critically which makes them superior to droids.

Lynn Musselman: Luke and R2! ❤️

demo1337: Chapter 16 the rescue......of the franchise edit just kidding After those 3 its still dead they wont erase it from canon. I'll stick to my books and keep living in the 80s.

DAREAL JP: I can't wait to see Mando using the Darksaber 🤩🤯🤯

Ghostwalker: How old is ashoka now?

Foster's stubby ASMR: I’m soo happpyyy they did this perfectly!!!!

Charles B: Why does Bokutan have to kill Mando to get the Darksaber, yet Saben Ren just gave the Darksaber to Bokutan in Rebels. How could you just overlook that?

Aiden Hawley: F

Derek Morris: Mando: They have the Child. Everyone else: You son of a bitch, Im in.

Kyle McMahon: I think something to consider is Mando relies heavy on the beskar...... If we look back to ep7 when mando is fighting the pirates... he gets his shit rocked in the beginning of the fight

Zaint Breez: Waiting for mark hamil reaction.

DoingDerrLad: Lol no Katan got given the darksaber by Sabine so the whole h need to win a fight is bullshit

V. L. R.: I Believe Moth Gideon Chose The Holding Cell Instead of The Bridge & Chose To Fight Din Djarin ON PURPOSE. HE DID IT JUST TO SPITE BO KATAN and Keep The Darksaber Away From Her.

Zaint Breez: The disturb force is calm now.

Mr BlepBlopBlup: luke skywalker amazing jedi skills

Sir Halo: 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗜𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘆

Alex DelValle: Luke showing up was amazing but the best and most emotional scene was Grogu wanting to see mandos face before he left, made me teary eyed. Best epidode by far!

Casey28xxx: If that were to be the last season of the Mandalorian I'd be happy. Short contained Star Wars stories focused on a specific character or story is a winner in my book.

DoingDerrLad: Shoulda been Ezra uck Luke

Caleb Sylvester: so if baby yoda went with luke is he dead because of the sequels. the sequels suck even more if so

vofff: Cant believe boba fett the actor just died.

Lucky Patrick: "The Rescue" is what this episode did to the star wars universe

Frank Redward: Charlie, as Slave One lands at the beginning of the episode and Mando and Fett exit, to the lower right of the screen two ships fly past. What are those ships and is one of them a YT-1300 Corellian Freighter (the Millennium Flacon) FYI, 33 years of pent up desire waiting to see Master Jedi Luke Skywalker in full flight was finally let out in this masterpiece of one of the best Star Wars ever, I love it

P Full: Some times you just have to stop and think about the preposterous amount of work Charlie puts into these well informed well edited videos. Especially so soon after the episode comes out. One of the hardest workers on YouTube for sure

Vidalay Vongkhamchanh: The learned freeze suprisingly drip because camp jekely shade up a goofy deficit. ashamed, brief servant

paul hanley: Which one? Well the one that blew up Alderaan as I was just saying.

Ron Abitz: During Star Wars Rebels Sabine gave Bo Katan the Dark Saber and the Clans did nt seem to have a problem with that.

John Christopher: Seeing Luke made me incredibly excited. Seeing him in all his glory and power was something fans have needed to see. Seeing R2 turn that corner just made me happy.

Benita Beutenmuller: So if Grogu went with Luke does it mean he died cause Kylo ren killed everyone in the Jedi temple

Eduardo Cuello Suazo: What shocked me the most was how skillfull Luke was, we’ve never seen him like that!

Connor Mcleod: Wow....

The Wildcard: i want a parody where the battle is already over when the dark troopers are finally charged up

Tim Magnus: I wanted Ezra Bridger :(

Ekin Geçikligün: Mandalorians will be looting a lot of beskar after that battle. A LOT!

DaBeast329: As soon as I saw that x-wing..

banana-shaped earth: I'm affraid Luke is going to train Grogu Yoda way, with him in Grogu's back.

kasozi benjamin: Does this mean that Grogu is one of the students that were killed in the sequel series (force awakens)

John DelRosso: Had to recognize the H3H3 Papa Bless reference at 15:33!!! Love it

Robert Bennett: What is it with robots and dub step? Is that a CL4P-TP reference?

Daniel Copeland: New theory: R2-D2 rescued Grogu from the Jedi Temple.

Thomas Mayer: To be honest, I really thought the dark troopers on the door were going to combine their arms into battering rams ... Nonetheless, the best series I've ever seen.

Klayden004: Finally get to se Luke in his prime, I can’t believe it so hype, the king is back!

Jack Rose: Press F in the Chat for that guy mandolarian with Bo-Katan from the earlier episode

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