The Ending Of Cobra Kai Season 3 Explained

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Looper: What did you think about the ending of season 3?

Adrian Cordova: It was good. But was hoping for a tournament.

Ozair Durrani: Besides season 3 I hope there are other seasons that lead him to go to Okinawa.

Ivan Correa: You gotta bring Terry Silver to the fourth season of Cobra 🐍 Kai.

Jeffrey Vaikness: What are you actually explaining? This is just what happened.

pugboi2 gaming: we know what theres no even point making this video it s already for season 4 is explained end of season 3 they teamed up and going to go to the all valey turnament so they get cobra kai banned what a waste of time

Moses Ungson: Hawk teaming up with Demetri during the Christmas brawl was AWESOME! Second best to Johnny and Daniel's partnership in the final scene.

Mr Icy: I think I know who twig is, look at the 3 Karate Kid, it has a guy the main guy of the show something steal. He confirmed taking about the war and how he saves his life in h that movie. Or I’m over thinking it 🤣

erito gonzalez: Yes, it has to be Terry Silver he calls at the end

Hudson Long: I hate Sam

coveredinspiders: You explained the ending without mentioning that Twig is obviously Terry Silver? The villain of Karate Kid III, who was saved by Kreese in Nam and was willing to do anything for him.

Ingle Ringlet-Snipps 3rd: Does anyone think once the Cobra Kai series ends that we may see a Cobra Kai motion picture?

Ingle Ringlet-Snipps 3rd: Mike Barnes, season 5.

Cherie Stelzer: The end I’ve waited for. Such a great couple episodes. And all key. Bringing back all the same actors? Priceless. But the end. Perfect song choice. And when Johnny walked in ?? I was by myself but was yelling and crying. And each time I watch (which is several times ) it’s the same. And I’m 68!!!

jdgboxing85: You didn't explain the ending at all, you just described the whole season.

Real American Negro: Cobra Kai needs to be a video game. Rockstar will knock it out the park.

Real American Negro: Hawk was 100 percent correct to betray Cobra Kai. Seeing him have that revelation was relatable

Real American Negro: At the end of the day both Johnny and Daniel emotionally cheated on their women with their exes at the same time.

Dirk Digglah: Such a great show

Darren Steele: Lol started as an ending explanation and turned into a season recap.

cesar gamboa: Hawk is the best character form the kids...

Dino Dans: I don’t think you explained anything. You read a wiki plot summary.

The Gr8 1: This ending needed explaining? I didn’t think so. This season was awesome 🥰🥳

Klucky Gaming_YT: The ending gave me such a peace when seeing all the freinds getting together

meg grotte: I love this show if it ever comes out on DVD I'm buying all four seasons

galnhus56: Since Chozen was taught by Sato, who was taught by same person as Mr. Miyagi, why didn't Chozen know about the drum technique in KK 2? Chozen is obviously very well trained in Miyagi-do karate according to Cobra Kai season 3.

Matt Dargis: If you need this ending explained you are a r

Mike Warner: If u think kreese calls terry silver, give yourself a screen writers credit!!! (Duh)

Patrick Wagner: How was the ending explained? This is a recap. Lol.

ioana alina: The fighting is just hilarious, especially when the kids keep punching each other and seem to be made of steel. I know it's just a movie, but seriously, the fighting, or better said the consequences are completely stupid. They punch their faces as if they are pillows. Just a bit of blood is shown after 30 minutes of fighting.... Plus, a lot of the fighting starts completely out of nowhere, who does that???? The rest is ok, but this part ruined the show for me.

DEAN23: Funny how you never mentioned that "Twig" is actually Terry Silver from KK3....

Greencho Anselmo: I still think that Lip guy should have got what he deserved before that strange change of hearts, really hate that kid

Lan Piers: I love this show/ though I hope they wrap it up in the next season or two- I don’t want them to draw this out too long and take away from what it’s created so far.

garattyfisher: Explained? So you told us what happened on the show is all. Thanks.

brian101ification: so rather than explain the ending, you just repeat what happened. down vote

Tushan Pawar: Bruh you didn't explain anything. Just summarized. We clicked on this video because most likely we already watched the series. Didn't need a recap

Charlie Chaplin: Greatest show ever!

michael Carey: Wouldn't you think Chozen would've gone to prison for a bit after KK2?

marcio cardoso: If it wasn't for the Brazilian created "Malhação",this Karate Kid tv series would have never been created noir being exciting to watch.

Vendetta: This finale felt like a Star Wars moment/ -Robby falls to the dark side. -Hawk returns to the Jedi.

Worlds Biggest Loser: Cobra Kai for the win!! Bring body bags

Jan Dee: its unfair that Kyler wasn't not beaten pretty badly to get even... AND ITS ULTIMATELY VERY UNFAIR THAT THE B**** TORY was unscathed. i want her to be beaten pretty badly that she'll wish she wasn't born. come on writers so dramatic.

Stephen: The best series so far. 90s with a mix of present day.

J W: I can't wait until they come out with season 4. I really do hope Netflix keeps this show going for a few more years. I wonder if they could speed up the release of the seasons 🤔

21skinsfan: Season 3 was awesome !!! Im glad netflix took over. Glad hawk is back with his boys!!!

Cipherman: Does this ending really need to be explained tho?

mastervading: Sam belongs to the streets.

Joe Maslov: The narrator seems like she never even watched Cobra Kai and is just reading key cards.

Luis F. Perez: Is a ending explanation or a resume of the hole show 🤬🤬🤬

bmdshred77: If anyone needs this ending explained they are very special.

Gaz 84: Why do endings constantly need explained? It’s a pretty simple ending.

MrPmc71: It’s a recap, it didn’t “explain” anything.

Vaibhav Joshi: Though Johnny and Miguel are the heart of yhe show This season was More Daniel Centric

Lightning Beast: What did chozen mean defence comes in many forms

Mr. Poopybutthole: Why does this sound so robotic?

Freddy Castellanos: I thought everyone was a little too accepting of Hawk back into the group after he was really cruel.

Sanrizza Mae Restauro: Twig is terry seilver

Jesus .Christ: I sold my liver and and brought bitcoin!

Joey Torres: Just finished this 5 minutes ago. Mind blown!

bulletproof clipboard: How did I not know that Terry Silver's son "Snake" (how fitting) was in Karate kid part 3

The Rev: Twig is Terry Silver from Chapter 3

Hamsandwich Solo: What this entire season taught me, especially the scene with Ali, is that Johnny is a Chad. Ali never really saw Daniel as anyone special. It was just his turn in Ali’s bf carousel. Ali still had a thing for Johnny since he’s a Chad and was only using Daniel the whole time to get Johnny to pay more attention to her instead of motorcycling with his buddies.

andres restrepo: Kumiko should be larusso real love!

David Welsh: Kreese deserves everything bad that has ever happened to him. There is no excuse for encouraging kids and teens to cripple each other for his amusement.

Superlative CG: The Cobra Kai series is set in a universe that's virtually identical to our own, except that the Karate Kid movies don't exist.

Pal Dali: that was a summary of season 3, not an explanation of season 3.

Hades76: Explained? It was pretty straightforward to me... and everyone else.

Steve Lee: Why do we have these videos? Isn’t this just an exercise in pointing out the obvious?

Jacques Rivette: The end gave me the chills when Dany and Johnny merge their Dojos

Xavier Cabrera: How did u know I just finished this 6 hours ago

The Movie Guy: Twig is Silver....not sure how you missed that

PHDloper: More like "season 3 explained" but okay

Jancherr Galang: I felt sad when i didnt see stingray yo be in this season

Darragh Cunningham: Well that’s the worst video on your site. Just a recap. Pointless.

dead citizen 22: Terry silver and Mike barnes I'm sure is coming back

January 256: Cobra kai is 🔥 🔥 🔥

Angelia Flores: Twig is Terry Silver from Karate kid 3....

G’feezy 03: Robby’s going to be the most powerful fighter in season 4. Miguel will never be as skilled or strong due to his injuries and Robby knows the Miyagi-Do style of fighting and know that he is under Kreese he will be come the ultimate weapon. But Miguel will prolly still win the tournament cause of plot armor.

bperlmutter: Anyone find it weird how Daniels wife doesn't seem to care that he's always hanging out with his EX's?

LordRain1031: How do I put this without sound like an asshole. this video didn't explain anything concerning Cobra Kia S3. S3 explained this video. What I mean is everything in this video was painfully obvious if you watched S3. Literally everything. Again not trying to be an asshole but I fail to see what "revelation" this video offers unless you haven't watched Cobra Kia Season 3 yet. And if you haven't?? You shouldn't be watching this video because it tells you EVERYTHING that happens! I was hoping this video would have some insight that I missed but nope! Learned all this from S3.

FreeStang 66: I'm not on Netflix, so I missed the entire season. Sounds like they're staying true to the original franchaise, which is awesome! The people who ruined Star Wars could take a lesson.

Manuel Ramos: My favorite episode was with Kumiko & Chozen,, it was sweet & nostalgic.

Ghost: Robby is probably having his own Karate Kid 3 arc

Sheik Asor RehtnaP Knip: Why does this stuff need explanation? Are we dumb or something?

Joe Costales: How did Krese recover so quickly after Daniel used miyagi's secret karate technique?

Project Element: Where is the explanation?

Lezard Valeth: Is it even possible to get Terry Silver? His actor stopped, well, acting in 2007

quentin ross: I love how Johnny and Daniel realize that the real enemy is Kreese and they combine both of their dojo’s to take him down can’t wait for S4!!!!!

Gisele Strauch: daneil's wife is played by the actress who played missy in the big bang theory sheldon's sister!!!

Gisele Strauch: this is great!!!!

Jed Hawkins: I couldn't believe that Robby joined Cobra Kai.

Big Mike: So just summarizing the season explains it somehow

Craig Macdonald: Just waiting on Barnes and silva can't wait

Lewis Weir: Whats there to explain ? Johnny and Daniel make peace, Kreese calls Silver and thats it

Patrick Laird: Twig is Terry Silver

Mack Thorne: “Twig” is actually Terry Silver in case y’all didn’t know

Gavin Piotrowski: Isn't twig Terry Silver?

Nigel Marvin: This is more of recap than an explanation. But, season 3 is my personal favourite season.

Bret Mason: Curious if they'll bring Hilary Swank in at some point.

Anthony Williams: "I can feel it coming in the air tonight"

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