Things You MISSED! Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 (Explained)
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Ser Hunts Reviews: Arya killing the Night King is one of the most unexpected moments in Game Of Thrones. *Change my mind*Написать
Ismael Judá Moraes Reis Dias: I missed good writing.
Peter Fraser: white walker still alive i beleive benjin he was created by the children like the night king
John Gulotta: Melisandre's should have said the lights are dark and full of error
Xeno: yo anyone watching in october 2019? his voice sounded so hyped for the episode, sad that the show went downhil, i wonder what hes doing now
Erhardo Kleinheisterkamp: Really enjoyed watching the video. 👌
Guisseppe Imbriago: “SUCK IT!”
SATAN: The long one night stand
SYRACUSE MAYHEM: I was disappointed 😡, why did Arya yell as she jumped on the Night King's back before she killed him. She walked up on Jon Snow without making a sound so why would she be yelling as she leaped on the Night King's back. Arya is a warrior goddess kick azz fighter no way she would warn the Night King. Arya deals out penis grabbing beat down.
Nick_85: This was a general of The Night King !!!!! The knight king is with the rest of his army and we will see him in episode 5.
Naftaliten: Remember when you talked about the glass on Arya’s dagger 7 months go and said “ it’s not like she is going to transform into a whitewalker and sneak into the night king base “
SWOOPES theAboriginal: This was her mission the moment her dad signed her up for dance lessons The first two things she did was the water dance lesson and the cat walk
Monirules Blog: Worst episode ever.
Alyssa Feraci: the night king is not coming back.....I don't see that happening whatsover
Timothy Guilford: Kudos to you for a video review well done! This is my first review video of the Game of Thrones, and to your channel, mainly because I waited to see which episode, in my opinion, was to be the greatest episode I've seen in the series so far. And Season 8, Episode 3 was THAT!! But, of course, I'm sure Episode 6 will top this one... we'll see. I was tremendously awe struck from the massive lighting of horsemen swords on fire to the truly unexpected assassination of the Night King by Arya!!! My best friend's wife predicted that Arya will kill the Night King the moment the Red Priestess told Arya about her "green-eyed, brown-eyed, and blue-eyed" targets. She even predicted how she'll do it with the switching of the weapon hand maneuver (the name of that maneuver, if any, is unknown to me) her "protector" taught her in an earlier episode. Arya performed that maneuver with keen execution, especially with her skill level in hand-to-hand combat. Kudos to her instructors and hard training. If it wasn't for her goal to kill Ceresi, she might not have survived that encounter. The fact that she's NEVER seen the Night King or know of his powers made that encounter epic. That act, in itself, made her one of the top tier heroine in my book. Another, at first confusing, scene was about the undead dragon Jon Snow was confronting during that time. My friend's wife thought it was Snow's dragon attacking him, after being killed in their aerial battle and being resurrected by the Night King afterwards. After talking to a co-worker the following Monday and rewatching the episode the following Sunday, it was clear that it was the Night King's dragon, Icy Viserion, that was attacking Jon Snow (half his face was blown off by Queen Daenerys' dragon and the subtitles read "Viserion roars"). His dragon's name is not Viserion and his dragon did survived the battle and was later seen flying with Queen Daenerys' dragon in a clip for episode 4. Another moment that bothered me was the unforeseen (and huge) mistake of having the women and children hiding out in a CRYPT!!! OMG! Knowing the Night King's powers of raising the dead firsthand, Jon Snow should have warned them NOT the hide out in the family crypt. That's where the Stark family buried their dead and it should be the very LAST place to hide from an army of the dead, especially if its leader can raise and control the dead. In my opinion, THAT should have been addressed as an off limits area. It's like fighting an inferno and having the young and defenseless hide in the fuel dump for safety. Terrible plan! But again, it was meant to be a setup for movie suspense and they've never fought an army of the dead (and I hope, for their sake, never again) before. Of course those were some minor hiccups compared to the overall expectations of the war. Special effects we're off the charts and well worth its weight in gold!!! Lastly, it was shot at night time, which was to be expected. Many scenes were unclear what happened, but it was expected at this episode was not meant to be seen only one time. Most episode of this show are really not meant to be seen once. And that's the one of the sole purpose of me buying the complete sets on DVD, so I can watch and enjoy them from time to time!!! In closing, again, kudos to you for review video well done and keep up with the great work you do for this channel!! Thanks!!
Susan Hayes: Would have been fantastic on a movie theatre size screen
Laila Kudzin: my only issue is that it was too dark.
lulu 63: People need to fix their suspension of disbelief or stop watching fantasy shows with dragons and knife wielding zombies. Seriously. Stealth is why it could only be Arya. And for those who wanted a sword fight btwn the NK and Jon, Really? Just think about it for a minute. The NK could fight till the end of time. They would have had to use some stupid thing like the NK tripping for Jon to have a chance. Jon winning that fight would've been the bullshit ending.
lulu 63: Yesssss!!!!!! All the whiners can suck it indeed! Thank you! The number one complaint seems to be: 'Is that it? But it was so easy.' From the Unsullied to Arya I don't consider the long, difficult and complicated journeys all the characters had to make in order to become the people they needed to be when they entered this battle - a battle btw the living had already lost when Arya did the deed - this I would not call easy.
Melody Dorame: The Night King was leaving symbols- so now that he’s “dead” how will we find out what those symbols meant?
Rosco Starkey: This should have been the last episode of the season lol
Thelibertarian1776: I've never heard someone so excited about incompetent story telling.
xaminex: Ok I had 0 intentions of commenting but since you now claim some form of expertise I'm gonna blow that apart. So first off the battle of winterfell was planned out such that you could expect better results from a child in ancient rome. If you think that the strategy was a good idea, let me ask you, historically speaking, when would a defending army 1. Sally forth when outnumbered 2. Rush light cavalry first thing head on into a horde of enemies 3. Position hold troops outside of reinforcement while outnumbered 4. Wait until your cavalry and infantry has been all but wiped out before engaging a dragon fire strafe I think this will suffice for a starting point.
Carmen Vierhuis: Thank you for saying that this episode was the bomb. I also thought that the darkness in this episode was intentional and made this episode more thrilling than anything. I mean, I really had a heartrate of 110, screamed, yelled and putting my hand for my hand and nearly got a heart attack. We also paused the episode 4 times because it was too much!! Just loved it!!
momislazy: The blue goo coming out of the neck of the ice dragon was the greatest
momislazy: Sansa has a dragon glass blade and she hid
Shane Travis: This was crap they made out that it was going to make out there was this big big big fight and what did we see hmmm nothing that's like having a cage fight building it to having loads of people in the turn out the light I take it they didn't what to spend anything on this one for all that u could see well I mean ear IT WAS CRAP are they in that much of a rush to Finnish this season.some how I don't thing the queen needs to to much killing most of them killed of .
Janessa M.: How about grey worm actually showing fear. Taking off his helmet showed him sweating and confused with fear....
Trevor Manns: Just fucking shameful..!!! These 2 assholes that call themselves writers should be cleaning toilets @ Burger King and have NO Business writing ANYTHING !
Kelly Mackey: Thank you!!!! I’ve been thinking all these same things and you’re the only YouTuber I follow that isn’t bitching and moaning. It’s so annoying!
Kevin Rosado: Before you put the headphone warning, it was too late for my ear drums :)........
ShipBuilding: About 39 minutes in and Clegane has a panic attack whilst arya kills loads of zombies. Why did the writers humiliate him in this way. Shame on you writes for pandering to the Hollywood narrative and trying to gain points.
Zenoian Z: I agree with a lot of what you say, but I submit a thought or two. I had the sense you use a sort of logic to evaluate some aspects of the story. So what makes a character? A character is as a character does. The arc of a character, especially a heroic one is born of his or her genuine self. A character who is conflicted may cause us to wonder if they will turn, and it may or may not be a surprise. Timing? So take a character we have no issue with, who has been selfless, not particularly ambitious, and who has been pushed up in the hierarchy by circumstance, not ambition, then respond heroically - Such a person turning dark so late in the story would destroy the moral center of this epic. If betrayal is the tool to move the story forward, It can be 'feigned,' as a ruse, but not play a part in the destruction of the goodness of the main characters. John and Cersei are stereotypes of the Good Son and the Evil Stepmother roles. Simply put, John is good, Cersei is evil. An example of a late turnaround is Arya who was the surprise savior killing the Night King. Surprise, yes, but well within her character. John and Cersei must hold to their defined roles. John showed his evolution and development, but never deviated into evil or even considered such. Cersei's character was consistent, not so much of an arc.(external behavior may be good, but her real self does not change.) She maintained a track of murder and betrayal. That was her essence These characters may Evolve, yes, but never deviate from their 'Soul Urge.' They are the unchanging moral and ethical center, good, bad, or otherwise, John brought hope Cersei, terror and fear even to her own people. Remember, John ascended in strength and power based on his character, courage, and honestly, with no sight or effort on position is seen as a Warrior King. He leads by example. In terms of storytelling, Cersei must die, for no other reason than she is extremely evil, and her not keeping her word to fight in the north, negates any possibility of redemption. As it went, it worked out. But that is beside the point. Her actions were straight up treasonous. Treason, (betrayal) in all cultures in all of History, is usually a death sentence. Btw, I see this production as more than great Television. This film is shot in a very theatrical manner and an amazing achievement of production. They had several full shooting crews during much of the production, all in the different locales. One small question.. Someone mentioned the night king stood where Arya was, is foreshadowing. Is it possible that was a way to show John her clandestine skills? Bran said the Night King will come for him, that is a foreshadow of Night King and Bran. Your thoughts?
Garry Pelissier: XD.... LOVED IT!! ;)
The_Headless_Horseman: I don't know how you can say that this episode was great People have two mayor problems with this episode. First: Arya being the one who kills NK. Now I don't have a problem with Arya being the one to do the deed, but it seems like they did it just for the wow factor which is not a good reason and is one of the biggest reasons why people dislike The Last Jedi and the way they did Snoke. Second: : the battle tactics used and the plot armor, which are my big problems with this episode and here is why; The trebuchets were barely used and positioned in front of the army making them useless as soon as the dead came close. They sent the Dothraki charging dead center into an enemy which obviously outnumbered them by a great number and was in pure darkness, without the dragonglass swords from what I could tell (Mel coming and lighting the swords on fire was pure luck on their side), which lead to almost all of them ending up dead in less then a minute. Then they just left most of the Unsullied in front of the barricades to die when they could have easily been mounted on the walls where I think they would of been more useful. Plot armor wise, the scenes with Jon, Brienne and Sam being literally surrounded by weights and staying alive don't make any sense because any other person would of died if put in the same situation. This episode isn't as bad as some people make it to be, but it's nowhere near as great as some others, including you, make it. After all there are still 3 episodes to go so all the mayor critiquing should be left for then.
Christine Mott: Love love love your reviews. Can't wait till winds of Winter. Be blessed brother
WezyrGame: Arya should've kill Cersei by sneaking to her room and Jon shoud've kill Night King at the end of the season in an EPIC battle that last 30 min. That could've save this ass shit writting they've made.
KEEPMOVN: Aint have a good feeling what comes out if deanerys pregnant from jons
Sil P: Nobody saw that the WW were twelve again, but Jon and Sam killed two of them? ... Craster is dead and there are no more babies. Maybe they came back in some way and another NK comes back again in the future. Maybe there's more WW in the north. Maybe there's a WW city in the north.
Julia Jenkins: I’m thinking Bran first warged into the crows, but then, i believe he warged into Viserys to keep Jon from getting to the weirwood, protecting him for the next battle.
Ladd Turner: You keep speaking as if the books will actually be finished. Do people actually still believe that at this point??
Kyrese. NL: Alright this guy lost me with the whole once you can make good television then you can talk thing.....I’m gonna be honest it was a good episode and battle...but I’m gonna be honest The NK was kinda disappointing he didn’t do much and also I’ll be honest what you said about it being “wildly unpredictable” IS KINDA THE FARTHEST THING FROM THE TRUTH I LITERALLY SAW EVERY THING COMING.....EXCEPT!!!!!ARYA killing the NK and Melisandra just killing herself like that BUT THATS LITERALLY IT so stop trying to put your common sense on us 😭😭 cause this was extremely predictable but it was STILL GOOD but your pushing it here 🏌🏾♂️🏌🏾♂️🏌🏾♂️😭😭😭 Oh yeah and Lyanna Mormont
Thomas Davis: and is anyone else wondering when the fuck Azor Ahai is returned? or euron has dragonbinder sounded?
Thomas Davis: unpredictable? this is literally the most highly foreshadowed and telegraphed show ever. we knew who was to kill the night king the first time melisandre and not stoneheart first bumped into arya.
Ponyboy Curtis: do you think episode 4 will show Yara taking back the Iron Islands?
Ponyboy Curtis: another thing missed the Dolthraki may have been killed but they were pitted against the Giants and that is why the giants were gone the one that survived Lyanna Stark killed. so the Dolthraki sacrifice I believe did more good than was at first believed by many.
Bossey Abraham: that Aryas move was actually thought by the dancing sword teacher from bravos in season 1 while Ned stark her father watched.
Jason: Prediction: Jaime will kill his sister.
Miss Mac: While the ep had its faults, I did enjoy it. I believe there is more to this than we all think though. Idk, that look between Bran & the NK... something is suspicious about that.
George Mayo: I think you're wrong about a lot of this stuff my man. How did Jamie and Brianna survive along with Sam when we seen all of them in dire situations multiple times. I'm not upset that Arya got the kill I just wish John did some hand on hand combat with the White Walker King and how the heck did she even get there with out being stopped. :/
Ruth Jean Pierre: Yes he deaddddddd
Allaura Bryant-Watkins: I don't think the night king is completely dead. He marked Bran, like he marked those baby sons. I think he will always be apart of Bran like Brans dire wolf. Bran took apart of his dire wolfs when he warged with her. I believe that is the same when the night king warged with Bran. Bran shares apart of the night kings soul.he also does seem to take some character traits of the bight king by acting odd and quiet. I think he is turning evil.
James Owen: I wish people would give Bran some props for orchestrating the victory. His behind the scenes manipulation of everyone including the NK made the victory possible. Everyone had a part to play especially Jon, but Bran secretly orchestrated everyone’s part.
Jorand: To littel death! no starks god damn it hoped sansa would die in the crypts : /
katiescarlett1955: You said no one saw Arya kill the Night King.....Bran saw it. He and Arya stared at each other after it happened.
Brian Maxwell: Still believe that the man who never wanted to rule, is forced to rule. Just like the man who held the most honor, died with no honor. The best swordsman in the land, lost his fighting hand.
Byron Davies: Really enjoyed was riveting till the end Good job can't wait for next episode
Anisha Bhandary: Melisandre dies at her will could mean that she knows Jon snow will not die.
Riki Jones: The scene that you mentioned that appears to show the wolf pack seems to be the same scene that was shown in episode 3, in which you can see Ghost running among Dothraki horses during the charge towards the Army of the Dead.
rlmross: Ser hunts, usually love your videos but ... there was not just one giant, drogon roasted one and we saw one at the start. Its a song of ice and fire, game of thrones is just one part of that.
rlmross: Sansa love in is embarrassing.
Joe Baumann: Bran is going to be used in the next battle Warging into a Dire Wolf and along with Nimeria have a pretty big army full of forest creatures under his control.
Sean Broccoli: The episode isnt as bad as people claim but it is not perfect like you claim either. It was good but it had a ton of flaws. Your defence of it is weak as well, just because the show has magic and Dragons doesnt meant that all logic should be thrown out the window. The show's story has to make sense and the fact that Arya got to the Night Kind so easily without using the face of the dead makes very little sense. She would have been stopped by many of the dead with the Night King.
Adam Gouveia: The Night King isn’t in the novels so we won’t get anything about him out of them. There’s mention of the Night’s King but he was somebody else entirely.
The Gatsby: *I wish🙏🏻😭 the NIGHT KING and his whole Army become alive again* *Who is with me✋🏻*
Erhan Aydin: That episode was like as: "Sauron was dead when Gimli hit the ring with an axe on the elven council" :)))) lol
Erhan Aydin: That episode was like as: "Sauron was dead when Gimli hit the ring with an axe on the elven council" :)))) lol
Brian Roth: So basically the undead, the major threat, the army to change everything (the reason why the biggest wall was built and a order of warriors was created just defend the wall). Was all just a speed bumb to the other story. A army that was being built for thousands of years in the frozen north, gone. Now it just back to business as usual. What a waste of time, zero questions answered. Now GOT is just another fantasy, with one exception, an huge budget built by the dedicated fans who loved the old plot armour
thingstolove: What if Jaime Lannister turns against them and Arya has to kill him, then takes his face to become him and then kills Cersei.... hmmm
Chain Kanwar: When sam was down, kind of looked that it was his final time. He saw Jamie fighting in the fire. Mean anything.
Khal Drogo23: Also how can you defend a tv show that purposely makes their protagonist and antagonists do dumb ass things and decisions to further the plot. like why does dany i repeat dany one of the smartest land her FUCKING DRAGON. YES A DRAGON THAT CAN FLY AND SHOOT FIRE WHY DOES SHE LAND IN ON THE BATTLEFIELD IN THE MIDDLE OF ZOMBIES and she just looks in the voids of nowhere while the dragon does nothing and has zombies pour on her. ohhh so Jorah can get his death protecting dany. THIS IS LAZY PISS POOR WRITING NOTHING MAKES SENSE IN THE EPISIODE. how can you defend it...
Khal Drogo23: Ofcourse you'll defend it since your channel revolves around the show lmao the writing has gone down the shoot since season 6 and this was the nail in the coffin.
Khal Drogo23: Im fine with Arya Killing the Night king. It's just the way the battle went down was retarded, that was an insult to zombie warfare. Once second their world war z zombies, next seconding their standing around, then next second its a horror movie, One shot our heroes are surrouned by thousands of zombies then it cuts away we come back and all the walkers are gone, Sam is lying there crying like a bitch with zombies on him, it makes no sense that way they fought up against the wall. It doesn make sense how they survived is all im saying. they could have written and executed it better. Not even saying people had to die. All their decisions were very stupid and dumbed down. Not the same characters ive seen since the beginning and YES WE ARE ASKING FOR THE ACCURACY CUZ IF WATCH LOTR most battle sequences actually fucking make sense. this one made no sense what so ever. Yes it was engaging and in the moment I actually loved the episode but as time went on Ive hated it more.
Silent Knight33: Jon is the prince that was promised, he will have to kill Bran aka nightking, at Brans request. Making the saddest scene in history!!!! Plus Jon wins the throne, only to give it to SAM!!! Like Ned and Rob, plus Gilly will satisfy the wildlings to come to the kingdom!!!
austin: I'm with you on episode 3 and have no issues with Arya being the one who took him down or that it was a single stroke. Don't forget that Daenerys tried to light him up and failed. Then Jon failed while following him since the NK sensed him and raised the dead to block him. The only thing that worked was the element of surprise so Arya with all her assassin skills was the perfect person to kill him.
MarkusRX5: What is really funny about this video? He puts on the spoiler alert AFTER revealing that Arya kills the Nightking....
Beaverius: hey dude, I loved your westworld vids and just finally got caught up on GoT in time for the end of it all. I always enjoy your perspective. I was pretty happy with the episode
Bj Worm: I heard from one of the behind the scenes that the Plan was not for the Dothraki to charge ahead. They got excited from their swords being lit and decided to charge on their own. So, not the battle strategy.
RainbowEagle: What I disliked the most was the fact that none of them seems to have a clue when it comes to battle tactics. Most of those people grew up learning nothing but how to wage war. Tyrion and Sam grew up reading anything they could get their hands on and most of the books there are about wars. Yet, everything they did was so messed up that a child could think better. They knew that the only way to defeat the dead was to kill their king who made them all. Wasting the vast majority of the army fighting his zombies was a horrible decision. Dragons did very little and very badly. OK, Jon is a bad dragonrider because he just started, but Dany has fought on a dragon before. They both were pretty much useless.
Evelyn Turner: I always knew the catspaw dagger would be used to kill the night King I just didn't know how because of what brand said that it was wasted on a cripple
Ljones Medina: IT IS CALLED GAME OF THRONES FOR A REASON. The ones who are in the throne is the final enemy of dany. It is expected that the night king will only last one or two episodes. Idk why a lot of people is expecting more death. Theon, army of dothraki and jorah's death is enough to nerf the army of dany. If you add up brienne, greyworm, sam, tormund, hound or podrick then the last match would be boring af. The final match needs to have a lot of suspense and death. Kit said episode 5 is one of his favorite episodes.. so we'll see what's the last three episode has in store for us.
huafan1: Anyone else remember that night king turned a baby into a ww? Is he going to be the new night king?
Son of the XII legion: You suck it. The episode was full of D&D's illogical bullshit and it sucked ass. No one watched 7 seasons to have it end in 1 night and there is so many plot holes that i can't even... Plus, it was so fucking dark we couldn't see half of it. "It's going to be bigger than Helms Deep"...YOU WISH!
Miguel Ervite: For me Arya killing the Night King is the only logical thing to happen. I mean any other ass pull would be kind of stretching it.
Yautja Prime: Lyanna could've survived but what good what that do? Going out like that was supremely bad ass.
Yautja Prime: The Waif and Trent had brown eyes. They are the most popular in fact so she has killed more browned eyed people than any other by default.
8gauge212: Anyone touched by the NK becomes a Wight. Arya’s eyes were closed when he grabbed her so maybe she’s the new NK?
JNB: I want Tormund to finally have his giant babies! lol
Richard Powell: I think... I may have a bit more to add: An artist once told me, We can't accept being paid by the hour, Cause it took YEARS to be able to draw a masterpiece in minutes. It took Arya... Years Of Training... Through Blindness at one point.... If anyone was qualified to take out the Night King so "Easily"? It was Her. Snuck past the Wights SO QUIETLY... they thing they head was her BLOOD DRIPPING? Tells you how sensitive they are... and how much of a Shadow she is!
Rob Plant: Lol I'm glad about your response and yep most the YouTubers are upset because they got it wrong.
Billy the kid: Arya stark is the Goat period
Angel Krutz: I loved the episode and the lead up from the beginning of this season. Lyanna was a true badass to the end RIP Lyanna! It was great seeing Dany swing a sword since we NEVER seen her fight like that. you did great Ser Hunt! this battle was epic and to those who think this episode was too dark adjust your tv it was shot perfect esp for the hour of night/morning this fight happens.
Toivo Kallio: Dude, I really hope you're joking with your "headphone warnings". Have you ever heard of a thing called dynamic processing? Why don't you compress your audio tracks so screaming doesn't actually come across much louder than whispering?
Anna Hart: I wonder if the necklace Melisandre dropped while walking to her death will come in to play somehow....
Liz villemin: Arya got there because Jon distracted the dragon so she could sneak by... Jon screams GO!
woundedryhmes: These aren't the things we missed, these are the things you liked, just like you say in your video. Your title is wrong here.
Macatea R: Bet you it ends with an older knight king with a beard and 5 of our knight kings as his king guard 😮😵
Behzad Bundeali: I think one thing that was missed. When the Night King raises the dead and the dead start coming in the Crypt. My theory is he also raised the dead in the Crypt and the Dead did not break through the walls. I have mentioned that several of my friends and they agreed that they missed that but make sense. What are your thoughts?
That just do it your self life: Arya is the shit the badest one on the show and I never seen it coming but it made since cause she is the only one that could kill him I thought it was a great twist in the show can't wait for the next one bit than again it's all almost over 😥
liam 11: I think people are over reacting about the darkness it didn't bother me. Not saying it was perfect but I don't see the issue
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