Things You MISSED! Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 (Winterfell Explained)
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Ser Hunts Reviews: Now that Thrones is back, life is complete. *change my mind*Написать
Eva Fleury: Sansa is not the "best game player next to Cercie", sorry. She's just a cold hearted bitch who hated Daenerys for nothing, and gets her killed by breaking her promise to Jon. All Starks are evil bastards, not only Jon Snow. I still consider him a Stark because his being half Targaryen has no effect on the show at all. F*** the Starks!
Débora Cardoso: Rhaegar Targaryen wanted true kids Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya. Aegon Targaryen was the conqueror of Westeros he was married with is sisters Rhaenys and Visenya. Lyanna Stark was supposedly to have a baby girl named Visenya but she gave birth to a boy and she named him Aegon, because the second kid of Rhaegar Targaryen was killed by The Mountain in Dorne and Elia Martel and his daughter too Rhaenys
Débora Cardoso: I don't understand why Daenerys and Jon couldn't be together. Tywin Lannister and Joanna Lannister were cousins and they married and had three kids. When Viserion and Rhaegal died that was supposedly to tell that Daenerys was going to have two kids with Jon, because the witch told Daenerys that she couldn't have kids, only with death
Michael Bohnet: congrats on the 100k subscribers!
Vinista: The reasons for Sansa's coolness were made clear in episode 2, and, honestly, should have been clear to anyone with half a brain at the beginning: after Robert's death, the North had declared itself a free and independent kingdom, as had been the case before the original Targaryen conquest. Sansa simply did not like Dany's requirement that the Northern ruler "bend the knee". Yes, Sansa should be grateful that Dany wants to lend her armies and firepower to defeating the white walkers, but "what about the North?" ... Believe it or not, most females (especially powerful ones like Sansa) are not going to be placated by being told that they are pretty. Recall how Sansa herself got smacked down by the Little Bear when she tried the same lame-ass approach.
papi G: Guys check out this song is lit🔥🔥🔥
Gio: Boo
Maxxeemaxx O: 1:40 "playing no games".. :D This is GAME of thrones,.. Dany was nice to her coz she wanted Sansa to be nice to her as well - social game. Problem is, Sansa has been manipulated by "niceness" too many times before; she knows no matter how SINCERE the niceness is, its still a game.
DeAnn Padelo: Have you forgotten that the witch told Cersei that her younger brother will kill her. And everything else the witch has told her has come to pass. So Euron is not going to kill her.
DeAnn Padelo: Sansa says Winterfell is yours your grace because that is what her father said to King Robert Baratheon when he came to Winterfell. The very first thing he said. So this is just a formality. Something expected of her as the lady of Winterfell first welcoming the Queen.
Suhani Sharma:
Josephine D: When u said arya is a cold blooded killer, that took me out hahahah
Jesse Ord: It would be sweet if you put a timestamp for us to skip to if we don't want any spoilers :)
Wendy Jo: Let’s not forget, Danerys has a wicked temper. Maybe she is not trusted for a very good reason.
Myia TheBoss: I bet aryan will act like she is the night king
Trevor Houser: He flat out tells her no help
Jesse Salomon: i dunno man. Bran probably looked at dany and saw her become a night queen? Maybe after getting preggo with jon's baby? And the reason she became the night queen was because maybe Drogon or Rhaegon died to the night king?
Trevor Houser: Arya has sex with him in tonight's episode
Joanna Wynter: Y is Sensa one of the best game players? People keep saying this but I have not seen Sansa do anything clever or tactical throughout the show, eeeever
pmparda: Well about Arya and gentry... EPISODE 2!!!
Waqar Fatima: your nonsense was so lengthy and boring
Clutch: This is an explanation episode, stick to the facts man, don't adapt stuff and run away with things too much in these.
Kevin McKenna: Gendry’s not an heir, he’s a bastard.
Duffy Unknown: You use that expression too much down the rabbit hole
Makojuice Daniel: Oh god this kid, no thanks to any of your videos
Jay 1066: Arya is probably turning the dagger into a Naginata with a detachable blade. The dragon riding scene was probably necessary for a heartfelt montage later when Danny dies.
K. Morrighan-Buenafe: HOW IS IT that so far I’ve not heard ANYONE mention the reference to “the princess bride” in the exchange between Gendry and Arya? The boy all working his bum off and telling the rich girl “AS YOU WISH” It’s such a huge cultural cinematic plot device how has no one else caught that?
Jenny Mae: If Gendry can make a weapon for Viserion, I think Bronn is the one who will use it. Since he's coming to Winterfell too.
Renee Jones: drogo killed viserys maybe drogon will kill viserion
Imasomebody1: you said "aunt and uncle" - re: jon snow and danarys, but actually she is his aunt and he nephew
The Copper Broom: Anyone notice it looks like Hodor's face on the Winterfell tree in the opening sequence? Is he chasing Arya?
Wendy 1967: I'm guessing Gendry is Cersi's firstborn from Robert Baratheon that she abandoned. Remember in series one or two Gendry mentioned that he never knew his mother, and the only vague memory he had of her is that she had long blond hair.
Nicholas Sway: @16:40 Aunt and NEPHEW. C'mon man!
Savage: 16:56 is it just me or does the wolf on Jon Snows sword on his waist closes his eyes? 😨
Sharon Pernes: Jon only rode the Dragon for 30 secs? It seemed to go on forever and was really not a big deal. I thought it was a way for Dani to flirt with him. They were playing hookie from getting ready for the war and their leaders were out having fun. Plus it was so Harry Potterish. Very disappointing.
Sharon Pernes: Saying ‘Winterfell is yours’ is obviously what is done or at least whatSansa was taught to say to her King/Queen.
Jack Salamanca: please tell us exactly how many seconds or minutes to skip next time
Leah Marie: I hate how everyone forgets that Sansa has been treated like a captive/slave since the end of season 1. Stop hating on her for not being bubbly. This is just her personality now and that’s fucking fine.
CaseyTheConqueror: That voice is too much honestly..
Andrius Osworth: Yuron's comment about the prince in the belly and her reaction was based on how she can disguise the baby as Yuron's instead of Jamie's if needed
Dominik Peter: But Aria saying she used Needle once or twice wasnt a lie, she killed most of her victims with poison, followed by dagger sized knifes. I can remember that she killed a little fat kid and someone else with it.
Elias Schode: You missed that Mac from Always sunny was cameo’d in the scene where Theon frees Yara
V Rocket: Sooo, I found the dragon riding totally cringey, ngl
V Rocket: Just my opinion, but... I see a lot of Dany stans being VERY upset before the end...
Anthony G: Oh man I couldn’t get through this...just so annoying. After 3 minutes I was going crazy...the way this is presented with the bad jokes and speedy voice I just couldn’t lol...
Jasmine M: Sansa is me meeting my brother's girlfriend LMAO
William Bibb: This was interesting but damn this guy talks way too damn much he was starting to hurt my brain.
Nic CL: Jon looked for Arya, and Sansa answered “Lurking somewhere...” Brought me back to opening of S1E1...
Benjamin Britsch: He asked about the use of her sword not her body count....
Fun Factory: Boring ...
kleinbottled79: People think this episode was a waste? I thought it progressed the plot quite well.
Heather M: Love listening to you break this down and point out the foreshadowing of future episodes. This was a good opening episode, but I have to say, I feel like the Sam in the book would have reacted differently from the televised version. -Shrug- just my opinion... I can't wait to see the season plays out.
Dara Dajani: Best GOT Summary
Mien Robinson: I literally subscribed to you, because you caught EVERY detail that I did... I was so amazed someone else was thinking like I was
Hallietat 74: 2,420 😜 hehe mhmm 😂
Humberto Lopez: Spoiler alert the baratheon bloodline dies in the battle of winterfell
A RedNecks Opinion: Jon will confirm his lineage with Bran. The first person he will confide it to first WILL BE either Sir Davos or Arya.
justin snider: Why do we think Bran is bad now? what reason does he have to screw over everyone?
Iceböörg: The scene with Jon riding the dragon was actually shit... The really had more important shit to do. This was really unnecessary
Papa Penguin: Love how you put a warning only for the first leak and then for the rest of them you just say "according to the leak" and we have to frantically skip. Real helpful.
Millionaire Baby: Hey, there I have a new post on the first episode of season 8... You will like it.
Joe Kerry: Sansa could go after John, that scene started "how did you sneak up on me?" and she replied "how did you survive a knife to the heart?" how'd she know that? Why'd she know that? She's an assassin and she knows that OK...
Kartos: Sansa hate? No thanks, CLOSE.
Cheryl Ferdinand: A like before we see the video? What if we don’t like the content asshole
marcus futch: He's not a beratheon he's a bastard.
Jam Sandwich: Gendry wouldn't be next in line as he's a bastard son; bastards cannot inherit land or titles unless their father expressly states otherwise, I.E. Roose Bolton & Ramsay.
UglyHouse Studios: Thank you for the Sound disclaimer.
Lex Wheeler: You said that when Gendry said “in a different situation you would’ve been my lady” he meant that they would date. I disagree, he was saying because of her nobility and how he is a low born he would have to call her m’lady.
Gastonaki: I think there is a turn in the story.. Daenerys may not be so nice after all (she is obsessed with getting everyone to bend the knee) ... Sansa has an instinct ... and she became a good judge of character after all she suffers (she even understand Cercei better than Tyrion) ... And she didn't like her at all ...
DocZom: Things we may have missed? Dude you spent the whole video speculating.
Silverfawn: I need to leave this here even if it might won't be new... Winterfell= winter+fell... This kinda blew up my mind... 😅
Aimelkhan353: Can we all remember that the white walkers can't cross water and the iron isle is surrounded with water so they will need to go there one way or the other. Sorry, I just remembered that the night king has a dragon now so he can just fly there.
CaffeineInjected: You think the greatest moment in GoT is the little bitch snow riding a dragon LMAO.
Denise Moore: Did you like the scene where John looked up at the dragon and the dragon was looking at him
CHINAKA Joseph: Thought the boy pinned up formed was targaryen house symbol
alex gerling: OK listening on you know your stuff mate
Dante Reliford: Sansa's story in a nutshell: Joffrey treats her like crap. Gets rescued by Littlefinger. Lysa tries to kill her. Gets rescued by Littelfinger. Ramsay treats her like crap. Gets rescued by Theon and Brienne. Wants Winterfell back. Gets help from Jon and the Knights of the Vale. Wants Littlefinger dead. Passes the sentence. Has Arya do it. Basically Sansa is a spoiled brat that spends her entire life depending on others to do everything for her. She's completely useless.
alex gerling: Straight up don't get your mindset, parts are understandable but it's your opinion
Laura Espinal: Well I think Littlefinger is alive
idefix721: denaris must die for the crimes she comited and she does not have the trust of any other kingdom she barely has the trust of he own people that beeing sayed i see John with a dragon at the end coming for the iron throne but not Denaris!!!
Lorraine Price: Talking way too fast, I can't listen to you. Phew
Rhoda Arogula: The symbol also looks like the Targaryen sigil and the sound of the boy on fire also sounds like a dragons cry.
Shaina Schuster: Aunt and nephew I hope that he tells her immediately so they can deal with the problem right away
Tanner DeHart: a
Spirit Anon: So Jon is banging his aunt? Should he tell her? Or keep banging her? This is a hard choice!
Alukeny Neinda: Drogon recognizes Jon Snow as one of his, after all he is a Targaryen
makeshiftdecisions: John and Dani are aunt and nephew not aunt and uncle 🙃
Kelsey Schwartz: Why does Jon's swords wolf eyes open and close? Anyone else notice? Did I miss something??
Eric Hoglund: When Gendry said “you would be m’lady” he didn’t mean he would date her. Arya is high born so he would have to call her m’lady. She was just a little kid when they lost saw each other. He wasn’t hitting on her lol
nathan patrick: When i make a youtube channel, im never gona beg for likes. Wow
Fraser Cairnduff: The dragon scene was obviously the worst part in the episode, they wasted the dragon riding scene completely. Imagine during the battle with the white walkers Arya is surrounded by the white walkers and Jon is atop the battlements and sees it unfold. Then just as the white walkers were about to pounce, rhagal lands next to Jon. Then Jon has no other option but to mount the dragon when the stakes are at there highest fly down burn a bunch of dead guys rescue his sister Arya ( one of the people he cares about most) and flies away to the safety of winter fell where they regroup and launch another attack. I came up with this in 5 mins, it has stakes, it has purpose it forces Jon to make a decision, watch his sister die or climb upon a mother fucking dragon for the first time and save her. Instead we got a complete time wasting filler with cheesy acting from dany ( as to be expected) and some stupid how to train ur dragon shit. Crap filler with 0 stakes which we don't need with only 6 episodes. This episode was great besides this scene, i thought Sam's reaction to hearing about the death of his family was fantastic. But to say the obvious worst part of the episode was the best makes me question ur ability to judge a story
Mathieu Audet: I feel like Arya will kill Daenerys after Winterfell fall and she somehow learn that John is the true King.
L Underwood: Things I know damn well I did not miss....
Sorin Condurache: Or maybe the old friend Bran is waiting for is actually the Night King
WhenTheSkyTurnsDark: I see Sansa’s reluctance to the situation as caution. But she is right, Sansa was the one gathering resources to help the people in the north survive. All though Dani has Dragons and lots of men she didn’t bring any resources to keep them alive. Which will drain the Winterfell stores dramatically. Sansa is the one who is always thinking of the endgame not just end result.
Sir smokes a lot Samson: Has anyone told Sansa how Danny usually takes castles
Patricia Jamieson: Aunt and nephew... NOT aunt and uncle
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