Apex Legends - Your Favorite Legends Are Getting NERFED In Season 8...

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kijannaplays: if you're reading this, hope you have a great day and you open an heirloom :)

KEVIN_NINJA _JONES: Caustic is normally the one I get killed by most often he is the legend that makes me mad more then anything else the caustic campers lmao

Truelly Slothful: They really need to rework how they nerf n buff legend. Ofc horizon has a high win rate when u built an entire map around her n stuck us on that map for weeks. Watson n caustic r basically useless on Olympus, rampart n loba r still trash n all close combat legends got nerf cuz the map punishes u so hard for not bringing long ranged guns. I could go on but there's not point. Stats r not the only thing.

Barbie_ xo: I think they need to focus on the newer legends & weaker legends instead of nerfing the good ones.. lifeline doesn’t need a nerf, wraith doesn’t need a nerf. Horizons fine also , gibby however is annoying & could use a nerf to his arm shield. But I think going off win rates is not always the move, it’s also luck & rng that gets you the win 🤷🏼‍♀️

Colton Wallace: As a lifeline main I agree she needs a nerf to her auto res. Horizon is fine and Path needs to go back to how he was before. Gibby gun shield needs less health, more delay, and maybe even add in a hop up for certain guns that can put his shield down on the first shot

Nilson Miranda: Season EHT

Sharp Chedda: Gibby... nerf gibby not wraith lmao

Supreme Victory Network: 300hp Gibbys are no fun...

Dumb_LifeEXE: I feel like gibby needs to be nerfed in the since like maybe take a few seconds off his dome when its active and a nerf to the gun shield where as soon as you pass that 50 mark it does the damage let's say you hit him to 60 out of 50 itll do 10 damage and so that way you cant just Kraber him nd he survives with no damage done then you can keep damaging him because he wont have his gun shield also the cooldown on that should be nerfed to 8-10 seconds and this is kinda a nerf to both caustic and gibby but reduce the fortified damage to 5 % I feel like they are too hard to kill sometimes because of fortified and it's just bullshit sometimes

Polaris _hastyar: Make an ass tierlist xD

Maliq Arneaud • 14 years ago: Dog you sounding like one trini bruhh

Super64XD _: Gibraltar

Game addict -: I would like to nerf Bangalore her smoke deals 50 damage that’s too much nerf her respawn

TylerX21X: I think the wraith hit box change is needed and it won't hurt her a lot, more quality of life tbh. Look at wattson for instance, she has the low profile perk as well and she is still playable without getting exploded 24/7. I think it's a great change for wraith for future buffs to abilities as well! Great video again :)

Lunar Lxrd: is he from the Caribbean?

Rage quit: So many characters really need buff but they're only focus on nufing playable ones

Rage quit: So they rather nerf good characters to the ground rather than buffing bad ones.

DadOfDeath 11: Gibby Is In Desperate Need Of A Nerf

itchoke: Caustic nerf. I don't know about any of yall but I would run out of gas, not start walking slow for no reason? Like yeah sure I want to slowly walk out of gas in hopes that I die Edit: no, horizon does not deserve a nerf.

The SUSPECT: I think they don't know that making the hit boxes the same size as the character models would buff and nerf a lot of the legends

The SUSPECT: horizon does need nerfs but she also needs buffs and this is what i would do to her: Tactical - Gravity Lift Has 2 charges instead of 1 Throw range increase by 10% Cooldown from 21s to 25s Ultimate - Black Hole Radius from 320 to 500 units Duration from 10s to 15s Health from 175 to 200 Cooldown from 120s to 180s Activation time from 1.5s to 1.75s Pull effect strength reduction by 20% Slow effect strength reduction by 10%

Apyrs: please they need to stop nurfing wraith i beg of them ;-;

LA Hesslo: Bread, and no I don’t think Horizon needs a nerf she can just get reset bacc to her original model when she dropped!! They need to leave Wraith alone as well, they basically tryna slam her to the ground, like they did pathfinder(also I don’t feel path should take 5% more damage, compared to wraith) but anyway... She can also get the reset, I miss her ninja style run (naruto run is what will call it right 🙃).. Gibraltar nerf definitely needed!!! Lifeline can be left alone she’s fine, NOW Banga! On the other hand NEEDS A BUFF 💪 she’s another perfect hero made, just not considered which is sad!

Sean Waite: Yo kijanna are you looking for a solid teammate? I’m pretty good and would be a great addition to the Kijanna fam .

Dahzjay Simmons: Wraith is in a really good place right now and I don’t think they should do anything to her if they do something to her they should make her phase time like sec longer and you can open doors in phase mode and I think they should add something like she can go through a wall or something

travis N: I think gibby should get a SLIGHT nerf. I truly think he just about right where he should be. I mean his whole stick is being a fortress. Gun shield should only be 25 BUT can still neutralized a sniper round and that's it. I really think they shouldn't be focusing on win rates because I mean look how the game plays from bronze to dimoand alone, it's a entire different play style. Even from gold to plat it is. Lifeline needs a nerf on her rising rather that be a 30 second cool down or only a shield when she her self is rising. But I am tired of the spamming

Jello Daddy: If you don’t want horizon nerfed I can start playing her. That should drop her win rate significantly.


Headmk Gaming: Lifeline is broken, amazing the devs have kept her like this all this time...

Samosamaru: There is a need for an other healer in this game that can rival lifeline’s abilities.

Marquis Paige: Caustic nerf

ZTRMerc: Rework my homie revenant

C-Manor -Kage: Wraith doesn't have to care about positioning because her tactical avoids every single ult in the game and she phases her troubles away. As for Horzion, the instant height for her and her squad or in 1v1 with horzon when you beam her and she flies away with a shield battery, it's a bit Goku-like, thats why her win rate is flying like she does lol it wins fights...a lot

Fenway: Why would they increase the hitbox of wraith ? Doesn’t make sense to make her as thick as loba. Plus she is one of the smallest characters in them game so it makes no sense. Also why is pathfinder low profile revanent looks way more skinny then path also makes no sense. But it’s respawn so I don’t know what to expect in the future.

Bruhtwiste: I was like mirage no he cant be getting nerfed

Cat Toons 64: Just wraith and lifeline

elite1208: I heard about a watson buff, honestly doesn't need it, but I'll def play her even more than I already do lol

timo: I use mirage

KleanShot: Lifeline never needed a nerf. She's perfectly balanced.

Ricecakesmike: Yes lifeline is annoying as hell but I like her and I don't use her It makes you finish your kill it makes the game funnier

SuLu KNE: Fuck Respawn, they just spit in the peoples faces that really play their game over and over again, it’s absolutely disgusting how they handle this game... Why can’t they just concentrate on making bad legends better, I’m getting so tired of this bullshit... Only thing Id nerf a bit is the gibby shield or rework it a bit to where it doesn’t block all shots but absorbs a bit of damage or something like that. I don’t even main wraith anymore, playing wattson only currently but when I hear about these upcoming nerfs I just wanna slap some of these idiots at respawn... They just take everything fun in the game away from u. “You’re good with wraith or path and play them alot and have fun with them? Oh well guess what, fuck you we’re going to nerf them into the ground”...

Ricecakesmike: I think she's good because she goes toe to toe with wraith

Kid Perfect: Wraith

banana man: I dont think anyone needs a nerf more than some characters need buffs. Ex. Loba and rampart, possibly bang

Mr risky: Nerf gibby please

Whaaz GoooD: With Lifeline, I believe the only nerf she should get is for her continuous SHEILD revives. It’s annoying to fight a squad that has a lifeline that’s constantly reviving her teammates an infinite amount of times with that shield of hers. So maybe what they can do is to increase the cool down on her revive shields. Then have it reset after like 2-3mins (which is how long a fight usually last I believe).

Byron Castillo Fong: bloodhound because i feel like the scan is so long

Darne Watson: I think lifeline needs a nerf i feel like her drone reviving ppl is just too good and that should have built in cooldown and gibbys arm shield is to good early game which i think it should scale over time in the game based on the damage he's done to what his current arm shield health or nerf arm shield back to being dookie and reduce the cooldown of the bubble which im sure gibby mains don't want so i propose my first nerf now bloodhound i feel a nerfed is definitely needed and i think making his ultimate that he shouldn't be able scan during the entire duration except when its bout to end for that boost of movement thats he gets he should get a tab bit more not alot and this shouldn't be problem since his ultimate is basically thermal but shown as red and his tracking is still phenomenal while in his ult

D1stone forever: They should nerf gibby for sure an fix caustic

Mikey Rogey: *Your favorite Legends are getting NERFED* Lol mine aren’t

Giurgea Teodor: Pathfinder: big as gibby, low profile💪 Wraith:get a 20%-15% increas hitbox 🥶 Btw: I don't think that wraith need a nerf because if they will remove pathfinder low profile it will be more balance, I think

Giurgea Teodor: Gibby, his dome is so good, his ult is good and the arm shield+fortified+dome picks=OP

Amadou Diop: Mirage needs to get out of here hes so unusefull

Daniel Dume: Bread

Noah: I think wraith is pretty balanced rn. She literally gets nerfed every season. Just bc her stats are high doesn’t mean she is op. I rly felt the path hit box change and it was so bad that I switched to wraith and now I’m worried that the same thing will happen again.

Tajná Nora: I think they need to remove bald wraith skins so that toxic players just stop playing this game because only toxic players play bald wraith

levi: off topic. . . i love listening to u speak bro looool. soothing hahha

Robert Speed IV: Tbh, as a lifeline main, I personally don't want her to be nerfed too much because before she got that quick rez passive, she was frustrating to play because her kit at the time felt like I was a lesser octane(yes I know how ridiculous it sounds but that how I felt at the time). Which is why I was excited for that quick rez passive, because it went from me a selfish legend(just my opinion but the old passive personally felt selfish and op to me) to an actual medic. Since she is the ONLY medic legend in the game, she should have a kit that reflects that goal and the old passive didn't feel right because I had to pick between either rezing my teammates during a gunfight(praying that my teammates that are still up can hold them off long enough for the rez) or try to fight an entire team basically by myself. It was stressful as hell and a few times I almost quit the game entirely. My solution(kind of) to a lifeline rework would be to use a combination of both her passives(her old one and her current one) so that she not only take care of her teammates but her self as well(what good is a medic that can't take care of themselves). I don't know how that would work tbh but it's the best I could think of after playing her character since season 4(which is the season I joined apex). As my opinion on other legends being nerfed, I honestly believe that if they want the game to thrive again that they buff legends that aren't picked as much(rampart, octane, etc.) and balance the top picked legend so that the pros and cons of their tool kit is both faithful to the characters themselves and their gameplay. After all this is a TEAM-BASED game, so the characters should reflect that(in my opinion). Also I personally hate the fact that the basically anounces when you are rezing someone because the moment that it pops up in the kill feed(at least for me anyway), my team gets rushed which sucks since it steals any chance of a comeback happening(again at least for me). That's my 2 cents on the matter. Thank you for reading it through and sorry for the mini rant there...

Brandon LaLone: Dude plp have been yelling nerf life line since rhe drone rez came out

Joshua Locklear: Caustic

Nj Parham: Bread

Florin: Gibby,his gunshield is insane....it needs to have a bleed through effect.Horizon should get 2-5 sec longer cd on her tactical and i think she'd be in a more balanced state.Legends that should be nerfed:Gibby,Wraith and Horizon.Legends that need a huge buff or rework:Rampart,Rev,Octane and Loba

Yoshiju Art: Lifeline needs the nerf I hate her passive revive

Samuel Dixon: Personally I dont think lifeline needs a nerf she has nothing going for her other than the rez her carepackage is useless most of the time and mid game its litrally no point dropping it if they nerf the rez they need to buff her package

Aspekt Gaming: Bro these participation trophy kids scream nerf Wraith play better.If you actually think Wattson needs a nerf..at this point you just need to check your aim.Wattson,Wraith are fine.Im not a fan of Wraith nor is she my main but shes definitely not what she used to be.Ya'll just gotta practice hitting your shots.( BUT YOU WON'T) Most people get scared seeing a wraith for whatever the reason is stop it,she just like every other legend at this point.If anyone needs a nerf it should be Gibby his arm shield soaks up way to much damage.I would say buff Loba fixing her bracelet should be key.It doesn't work 30% of the time may not seem crazy till you throw it and shes waving her finger after you waited ten minutes for her bracelet to drop.

Zeroshape Thrinon: going to make it interesting i hope: To counter OP legends you can also buff others. the only true nerf needed (and a small buff to counter the nerf) is gibraltar Gibby: Gunshield health needs to be dropped and the respawntimer of the gunshield can go a bit up then to counter it or s tiny bit smaller hitbox. Also make damage on gunshield count towards the game damage... Horizon: perfect like she is. Maybe even a drop to 25 seconds on the tactical but nothing more. high winrat ebecause she is userfriendly Watsson: Someone posted a shieldregen for watsson (like the regenfrom octane) and it feels logical. To counter this add low profile Caustic: Perfect like he is. Do like the idea someone posted about changing the barrel color on friendly barrels Rampart: This hero needs some TLC. Basicly her most valuable point is if you get the correct spot. Biggest problems are the long time to setup (and compared to a barrel for that way bigger hitbox of the shield). The gun turret only works in a few spots and often it all takes way to long. Give her a small cooldown (2-3 seconds)on the tactical and replace the minigun to an automated turret that does less damage but gives you a huge threat advantage. Revenant: I liked the last halloween mode so much and still am hoping they make the rev ult a bit more like this. in that case you can make it even a bit longer in duration and force you back to the totem if needed. or make it so you can retake the totem after death so you get a zergling rush that is better to counter but also upps the threat in a lot of situations. LIfeline: Perfect like she is. if there is a nerf: 5 second cooldown after a botrez Path: give the boy something back. but only something small. like better control on ziplines (or not the cooldown they gave everyone) Loba: Increase the bracelet speed .... or let people move more when thrown.. otherwise good enough hero. Crypto: Give the bot when not deployed a small scanrange BEHIND crypto. would make total sense and it is only a small buff Octane: give him better jumpcontrol on jumppads or something. nothing more needed. Mirage, bang, bloodhound are good as they are. if tweaked make it minor. And then finally wraith!: She is fine as she is except for the tiny hitbox when she crouches. an unexperienced player with wraith gets blasted! the player makes wraith at the moment not the legend. counter this by giving them a few other good mobility options. and if you nerf her: then give the exitportal 2 seconds setup time to prevent steals. Although i like them it still is wierd in a way that she can do it.

Dave Marcus: I think it depends on how long it will take for Gibraltars arm shield to heal. If it's not that big a deal like 10 seconds from 8 or something like that then no. Hell still be broken. I feel like lifeline and Gibraltar need to be reworked. I've said it before I've lost to Gibraltars who were less skilled than me but won because of legend choice. And lifeline the only medic not reviving faster or healing faster to me just doesn't make sense. She used to take skill to play. She should have fast heals and revives. And should stay stationary with doc or maybe have it on a cooldown like if she sets doc down to heal and goes to revive it's the same animation as the rest. Or if she does it it takes up the tactical of doc and she cant just spam rev. I honestly think these small changes eventhough some may consider a nerf will bring back a lot of people that don't play lifeline anymore because of the reasons I said. Gibraltar having fast heals and a faster revive to me just makes absolutely no sense. As well as being able to tank a kraber shot every 8 seconds with 0 bleed through damage is just absurd. What do yall think??

Ayush Agarwal: I have the best way to JUDGE A BUFF or NERF using STATS since a month: Suppose you want to judge legend A: just take an individual account take his legend A total damage divide it by his total damage from every legend (or maybe replace damage with kills ) then just add up these number for every apex player ever and they can use this number to compare individual legends. BUT I KNOW IT WILL NEVER GET IMPLEMENTED :( AND WRAITH WILL KEEP GETTING NERFED

gaming with ghost: I dont think horizon needs nerf she is not OP

gaming with ghost: BREAD

gaming with ghost: I would nerf gibby arm shield

iRAID43: As far as Lifeline goes, the shield she drops during a revive should be put on a cooldown once it's used. 15 seconds seems fair. Caustics Gas Traps need to be nerfed. There's nothing more infuriating than when I scan as Bloodhound and see 5 or 6 traps inside a building with a caustic just crouched in a corner. Once they pop they should only be active for 5 seconds. Considering most traps are placed nearby one another, the effect they give stacks. Maybe decrease the radius of the gas too. And then maybe take away Fortified. To any Caustic main reading this, I hope you get third partied in your next match. Just kidding. Only not really.

YaboiSchlongZilla: Lifeline needs to be changed how she was in season four with the quick heals and the manual revive

Paperboi Hudson: I'll nerf Gibby tbh

ImTotallyNotJay _: Caustic he needs a nerf he’s so annoying

ugandaknux7: they forgot rampart

Damin Parish: I'd nerf either wraith or gibby 9/10 times I loose to those in 1v1 maybe the spam rez nerf for healer

psycho 007: Leave horizon alone, nerf gibby, nerf lifelines rez and give her fast healing with items, and increase wraith hitbox and decrease her phase animation. IMO🤔

Sealion God: I think horizon and gibby

boostmymint: Definitely nerf horizon

big man samthefam: I think nerfing wraiths hit box is fine it should be the same as life line.

boostmymint: Nerf Gibraltar’s overall health

Michael Sarkis: guys i think wraith needs a buff to her kit besides increasing the hitbox just like pathfinder im a wraith main :)

Paul Mims: So whoever has the highest winrate needs a nerf? Some legend is always going to have a higher winrate than other legends. A legend being fun can cause high winrate too that doesn't necessarily make them op.

azarelxx3: gibby is the only one who needs a nerf honestly lifeline isn't as bad wraith really shouldn't be touched she's not super difficult to hit her change to her phase makes a pretty even playing field as well as low profile horizon doesn't really need a nerf except maybe to gravity lift that's the only reason she's higher that wraith rn cuz you can spam it loba definitely needs a buff her tactical takes way too long and it has so many restrictions they could have the ability be distance based like pathfinder so it be balanced you can't spam teleports all over the place wattson needs a rework or a buff as does octane who is way too predictable and also another reason why horizon is being put so high cuz the jump pad is pretty much useless now with her tactical and it's too predictable

Mister Dunn: Caustic

Axe Man: I think horizon should be a new wraith (keep her on top) but im just a simple caustic main

azarelxx3: an horizon isnt better than wraith even if she has a higher win rate rn wraith is good in every situation horizon is good in most situations but she's too easily countered and phasing is more effective than gravity lift

azarelxx3: wraith is probably the only one that isnt getting a nerf cuz what would you even nerf or buff she's just balanced rn her abilities aren't too powerful and that talk is bs the hitbox would be asking for trouble it's happened before with a wraith skin they put out who's hitbox was increased

liad martsiano: Brrad

Darth Savior: Lifeline nerf in seasons 8 also gibby shield and caustic gas damage

pathfinder- Hi friends!: "Your faveroute legends are getting nerfed" don't think rampart's getting a nerf any time soon

THS: I don’t like how they nerf characters based on statistics, wraith has a high win rate because many good players play her for her core abilities, nerfing them will just be an annoyance to wraith mains who won’t switch mains and the ones who do will just have a good win rate with anyone else, it’s not the character it’s the players that play her

Cyphen: I feel that if wraiths hit box gets nerfed then they should take out low profile

IAmCorrine: gibby's arm shield def needs fixed. Pathfinder low profile needs taken out since they said they fixed his hitbox. Wraith should get a buff and a nerf if they are fixing her hitbox take out low profile like why is that a thing Absolutely silly.

Memes: Wraith nerf Wattson buff/rework Rampart buff Revenant passive buff Gibby nerf Thats what I want

Anders Haukoos: Nerf: Caustic/Bloodhound/Gibby Buff: Wattson, Loba

conflicc ricks: No nerfs just buff everyone

Shay Bonner: So everyone except rampart and caustic is getting nerfed

Lucas Naidu: Lifeline literally only has abilities that help her teammates and the care package is useless it’s so easy to get purp shield they should nerf the revive but give her a new ultimate

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