Seer NERFED Apex Legends Season 10

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Marc S: Nice call on the music… anytime I hear music from chrono trigger I’m overwhelmed with mis 90s rpg nostalgia.

Coolerthana Frieza: I thought i was the only one who thought things in apex were to loud the guns the annoucer ect but then i cant hear foot steps like how does that make sense

Nachtflut: Something I've seen some people say they would change about Seer is: instead of his tactical canceling healing/revives it should extend the timer a bit or pause the timer for a bit but not straight up cancel.

Gam3zilla: Does Pathfinder show up on the heartbeat sensor?

Su Srinathan: seems like a good balance, nice video man

Adel Longino: Yo I hear that Chronis Trigger music, great music taste

pogijuice9061: He still OP'd. If you take away his interruption tactical and replace it as tactical disabled, I think it should be balanced.

F4rs0t: can you do a ergonomics guide like chair height?

Mordecai: good nerf but I will probably stop playing him

Erik Sanchez: Yea I won’t be playing seer anymore 🤕

Dante Jackson: This video was straight to the facts , definitely leaving a like for that

Dr. Donkey: These nerds are fine, but I think what most people complained about is the interruptions while ressing and popping a bat, Phoenix, and med, maybe allowing interruptions when seer is able to see the target sounds like a reasonable nerf, stoping a res or bat through walls is op.

Sparks: Was worried hed be shit but nah these are good

Jammin Jelly: When Horizon got nerfed (which I agree was a bit excessive on the mobility factor), were there this many Horizon "Mains" complaining that too many people whined?

Qwazy Ale: I miss the fact that when you hit someone with the tactical you cant see the hit marker so you cant fully tell if you have hit someone when you are trying to scan and run

Edgar Acosta: I don’t get why there is such an imbalance of passive abilities in this game. If seer can see through walls why can’t lifeline heal faster

KIDD EVIL: Rip seer.

Trell Lowkey: They messed up seer

SafeBase GD: They also need to lower the health on his ultimate. Id be putting a whole god damn spitfire mag into it just to destroy it.

krkn 2003x: He can still cancel revives and healing???

axus exo: I wonder seer hit you if you try revive or charge shield i still got cancel ?

Weezy Dub: They massacred my man Seer ☹️ and that old school Logic-Used to hate it Beat in the Background tho

Evangel Belmont: To me, the biggest change here is movement while using your tactical. I'm glad they changed that. I'm neutral towards all the other changes cuz I didn't think Seer was OP.

Adit Jatav: What about that 2 sec lockdown on abilities

L: Is it just me or the descriptive text looks like it was translated with a beta film a bad translation software?

6DOUBLE6: Stop bitchin and adapt, they obviously have no plans on getting rid of things

HmMm.: Holy shit FINALLY, you can runaway from his Tactical and it no longer has the flashbang effect, which can be found BTW IN ONLY- Gibby and Bang ult, Arc Star And Rev tactical. And rev tact is TOO small compared to seer tac. Passive still strong, literally crypto but better. Overall, still probably the main meta champ, just less annoying.

Sherio: As a Seer main I have no issues with this nerf. Every can play the game fairly and can stop complaining that the character is op because now you can dodge his tactical. If you get caught in it that just means you're a bad player and should get good at the game.

Anon: I'm good with the nerf. The tactical is what really pissed me off but I'm so far pleased with its nerf.

ItsCobra: He needed a nerf big time

Bailey Leonhirth: Bring back the 10 damage. -_- Basically just nerfed him to non-existance

cha: everyone in here complaining lmao damn, y’all really can’t play against seers. he wasn’t that bad, y’all acting like he’s the grim reaper 💀. he was so easy to counter. y’all complain way too much..🤦🏽‍♂️

Zach Hessler: The worst part of it is knowing where enemies are at all time and, in my opinion, the healing interruption. It’s INCREDIBLY frustrating, and I think he’s gonna continue to be a problem because of that.

45blank: Heartbeat needs to be applied different... some braindead cod shit..

Itzsk8: This nerf was just how to kill a legend 100. When I played him without this nerf I felt the adrenaline fighting a seer as well as playing with him. I’ve never had a problem fighting a seer unless that seer was extremely good. They seemed like normal legends. Seer was the reason I was brought back to the game, forget his “GaME BreAkiNG” gameplay he was just an overall amazing character. This is similar to the death of horizon, my other main. I’m literally stuck playing wraith cuz wraith isn’t getting nerfed. Sorry but I’m not with this nerf, if anything they should’ve just needed the range of the tactical and the cd of the ult, not make him completely underwhelming and in the back lines

HAM: Seer is so effectively easy to use that he becomes an annoyance, every squad has him. now if Crypto was as easier to use, he would be annoying as well but his skill ceiling is so high that either one of two things happen when a crypto is in your squad, 1 You instantly win fights due to the massive info he can provide and if you somehow managed to get eliminated he can get you back up with minimum downtime or 2 Your crypto is an inept neanderthall who is also the most odorous pile of excrement humanity has ever procured.

Ink Rollo: Time for revenge, for all them times Seer killed me with his tactical

cole: yessir

Izzy: if this gets nerfed then why arent valkyries rockets nerfed??

Viddy Games: 10 dmg don't seem like much until you clutch out just to get blasted by a dude three buildings away before you can even shield swap. Glad they removed it.

Raastic: I can see seer getting balanced and my biggest concern is actually not the tactical but the passive. Glad now the passive is not really accurate by having slower beat.

J.R.: While I agree he was slightly overpowered, people need to stop complaining. He made me and I'm sure others enjoy the game again. I thought their character design was getting meh and they was running out of ideas and the legends were boring. I remember when you just had to deal with shit and they didn't update everything and change it every 3 days. Man those were the gaming days because people actually had to adapt, if 1 gun was good then you get that gun, if a fighter had a glitch move learn a way around it. Most ppl complain because they can rat up because of this character!!!!!! How does hiding the whole game take skill smh, get up and fight. Now seer makes that stupid skilless strat obsolete, at least for another week or so until people complain enough they nerf him to the ground and then go back to hiding for placement points or 3rd parties!!! Yay

ShortStreamGamer: Let's be honest we all knew this was gonna happen EARLY. Its for the better.

Josh Does: Worried this will ruin seer.

Josh Does: I think it should deal damage. But not cancel heals.

Josh Does: Huge nerf. Rip idk if ill play him anymore.

Dylan Witzel: Ult should be even longer

Vedishgamingx19: Detonation delay should be 2.0 sec Its gives enough time for players to move aside He is still S tier for me

Benzo Ferarro: I feel like the perfect nerf would be having Forge come back, kill him, and replace him.

Chad Unnering: He still op

Delirium: Time to switch back to BH was a fun run seer.

DevKryz: It took a 3 gb to do this to the game, seems like way to much just for that

VeroMithril: Passive not nerfed enough imo, the spikes accuracy should be related to opponent movement speed and you should be alerted if a Seer detects you

Rizky Ramadlan: How much update size??

Marvel-Dc Jr: Does it still interrupt healing?

Kaoru ßro: Ult range is still ridiculous. No one is fucking crouching in a fight. That thing should only cover a building not the entire training grounds.

Евгений Гун: I still think they should nerf his ultimate size that shit covers way to much area

Dyno Tartartino: I swear everytime a strong legend comes out, there is always complaining and whining about someone OP. Can we go one season without nerfing and get speed up on buffing older legends. It be taking three or four season for a minor buff. Wattson and crypto been needing a buff since like season 4 and still don’t have anything to make them fun. It’s like y’all punish some of us for having fun

Madara Uchiha: After playing him, it feels almost like the blue part of his passive just doesn't work anymore. The blue arrows are barely visible most of the time, especially when using his passive while slide jumping. This has brought him closer to Bloodhound but I feel its an overall negative change.


Weasel3 3: His passive still too good can’t escape/hide he need rework to only track moving target not stand still for bloodhound/crypto there is a chance their scan can miss scan but for seer you just dead his team will hunt you down

Von Doom: While I'm of the opinion the character shouldn't be in the game in the first place, this is still not enough. -The heal cancel needs to go -The heartbeat passive should only work with gun holstered -Scan reduced from 8 to 5 secs Just having an outline and healthbars is more than fair for a tac, everything else can go.

Combat Brony: so after giving seer the life line treatment and nerfing him into oblivion he's no longer a usable legend he has no threat level he's basically a weaker wattson anyone else feel like this is how seer was originally ally designed

Alhadi Ali: It's too much!!!!! Why don't you take out the 6 pack too !!!! It's OP

adxm fnv: *I buy seer* 10m later there’s a fucking nerf

Spencer Millay: I feel like it’s still not enough because scanning people for eight seconds compared to bloodhound who can only do two seconds is dumb. I feel like they should change it to five seconds.

ultraye: What if instead of a reticle for the passive, it reduce sound from outside the AOE and increase the sound in the affected AOE. If the enemy is not moving, then it's pointless. Kinda not how he was made though. 🤔

Sensei Grams: Im a bloodhound main and i still feel bloodhound is more balanced than seer and better

Ash Ketchum: remove hp bar make it like bh scan, leave hp bars on ult

numpy: I'm not really the one to complain about every new character, the meta change and whatnot but Seer was just game breaking. I don't know what they were thinking when they released him.

Th3Gr8Wr0ggi 1: Still broken 🤣

vincible: As a seer main. This is a good nerf but I hope they don't remove the cancel

CubanMissl3: He’s still good just the fact that he can see you from a distance without a scan is still crazy to me why this legend was invented lol

Shmeaty: Love your content bro one of my inspirations to start youtube 💕

youese: wait i thought you said macro lmao

spionkop73: I like seer but I agree that he's way too op

Kintaku93: The move speed nerf on the tactical is gonna be huge. It felt good to do but it was totally broken in my opinion. Sad to see it go but it needed to be done.

mac23806: Lol those wall hacks I know everyone is having a breath of relief now

sparkU: Nice. Time to play apex again.

Contract killa Gaming Jacob: So he went from a legend to shit legend 😂

Ob Dixilis: The tactical ads nerf hurts the most 😪

Brandon Dean: Finally I've been waiting for this

Bigboy: They nerfing this man cause he black 🤦🏾

Rodrigo Gomez: Great nerf I hated the damage and flash bang on his Q….

Toby Allard: "Nerf"

3soteric: For his passive to work I think it would Good if he had to be holstered and his q still needs work

Assassin Gaming: Do u have a discord server if u do please send me a link

ApexPanda365: I think it was worth the wait

Cobra G!: I don’t think the damage or flash takeaway are necessary

CloutBoi_Benji: The fact that he could kill people through walls was OP. Glad they fixed him

ItsJustKenshi: I need them to make his tac only show health bars so he’s like bloodhound with a tac that can be evaded 120 sec is to short for a ult it needs to be 200 se his passive it need to have a timer and only see 25 meters there y’all go balanced?

Kyle Flanagan: Does it still cancel out heals when you get hit by it? If so.. Why doesn't the Bloodhound scan do the same thing?

Ron Weasley: I think apex is one of the more-prone -to-throw-temper-tantrums community ive ever been apart of. Time to release the dead weight. Came in in s8, leavinng in s10 New legends historically have been op on release, no need to get your panties up in a twist and demand devs to be removed just because they changed the game a little less to your liking or some new skins are not to your liking. This cancerous community is going the way overwatch if it doesnt change the way it reacts to changes.


Ian Hargrove: Wowwww

sadboi vibes: Look how they massacred this man

GamingKav: He definitely needs further nerfs, he’s still OP, just not to the extent that he was previously.

AVERY: Bunch of babies in this community

Descipherd TV: I could have dealt with the damage and the flash. But seeing someone for as long and also cancelling any effect is what was broken. The damage was minimal. I mean fuse and Valk have tacticals that do way more.

Nøctum Rex: Hopefully with this nerf no one ever play with him again. Cause that’s what y’all wanted, now this nerf is definitely left him out of the game

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