SEER FINALLY GETS NERFED!! (Apex Legends - Season 10)

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yuvalheadshot gabay: They removed only rhr dmg. The least important thing about his tac. Its really bullshit.its should have been thr stan. I dont anderstand why people where so angry ate it(im not even have seer) 10 damage is around 1 shot ate max range from r99. Its fucking manageble. They instead should have removed the stan thats was bullshit

Yubnub: Apex might be playable again but SEER needs a HUGE nerf coz he is broken as fuck

phoenix f1r3: I wish i was as good as these guys are at apex.. they look like they are having fun. I dont have the skill to have fun :(

LadyM S: Wait is ffxiv hugepwner? Did he change his name? Feel like I haven't seen him for awhile

Kevin Bleich: The charm on that enemies r99 skin looked like a frag grenade from gears... Or a nautical mine I suppose

Wyatt Bender: I think the only thing that made him OP was his tact stopping res/heals, and it wasn’t in the patch notes

King Thanos: covid key chan lol

Ello Oku: I almost get crazy on my first day using Seer after He spoke my language. So Seer's voice actor is from Igbo land Nigeria. That's cool. So I want to use this opportunity to say Dalu, Imela for your videos. Thank you and Jisie Ike.

Matthew Addae- Mensah: Hi Kandy, how did you get your apex loading screens. I've been playing since Season 0 but I've never seen these in game.

XplosiveBunny: yay no more flashbang every 3 second!

mugen: Bro the season just came out and he Getting nerfed already. Every1 bitches at everything

TehNuTTTer: The damage removal is a blessing.

*STREATARD: kandy such a dad compared to the rest of the community

master jedi: just delete the character hes so annoying

Dan Jones: They tickled seer, this is so far from a nerf it's sad. Seer heartbeat range is what needs to be nerfed, otherwise apex might as well be just another deathmatch fps instead of battle royale.

Benco10: It wasn't even a proper nerf I think they should either take away the cancelling revives and heals as well as either making the tactical slightly smaller in radius or only 50 m same as bloodhounds Other idea make blood hounds tactical 75 instead of 50 and make it cancel healing and reviving and do 10 damage to enemy's This seems mad but in good hands seers tactical is pretty hard to miss especially in pred lobbies when ther is 5 plus teams in the final few circles

Brandon Mahony: This is why I quit playing apex they keep ruining the game

aqn01: Please just leave Seer alone. Most of community complain at everything. I'm scared he's gonna end like Caustic or Wattson. :( Interrupts are okay, bcuz that makes him different from Bloodhound or Crypto.

Jared Compean: Who else got triggered when he didn’t kill the bloodhound by the door at 4:30

Ian McCauley: I think the nerfs are fine. They didnt want to remove the interrupt because its kind of part of his character identity i guess and i like that aspect of him. I did think it was bs i could down ppl through walls with it when it did damage so its good they removed that.

raumgehll: *struggles to come up with an example of a virus commomly represented as a ball with protrusions on the surface after a year of COVID-19 pandemic*

bnif: they could’ve gotten rid of just the flash for the tactical.. it did 10 damage

Lil honeyy: I didn’t even get to use him yet😭 and I still don’t have seer

jose garcia: Finally gets nerfed? Just came out lol ok...

Sniper_the_s: I love your videos 📹👀🤪 your the best apex player keep up the good work 💪😆😆😆😆😁😁😁😁

Lepy43: Lifeline revive still good? Funny how it affects gibby’s revive but not lifeline :)

Lewis Adams: Nah you can definitely tell the difference!! Now he fella glitchy as & I understood (would have left him as is) why the nerf but now…..meh not as fun if I’m honest, I’d prefer all legends buffed to that level even though I didn’t think it was as bad as people were saying!

TW MS: I disagree that the reduction of movement speed while holding Q doesn't change anything, especially I'm higher end lobbies because a good Seer would literally run with his Q around permanently and then it's just impossible to not be seen

Rob Bury: i remember getting into a game with you and you were the champion. you were the first to get eliminated😂

Khaled Elsirafy: They removed the prowler from arenas

Mr. TITAN GAMER COD: seer passive got veary bad nearf now its hard to fire tactical to enemy

Xano FPS: caustic got buffed

n1ckwarr3n: what have they done to my boy :(

Xavier M: So I noticed that Seer's FOV zoom in is similar to using a 2x scope now instead of 1.5x. I'm glad his radius was shrunken down to literal close range not mid. Removing the flashing is to prevent epileptics from having seizures.

UselessMango: kandyrewber

Effect Jade: When it said fov for his tactical it meant how much the camera zooms in

Fernando Flores: Lmao bloodhound afk at 4:30

BreadHead808: He almost plays exactly the same, but it feels so much better to play against him.

Saladking: It sucks that the tactical doesn’t do any damage now, not for the damage but the hit marker. I used to always rely on the hit marker to know if the enemy got scanned or not :(

Dorblue: I personally didn't have an issue with his Ultimate, in fact it was the weakest part of his kit which feels weird saying considering it's an *Ultimate* which is supposed to be the strongest ability imo.

Gethin Roberts: When people are in the ultimate it should blink ping people instead a constant live wall hack same with tactical

Apollo Rezonate: Bro being able to full blown run and slide, wall jump you name it while hold out your tsc was nuts. You just run around searching for people.

BinDat Gaming: He’s so dog water now like I personally never abused the the que for the flash etc but he just feels completely gutted like horizon season 9. Now when I play him it just feels like I’m playing gibby and that is not a good feel

Sombrero: The Q slowdown is actually critical. Before the nerf ads'ing had a slowdown penalty but q was closer to sprinting speed, so players could use the passive without slowdown. Slide jumping and ads'ing is still a thing's like they created a nerf and then buffed it already...

36n: the field of view nerf is when you're far away

Plattman 1989: They won’t remove the interrupt. Do that and he becomes a bad version of BH. Remove the interrupt on res but not heals imo

Sabian Pitolo: I can’t tell y’all how many times I had to heal after getting hit by seers tactical!!! There’s literally 25 seers in one lobby he’s way too op

KatharticKilledIt: how the hell do you know sap?

gamer beast: If they remove the interupt from his tac he just feels like a bloodhound

KatharticKilledIt: and that name is just a joke, ffxiv didn't steal anyone's friend, it was atrocious

Jr M: Bruh buff him

DRE TV: Start playing with your fans

Ak47: Cancel should be removed for heals and rez but not abilities. At last 2 rings its unbearable to play with every seer in squad spamming Q. And bring back the 10 damage it really isnt a problem just gives u more assist in ranked

SxldMyKid2Coles: Idk bloodhound might be better now

Konohas Hero: They shouldn’t have touched detonation delay or take his ability to run with tactical that was dumb to me. I can definitely see the difference on the field of view since I was able to locate ppl faster. Everything else I’m find with being removed or nerfed down

Josh Green: very good nerf, im very pleased with this, it exceeded my expectations, I still feel happy to play seer he seems like a fun and interactive character now

LogeyPerogi: Well, at least you don’t take damage from it anymore

dpossberg: No the main complain was the tactical with its blinding and damaging

eugkra33: This not a hard enough nerf. Passive needs reduced 10 yards + 20 yards for moving targets + 20 more yards for low HP.

Stoik The Vast: The fact that the tactical does not damage any more is going to make that the people are just going to tank it an not worry about being scanned any more

Cal Lee: Dude if they got rid of the cancel, it would ruin the character it’s the whole point of the tactical to me. Also you need to play the game to see how nerfed the tactical is. It is definetely much worse now 100% you didn’t completely understand the nerfs completely either

Rowan Angelbeck: In my opinion Seers tactical was rather OP, but you could still deal with it if it weren't for his passive being the most broken part of his kit. Honestly if Respawn had wanted to alter him to make him a more balanced legend they could have made his heartbeat sensor a quick pulse every 4 seconds or so, instead of an essentially constant wallhack. That way you could still get some benefits from quickly seeing where enemies are to use your tactical but you can't use it to simply follow their every move.

cm_exe: Bloodhound is back

cm_exe: From s-tier to b-tier ^^

Jacob Tribal: I can't even play the game anymore... Keep getting code net before legend select screen.😪

Jehyson Sanchez: Kandy over here trying to make it so seer is unplayable ha!🤣

KetZino Nugget: Tbh the way kandy played seer, it seems the nerf didn't affect to the point where he is unplayable and it looks like if you learn how to charge your tactial mid fight, the delay isn't much of a game changer, he still looks pretty viable

Jason Mead: I personally think having interrupt is ok but the interrupt effect needs a 10 second cd so if a seer use tac on a team who is using meds and interrupt it if another seer does it the interrupt will not work

Arv Procyon: about reveal duration, i think its better if we buff other recon legends like bloodhound since bloodhound only reveal enemy like 3 second maybe and not do other thing

rougeilio Uchiha: My friend refunded 26 different Uber eats orders

raspberrymode: He seemed so uncomfortable about that ad.

r r: Now we need a L Star nerf

XanthiumGUM: imo crypto shud be able to interrupt heals, resses with his ult

Lunaria: Kandy videos: chaotic gameplay, chill jazz.

faboo2001: Yeah these nerfs are pretty insignificant. I actually used him earlier today without knowing he got nerfed and didn't notice a thing.

WolfxBarber: @10:11 What "tearing them a new one" looks like lol

JonJon: Kandy please give us the settings / key binds video

Josh Alog: I’m guessing they nerfed the passive by making it take a bit longer for the information to update, it is likely not enough to be honest, but it can be a good step to slowly nerf him and ranther than just dig a grave and throw him there

xavier huaroto: pl,

jacob_lumine: Bro you taking this nerf light af he is hot garbage now

Grungus: Reduced FOV means your actual FOV is reduced when ADS, not that it reduced the radius of the passive.

Andrew P. Roberts: Promocode should've been kandyruber

OG PRIME95: Its you content creators that ruin the game with all you nagging then act all surprised when a nerf happens..just shut the fuck up and enjoy the game.

Axbthegreat: I got hit by a seer’s tactical earlier and I loved that there was no flash, no damage, and no screen shake done to me.

Dead Ass: Still think this legend should be in the game

bugattifetish: Not Uber eats sponsorship 😍😍😍😍 rich king

Javarion2009: No not Siri that’s tough

Bullrog: Seer’s nerf = Nothing.

onekingdom1: Rip seer

drabhydra37: What happened to Kandy,boom, and pwnr

Austin Jones: What happened to the vid talking about warzone people coming to apex?

Dtyler171: Canceling res and heals is still awful for sure. I did see less seers today, but he's still a bloodhound with a better passive even if they remove the res and heal cancel

astroxenox •: The 10 damage was a problem, but it was a kinda rare thing to be knocked by it.

Giant Onions: Uber eats? More like no benefits

Derp Fox: Hallelujah

J. Rivera: Kandy! You have to share with me that wallpaper with Bloodhound, Rev, and Wraith.... Please!!!

Jason Lowrey: Now seer is cursed😂😂😂😂

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