Wattson is OP and NEEDS to be NERFED.. (Apex Legends Season 9)

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ᴍaᴛᴛʜᴇᴡ ⥁: Watson needs fast shield regen identical in time to Octane’s health regen

Lucy: Wouldn't touch her except have her sheilds recharge faster

_Jack Richard: 9:00 企係度俾你Eva 8😹

nekohelena: Wattson rework idea: Fence cool down decreased Shield recharge increased 5% Ultimate also works as a heat shield (taken from top comment credit to them)

louville314: Jaankz I luv u bro but u gotta stop using these clickbaity ass titles... I feel lik they done nerfed hella characters bc of u smh

Tyler Bennion: Faster shield regen for sure but either the fences need to do more damage and stun effect, or her pylon needs to slowly zap enemy shields too or something. After all, she’s the only one with a suit to protect her from the amps and volts. Makes sense that it would have an adverse affect on enemies

Pancake Potato: My puffs would be the following 1.) remove the timer from the alt since crypto can destroy it or make it where crypto only destroys the alt and not the fences 2.) her “q” should decrease the time 3.) give her fortify since she is a defensive legend like gibby and caustic. 4.) make her shield regen faster and to not make this op have it where when she is in her alt the auto regen gets disabled so players don’t just stand in there alt and have fast regen and alt regen 5.) give the tactical a little more health 6.) give her alt regen a little faster so it’s actually viable 7.) make it where zone damage dosnt affect wattson shild regen and able to regen in zone since atm she doesn’t regen shild if she is in the zone taking damage What do you guys think of my puff?

Profound Consciousness: Idea: Weapons that can charge up (peacekeeper, triple take, repeater) charge even faster or instantly, either as her passive, or while within range of her ult.

Fitz the Photographer: shiv FPS

Sealed TugBoat: Idk maybe for every bar of shields worth of damage she does she gets a fence back? Fits the shield-theme while also encouraging a less passive play style.

Scratched 9: Faster fences recharge and and more damage

Snoopy: Wattson is in need of a SERIOUS buff which would be shield recharge speed. The speed it’s at now it’s like it’s not even there 😭

l Am Trash: I'm a wattson main and I will love her always

Joshua Colwart: idk what you mean by op shes prob the most boring legend

Niko L: Honestly I’d like to see the fences work like hive from bo3 and her ultimate as well as passive heal shield like octains health also for all the damage you do and items you block it increases the shield regeneration but don’t put a nerf maybe for tanked but it’s good to have more than one “fun” legend and this would make it to were you can have fun playing in bad situations, to be useful while still allowing you to be more aggressive and PLEASE add MORE good Watson skins with first POV in mind and anime camos like there are so many people who could do that job for you just ask

DEATH TO THE MPLA: *Gets kill with 99% alternator damage* WaTtSoN oVeRpOwErEd

The Ghost Of Viper: The devs know how much we want a wattson buff but they just don’t care really

Cyanide: Bro change the title before people think Wattson is actually good and she doesn't get buffed.

Armani Danembaye: A nerf and buff is if her shields just completely take off shields like the star

Devin Conner: I think what would make her the best version of herself, without making her op would be making it to where her fences do a good amount more damage to shields and the same damage that happens now to HP.

HALO 98: No janks is op and need to be nerfed

Sebastian Castro: Personally as a Wattson main i think that it would be so cool if they changed the pylons to pods and you can place the pods on walls and ceilings. Or they make a change to where the fences get a buff and when the player is tagged with the fence there is a little damage boost.

colin f: Do you think he has crouch on hold, or toggle?

pancake: Geez man 1948 dmg and 8 kills of drop man that was huge

j w: When she goes down she give an electrical pulse that stuns enemies within a certain radius. Kinda like martyrdom in cod.

janoke: Is it me or does chicken seem off? Kinda sounds down.

Gravity Crush: Often I come up with buffs for characters. This is my idea for a Watson ult rework, and anyone can help out with this. Her trophy system for the most part would stay the same, destroying any throwables, but with arm slots, that would attach a wrist band to you allowing your armor regenerate while also being mobile. This would also make you think ( should I leave the trophy or be more active )

xXxassmonkey69xXx: stun turret would be annoying to fight against

Richard J: Let her ult give her fences a slight damage buff or something

nvmsqrd: your aim needs a nerf

Salvador Rodriguez: Should be able to charge her shields with cells/bats slightly faster than other legends as a passive ability

AW Wolf15: Watson best buff could be that she deals more damage with energy weapons. Btw plz apex bring back Disruptor Rounds.

THOMAS LAKE: The things that needs to be nerfed is your aim

Team Hustle-ACIDHUSTLE55: You dont play much with chicken any more u all used play alot it was fun u all had a good thing now it seems diffrent chicken not as excited like he used to be

Keshang _Laow: Nah bruh wattson is trash

JOHN VINCENT REMOLLO: She should give shields after reviving teammate

Deondre Green: Watson's ultimate should do tickle damage to enemies that are closed

Chris Chaucer: Chicken doesn’t sound to turnt up like how he used to 💯

Bailey Litton: My personal opinion on Wattson: As a defensive legend her defensive ability (the fences) are too clunky and slow to use in the middle of a firefight. In the heat of battle you would much rather any other defensive legend because all the others can place their amped wall / gas trap / bubble quickly to help defend their team or provide some other utility. As a wattson your lucky if you can manage to quickly place one beneficial fence in the middle of a fight. And thats because her current tactical is meant more for a team who is camping a spot and is setting up a defense. And if thats the niche they want wattson to fill then I'd say don't even bother changing her. She will just continue to be unpopular. But I think she should get some more love and certainly deserves a change / buff. If I were buffing her I would only focus on the tactical simply because her ultimate and passive are in a fine spot. So here's the change I would make to the tactical. I would add two "modes" of placing fences. For the purpose of explanation these modes will be called "manual" and "quick place". The manual mode will be exactly how wattson's tactical is now(placing individual nodes and connecting them). The "quick place" mode will do exactly as the name suggests. It will allow wattson to place fences more quickly. It will be quicker because this mode will allow wattson to place two nodes at a time(so basically a whole fence in one click). In "quick place" mode the game will detect if there is a door, entrance, opening, etc that can be fenced off. Then simply by aiming in the direction of said door / entrance wattson can place a whole fence blocking off that door / entrance with one click. It would work similarly to how placing ramparts walls work. They could provide a button that allows wattson to toggle between the two modes. Just an idea but I think the "quick place" mode for her fences would make her much more versatile and viable as a defensive legend especially in fast-paced, intense fights.

James Allen: Best buff they could give wattson is give lifeline her fast heals back✊

deathlineee24: Even if it’s a joke don’t say nerf

Fernan Agranum: buff his passive when she's near to her fence there's additional shield regen to her, and when she revive teammates there's additional 25 shield to the revived teammates since her role is a support

Ben Haight: One great buff would be the ability to use friendly throwables while within interceptor range

Rebecca McKinley: Shhh she doesn't need to be nerfed what you talking about

OneEyeWilly 3: Watson ult could slow and do 10 dps if enemies are in radius???

i wasted my name change: is there a vid about your settings?

Tyler L: her ult shouldn't stop friendly outgoing grenades as well

Dalton: Should be able to chuck a single fence. Could throw it into the middle of a team, at a door etc. obviously cannot throw a huge series of fences, but one at a time certainly seems fun.

E Thxer: The Wattson thing pisses me off. They're literally talking about buffing a guy who's tactical zones out an entire area with damage and vision piss, but her fences that are half as useful (at best) are fine? Everyone can point out what's weak about her kit but they can't point out what's OP... yet she's OP because 5 people worldwide play her and manage to win fairly often.

Victor Magela: An interesting one, should be an shield regen or skill/ult raise when she's reviving someone

Omni Priest: The could take her shield recharge away and make it were it givers her evo points instead or you get more evo points for the damage you do. They could make it were shield cells give her 1.25 of her shield back

Hughplayz gamez elatico: How about buff her shield Regen a bit faster

Pachicho Hachem: Do u remember that mode of healing circle I think that Watson should have a timer for her shield and increase the shield tic . I suppose its tic

riceybrandon: when she revives a teammate, wattson and the teammate get 25 shield each, and when paired with a gold bag, they get 75 shield each.

Ethan Bowers: Personally I think that there’s a couple things they could do with her. Like Rampart with LMG’s maybe all energy weapons she could receive extra ammo in the mags of the weapons. Or even give her more fences. Maybe boost her shield regeneration speed

#FunnyLove: Allows her to place fences on the ceilings of buildings.

Johnny Rodriguez: I think a good buff is she has a grenade of lighting

Adonis Brown: Stop the cap

Brooks Burris: I can only watch your videos with the volume muted

Brooks Burris: Shut the hell up she needs a buff

Korey J.: If you revive as Watson she gives shields as well since she shocks you back to life... just a thought

L05T M3M0R1E5: I would buff her recharge for shields and take away her fences and change it out for a small buff for her and her team so they can all recharge at a faster rate for 6-7 seconds

Brownie TE: her hit box makes it up for her below average abilities. I dropped 2 20 bombs in a row on her the other day

itzjullian20: I would make it where her ult charges weapons like the sentinel and alternator to give them disruptor rounds, but it takes time for it to charge. Also I think her nodes should be disrupted by gas and not destroyed.

n/a n/a: Omg! Stop saying everything and every character needs a damn nerf! Streamers have ruined the damn game!🤦🏾‍♂️

Ethan Gutierrez: As a passive for Wattson she should take less/ reduced damage from the storm since she says she created it

nope: Wattsons fences are so garbage, damage they do is little to non. I remember seeing an octane run through fence after fence after fence on training grounds. Wow did that put it in perspective. There are multiple things that could buff Wattson, but it's so hard to not make said buffs op. Making the fences reconnect WAY quicker? Making the damage actually noticeable is good, but too good and people will abuse the shit out of that. The ultimate is pretty much perfect for projectiles and recharging. Base shield recharge maybe increased to Octanes health recharge speed? It's so negligible that in an average speed game you HAVE to use batts or cells and literally cannot rely on recharging as a viable tool. Maybe if you have a round of nothing going on, sure. There's an issue where you can literally spawn the ult on top of yourself and the ult takes damage for you cos you're clipped inside. Maybe having her be able to generate energy ammo over time? Could be dreadfully slow or just semi-slow. Sometimes you might literally find no ammo for a gun for literally majority of the game, it'd be cool to have her be able to generate ammo for the lstar or havoc for example.

Jaheal Watkis: Shield faster and then make it that ultimate accerlation are seen on the map for wattson or give her 5% less damage

CartierChapo: BRO ARE THEY SERIOUS ?! I haven’t played since mid season after first ranked . Just couldn’t do it anymore & it seems things are getting worse . NERF WATTSON ? .. NO BUFF WATTSON . Fences need to do more damage , like damn near rip off shield completely cause like .. you really ran into a Wattson fence you deserve having your shield completely stripped . Buff her pylon , enemy team comes within range their shield gets drained & yours grows 2x the speed . ( mid / end game ) this would be LETHAL . BUILT IN TURBOCHARGE . BRO SHE LITERALLY CREATED THE HAVOC . GIVE HER BUILT IN TURBO Like come on Respawn , use ya’ll damn brains . PLEASE . 🤦🏽‍♂️

Saiful Azly: rejoice wattson mains , there's a chance

Colby W: Maybe when she revives a downed teammate, they can have their shields recharged a little bit? It would make sense as her revive animation shows her zapping them with electricity

O'Brian Greaves: Faster shield charge, place fences from father distance so could almost throw them out

John Finegan: "The devs do be lookin' " Jankz is a dev?!?

6x9 Plus 6 plus 9 equals 69: I think they should make the ult have a heat Shield not block her and not block her teammates grenades and supers

Ethan Helscher: Make Wattson have a passive like Ramparts, but for energy guns? just a thought

Majin Koi Fish: Me looks at the title: HEY WAIT MAN ITS NOT THAT BAD

Cameron Shackelford: Give her shield regen same as octanes current health regen. And prolly make her fence cool down faster but not by much

Soft Reset: Anyone ever notice that when wattson heals she had electricity coming from it, just give her fast heals and I'm sure everyone would be happy

ELECTRIC PHIL13: Fences to proximity mines. Everything else stays the same. I would have the hold that charge damage for 3 secs. Also have her same ult recharged the mines close to the ult.

Samuel Razidlo: I think it would work if she got a fast sheild recharge in her ultimate.

Josh Presbury: i think she either needs a buff or rework to her ultimate, i don’t really get the passive, and think it should be reworked

ScottieTv: Imagine saying a player that’s made to CAMP is OP🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

Crazykerv: Nobody uses wattson so it don’t matter

WolverineGaming: I'd like to give her so she regen shield at the same speed as octanes hp and when she revive she give like 50 shield increase hp in her fence, give her a more fences and like de default is when she is buffed by pylon and mabye increase total fences with pylon by 50% make so when she uses heat shield it has 50% more hp it might make her broken but she should be a beast inside and so should caustic

Visionary Gaming Group: I think they need to nerf how high rev can climb, it is beyond ridiculous ..

Drew Rogers: Chicken sounds so depressed. We can't have that

ATF 1211: So you know how sometimes when she places her ult she says “eye of the storm”? I think it would be nice if they gave her the ability to see the next ring location or be like a mini heat shield. Especially since she designed the ring. Anyone else feel free to add on to this

X - Fighter: The best buff for Watson is to give her the ability to throw two fences at the same time. Making her more able to fight like caustic, Gibraltar and even rampart. Most Watson player focus on the fences even in the middle of a fight so just like lifeline getting her back into the fight seem like the best buff for her. I feel like everything else is ok just don't take away her slow lol. Do y'all agree?

Dreolio _: I'd give wattson the ability to instantly heal 30% of her teammates shield at the cost of 60% of hers

MaDaRaWaRiN 7: reduced zone dmg would be legit i mean she made the ring system after all . removing ring dmg of her would be kinda op

Toury Baskerville: Her shield needs to recharge like octanes health n she’ll be perfect

Radosław Walkowski: I think giving her 6 nodes instead of 4 could be a good change, every other defensive character can block 3 doors easily (rampart, caustic). But it wouldn't make her more fun to play, which is a big problem

Dana Richards: Wattson is being nerfed not buffed lol apparently the respawn team thinks she is to strong its stupid I wish we could go back to other season 3 or season 8

oksaukko: Since she has a unique res animation she could give 25 shield when ressing normally and 50 shield when ressing in the radius of her pylon 🤔⚡️ A small nerf with this could be a longer charge time on the pylon.

Maggie Rains: I would make the fences invisible to enemies

Dan Wiley: Jesus christ man. That is some shit! You destroyed that lobby!

Sandra Davis: Make it she can only place one ultimate at time not 3 but her ultimate gives you and your team energy ammo if someone is using energy

Sandra Davis: Make it she can only place one ultimate at time not 3 but her ultimate gives you and your team energy ammo if someone is using energy

john carter: Ult charges all 🛡 gibbys arm and rampant shields

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