NEW Legend Horizon Gameplay - ALL ABILITIES! - Apex Legends Season 7!

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Stylosa: Oh lord how embarrassing! I got completely confused with impact and fall damage - sorry guys!

Elton John: There is no fall damage so what is giving this passive? I dont understand that ://

Fredrick Eason: lol i thought they added fall damage

SansCat 469: At this point, Apex is just rendering octane pretty much useless. He's like the second to worst or worst character in the game.

CriS Campos: Bad review

Morty: Damn stylosa, it's been so long since i watched you last time!

Adel Johansson: You talk way to much Jesus fck just show the abilities of the new legend

Amaritsu: Since when did you take fall damage in apex...

Mazen Khaled: No the ultimate if it is thrown on you it warm you similar to greandes

Hinouga: Imagine a team of Wraith, horizon and caustic. Wraith pop her ult to enemies den, followed by horizon black hole to force enemies into portal, while the other side of portal there is caustic waiting with a ton of gas,, now thats a crazy moment

Booper Trooper: There is fall damage

Zoner Red County: Are we not gonna talk about 5:22

GoAltF4Yourself: I see Zary- er I mean Horizon is gonna be very powerful for squad vs squad encounters

Emerald Archers: Bro there isn’t any fall damage in the game bro

TheLeoOrtiz: Since when does Apex have fall damage? Why does he keep mentioning it

Lolo Mendoza: I love you laugh man 6:15 🤣🤣🤣


Proximarick: Horizon new main!

Willy Wonka: Sell out

Love The Batman: Lol. Fall damage.

Jack Hanlon: This legend is shit and there's no fall damage in the game anyway man don't ruin this game 🤦‍♂️

704Skies: Tbh she needs a buff she a very good transitional person but her ultimate is trash Nd do no damage it should at least drain armor or sum that would rlly be a very worthy ability. Am I right or wrong ?

manjula t: Fortunate player acquired Fall damage 🤫

crimson286: Does he not know there’s no fall damage in the game? I’m confused

Brandy Benn: Maybe it’s just me but I learned that with Horizons black hole is that if you throw thermites into it and an enemy is stuck in it, it really hits them for a lot of damage.

Chris Hall: Yo, not all youtubers look at a script for their videos. If you play apex, you know he was clearly talking about how she doesn't get slowed down when she falls from high places but everyone else does. Jeez smh

Cayo: soooo, no more octane huh?

Jhoden Jaymes: Fall damage? This ain’t fortnite bruv

john cruz I: The thumbnail makes horizon look like an overwatch character

George van Vuuren: this guy is a joke he never play apex

Papa Scott: Yeah bro Apex doesn’t have any fall damage to begin with😂

Gary Lam: You literally didn’t get a single full kill.

Gary Lam: Dude I think your just bad. No offense. But yeah. But yeah... but ye but yeah I done

electro energy: Wattttt u take fall damage now I literally left apex for 1 season wtf

Idk I’m just bored: Her abilities look cool but it seems like it would give away her position bec it’s so big and blue

Da'Von Davis: Add me my ign is Jupotor on Xbox

Pro Joker: What is he talking about we never took fall damage unless they added fall damage to the new season

Adam Bustos: This game blows... I really don’t understand the hype.

AgentPanda 75: I don’t think there was ever fall damage so don’t know what your talking about

The Punisher: One thing I hate in Apex is that sniping just sucks. There are no good sniper rifles, the only good one is Kraber which is obviously not that much available. Apex is a really fun game but the bad sniping experience really kills it for me at times.

are Underrated: "Look at that momentum" Titanfall 2: Am I joke to you?

ysuerthundergod: Wtf this q. What is Octane’s ultimate even anymore

SargentGhost 761: There is no fall damage in apex

apex is too fun :-): Like you're skin tho

apex is too fun :-): Fall damage apex :()

Usif Nawar: Theres no fall damage in apex legends

is me: At least play the guy you do a review on

Msaas: Her new skin is ass

Everyone: Fall damage in Apex? Did I miss something? lulz

Bippity Rain: It only does that for horizon the black hole is inescapable for anyone else

You’re Wife’s Boyfriend: Yo Gibby, Rampart, and Lifeline on a Trident will be insane. Rampart rips people apart with it and whenever they take too much damage they just turtle up and scoot away

Avelino Cargile: I think her with Watson and rampart might be deadly

TheNexus: Sty you never get fall damage but u get a movement penelty fore a second if u fall from high stuf and her pasif wil noth give you thw movement debuf

unsto pablo: Literally EVERYONE that has played at least 25 games of Apex knows theres no fall damage.. and this guy gets sponsored by EA for an Apex review.....

Peppe Coonen: Yes please play apex

Jack Verlinho: ... No fall damage on Apex? Great passive ability... Lol

Katherine Le: I can’t play for some reason

ITZ INS4NITY: Im confused you dont take fall damage in the game anyways??

JJ The video game master: There is no fall damage in apex

Ayan Jan: Imagine putting 5 rampart shields, and then her turret on the trident

Black Vaporeon: Stylosa I love you but please delete this video. Some legends have immunity to their abilities like Cryptos Ult and Caustic’s gas which could explain her ult not pulling her. Also you don’t take fall damage at all in Apex Legends, period. Thats beginner level stuff. Again love your channel but there’s abit of misinformation in this video...

Preston Wyatt: There is no fall damage in this game, landing stun duration...

Sweaty317pLayer: U don’t take fall damage at all in apex legends but u do get stunned when jumping from height

A7PHY: Who else trying to decide if they should wait to buy her or just buy a legendary gun skin.

Sane Sushi: He plays overwatch not apex. At least not recently. There’s no fall damage. Her alt sucks you in.

spenzee: I havent played since season 3 or 4 not sure

x_x: you should stick to overwatch you don’t even know how the game work.

Shibsundar Roy: Where is the season 7

St. Minstrel: fail damage explained in 19 minutes

Vagabond Jon: There is no fall damage but there is a movement penalty for falling from extreme heights

Matix Gaming: I was waiting for a map like oasis from overwatch and got it.

Justin Perea: I got back into apex in season 6 and it’s been incredibly fun

phoenix _ break: Y is it when i started apex a needed to accept some terms

Connor Dean: What I gather is her ultimate is good for the fact it inhibits movement in a game that is about movement. The ult pulls in quick when the ultimate starts. Other than that idk.

Mistory Lex: The update for the season is going to take years!!!!!

suprafast 12: delete all of ur comments that has to do with fall damage bc he say it was a mistake in the chat

SehzdeSultan: I’ve seen other YouTubers saying pathfinder can’t even grapple out of her ult, but you can walk out of it so.. 😂

Beqa Nozadze: ah i don’t rly like her abilities, i will stick with loba, cars are a bit uncomfy but still, apex always dors great job. can’t wait...

Spiked-Wall Man: Oh, this game still exists? The last time I played that game, I got the round with a mate, a leaver and 2 kills. Game's stupid.

Z872ak: The only reason you’re not staying in her grav is because your playing horizon and it’s your ult that you threw so you can walk out of it

LeCatization: I didn't expect Horizen to have such a long up time for her tactical, it's practically on par with Octane's Stim.

SrgN1TEreap3r _: Finally you look at a game I'm top 500 in

Kevin br: Wow in my opinion this legends tactical is pretty lame.

V WorldWide: I think her suit protects her .i think it is more powerful to enemies the ult

DADDY: bro it does suck you alot it doesnt suck you that much if its your newt

DADDY: you dont take fall damage wtf is he talking about

WillOWisp: I didn’t even know you could take fall damage in Apex...

nOT BคвyrØs乇: fall damage isn’t even a things so what tf is talking about when he exited the rift thing

MacGamesandVlogs 2019: There is no fall damage but when you impact the ground you normal get stunned for a second but with horizon she slides when she impacts the ground

Ryugen: I remember losing a game yesterday because the final zone was past this high ground and we couldn't get up to it so we got 2nd place because they had a pathfinder who grappled away. Thanks horizon, we love you

MostlyPhrog: Geesh how many comments about no fall damage? We get it lol he got confused and corrected himself in the comments relax

AC Owl: Fall damage?? Lmao

Oneshot_ C: You don’t take damage at all

Goldnever Stops: I wanna understand wdym by fall damage bruh there isn't even fall damage

MBs. Rei666: Okey so I have no problem with his channel but why do people like him get early access For a game they never play and he clearly doesn't play it since he thinks there's fall damage..I'm just confused I'm sure there's people out there who deserve early access more

medusawontlookatme: Since when did you start taking fall damage in Apex?

TheSansomeMenace: I like your content but there's countless Apex content creators out there that deserved this opportunity to cover Season 7 than someone who doesn't even play Apex.

MightyOwl: they added fall damage??! fuck that, not coming back then

Storm Avakin: Fucking love the cars, love the new updates

Andy Botwin: It feels like it just needs to suck you a bit more! 😁🤣🤣🤣

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