Cobra Kai: Season 4 Set Up Explained

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m: The show has been predictable but I still love it!

Aggiesfan12: I’m so hyped for season 4!

Tim S: I’m expecting Cobra Kai students to rush into battle yelling “COBRA!!!!”

brickmasterMAEproductions: The theory with chozen is good and I would like to see chozen fight somone like Terry silver or kreese but of you remember chozen teaches miyagi do in Okinawa he said so himself

Charlie Mcallister: I realized something Daniel and Johnny will win the tournoment because if u look in the tiny teasers for the tournoment u can see that Miguel is actually wearing a cobra kai geu

Alfie Price: Imagine it’s not silver and is Mike Barnes?

Aleksander Tarkowski: I think Daniel gonna call chozen

Brain power: ngl the house fight didn’t top the school fight, but it was still good

John: They're sure milking this franchise.

Jose Reyes: Tory and Robby will redeem themselves this next season

Gavin Spiller: If anything hawk should be going against Robbie at the end because he’s clearly the best fighter

Zyron: What I think the tourney would be if the girls were in to that Miguel would win kyler would go against Miguel in the semis and Miguel will beat Robby in the finals and hawk would lose by Robby and the girls Tory and Sam that Sam will beat Tory but lose to a girl that joins cobra Kai and that girl would lose to miguel

Sam Bachand: The guy Kreese called is defiantly the weird guy in the third karate kid who did the thing with his hands lmao “woaa woaa woaa”

Sam Bachand: The guy Kreese called is defiantly the weird guy in the third karate kid who did the thing with his hands lmao “woaa woaa woaa”

taye watson: Get Leo Howard

taye watson: We need jake

Pistol Pete79: Chozen!!!!!

michael l: I don’t know. If it were me, then I would set things up to have Daniel cross to the other side and join Kreese and ina jealous rage stab Johnny in the back. So much intrigue could come of it.

Brainiac Boy: My season 4 prediction: Johnny, Chozen, Daniel VS Mike Barnes, Kreese, and Silver

Bikes and Stuff: If u think about it Sam has never lost to tory

Tyscene Jones: Yes please!! Bring back Chozen!! Chozen's war style is their only hope especially if Terry Silver returns. To see Chozen come to the USA and save Daniel will be epic!

Zachary Lee: So excited For Season 4 😁

Efe Birinkulu: Kreese one suit of armor later: “I am za Shredder!”

Chris KeLO: Kreese isn't the one who said "Put em in a Body Bag"

AA WW: I think Miguel won’t participate in the all valley even though he’s training at miyagi do, i feel like something will happen that will prevent from Miguel from winning the tournament against kreese and Robby.

Alfred Wong: Ayesha's not coming back

Florida: When they finally do the last season, We want to see a happy ending for Johnny!! Also I want a new action movie called "Badass" featuring William Zabka!! He's payed to rescue people.

Oli Velasquez: “Who else are they gonna call?,Hillary swank from karate kid 4”😂

Slimshadow457: My theory is that in the future if we ever get an epilogue or something it’ll be Sam and Miguel running a new Myagi Dojo with an Octopus as the logo.

Ashwin: Can't wait for a battle between Miguel vs Robby 🔥🔥🔥🔥

The milk Man: Calling it now the final fight in the torny will be a rematch between Miguel and Robby where Miguel will DESTROY him

felicia felicity: i cant wait for season 4 next year i love the cobra kai series and the the karate kid movies

DNZ: Is this show good because from the clips I’ve seen it looks absolutely terrible. It kind of looks like a Nickelodeon show aimed at 13+ year olds.

Robert Sloan Jr: Cast someone whao knows karate

youtube ice1: Mike Barnes Jr appears?????????????

Michelle Gold: Id like to see the creator take a shot at a remake of 16 candles. That would be fun as heck! Total opposite action-wise though.

Dreezy KO: Hopefully Tory beats Sam in the next season. She seems like the better fighter but somehow always lose. Miguel should also still be going through some type of healing process still.


360 Entertainment: I honestly still think the School Fight was better than the house fight but that fight between Daniel and Johnny facing Kreese was amazing!

Prestige Shogun: Would love to see Chozen join forces with Johnny and Daniel.

Lauren Foldenauer: i hope it’s hawk and robbie against eachother at the all valley that would be crazy

c00lkidvirus: feel like eagle fang and stuff deserve it’s own series and there’s a new stronger other karate dojo which cobra Kai got shut down or something

AasaBrother 0160: I hope Mike Barnes comes back

Craig Burbery: Kreese looks such a bad ass for an old dude,70 years old legend

Patrick Moore: Krease doesn’t say put him in a body bag tommy says that  And said it in the original

Allen Chu: I agree...they need to bring Chozen back. Chozen can train both Daniel and Johnny. He can show them the way. Make it happen!!

Colby Halterman: I hope they call it miyagi kai

sanjaystarbai Liliah: Dude there is only 2 dojo’s now because Johnny and Daniel has there own dojo together now.

laura BOOTHROYD: Put cobra kai season fourth put on Netflix I like it

Adi Kabir Khan: ok here is how i see it, miyagi do and eagle fang mainly have miguel dimitri samantha and hawk AND they may be taught by chozen as well plus daniel and johnny need to settle their differences cobra kai have robby and tori BUT they will be taught by kreese and possbily barnes and silver there may be a chance that robby joins miyagi do/eagle fang due to the techniques of barnes and silver. and miguel needs to trade up because of his injury. kreese might teach tory to cheat in the all valley so WHO KNOWS

willzy75 Rivero Ranger: as much as i love the show, the fight scenes involving the children are over the top..getting headbutted and kicked in the stomach is enough to put most men down, yet the girls just keep fighting lol

12Bluevenom: I had no idea I needed this show lol

XEvilSpaceBokO: I lowkey wanted to see chozen fight krease 😂😂

Kaaws: i think shawn is gonna come on cobra kai (the prison bullyer of robby)

David Shimamoto: the final fight from season 3 made the final fight from season 2 look like a bitch slapping contest

Peter Golding: What happens if none of them win

Yogesh Pradhan: There were 2 person in the photo with kreese one was Terry silwer but who was the second person ?I think that second person will come back because kreese had saved his life in Vietnam 🤔

Yogesh Pradhan: In season 4 Anthony will learn karate and defeat all fighters 😂😂

smoked clan: i swear I love this show

Christopher Cravens: Is season 4 the last season of cobra Kai????

B. W.: If they don’t bring in season 4 soon it’s gonna be OPEN SEASON. ON HIM.....(points finger) AND YOU.

B. W.: The school fight reminded me of the riots of 2020.

God_Gave_Me_Grace V: Screen rant has their stuff all Robby isn’t Daniel best student that would be his own daughter first she has more years under her belt then Robby. it’s Sam, Miguel then Robby and if anything hawk could more deadly thus Robby hurting Miguel his best friend but Miguel is the better fighter

Venom: Well the 1 thing I am hyped about is hawk demitri Miguel and Sam will be fighting together ( Eagle fang and miuagi do has joined forces ) but it would still be nice if robby made up with Daniel and Jonny ( so that Miguel and Robby could fight together instead of against each other) and joined miyagi do and eagle fang 👊

Charles Spencer: Demetri wins the All Valley!!

Trey Coroa: Amazing show. So predictable like wwe lmfao. Can’t stop watching tho🔥

kennysWRLD: Robby is gonna get mad at Miguel over Sam just like Johnny did to Daniel and Robby will lose to Miguel in season 4 and they will forgive each other

Kyle McKay: they should redo the best of the best movie that is an underrated movie

Evan Groeneveld: Just like Daniel robby is gonna turn back to de good side of de karate

The Free Lottery: I think its set up for robbie to wi, not sure where the story goes after season 4, you don't want to over do it.

steelerfreak1977: Good lord I’m glad you don’t write for the show.

Slothy Playz roblox: "Hawk is tricking them because" he said friends and close enmeys are closer "whatever it was he's tricking them I think."

Mop Krayz: Who wants to see The Adventures of Silver & Kreese ?

Devante Rhodes: Wait wait wait wait wait what happened to the boy that was daniel son what happened to him

Theodore Carter: Aisha training with Stingray? But I thought he was not allowed to be near kids anymore after the school fight.

Andrew Edmund: 5:08 I thought that was Tommy's line.

Broncos Country: So no spoilers I am on season 2

Tnemom Hurb: The show is predictable sometimes but I won’t miss an episode it’s toxic

Edgar R: The season will be focused this time on the Cobra Kai dojo. Kreese will brainwash and convince Robby. He will get a flashback on season 4 which will convince him to be a true Cobra Kai. Kreese will also be the father figure for Robby and Tori. They will be the main characters in Cobra Kai. Terry Silver will support them financially (He is a billionaire) and might be the next leader since Kreese is getting older. Mike Barnes will also train them. Robby will also recruit his old friends in season 1 and the one he fought in the correction facility. This season will make Cobra Kai dojo grow and be a total badass. This will be a great entry for the next seasons. Meanwhile, Daniel and Johnny won't get along at first but there is a big chance that they will. I hope Ali still comes back but have this thought after watching season 3 that she won't anymore. Just my expectation after watching season 3

Xaiver dunson: If their wasnt plot armor hawk would of easily beat Robby

Kevin R: Does Johnny still smoke weed? In the original movie, he was rolling a J in the bathroom stall. I wonder if that will ever be addressed in the show?

Yasir Khairzada: Personally, I want to see Hillary Swank (From "The Next Karate Kid") appear in either season 4 or 5 just outta nowhere. She can teach Sam stuff that Mr.Miyagi taught her. Also, she and Daniel can co-teach as they are student siblings of Mr.Miyagi

Pacey Cione: I think kreese will lose the All Valley but since they never except defeat they will keep fighting back.

Mahogany Toston: No more 80s just stick to this for now

TCL Gaming: I want Johnny, Daniel and Chozen to go up against Kreese and silver in s4

Ryan Gatheright: Kreese: Palpatine Mr. Miyagi: Yoda Chozen: qui gon gin Daniel: Obi wan Johnny: Han Solo Carmen: Leia Amanda: Mon mothma Miguel: Luke Sam: Rei Hawk: Chewbacca Robby: Anakin Demitri: Jar jar Binks Landlord: Watto Bert: C-3PO Nathaniel: R2-D2 Chris: Lt sefla Kyler: chirrut Raymond (Stingray): bubba fett Aisha: sarlac pit

Jason Flynn: I actually want Robbie to win tbh because I feel his character gets a lot of unnecessary hate

d1sv _90: Am so happy that in the last episode hawk and meggy became friends again😌 yeah so what I call him meggy to

sailesh naidu: I JUST WANT MIGUEL TO WIN!

E Calma-Alejo: whats cobra kai?

MrMaximum 0703: Honestly stingray should come back for season 4 I missed him in season 3😞

Mighty Ninja: I think at the all valley at the last minute robby will turn against kreese

noel? Mora?: So there is going to be a 4 season

Maniacal AnT: I love bloodsport

Michael Giannace: Yes Yes bring in Chozen

Egotistic Gorgon: I hope one day we get a Presequel ! The story behind Mr Miyagi.

The Review Artist RRP: I have a feeling Robbie has a good chance yo win.

Matheus Borges: Chozen say the japanese word “mata” to Daniel at the last moment of their encounter, which means: "I'll see you soon".

Amir C.: Johnny’s new karate is basically the same as Cobra Kai’s, since Johnny learned all of his karate from Kreese. 💯💯💯💯💯

Brien Luck: Kreese is not the one who said “Put him in a body bag.”

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