Cobra Kai Season 4: Best Fan Theories and Predictions | OSSA Movies

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tim gersh: Miguel is the outsider kid just does not want to lose like Danny, he was taken in by just some guy because Miagi was just some guy at the start

Grim Dexter: The moment you see st theory.....

Kira: I want Robbie to have a redemption. He’s obviously not a nice guy but, it would be nice if Miguel and him became “friends.” Or maybe step brothers....

Stephen Didcote: My theory is julie pierce will have guided aisha during her time away from the show. And Aisha will go up against Tory.

Joaquin Hosfeld: I kinda think that Miguel won the school fight because the fight was over

Foxy_GurlOwO: Robby: get put all of you. You: shut up you didn’t pay for it go back crying and being spoiled

Foxy_GurlOwO: Robby: “ I want this I want that. Me: shut up -_- spoiled brat ugh so greedy Robby: WAAAAAAAA

khaos 1: Miguel won the second fight because Robby was beat then Robby caught him off guard

Holden Tudiks: I wanna see a backstory of Johnny a lil further. If they did it like I’m about to explain it would be perfect. So to foreshadow Robby future or something, they could show Johnny going into high school first day freshmen or sophomore year (idk which grade it would be). His bully from the previous year and his gang would come to pick on Johnny and by than Johnny would have some skills from Kreese, so let’s say they start beating up Johnny and he starts kicking there ass (before people say it’s unrealistic, maybe but it’s no different than what they did with Miguel in his first winning fight) a teacher could show up and Johnny has a rage outburst and the kids are already bloody and bruised and the teacher could come up behind Johnny and he strikes them instinctively. And he goes to juvie. I just think this would be a good idea but ofc it needs polishing up😂

Ecurie FAPE: Hopefully Miguel win the tournament again

Baap Gaming: He let him win in season 2

Nick 2020: i think that hawk will go back to his old hair, terry silver comes back and teams up with kreese, also mike barns returns to fight Daniel.

r4diati0n: No Robby! You were supposed to destroy Cobra Kai, not join them!

brodyandyousef fn: In the second fight of miguel and robby miguel won but robby fif a cheap elbow to the face and then a backwards kick

Noah Cornock: Miguel is going to win because he’s the best

Ashton Roche: Miguel won the second fight he showed mercy and said sorry he got up was done and Robby cheaply attacked him That’s no win

Death Slayer: Season 4 is not the end of cobra kai becuase the director said his not going to end the cobra kai show that fast

High sweaty: He showed mercy that’s why he got injured he showed mercy

NR MASHUPS: I’m disliking every video that you mirror the show!

Areeb Butt: I think that the between the adults it will be Silver VS Daniel Chozen VS Kreese Johnny VS Barnes

Yuri Delgado: I do not know why but I have a feeling that Sam is going to win the tournament

Yuri Delgado: I remember when idiots thought that Tory’s mom was Ali I knew she wasn’t

llainie4: I think Kreese is some how tied in with Amanda. as of yet there's no back story on her. where did she come from? Where did she and Daniel meet? was she adopted because her mother died and her father was part of secret op's and was erased from the books? maybe her father didn't even know she existed? to far fetched?

JJ Whitener: Well really miguel beat robbie in the school fight he just showed mercy. But really he could've broke robbie arm and embrassed him

it iz what it iz: Nah bro berts gonna win the tournament

Keke Enota: yall imagine if robby becomes actually mature in season 4 and joins eaglefang+miyagido in season 4 and they will have to go trough terry silver and kreese or mike barnes and creese lmao

Prodigy 101: Yes julie pierce plz

KingWolf Roblox: The real question is if Carmen and Johnny married each other how will Miguel react to Robby being his stepbrother

Nikolas Nestler: Miguel won the 2 previous fights though

Franco Perez: Maybe they will reveal more traumas that lead mérese you be the wya he is

Franco Perez: I have a feeling either Demitri or Hawk will win the next tournament

Franco Perez: Johnny will go to rehab and he will control his alcoholism.

Franco Perez: What if Johnny goes to rehab like his ex-wife (i already forgot her name) and he learns to control his anger, since throughout S3 he definitely shows a lot of anger, and just through the whole show in general.

Franco Perez: I hope this doesn't happen since hawk's hair is the shit but imagine if hawk goes back to Eli because Miyagi-do maybe teaches him that there is no need to flip the script and he just needs to be himself.

Nemesis Fox: Miguel won s2 ep10 he just showed mercy

Calaren Crow: I think Kreese will win. I can tell because when Kreese was about to say "if you loose....." when Johnny interrupted him and said "we won't loose". I felt as if Kreese was going to say "You come back to Cobra Kai, Johnny" Since its what Kreese was trying to do the entire season 3. He gave Johnny like 4 chances to come back, he is so adamant about it. AND the show is called Cobra Kai, so Kreese is not going away. I bet Kreese wins, johnny rejoins Cobra Kai out of honoring the deal and Julie Pierce joins Daniel to take on Kreese, Silver( or Mike) & Johnny. The 2nd Tournament will be Miguel vs Robbie & Sam vs Tori. But I feel like both Miguel and Robbie will not make it to the final. That would be too predictable and it will probably end up being Sam vs Tori....why? because of that scroll Daniel got from Chozen. It is meant to stay in the family and Miguel is not family, so Daniel may only teach it to Sam since she is Myagi's "Tanme". Whoever has the "secret move" will most likely be the one involved in the final fight.

Orla Borla: ok but tanner is such a good actor like he was so good in girl meets world and NOW 😍😍😍

Chiquitolky: Nah, Fights Miguel 2 vs Robby 0, Romances Sam 3 Miguel 2 Robby 1 Tori 1 😂

Roman Paguio: 0:10 that’s a big no. Miguel is definitely 2-0. The only reason why he was in the hospital is because Robby took dirty shots at Miguel after he spared him. Simple as that. Robbys a sore loser and Miguel won that fight

Frizzy_Kayozz _: Bro Miguel Wouldve Won If It Wasnt For Johnny And Plus its not a tie its 2-1

Foxy_GurlOwO: Yes he is a bad dude didn’t you see the show with your Hypnotized self

Foxy_GurlOwO: Yeah robby is mean

Khalil Reese: Megel should have stayed in his coma

Chase Sherburne: Carmens gonna realize she's pregnant with Johnny's child in season 4 tell me if I'm wrong

Ibrahim shah: I love Miguel

ttvmichael1: Where is sting ray

D B: My gut feeling is Miguel's Daddy who is mentioned as character with wild side in one of episodes would make a comeback and spice up things.

TopShotta Studios: Miguel only won the tournament because he cheated

GhostSlayer4816: Miguel won in both season 1 and 2. Robby took advantage of his apology

Cobra Kai: I think miguel would win and that afterwards robby and miguel will get along after the tournament like how Daniel and Johnny did in the first karate kid


Truthz_787 1: Miguel is going to win he is because he is getting rating fork both myagi do and jonnys so

Kennedi Jackson: he said yasmean its yasmine

Rl Parody’s: In season three Miguel dreamed of a fight with someone we don’t recognise maybe the get in to the finals

Devour Eternal: Miguel won season 1 and was winning the school fight till he showed mercy and decided to not fight back cuz Miguel could have blocked all the kicks and elbows

VixdFN: If Carmen get merried with Johnny Miguel and Robby will be stepbrothers

Kadeem Demills: Id say miguel won the second fight too he just showed mercy and robbie took advantage

Will G: I think Robby will come good before the tournament and won’t participate, and the final will be Tory vs Sam. I think Robby vs Miguel 3 will happen before the tournament and Robby will win but show mercy

Will G: Realistically Miguel shouldn’t stand a chance against Robby, I mean he was in a wheelchair not that long ago. I think at this point Hawk is the best fighter that Miyagi do/eagle fang has

lljuriill: I personally think Miguel won the school fight even if he ended in a coma because he did fight with honor showing mercy

KennyD: Another theory: the final fight won’t be between Robbie and Miguel but Miguel vs Sam for the championship. I do think Miguel will fight Robbie and Sam will fight Tory in the Final 4 round.

MMZERO9: Johnny and Daniel’s clash is a given, but their students have already anticipated this, hence Demetri’s comment about “Sensei-dispute-resolution protocol”, so if anything it will take the efforts of the students from both camps to try and keep cohesion. Besides, given that Kreese is the bigger threat Johnny and Daniel do need to get their s*** together. And they will. It’s just going to take a few butting heads to get to that point.

Zaibun Nisar: na miguel will fight better in s6

Rory Savage: I think the all valley tournament will go like this Quarter finals: 1. Miguel vs unknown fighter (Miguel wins) 2. Hawk vs Tory (Tory cheats and wins) links to her telling him to watch his back in S3 3. Robby vs Dimitri (Robby wins) Robby defended Dimitri in the mall and they were friends so a confrontation would be good 4. Sam vs Kyler (Sam wins) whilst there have been confrontations between hawk and Kyler and Miguel and Kyler it would be good to see one between Sam and Kyler as they used to go out Semi finals: 1. Miguel vs Tory (Miguel wins) would be interesting to see a fight between the two of them 2. Sam vs Robby (Robby wins) he might use some aggressive tactics shown by Kreese Finals: Miguel vs Robby (unsure but probably Robby) I feel like Miguel has won both of their fights so its likely Robby will win this one I think the all valley will be in episode 9 and that there will be a more chaotic free for all in the finale Obviously these are just my opinions and I could definitely be wrong as there’s a good chance Sam will fight Tory

Wyatt Rucker: miguel is going to literaly break robby

Ras Alghul: I wonder if many true fans of the Karate Kid universe consider KK4 a legit part of the series.

Gabriel Pelletier: i think is 2;0 miguel because he won the shcool fight

Sam Adams: Miguel is up 2-0. Robby didn’t win anything


Rafael Morales: Robby is better

Louis W: If

Louis W: I wonder i terry silver helps kreese in the dojo

Hays qt: It’s not 1-1 it’s 1-0 he showed him mercy and he got pissed that he lost to Miguel and he kissed his gf can blame Robby though he’s lost everything

Fresh King Spidey: Overall, this is Miguel's story. He's The Karate Kid of this era.

Smeetsy: Considering Sam and Tory's rivalry is just as important and focused on as Miguel and Robby, I'd like to see the semi finals be the match between rivals. Then the finals will ultimately become Sam vs Robby. It'd be a way more interesting fight. I get that Miguel is a fan favorite (mine too), but his spine injury feels negated if he can easily win the tournament again.

Momo: well tbh miguel won the second one to because he showed him mercy and couldve broken his arm

Jacob Samperio: Ok what if Robby got 2nd and kreese tried to choke Robby but Johnny and Daniel end up actually killing kreese because Johnny and Daniel didn’t show mercy and kreese ended up dying

Ryley Steele: imagine if terry silver and kreese have a crazy cobra kai student that trys to get miguel to do the all valley like season 3 but miguel beats him in the tournament

Hunter Macdonald: This show has taken a massive turn in this last season lol

Goat Famla: Hawk will be absolute big time player

PZ9 The best fighter: I love cobra Kai

Ari McMillan: Nonono, I personally think that it’ll be Sam and Tory in the end of season 4, Their true rivalry has only just begun at the house brawl, now that Sam isn’t afraid anymore. As for Miguel he still has to regain his strength a lot more so that he has enough energy to train and wax on and stuff in season 4.

da best dribbler: Lets be honest miguel technically won in the school

YOLO MAN BRO BRUH 2: Robby will probably turn into the new Mike Barnes and Miguel maybe will be the new Daniel LaRosso edit: I wonder if Robby and Miguel might team up in a new show in the future that’s not cobra Kai?

Laksha Pawar: Robbie didn’t win in s2 he got beat and lost Miguel was the better fighter Robbie just hit him with a cheap shot

faxman9 YT: Me

Fish Salami: Id say miguel won the school fight he could have easily ended the fight but decided not to

Ac Gaming: Miguel could of one if he wanted to

unbreakableone: One theory. Terry Silver is Miguel's dad. Carmen mentioned that her ex was a bad man.

Dpol85: Paul dugan from the next karate kid maybe?

Ash's show: Robbie is an ass hole jonny messed up and tried to fix it but Robbie decides to go make him feel jealous jonny was there and he left so it's not all jonny fault and he says oh you go to Miguel well you almost killed him and has beef with Miguel because he spends time with jonny so its mostly Robbie fault

aliannas kitchen: Hawk Isgonna be on x games mode

london Lopez: my guy miguel has won both times

Jalisco 25 Jalisco 25: I hope miguel wins

Istiakh: Miguel needs to be in beast mode in season 4 . He needs to destroy everyone

HAYLEE ARMSTRONG: I honestly don't want Julia Peirce to come. Her karate kid movie was the least popular for a reason. And, we are already needing Karate Kid 3 returns. We don 't need a worse movie that ruined the franchise to come in and steal the show.

Kenneth Slehofer: Only reason Robby even had dub is bc Miguel shows mercy.

Tom The Boulder: Did Miguel just not actually have Asthma?

Razershard: Hoping for Hawk vs Kyler

John Keenan: Technically its miguel 2 and robby 0 since miguel actually won that fight and showed mercy in season 2

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