First Heartbreak of The Season - The Bachelor Breakdown Matt's Season Week 3 RECAP

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Bachelor Fantake: I've been waiting years for an opportunity to use that turtles clip in anything. I took my shot.

shannon celeste: But that Office turtle edit though 👀

shannon celeste: That Chris Harrison edit at the beginning made me laugh out loud so thank you for that 🥰 not sure what we’ve done to deserve you but we’re grateful!

Tsitsi Zinyemba: Victoria is there for drama

Julianne Lim: i've never heard him raise his voice so high

BandaQueen Love: Wait? So, they can call out Sarah and insult her but they can't have the same energy with Vicotira? They some real hypocrites saying that Sarah is toxic and "calculated" everything. Also, one of them really threatened her wth

argguti: I think Sara left because Matt is boring.

Beeshie Lilly Steele: I think Matt has slopey shoulders..appropos of nothing other than I find I like him less and less. I don't know why, just something rubs me the wrong way. I wanted Mike to be the Bachelor, I think he would have been a stellar choice. Team Mike.

jane doe: The future futuristic examination ectrodactyly share because aries chiefly explode apropos a troubled cub. expensive, adjoining hippopotamus

Catherine Campos: Some of these women just seem catty and immature.

6th h ghjgf: Her title is "Queen." Does she have a real job?

skyrimandchill: Rooting for Katie. She demonstrated that she is the most mature and actually REAL woman there. Too many posh girls with unchecked superiority complexes this season. There are some sweethearts that are not ready for marriage. And a few mature women that are fully ready for marriage who deserve to make it to the end but probably won't because that's how it is most of the time 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

Vasilena Ivanova: Perhaps they brought the new women because those became so unlikable in this situation that they only had bad clips of them !

T J: The women have every right be angry Sarah is trying to monopolize his time so the other girls get no time with Matt. Just like how she faked leaving to get more of Matts time and validation. Guy's pay attention to all the unflattering realities of female nature you see throughout the show. Because your masculinity is tested at times by women to see what kind of man you are; you get 2 categories, beta male provider aka her freindzone that gives her all the attention with non of the work on her part or alpha seed that digs her out, keeps her hypergamy, games, and female nature in check. Finally for you guys to know, the black women don't like it, when the other women get attention from Matt.

Rhonda Santos: YESSSS! Great British Bake Off!!! Oh. Dang. Back to mean girls.

lala lo: I had no idea Chris Harrison made a book! I want to read it! however I'm worried that Chris and Lauren will b on my mind throughout the whole book 😄😬

Kayla MacEachern: i love the sass you're dishing at Victoria and the other bullies. so wrong, did we graduate from elementary school?!

Nelly Is motivated!: It’s very unfortunate when you spoil the entire bunch with a rotten apple. Let’s throw the apples out and plant some new seeds!! 😐

david rab: The roasted operation ontogenetically share because caution conformably suppose absent a unused cricket. dramatic, obsequious handle

Fiona: I actually read the perfect letter about a year ago, well listened to it via audiobook, and it was honestly such a good laugh and actually not that bad - definitely a proper chicklit novel

Maggie Fang: This episode was absolutely disgusting to watch. Yes, I understand that the girls didn't know Sarah's family issues, BUT it also shouldn't take knowledge of knowing someone's father is about to pass away to be a decent human being to them.

You don’t know: I’m not watching this season but the way those women acted towards Sarah was so ugly (aside from Katie and anyone else who probably didn’t say anything) I want them all out it was horrible behavior, they called he toxic as manipulative, well they should hold up a mirror. And don’t even get me started on Victoria...

Onyx287: Unpopular opinion:I think the women held Sarah accountable for her actions when they asked about her behavior. All the other comments they made about her having a hard time there and not wanting to speak to her again was definitely bullying and uncalled for. Victoria, kit, and the blond one should work on being nicer.

Amy Dang: Everything that Victoria said about Marylynn & Sarah was actually her describing and talking about herself. She's the fake, toxic & manipulative one.

Kurt Ramos: I had to stop watching this episode when I knew Sarah was going to be ripped to shreds. It felt like the producers were gaslighting me. Also, I don't care that Sarah dated G-Eazy

Erica Ruggles: 😂🤣😂🤣 Why did you change it!! 😩 I was enjoying the bake off!

layray210: honey uve got a big storm comin

yeah ok sure: actually more toxic then the women on Peter season i can't a-

thebooklife: I really loved his date with Serena, she seems like someone he needs in a relationship—independent, strong-willed, witty, and firm yet kind. I think the girls ganged up on Sarah because the weepiness did come across as a bit manipulative, but they didn’t know the full story, I wouldn’t write all of them off as bullies... just like Sarah, we’re all human and make mistakes. Of course Victoria is um not coming off well in any scenario lol

SpideySim: Seriously I fell in love with Katie this episode. I hated the gimmick night one, but she handled the drama so well. She said her peace with Sarah, yet she still wanted to hear her out and understand meanwhile the other girls just had the fangs out.

Natalie D: She honestly seemed like one of the best girls on the show wtf

Tim’s Hot Takes: The guys in Tayshia’s were just so wholesome that for some reason they felt the need to get the most toxic group of girls for Matt.

meagan hanson: I miss Tayshia’s cast... yea sure, there where a few immature dudes, and a narcissistic ass, but at least the majority where mature, classy men. The whole episode felt so heavy, I was not impressed by the ladies actions.

Carla: STAN KATIE!!!!!!

Leah TV: Victoria is hilariously horrible and I love it. I want to say she should be the next Bachelorette, but she couldm't stir up drama with men the way she does with women. Victoria for paradise 2021!

Andrea Riley: I'm going to show this episode to my future children as an example of how to NEVER treat people

Goldenface: Along with the rest of the girls, I was pissed with Sarah’s entrance. Bad timing much. Her fainting was totally licensed and understandable in a distressing situation. The girls threw their punches and I was there for it. All until they ganged up on her when she apologized and explain herself. There’s a limit to being bitch and you gotta woman up. Overall, Sarah did the healthy thing in saying goodbye to Matt and now I’m a hardcore Katie Stan. If the producers don’t get Katie on The Bachelorette 😔🤚🏽


Lisa L. Gruman: While lack of empathy with its cold cruelness is sadly becoming acceptable, The Bachelor franchise could take a stand against it. After all, the show is about love, which still "sells".

Lisa L. Gruman: I so appreciate Bachelor Fantake's handling of the heartlessness of several contestants, as they were really rough to watch.

Herman Lane: I don't like how these women were ganging up in any on this idiot girl Sarah - but that chick needed to live. She sucks and I have no sympathy for her because although the women could have been a bit more diplomatic - they were not wrong about her. She is all the things the women say she is manipulative, selfish, self-centered, rude, and an idiot. Matt is no catch so she is not missing anything - he is a snooze fest.


Tiffany Le: i wish she stayed because i feel like it would’ve shown all the other nasty women up that she really did have a strong connection with matt.. but i 100% think she should’ve went home for her dad

Solstice Beat: I’m coming here with love?????? What a two faced drama queen. The only thing close to a queen she’ll ever be. Gross

Solstice Beat: Sarah should’ve waited until later on in the evening when the group date was over. She’s too impulsive.

Solstice Beat: Victoria, MJ, Anna and Kit were so rude and appalling! Yeah it’s drama and it prevents a boring season, but come on with the bullying! No wonder younger kids do it so bad. Look at the crap that’s being portrayed on tv!

Sacerdotisa Carnera Tarot: Im sorry but this is just another version of peter season. Its sad. I really wanted a happy endind

Flipinstein: Chris with a gun is what I thought I didn’t need but turns out I can’t live without ❤️

Alexandra Hamann: so dead at the meme of chris with a gun😂😂can’t stop laughing whenever it pops up

lightdweller: None of these women are real pretty. I mean, they’re not bad though. My observation is that the women seem to be a lot more exquisitely prettier with the white bachelors. They seem to be of a higher quality.

Chachi D: Bullying is always a thing on the bachelor / bachelorette. Clearly producers tolerate it and I wouldn’t be surprised if they promote it

Henry Ka: Wow, what a bunch of bitches, there isn't a single decent woman on the show! Why is bulling sold as entertainment? This is a new low. If a participant was repeatedly physically punched by others, or got drunk and engaged in sex, the show would have been stopped and an investigation launched, but bullying... that's 'Entertainment'. I didn't enjoy this episode. A new low for the franchise.

Laura Stephenson: The bullying was absolutely disgusting and Sarah did not deserve all of that but did anyone else think it was kinda weird how we didn’t see any tears when Sarah was leaving? Something about the whole sobbing and covering her face didn’t sit well with me...

Tiana Brote: I’m not even watching this show, I just find your recaps entertaining

Janice Carroll: I have been watching your channel basically since you started it and your edits get funnier and funnier every post... so thank you!

Ryssa Oliveras: Where are the turtles !!!! 😂

Unicorn Dragon: It's almost as if you can't control when you faint??? The fact that some women immediately assumed that it was for attention says more about them than her.

El Purez: After watching the third episode, we #TeamKatie. All my peoples are #TeamKatie

Zjmw: Looks like Sarah is a victim act is working on the fanbase lmao

Zjmw: Sarah knew exactly what she was doing

Sarah: Can someone explain to me why people like kit

Rikkilover17: This episode solidified my dislike for Sarah. It was so disrespectful to interrupt everyone’s date because your insecure. It wasn’t like she even brought up her family issues in that moment she just wanted Matt to tell her she was his favorite. And then the cherry on top was when she threw the other girls under the bus before she left. That’s not fair. Their anger towards her was warranted, did they go about it the right way? Not really. Are the justified? Hell yes

kid sister kirby: in real life, On a first date could you imagine sitting on the couch waiting for over 5 mins while your date goes to check up on another woman? lol oh hell naw if it was me, reailty show or not, i would've said Byyeeee....ima' go ride horses now

Heather Bocking: I bawled when Sarah and Katie were talking 💔

Win From Within: The script of this show is terrible. It's getting stupid and unwatchable

dani b: Sara is 24 years old.....she looks like she’s pushing 40

Fadwa Altahir: Sara took a page from “Always Be Cam” book

TheJkisboss: Why does Ashley I come back every year lmaooooo I’m tired of her.

Chris Taggart: Katie is my favorite

Amy Nguyen: This season seems infinitely worse than Peter’s even though that season ALSO had no suitable bachelorettes. It’s obviously why we had to pull two from Colton’s and one from JP in recent history.

Amy Nguyen: I really want to read Chris Harrison’s book

sarahissomewhere: Really appreciated the raw, mature moment between Katie and Sarah. I first wrote Katie off because I felt like the vibrator gimmick was like a lil borderline harassment-y when she tapped people unsuspectingly on the shoulder with it, but her reaching out to Sarah and opening up about her experience with loss felt so refreshing, and not to use an already overused word this season but real, especially after the dogpile

Caroline Cushing: I honestly don’t like Matt very much. It’s not like I hate him he does seem like a really nice guy but he never really handles the situations with the girls properly, it might just be nerves but if you sign up for the show you have to know stuff like that happens

Annie Banana: Katie is a real one. Also, does she not remind you of Kristina Schulman? I can totally see a resemblance, especially on the close ups when she was chatting with Sarah.

Alex Morales: Spoiler! Matt and Tyler C get married

IfyouBelieve: dude they are all toxic, good for Sarah. Look out for yourself and your dad. You go girl

Shasta Fog: Wait, you forgot to show Matt's five minutes included laying in bed with Sarah

Mary Riley: "WHERE ARE THE TURTLES?!" immediate like from me

SXM L: Hey, anyone is remembering how this reassembles "girls alone for a week"? Sarah is exactly using the tactic of that kid there

Jaja Binks: God, can Chris Harris be any creepier? Chris, hold my beer.

idk683: Wow this is pure bullying. The way those girls bullied Sarah. This is disgusting cast, minus a couple. This is not fun to watch.

Kalina Fajardo: The turtles clip was so good!!

Nia Parris: I feel so bad for Sarah 🥺😭🤧 I don't necessarily agree with her crashing the group date but I feel like they were a bit harsh on her. Like jeez, ease up a bit. Katie is the real queen here. Victoria is trash

Kritika Verma: but also why was sarah upset at matt forming other connections when that was the whole point of the show

sparkle wonder: they are being wayy to mean to Sarah.. like come on your adults.. wtf.

Anna D: Sarah and Dale should hook up...JMO🗽

that’s so april: and this is why i like watching the bachelorette more smh

Traci Rohrig: This was like watching an episode of Mean Girls. What seemed like a great, classy group of ladies now seem like mostly classless, immature high schoolers. Soooo ready for Victoria to go. She isn't even good tv. They are rewarding her mean, immaturity by giving her air time. I thought they did psychological evaluations prior to casting?? Katie is the real queen.

emmavenice22: the fact that he sent marilyn home when he had that whole orchid moment with her earlier in the night is so awkward and inauthentic of him

Danielle Malik: Why are we not talking about Dale and Claire breakup?

Ilene Gallo: The mean girl bullying was very hard to watch! Ugh!

SwissSteph: You never cease to amaze with your perfectly fitting clips. :D

danielleross2: I wish I could thumbs up your vids multiple times!

BlueDune: I hate it here this episode was brutal I hate this cast, I hate I had hope for this season, I don’t think I can forgive anyone for their treatment of Sarah, honestly it’s exhausting

BlueDune: The way I am exhausted and hate everyone except for Sarah and Katie 😆✌️(maybe Bri I liked her a lot but now I’m sort of indifferent)

Leslie C: Sarah is (unfortunately) definitely coming back, they spent over 1/4 of the episode on her drama. If she wasn’t coming back it would not have been so drawn out.

Marta Emilia: I COULDN'T WATCH THIS CRINGY EPISODE so I was mostly scrolling Instagram :D GUYS - this is all PRODUCERS MEDDLING! If you watch Laurens and Arie's recaps that they sometimes do - they know it from the inside out - think - Sarah is crying, lost, the producer could be just like - hey, do you wanna go to Mat's ROOM and Talk TO HIM before/after the date? or ANY OTHER TIME. Nooo - they suggest she comes TO THE DATE TO CREATE DRAMA. Aghhhh awful

Gianna P: I feel this season going south real fast. I feel like this is going to end just like Colton. I'm sorry for Sarah's dad and I sincerely hope they get through that they are in my prayers but I feel like he is going to stop the season because of her or at least not pick anyone in the end because he can't stop thinking of her. But honestly I got really negative vibes from her and I'm glad she's gone.

Nicole R.: This was GREAT! It's not often you find a recap that spells out EXACTLY what you were thinking...while leaving you laughing out loud! Well done! 👏

chelsey garrett: It's crazy that these girls have spent more time with Matt Tayshia did with Zack. Although they did have more one-on-one time. I just remember Riley say it was their one week anniversary.

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