Dethroned - The Bachelor Breakdown Matt's Season Week 5 RECAP

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Bachelor Fantake: Yaaaas Queen

lolololololol lol: Mj's attitude is so ugly like a witch. Pieper is kinda mean too but more snobby and a little too territorial over matt because it doesnt seem like he likes her that much. Why is anna always making those weird faces and clenching her teeth? She kinda looks like hannah brown but blonde to me. But in all seriousness, starting a rumor that someone is an escort could literally get someone killed.

PhantomMatrix: Why did the producers make this show like Jersey Shore? 😂

Makenna Zornes: For the record, PragerU doesn't post conspiracy theories.

Laurie phillips: Kits mother is indeed famous. Shes Cynthia Rowley the designer

Robin Gray: Laughed when he said “I’m from Raleigh, NC, I’m a farm boy” - Raleigh is a city (of course he could have grown up in Wake county where there are more country settings)

Laurie phillips: Victorias dress. Hahaha

mamie monrovia: the music is 2 loud

Kira Ozaki: Everyone praising Matt but if Katie hadn’t said anything he would’ve had no CLUE. Sarah already told him how cruel the women were and he didn’t take it seriously. Which allowed them to rip apart the new girls

Folsom Anna: I'm going to miss Victoria

Pessim1st: Say what you will about her she was by far the most entertaining thing about this season it’s going to be boring without her

Ash Soular Two: omg Rachel posting a prager u quote is not a Q Anon conspiracy. You are leading a divisive narrative against anyone who's concerned about children being exploited on the internet, and also deeming anyone who is a Conservative (hence the kind people who read prager u posts) a racist conspiracy theorist. Stop this divisive narrative against half the country!

Kate Gooch: The fact that they are using a post Rachel reposted from pragerU against her is ridiculous. PragerU isn’t racist. It is anything but racist. It just doesn’t fit the media’s narrative. I am so disappointed they are bringing politics into this.

Sandy Albright: I’m glad that Matt sent the mean girls home! He definitely did the right thing!

Giggling Firefly: So what you have done is painted the girl as a racist with word association of some comment some girl said she said and then you are against pedophelia? The girl is bad because she doesn’t support it? Qanon which has only been around 3 years is being used to smear people which indicates your handlers are part of the group that created it to target people that don’t support the radical leftist ideology. What has happened to Bachelor? Last 2 seasons, BLM, social justice, special interest, racist is being pushed. Why are you pushing this crap with black contestants? Why do you people see everything through a race lens? Actually I know, cuz you are racist. FFS, this crap is not entertainment.

mahogany post: Victoria is an actress, not a contestant, does anyone still believe this drama is real?

Caroline Grace: am i the only one who thinks rachel looks like hannah anne

E. Garceau: Just wanted to mention (in defense of Anna ) that i did think she was actually sorry she brought up the escort thing. After hearing what Brittany said to Matt about Anna apologizing (and realizing she did say that when she brought it up to Brittany directly) I think that conversation was edited quite a bit and didnt show all the context. I actually think that after Anna told a couple people and realized the whole house had heard, knew that she screwed up and needed to address it directly with Brittany and apologize before it got back to her. Not quite sure if she was genuinely sorry at that point but i like to give people the benefit of the doubt (like were giving Brittany by assuming shes not an escort). Whether she was sorry or not at that time i do think she was really sorry by the time shit hit the fan with Matt. I dont think shes some horrible person, i think she made a huge mistake. When youre in those stressful situations its eaay to get jealous, insecure and even resentful and these girls have no other outlet to vent but with other girls or producers when theyre there. (And we know talking to producers isnt sacred because they clearly filmed Victoria venting to one when she didnt know she was being filmed.) So if she has these thoughts or concerns in her head and wants to confide in a close friend about the messages she got its understandable that she blurted it out to someone without really weighing the fact that it would spread and that it could actually damage someones life. So i felt like you were kind of harsh towards her when she was upset and seemingly really sorry. Do these girls always have to be perfecr? Have we never made mistakes? That being said I did feel Victoria needed to go home. Again, not because i think shes some horrible person, but because i believe the producers and the other girls were encouraging her behavior and making her think it was ok. (And yes of course she should have known better, but i suspect shes very insecure and was desperate for the other girls approval. Not defending her behavior just giving my thoughts on why she was that way, and of course i could be wrong.) I think no one corrected her when shed say it was just joking. And as i replied to someone else, the producers greatly edit and manipulate these girls footage to make us feel a certain way. To where only negative sides are shown of certain people and only positive of others (aka the front runners, or Katie). I know full well that its very likely snarky or mean comments were made from some of Matts favorites. But theyre not going to show that because they only want us to see them in a perfect light. And the show has been done this way for as long as i can remember. Lastly, to me it was pretty obvious the show edited Victorias response to Matts question to her about in what context is "ho" ok? The camera goes to her stroking her hair and silent. I could tell it was edited for a couple of reasons. The first being when would Victoria NOT defend herself?? Even if it was total crap? Second, if Victoria really did call Ryan a ho in a mean way, then why didnt the show air that footage?? They've literally took any bad footage of her they could find to air. And they LOVE showing drama. So why wouldnt they show it? I think its because they were all joking around and showing it wouldnt have backed up Ryan's story. And maybe it really did bother Ryan but she laughed it off in the moment and then later realized it was inappropriate. Anyway i feel like people forget that its a show and the producers are incredibly responsible for what goes on. Including casting Victoria in the first place, which i think was only because they knew shed say anything and promote drama. As well as making Matt keep her for weeks to continue said drama. Not to mention this weird bringing in girls/guys 2 wks in. Its pretty obvious this is ONLY to promote conflict in the house. And it worked.

Brielle Marshall: I don’t see the problem with liking a prager university post. So what? She isn’t liberal

Caroline K: Victoria looks like Walmart brand busted Aubrey Plaza without all the good parts

KintyreOfMull: MJ is looking like Dyan Cannon having the worst day of her life.

KTnarnia: Love the Mean Girl references. I just realized that "Cady" (played by Lindsay Lohan) is totally Katie!

Lincolnfrees: "The Toxic Sludge"? Bahaha NAILED IT


Kellie Sharpe: God bless whoever Victoria went home to. I hope they have a very large supply of alcohol.

Anjali Devarapalli: I just realized me and Rachael are both from Forsyth county in Atlanta lmao But tbh Idk how racism affected my area back then, but as of right now I never see any racism at all. My friend group is super diverse (like SUPER diverse) and so are most of the friend groups I know. I’ve never heard of anyone complaining about racism either, so it’s nice to see that things have changed since Rachael was in high school :)

Shannon Buff: I'm glad ANNA is gone. She always had that face like she just ate a turd sandwich

Dan A: That Victoria montage at the beginning is torture

Jess: Although I don't think it's an excuse, some part of me do feel like Victoria was a bad influence on Anna and the rest of the girls. But let's just take a moment to compare the two exits because they could not have been more different from each other. I don't buy Anna's whole "it was never my itention" act, but at least she apologized and regret it. Victoria still delusionally thinks that she's been perfect all the time and that the other girls are sad she's gone even though they toasted three times after her departure. MJ is next and she knows it, which is why she's pissed. Honey, don't dish out anything that you can't handle yourself.

T F: Victoria needs Jesus

Lauren Nicole: I feel like the editors are cutting a lot of content because some of these connections im not understanding

Lauren Nicole: I think it was so weird how he did a date with Michelle that was genuine and tons of progressive talks and a connection and then he goes on a shopping spree date. it doesn't seem like the same connection but he says he's falling for her and I was like .... wait what?

Lauren Nicole: im not gonna lie I wouldn't mind seeing Victoria on paradise haha

Deb C: Good riddance Victoria. Mean girls do not belong on the Bachelor or anywhere else. Time to grow up.

C. S.: editing is especially on point this recap 😆

Ashley Nord: Omg that beginning montage 🙌🏼🙌🏼😂

Jasmine: I commented this on another BF video, but I thought it'd be worth sharing here too: Can we talk about the fact that Victoria targeted FOUR women of color and zero white women? I think that... needs to be mentioned. First it was Marilynn, then it was snatching the crown from Catalina, then Ryan with the "ho" comment, then Jessenia. I'm gonna be very blunt: it looks like she, a white woman, has a major problem with jealousy towards women of color because she is racist. I'm a little disappointed that this hasn't been discussed. She's not some silly delusional villain like Corrine or Krystal; she's an actively toxic person with obvious ego issues and deep-seated racism. We need to give her behavior the rebuke it deserves. She shouldn't have been on this show to begin with; it's disappointing and honestly outrageous that the Bachelor producers likely pushed a contestant to be on the show for so long for the sake of "drama" when doing so endangered the women of color in the cast. I like watching the drama like any viewer, and we all know the producers pull strings, but this crosses a line. Everyone should be able to sign up for the show knowing that they will not be targeted by another cast member on what blatantly appears to be the basis of race. But the Bachelor franchise did not uphold that standard and in doing so failed to create a level playing field. This is especially egregious given that Matt is the first Black bachelor and the franchise is trying to break barriers in terms of diversity. I was honestly really shocked seeing Victoria's behavior this season and I hope the franchise never makes a mistake like this again in terms of casting. Every season has mean girls, but Victoria's behavior was racist, and it was toxic even for the women whom she didn't directly target.

Ayanna Tafe: The fact that Magi is so above everyone:/

Dejah Holcomb: she is not even cute 😂😂😂

urbexpres: "Gestures"

Alex Merritt: As someone who’s had a hearing disability for their whole life, I can vouch for that explanation regarding Abigail. The way you put it is exactly how it is. When I miss something that someone says, I just don’t want to feel out of the loop or appear that way so I laugh or make an expression to go along with whatever’s happening. ESPECIALLY when it’s someone I don’t know at all or very well.

Roberto Reyes: Our baby Abigail finally got some time with Matt!! Yay!!!!

Angie Lepage: 👎 to the queen

Leann Scherman: This was so funnyyyyyy

W.C. J.: 0:42 gestures 😂

Leah TV: One like for "Kit's fashion gala woes" 🤣

Estefania F: Maybe if they didn’t cast so many young 20 something year old girls the environment wouldn’t be as toxic. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️Glad to see Victoria and Anna go home. They were so cringe. But also if it’s true that he ends up choosing (won’t say who cause I don’t want to spoil for anyone) then what a disappointment..😓😓

Angela Matthews: This queen intro is EVERRRYTHHHINNNG haha

Valerie Vitality: I am just NOT into this season, looks like Matt is having a horrible time, his lack of Bachelor Franchise experience killed the Whole season. He’s a fantastic guy don’t get me wrong it’s just painful to watch......

derrylereedyk: you are hilarious. that montage at the start made my day! Thank you!

j: 11:47 dead

Delaney Appelhans: THANK YOU for mentioning Abigail laughing at Victoria's comments. Too many people have been getting on her for something that she can't control

Melissa Arispe: It took awhile but witch victoria is longer the queen.demoted lol😆

Charli: Glad to never have to see that infected eye ever again!

Mackenzie Christensen: I love the way Matt handled the bullying. Get rid of those gestures immediately

Coconut ScienceGirl92: But she wasn’t a bully....can’t say I’ll miss her for even a milli second

Aubrie Wise: I mentioned this to your tweet during the live stream and I'll say it again. In regards to how you framed and talked about Kit was rude and uncalled for. This is not a comparison or competition to who had it worst. The idea that Kit opening up about constantly being in the public eye as a child of a celeb and wanting someone stable in her life being nonimportant or somehow "negative" like you portrayed it is ridiculous. Kit wasn't saying "I've had it worse, my story matters most" but her life and her story do matter to and she is completely allowed and expected to share and open up during her date. It kind of sucks to see someone like you giving her a bad edit and review simply because her story wasn't Abigail's.

Adrian Murillo: Episode 5: the witch hunt

Juliana Rey: I don’t think Kit was trying to make it a sob story and have people feel bad for her rather than her opening up to Matt and letting know that she’s never had a connection like that...and with such a busy life the only time she ever had with her mom was when they would cook

Sneha Banerjee: Thank god

T J: Ok Guys, I'll keep this short because if I wrote a full breakdown of this episode with male and female dynamics evident it would take a whole page and more time than I have right now. First, I'll say this when it comes to the female manipulation evident; women are catty especially in groups, no surprise. I'm not a Victoria fan but getting rid of her now after Brittany cried toxicity now allows the other women to claim the same thing to get Matt to get rid of the woman. Toward the end of the show you see this again with MJ and Jessenia. Second, We can tell who Matt is sexually attracted to vs. who he thinks if wife material. MJ, Piper, and Kit are the one's he's sexually attracted. Where's Rachel and Abigail are top two to get a proposal. Starting with Abigail she's very down to earth, fun loving, and easy going however this is where the femininity stops. Rachel on the other hand she's oozes femininity and everything she showed on the date from the smiles, to the appreciation of the small things, and opening up of vulnerabilities to Matt. Rachel right now I would say 90% sure is number 1 and might have won Matt already. You find few women like her that you can tell has a low body count, the innocence shows, and she has been more of a wall flower around the group. Where's other women keep going out there way with dildo's, overly extroverted gestures, and hoop earrings that would indicate she's had 1000 cocks, namely MJ and somewhat Piper. Yes ladies, body count matters to a man. Kit, you can tell with the pull anyways before kisses, gestures, and eye contact during the date she's not into him. She wants to sleep with Matt but he's not husband material to her. She's mostly on the show to get more IG followers. Finally, if Rachel is pulling girl game she deserves an Oscar for this performance. Because I have yet to see any red flags with her which is almost to good to be true. The people that posted stuff about her I don't believe unless there's other evidence. Not to mention they could just be throwing salt at her because she's the front runner. Thank you Bachelor Fantake for your overall breakdowns. I'll see you at next weeks live chat.

electric ladyland: PLS the mean girls clips were too accurate

Citlali Garcia Sierra: Hey Chris (Fantake), I ship you and Abigail ;)

Courage Peabody: COMMENTS HELP! What's the name of the song in the beginning?

Di R: Hahaha loved the recap thanks!!!

Nathan Sedlmeier: What makes the opening so much better is that 1812 Overture(the song that was playing) is about the successful Russian defense against Napoleon, who I imagine is like the non-monarch version of Victoria in that time period

who is ashley: 8:48 I BUSTED OUT LAUGHING-

KarBen 2020: Hey Victoria, Mary Tudor was a Queen, history remembers her as ‘Bloody Mary’ be careful what you wish for.

Amanda DeVecchi: I'm new to this season & these videos. What is Victoria the queen of or does she just call herself that?

Nicole Haglund: Goodbye Drama Queen Victoria. So glad to finally see her go. One thing though Mr. Fantake, PragerU never pushed Qanon conspiracies. They have only shed light that there is still ChildPorn allowed on many platforms and internet sites while Big Tech is able to shut down ppl or platforms for any reason. They raised the question that if Big Tech can shut down those they deem as "dangerous" then why is Child P still allowed. This is not a conspiracy in anyway. We all know this exists and that Child Sex trafficking exists as well. If Rachel did post Qanon conspiracies that's another issue completely since pragerU does not affiliate with Qanon.

Cami Lane: Matt said in interview Rachael will speak about it when she can.

b snyder: Thank you Matt. Bye Victoria,

Jeffery Erhunse: all im gonna say is Peter could never

Lynne Jones: bye felicia.. couldn't stand victoria.. that MJ has to go next

Tia Patterson: Killer editing my guy 10/10

Renee J: I cannot believe Victoria in all seriousness thought that it would be HER AND MATT at the end of this. I truly wonder what she’s thinking after watching all of it back.

Tubaya Th: Omg I'm SOOOOO HAPPY VICTORIA is gone! She is, was and always will be trash. Her outfits were hideous, obviously she don't have any real friends.

Dani: I was no longer a fan of Chelsea in an instant after she said that. It just didn’t effect her that’s why she didn’t care. I’m really annoyed we know almost nothing about any of these women because it’s been 2 hours of mean girls for 5 weeks. I’d love to see the footage of them hanging out and getting to know each other in the house.

Dani: Love how matt handled this.

MultiWillis777: Anyone else notice that Anna had an extreme case of crazy eyes?

Nubia Wonder: Hilarious edit 🙌🏽 well done.🤣 I also noticed how the mean girls "so called beauty" faded real quick. They would be scared to see their characters in the mirror.

Beeski: MJ is incredibly immature. The way she spoke urgently and nervously to Anna, saying “you have to talk to Matt”, lets us know 100% that she was enabling the drama. Who the heck uses “varsity and JV?” She’s still stuck in high school

David Smith: 27 is too old to act like a toddler. Omg, she is disgusting!

KLW: Victoria said she would literally die 🤦🏻‍♀️. Can there be a definition of literally in some upcoming videos?

MrADThomson: Almost spit out my food at the Emotional Intelligence book thing!

Tina Liepa: I think such characters like anna or victoria are just a product of this show making. I wouldn't be surprised they benefit in some way to play these ridiculous and pathetic roles. Way worse when you meet such delusional "queens" in real life...

aminah 19: the outro🤣😭

Olivia Requist: I just want to point out that in the beginning when everyone was walking around, we couldn't see if they were actually saying what the captions said. I feel like the captions may have been cut from interviews and they added them to the footage of them waking to make the house seem more tense and make more drama.

Cassidy Meurer: OMG FANTAKE did you not see Jessenia look right into the camera a la JIM ON THE OFFICE right after she says "you'll find out the truth after all of this airs" ???? I immediately thought of you!

miranda: Unpopular opinion Victoria is kind of really funny and fun to watch. LIKE WE AL KNOW SHES FULL OF SHIT and I like the dramatic irony that she is unaware of how allusive and unaware she is. Obviously she wasn't going to win!

w h: at first i thought victoria was just playing the mean girl part... but at this point you couldn’t PAY me to believe that it’s not real

Logan Hamel: A lot of the people that have come forward with stories/evidence about Rachel have been personally messaged and put down by members of her family and the community she comes from in VA.

Nidhi Jha: The fact that Rachael's racist posts, tweets, likes, etc. are pretty recent is just disappointing, especially consider that she seems to make it pretty far. I hope he doesn't end up with her but considering his mom is a hardcore trump supporter, I wouldn't be surprised if he chooses her at the end.

Amanda Wadsworth: Honestly I appreciate how Katie stood up but at the same time she is way way too opinionated for me to the point it’s annoying and she won’t be staying long

Renita: As my friend and I were watching the shopping date we were like, "This is not a real-life date. What actual date would he plan??" Cue scooping poop and all the trappings of a 4th grade field trip. Also, Matt making out with Pieper was straight-up cringe-inducing! Throwing an egg at MJ, running away, then ambushing her during an interview?? Weird.

Snowberries: A big part of this cast is so worrying tbfh. I really feel bad for Matt. The date with Rachael felt so uncomfortable to watch to me, maily because he spoiled her so much and she obviously liked it, when clearly, that isn't something she'd get every day from him in reality. It felt like she fell in love with the gesture rather than Matt but... hey I could be wrong, we'll see how this turns out.

Katelyn B: It’s upsetting that we already know who wins cause of Matt’s Spotify 🙄

Hannah Oliver: Does anyone else think Victoria is an actress that producers hired to act like that and stir drama? I just find it hard to believe that someone could really act like that is real life. 😬🤦‍♀️

Megan Moschell: Katie, Michelle, Ryan, Serena P, Bri, Brittany, and Magi are the only women left that I haven’t noticed being part of and/or laughing at the varsity-jv/escort/mean girl drama.

Abigail Dietz: Almost half our country voted for Trump, do people think out of ALL these women there won’t be a Trump supporter?

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