Literally Toxic - The Bachelor Breakdown Matt's Season Week 4 RECAP

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Bachelor Fantake: Come on in. Get your virtual hug 🤗🤗🤗

ShinySo: victoria is one of the worst people I've ever seen in my life. wow. how miserable does she have to be to have turned out like that.

Ryan Byrnes: The delicate server compellingly seal because sale apparently rhyme unto a unadvised quarter. ill, dangerous cricket

Rochelle Holland: I keep forgetting sex work is illegal in the States. How nasty a lot of these women are! I feel they need to up the age of their dating pool, Matt is 29, women barely put of their 20s seem a bit young to me.

Aishwarya Chaudhary: Anna, Victoria, MJ, those two asians.

Stefany M: They cut out Victoria crying outside with producers with her white coat. Weird lol

Sara: Just realized that Jessenia is also an antagonist to all the toxicity. Thanks for the recap!

cnashford2: Oh my gosh, thank you for these recaps (!) and posting them so quickly(!) because my sister and I get to bond over "The Bachelor" - *without* me having to actually watch the show. 😏

Gaby Hedgpeth: Thank you for making this content. It's so nice to have someone else share and validate my thoughts.

McDavid: My roommate who never watched Bachelor turns out knows Brittany and my roommates brother knows her even better as they went to the same high school and were in the same grade. They said she is really nice, always has been gorgeous and the escort rumors are definitely true. While no they never had any direct evidence of it, they heard about her being an escort long before she was ever in bachelor nation or in any kind of spotlight. This is super exciting because I've never had direct info on any bachelor contestant before!

Marissa Bellantoni: Victoria really does look like Cinderella’s step sisters 😂

Angelica Schreiner: MARRIED WOMEN MASTURBATE VICTORIA. Your insult about the vibrator is irrelevant

sonia moore: Victoria needs to go... Me& her would of went at it.. She is soo disrespectful... I no Matt better send her home..

Genesis: Ben Higgins is not the best choice to come and talk about love... Did ya'll see Ben & Lauren's reality show? smh

T G: “I should have that crown actually.. ....Think-yeoow”

Kennedi Lyons: I think Anna made up that lie about Brittany 🙄

Lu: I love Katie. She’s too good for this franchise.

Liz Neptune: I think Teeth is probably extremely intimidated by Brittney, hell, she mightve even taken her man! Or dated someone she dated.

Maximus Prime: Theres usually at least two or three genuinely pretty women of the contestants. This season all the women are average at best.

Julia Salvia: honestly, this season is absolute garbage.

Matty Star: as long as the girls don’t talk shit about katie to matt everything should be fine

Hannah Harris: At least we can console ourselves with the fact that Anna is going to age horribly

Meron Adhana: Katie is a sweetheart and she’s beautiful but I don’t see her being an interesting lead

Serena Arthur: victoria gives me major lola from big mouth vibes

McKenzie Fletcher: Matt looks so awkward with his hand on Victorias leg. Also when they kiss she eats his face and he looks so uncomfortable. So many women are like jumping his face with no consent from him. Its gross and looks desperate. The face he gives the girls he WANTS to kiss speaks volumes. This season is so cringe. Victoria is acting like a paid villain to bring out the worst in girls like anna and mj.

renekireborn renekireborn: You are hilarious 😂 I love it

Deb Malouin: Im betting he choses Michelle! Now THAT was an instantaneous connection,was real,they were very comfortable as if always knew eachother,had fun,laughed,obvious chemistry,much in common...deserve each other! Kudos Kaity...for being real,& maintaining integrity. Yes you should be the next Bachelorette. Im pretty sick of all the drama with Victoria queen of her own childish games ,vindictive,melicious,?narcissistic. I almost feel bad for her,not only did she make a fool of herself nationally,but thats who she really is....WOW SAD Ive been sick of her antics & pompous attitude from night 1. As for the 2 blonde brats....Man what kind of life is That? Catty,jelous,cruel,selfish...very very Hateful to start melicious rumors. Pretty disgusting,& WHY was it allowed to air? These are REAL people that have to go on with their lives after the fall outs. How careless. Im thinking it may be time to BOYCOTT this stupidity. Pretty sickning NOT recap,more like reCRAP!

Lauren Marrs: and i don’t understand why no one else besides katie stands up for the women??

Caroline Cushing: I seriously don’t think we should be mad at everyone but Katie. Like let’s be honest we’re all mad at Victoria, Anna and a few other girls that took their side and were laughing. But maybe the girls who just sat back and watch and don’t say anything but didn’t encourage anything they should’ve stuck up for Brittany but maybe they were shy and didn’t know what to say or freaked out but we don’t have to hate everyone but Katie

Caroline Cushing: As much as I hate Victoria she’s hilarious to watch😂

Makeup by Raiha: Omg who else just wants to beat the shizz out of Victoria 🙄😡

S_Jay: There needs to be a class action suit against ABC for gross negligence and encouraging/fostering abuse. Asap


Michaela Olson: i understand fighting for someone’s heart but just being straight up disrespectful and rude is appalling to me. how can abc allow these women to speak to each other like this. this is putting a terrible narrative out for younger generations. this is disgusting.

Curtis Nagy: this saved me from watching 2 hours and now my girl thinks im caught up your my hero

ebi ebi: Older cast les drama !

Valencia Woods: That girl should have turned right around and told everyone that Anna used to be a man. Rumours back in Chicago.

Jeff Downer: Faketoria might be getting her own show?

CB1227 Bui: Some of these ladies need to buy a dictionary to learn what the word bully means because their behavior and the way they act embodies it perfectly.

Cheyenne Burgess: This was the best recap. Thanks!

Cheyenne Burgess: I have hope for Katie and Michelle....that’s it

Shannon Ranalli: i'm a katie stan literally the only sensible one.

Abigail: the office references are so perfect 😂

Brianna Whitfield: Wow, I am so glad I decided not to watch this season. I love Fantake so I still love these recaps ,but after Peter's season and seeing this it looks like Bachelor producer's have done nothing to change the toxicity of the show. It's all for views and I thought the WTA segment last year meant producers were going to stop this toxic level of bullying on The Bachelor (specifically, not the Bachelorette)

Nia Matthews: Being the first black bachelor I would think that the producers and casting directors would take more time and effort into choosing these women but I see the exact opposite has happened. Really hate this group of women for him and I wish they would have done a better job at choosing these women. It’s really sad.

Sophia DiOrio: I just don't understand how anyone could ever be that mean. Like what happened in your life to make you a complete piece of shit?

Renee J: Thank you for giving the best recap out there.

Collena Doctor: dude you are seriously funny! love The office plugs!

Kelsey Weddig: Not only is it infuriating to see Victoria and Anna (and MJ) act the way they do, but it's also disappointing to see the other girls who are silently and/or passively laughing along when other girls are talking disrespectfully about the new contestants or calling them out publicly for no reason. It's like... do you not see the problem and how you're perpetuating it

Sarah Baron: The things those girls were saying felt evil. Reminded me of mean girls in junior high. High school drama wasn’t even this vile. Made me sick. So much respect for Katie.

DionysisGalanis: That was the most entertaining recap of an episode ever despite the toxicity of the episode!

Marie Jesne: Matt honestly deserves better from the producers. As the first Black Bachelor, I can't help but wonder if they set him up for this fucking three ring circus so that they can point to the low ratings and use that to justify going back to the usual lack of diversity. The cast, producers, and editors needed to do more to make Matt the focus. Why cast the first Black Bachelor when his screentime is being shortened due to all the drama that just HAS to make it into the final cut?! For example, I look back to Nick Viall's season and I feel like that was a pretty good mix of drama and getting to know the Bachelor and the contestants. A pretty average season, but at least I can bear rewatching his. I don't think I will ever want to revisit Matt's season once it ends and that's a shame.

Danielle: thank you for watching this so I dont have to

Lila Ben: Katie finally is the best ❤️❤️❤️ Victoria, Anna and co 🤮

Maria: Katie is queen!

Carlos Dee: ABC is going to pay millions for defamation of character.

leticia romero: & when Victoria says “then get get out the house” and Abigail laughs with her... smh 🤦🏻‍♀️

Random user with a random name: You can use the word literally to express the opposite, that's how language evolves. Ok, moving on.

Random user with a random name: MJ started so good imo, and she just downspiralled into becoming Karen, both from mean girls and a karen. Like, what happened? She seemed so well put together.

Ana G: The fact that Anna, Victoria and MJ have their comments in IG turned off, speaks VOLUMES 🙃

Nonnie Avi: My man can’t stand that I watch it but I do every week 😍

Peris Ndirangu: Spoiler alert ....” American bachelorette “will be filmed in Edmonton Canada March

Tonya Totten: I noticed Anna smirking when Victoria said trash took itself out.I'm just sick of the mean girl bully drama ABC stop it it's not funny it's not cute it's just downright evil this is not an episode of the Hills from the late 2000s or the real world from the 1990s.

cc 123: My son loves all the shows in this video lol🇨🇦♥️

cc 123: You have improved your videos. Good job! I cant imagine behaving this way. I dont troll, so I ll just say, I love Katie too. I would have become violent. So great job Katie🥰🥰🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

Kennedi Alana: Brittany should sue Anna for slander

Melly Bee: This is disgusting and a horrible example that will encourage this kind of behaviour in impressionable people. Its like a ridiculous high school drama. The Bachelor has run its course... all of this to get eyeballs and sell advertising

Anissa B.: I think in the bachelor seasons, they plant at least one actor who is just there to stir things up. Victoria look like that kind of person.

Carbon Bonded Books: Katie is a fucking goddess. I so hope that she's the next bachelorette.

Kim Garnacha: Who wants a toxic person as their forever love? And what happens to Victoria’s eye? Looks as stye u see her eye and the other with her nose like she is smelling 💩 all the time (Anna)

Alex Lux: Jfc stop calling hoes “sex workers”

Sam azzer: The narrators voice is soooooo annoying, I'd rather chew glass

Ashley Wyatt: Anna's upper lip constantly being stuck up above her teeth drives me crazy

Ryssa Oliveras: And why doesn’t the producers or even Chris Harrison say ANYTHING about what’s going on!?? Matt is completely in the dark and it’s unfair. He’s going to end up falling for the wrong girl !

Ryssa Oliveras: I literally am waiting for Matt’s reaction when he watches his own season , would love to hear his thoughts on these evil girls

Christina Johnson: MAGI IS SOOOO CUTEEEE OMG! Beautiful, unproblematic, and adorable wish she had more screen time

Loz: Katie for next bachelorette, let's just skip to that season already!!!

Meridith Glass: Katie is wonderful ❤ her patience is what we should all be striving for! Count this comment as my vote for her as the next bachelorette

Salome Grey: I think it's pretty gross that Victoria is out here now on her instagram whining that "real queens support other queens" when she literally called another woman a slut and a whore and attacked another for standing up for other contestants. But she's "not a bully"... sure.

Jessica Moise: If Victoria marry Matt it would be disaster if she doesn't change

Jordan Powell: Katie has been my fav since the beginning of the first episode. I knew she’d be great. She reminded me of Alexis. But her heart of gold makes her the full package

James Gale: I love your videos but your hyper vigilant attacks on Victoria are just super excessive. It ruins what is an otherwise great video.

Bekky Love: This is a sick show. I'm done. You all love drumph. How dare you all. division. What about Matt? Do you really care? He's a Christian and you are taking advantage of him , to hell with the original purpose of this show. Yep, drumph has set a new low to all lives, breathes, Dreams. like this show, there is no hope. How dare you model this? You are bored

paulette franco: you definitely read r/thebachelor lol

skyrimandchill: I'ma say this on behalf of Minnesota: We no longer recognize Anna as one of us. ✌️Bye Felicia

kam freeman: why is no one talking about how ABIGAIL laughed when victoria told brittany to “get out the house”??


Joan: Katie will be the bachelorette. I hope so anyway.

Marsha Jutras: I love it. Victoria and The Plastics, lol, they need to go!!!

gracelovespink97: This entire season needs to b thrown away. Matt has the personality of a piece of paper and all these girls suck.

Susan B: Looks like Katie the only stable one in the house.

kt036: I've seen many people bash Abigail for laughing but forget to realize that Abigail is Deaf. Just because she has a cochlear implant does not mean her hearing is equal to those who can hear well. Deaf people heavily rely on social cues and group conversations can be hard for her to understand. Asking people to clarify things can be embarrassing especially if you have to ask over and over again. On the Bachelor Happy Hour she said herself that she went on a date before and didn't hear half of what her date was saying. So please, let's not jump the gun on Abigail and call her a mean girl just because she laughed as soon as Victoria turned to her.

Trawpical Chica: Most of the online sleuths were saying that the Abigail was one of the girls spreading rumors about Brittany, that she was seen laughing in one clip but was partially cut out, and that other girls in the house said Abigail was one of the women gossiping about Brittany but that she was getting a "good edit" so they cut a lot of it out. Just thought that was interesting, don't know if that is true at all, just what a lot of sleuths/podcasts were saying.

Karalena Heredia: I seriously was super happy for Matt when he finally closed his eyes. It was really starting to creep me out 😳🤚

Amanda Maria: Lol. they only keep Victoria because she causes drama. Drama gives ratings y'all! but I'm so excited to see her get sent home. Getting annoying now

Laura A: Not watching the season bc of the toxicity, barely getting thru the recaps bc of it....only watch for you and Whit&Ry

Coty Peterson: I think we can count on two things happening after this season: Anna being sued for defamation of character and both her and Victoria becoming the most unemployable women in North America.

Jessica Allred: Thank you for suffering through that nightmare of an episode so we didn't have to! It's so toxic it's almost hard to make it through a ten minute recap! But you did great and I can honestly say this is my fav way to get through the seasons now!

maddie ford: katie, abigail, michelle, and chelsea are my favorites they seem like good people

Ellie Chamberlain: The way you treat Victoria is the main reason I keep coming back 😭😭😭😭😂

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