Battlefield 2042 | Season 2: Master of Arms Gameplay Trailer

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J D: Still waiting for single player campaign and offline modes

MVXII: I love this Dice, please more destruction to buildings 💯

Forty-K: is that a new AK reload animation?

BlackStorm38: About time 😍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I can't wait dice

RX I: So what happened to portal? I bought 2042 just for BF3 and BFBC2

mitch hederson: Nobody cares about your game, especially after you pulled a fast one on your consumers. this type off stuff should of been added months ago.

Kevin Vargas: I just want to know the names of the songs they use in their trailers.

DenZeL: I'm sorry but it's too late...

BeastModeJelly: AIM SYSTEM FROM BF4, SAME VEHICLE AIMING, DRIVING, AND FLYING FROM BF4! 😭 THAT'S WHAT I WANT, THEN I WILL RE-INSTALL THIS GAME. AND I HATE TO HAVE TO HOLD A TO SKIP REVIVE. Since playing bf3 for the first time i been a bf player with over a thousand hours in bf4 alone, and always been a premium player,,, since the aiming system got changed from BF1(a masterpiece game) i can't get the same experience with the bf franchise,, I never thought i would ever stop playing bf games but i had to. Copy paste the aiming and driving system from bf4 to bf2042.

Johan Funes: Let's hope that I can play for more than 5 minutes without the game crashing and restarting my console

John: I won’t lie I would love to see less shipping containers there everywhere in every map

TheHeartlessDeathsentence: We need the same BF3 player movements feeling. BFBC2 theme song. BF3 close quarter combat fighting maps with Rush. We need BF3 Rush mode. More weapons like in BF3 & BF4! Can't believe you guys took majority of them out just to put them on your season weapons. Pretty sure we have used majority of the guns on your previous games that will be releasing in your seasons like if they are brand new.

Sledge And His Hammer: Still waiting for my money back

zumata: Al juego le queda 3 temporadas mas de vida antes de que muera definitivamente, ahora mismo esta moribundo con el escaso contenido que tiene y le vais a meter.

Respawn Restricted: 1 map and couple guns not enough . just bring bf4 to portal already

El_Mankobelico: Vamos Battlefield con todo vamos dice vamos 😏😎🥵

Mr R: We are tired of lying

Артём Полушин: это просто ШЭДЕВР!!!! игра от БОГА!!! сделано реально !достойно уважения создателям,спасибо вам!!!!!!!!!!!!

francisco flavio: how a game like this has no campaign.

BertoldBrain: 😕

DarkHawk1303: I wonder if they game is playable now …… last time I played it was awful lol I might have to try and give it a go again at some point maybe

Leszek Dupiel: Pls dont left bf2042 after 1 year. it has some potential

Gabert dane: man the trailers always, and I mean always hit.

Sierra Leone: Battlefield Trailers are Always top notch, i Always get goosebumbs

anıllT: 1) New armored vehicle should be classified as light armored vehicle along with Bolte. Heavy armored vehicles should be ebaa, tank and mav. And another ride class with jeep and hovercraft... 2) Jets need bomb as secondary weapon. Two regular bombs or alternatively two napalm bombs with appropriate reloading times. 3) This map need different type of event. Maybe tsunami or flood event, not a tornado.

PK L a s t N: where is the new contents for Portal??

Rol Bar: 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 1MAP ,2 ARMS...

yana fridz: 5 man squad pls

maulana farizi: What If the music?

Pervy Sage: Keep pushing the envelope and getting better and better with these ideas and the new content as the seasons go on. This game will only become great if you continue to put the passion and hard work into it and I can tell you are so thank you, keep it up🙌🏻👏🏻.

인픕: I just hope Dice doesn't drop the game😓

RHINO Games: where my hardcore mode?

Nut Korawit: อยากให้มีภาษาไทยเข้ามาในเกมส์ด้วยครับ อินเตอร์เฟสไทย

Arad Esfahani: update bfv

Arad Esfahani: upgrade bfv

GunShocka: Im not really sure why everyone is complaining about the weapons so much. I understand having a large selection of weapons is fun and all, most usually refering to BF4s selection, but many fail to see that BF4 had many guns that just never generally got used cause they would be balanced to play pretty much the exact same with very little differences. One thing i appreciate is that every gun in 2042 feels like it has a defined purpose and usage that can also be tweaked by what you put on it. i havent really even seen a weapon that hasnt gotten much usage. I think the lowest would maybe be the VCAR but even then the weapon itself isnt all too bad and is still viable, its just not popular. If every weapon they put out has a clear purpose id say id take that over an arsenal of the same guns with different skins

John Burns: Timmy is doo doo cheeks like commentary about his doo doo cheek commentary,

Miha2008: Контейнерфилд

Morty Smith: can anyone name the music at 1:43?

booyaaaaaaa: Just give up DICE, close the studio, go find new jobs

Acetwoone: Skeleton crew trying to make seasons as cheaply as possibly by copy/paste tanker from Discarded. So by season 4 the game will get a total of 4 new maps and they can pull the plug on dvelopment. lol they are laughing at the BF fans to paid money for this game, DISGRACE!

Khaled Alroumihik: حنا في النتظار لتشويق بس اذ كان الدخول مجاني مثل سيزن ون

Landobuschnig: Neue Blumen für das Grab

Spaceshark Gaming: this looks awesome especially with the news of all the overhauls you guys r doing based on feedback. already jumped back in to finish s1 to try n grind as much of the pass i can before s2 hits. in other words im back in and if u keep up this good work, listen to the community im sure i wont be the only one.

Visionmid Games: Новая техника третий пулемет 👍

DraKulis Cinematic Gaming: you better step it tf up , when Warzone 2.0 comes out , Bf is catching dust , coming from a die hard BFBC2 player

Visionmid Games: надеюсь там не будет toxic voter

FazzY: when will it be in gamepass?

닭크엔젤: the main game's change is great. but more contents please... not enough like this.

smolltaco: The trailers are always amazing

Talisman21: Hey Vonderharr, great job on that boat map.

Asiya Afzal: Dice should add random recoil pattern to some guns in bf2042

harvard smith deangelo: So when is EA going to realize that every person involved in marketing and character design needs to be sent to the breadlines? Do they just want to totally erase all their franchises? LOl

Daniel Podolyan: Whats the background song???

Zach Henry: You aren't going to fool me again... But it looks sooo goood... Ok I will try it for at least an hour....

Pwags: I wish there were more than one offensive flying vehicle allowed, planes should have their own slot

boouyayme: Let's just hope with the new map we won't get stuck with exposure 24/7 lobbies!

SkyzeraGG: quero meu dinheiro de volta seus canalhas

High Cosmonaut: Still looks horrible, the game will never be any good.

nietiwa: whats name of music?

TheWeedyapl: DICE your game is completely dead in the Oceanic region. I cannot find a game even on weekends like today - 1/128 players. I appear to be the only person trying to play? Friday night there was 5/128 but since 32 required literally cannot play. Oh dear.

James Morgan McGill: This is a classic Tate W

C. Dante: what's the name of the soundtrack, this hit hard... even managed to turn a lackluster trailer into something I might be excited for..

DestinationJazz: After seeing this I think this is a huge stepping stone in the right direction still tho I wish we didn’t have to wait so long for the next season to come out! For example Seasons 3 & 4 won’t come out until by 2023 of next year if my predictions are right! 😎👍

ElMXsicanou: Me likes this ;3

Luca Hubert: Hahahahahahaha👏💩

DICE Batlefield: Battlefield el mejor Shooter del mundo 😎

Creepy: Stop with the tornado xddd

Nena 🔥 F-'ck M'-e - Check my P'ro'fi-le🔥: I’ll be giving it a go. The patches have been solid and the changes for season 2 are a nice middle ground between community’s requests and the changes they made from previous BF games.

Gathas of Persia: errrr ANOTHER Black person on the cover. What happened to WHITE guys. Wokeness in gaming =fail= boycott. Whats next? Trans black female ?

BruhYou: still no destruction, still no battlefield

SCRAPPY: I have already wasted way too much money on glitchy games like Battlefield no thanks

guido santangelo: 1:40 the drop here is amazing

STOOP1D -_-: Man fix the aiming on console first

John Williams: The initial release was rough, but BF2042 has been consistently getting better and better. Definitely excited for this

Chris Powers: I pre ordered every battlefield and i totally regret this pre order. 2 weeks ago a got a series x and found out that if i want to try the game on that console i have to but the game again. After finding that out i will never buy a battlefield game again. I called xbox and wanted to pay just for the upgrade but that said EA made that not an option i have to buy the game i already own to play on next gen.

Undead CDL: Put battlefield vietnam and bc2 vietnam dlc maps and weapons in the game and I will instantly purchase this game. Also battlefield hardline maps and guns.

Ali Max511: Battlefield remains an adult game and a military mentality game

waeliano: I'm really trying to fit in...but that's hard when your standard is BF2.

店長: 人いんの?

Michael4576: I don't even care that updates are being made, just give me my money back you thieves.

Localtrapsquad TV: Bring back wall hugging.

Rice00Ninja: Fix the OP helicopters

ForeverAReaper: probably could have chose a different time to release a character that looks like andrew tate

Life of LPH: That new specialist looks intense!!!

Enratic: Honestly. Better than the current state of Halo Infinite 😂

·〰Poofie~Baku〰·💘: Say what you want about the game but they never miss with the trailers

aulcard helly: lets goo

I'm Norm: I've never seen an intelligent person play BF2042. I'll still play this garbage tho

Hamza 4U: nice trailer, how about the game???


Evan Seekins: People still play this?????? I pray they get help...

dog69420: it's good

USMCLUCAS: Finally a new update! ♥


Sami Alijanii: what is the song !?

Lava_Slayer77 MCPE: The game is so laggy even the trailer doesn't have a 60fps option

Gizmo0816: August 30th aka my first day back to school. God darn it school gets in the way of all the important stuff. Thank God I'm in 12th.

NEONGENIC: 1:16 I'm not sure, but I think they created this clip to maybe show off their improved ragdoll? It looks a lot better than the ragdoll now, sooo... We'll see...👀

BatflRECKER Batlefield: Love BATLEFIELD ❤️

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