Battlefield 2042 | Season 5: New Dawn Gameplay Trailer

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Andymiral: I ask myself what we would have become every season, if the game had been in this state from beginning. Apart from that, bf2042 is much much better now then at start. Its like day and night

Muhanna Alomairi: Remove the AI destroying the game and also destroying our interesting about the game

Tennessee Timmy: A big lack of gameplay

Malok: Why can’t the game have this kind of sound design

TheLethalPredator: ANGRY R2D2!!! CIWS!!

papamoon TV: Bf now is on his way be That Game i wish it was on Release 🙂 pls work more and more and make bf the Good Game it was 🙂 like bf 3/4 bc 2 Hope HC Server will ne Return 🥲

Christoph Ullrich: Is this Zavod ? Looks great😮

TankYou90: You're adding "only in battlefield" moments to your trailers but you forgot to add Battlefield itself. There's no point in making a good trailer when the game itself isn't right.

Саша Егоян: Bf4 is still better

Maple: Lowkey is reminding me of one of the maps from the final dlc for BF4

TierAdler Ch.: Even though this game has cancelled single player mode, its good game now

Tr¡pp¡eGan9: In 1:19 who is that talking in the background, is that Irish or someone else?

nfsfanAndrew: Surprisingly, this game is making one hell of a come back. Yes launch was abysmal.

LMac: Every time a new season comes out in this game I see how good the trailer is and it persuades me to play the game for a few months, bf 2042 is definitely getting better each season

Shadow Da Underground Gamer: It's about to go down

Dlya Yutuba: OMG this is one of the best action videos!

P¦DOG¦P: player: battlefield 2042 is the worst battlefield dice: "start singing never gonna give you up"

PerdHappily: Really hope people turn out in support of this season. I would love to get another map or two before they close out support. A Metro portal map would keep the community alive for years.

TED x: It's freaking 2042 and they still use RPG-9

Liendo Ramos Alex: Good trailer, normal game, that's all

IroncladLion: Bought the game Season 4 after being a Beta Tester. And while the beta test / release were incredibly rocky, the game has come along ways. I wish there was more destruction, as that's one of the main things I miss from BF 3, 4, and 1. But besides that, the game plays really well. And it's 100% getting better with every update. Looking forward to New Dawn!

games story: I love ❤️ battlefield 😊is my favourite game all time

Adventureistic: Trailers are always nice but that’s what advertising is all about. Pity the actual product was nothing less than a robbery. Never went from being soo excited to disappointment for a game in my life.

tachyon 313: Can you please not make my CPU running full loaded?? My 3070 only have less than 50% load, all the work was on my CPU frame dropping caused by your horrible optimization is so annoying!!!

Kacc: New char will be a SHAMAN? Heal all with guano-plated herbs? XD

Kacc: My will have this ANTIAIR cabine heehehhe

Kacc: Deagle oneshot Littlebird vs my machinegun 90% fail))

OldSchoolSix: Gameplay ?

Yan Lin: Finally It reminds me of battlefield 3 and 4 trailers. Well done!

Michl Wurmsl Li: Please bring an update and new maps for bf5

Jaro Navales: love it!

Lemon: I just watched some of the bf3 trailers, and DICE seems to really like shooting Little Bird pilots to announce dlcs.

Minni Pandaa: we are so back

CptZimmerFrame: Please tell me i just saw Operation Locker 🤞🏻

Flaschendrehen: Every Trailer ist awesome, except the BFV Reveal Trailer. I hate this fact

Revhans: The game is good but not the specialist, doesn't sound like actual BF soldiers like BF3/BF4

Timothy Norris: Finally Battlefield looks like Battlefield again, good work dice.

aza454: they missed the part where you get sniped from an lmg across map. And those buildings arent collapsing enough.

Mr Meme: I was there at the beginning, i will be here at the end.

Michael Chen: hell yea!! bf2042 just getting better and better!! love it!

Gui D: I thought the 416 was already unlockable ?

TotalEffort: I'm Back

AL X: Those who not played: “Is the game finally out of Beta?” Me: “Yes….yes it is. Finally it’s complete.”

Tenkayru Anaya: good trailer , but the game doent feel like squad where every one has a task to do .

cristina yohou: I know maybe nobody care, but this game need absolutely some music ending game.... there is no epic music anymore that make you push at end game

Landon Craner: DICE is the master of finally releasing a game 18 months later

OswaldFiggleBottom: the best part was the hour glass rework slide

Robert González: What's the name of the soundtrack? It's awesome and the trailer too

Episode 13: This has got me hyped. I play BF 2042 nost nights on my Xbox Series X. So glad Dice are supporting this game. Its now a great game. Well done Team. Keep pushing forward. Never back down!!!

Jacob Beach: If you're a Breakthrough only player I can't endorse or recommend this game anymore. 2042 Breakthrough year one was awesome as an Infantry only player but since they removed the AHs & jets the atmosphere has dipped from intense to tame. It's not even BT anymore it's MW2 ground war.

K: روعة

Sankhadeep Burman: I miss Battlefield 3

Ion Snake: I think the trailer is a bit misleading when named gameplay trailer. Because anyone who has ever played BF2042 can easily tell character animations in-game are no where close to the trailer's.

Bruintjesuus: Wait wouldn’t it be cool if you have oz as a faction

Captain.Redbeard: Remember folks, they might have completed their game 2 years after its release. So, for next bf title, dont buy it until 2 years after it got released. Save money, be smart.

SPEC: ЕА настолько жадная, что выдели деньги на четырех актеров озвучки, которые должны были озвучить 11 персонажей.

J. James jr. Jackson: yeah it's like the best game trailer i've ever seen in my life

German infantry: Irish voice actor is really good

andrews De la hoz: Dice always nails down their game trailers, definitely the trailers in the gaming industry. I love it. Nice work with the hourglass reworked. We need more NEW maps and more weapons; weapons choices in BF 2042 is very poor.

Wayner The Gamer: 406K on the 4th day so far nice 😎

B4B4B00y: ngl should be illegal for a trailer song to be this good

Skinner Hater: People play this game

Mini's With James: I'm loving the new direction DICE and EA are going for. Is it perfect or considered one of the greats? no it's far from it. But it has come ALONG way from where it started. Needs Phantom Program back in it though.


Vincent Marduk: You know what Batlefield needs, more old ladies and diversity.

Jin Sheida: EA should focus on the solo experience as they said, I bought battlefield 2042 because of that

_-Brasuca-_: Boa dice, vamos recuperar a franquia, o jogo ja esta bem melhor, vamos ver apos 07/06 como vai ficar, mudanças e novidades importantes ....👏👏👏👏

Aaron Martinez: Man i would jump back in but the amount of incompetent teammates is still ridiculously high 😂

Ty: my take on bf2042: dice didnt care about this since its on old and new hardware. they waiting for the next game hopefully on new hardware only and will it will be the bf everyone wanted

SmilTin: Best❤🤍 BF!!

Dark Skull893: bf1 grenade plane throws are back?

Lol police g live: it's funny how there is still one drone

Mehr Ad: RPG is back, please metro map . thx

Кирилл Тонкошкур: A series was released about my city of Bakhmut 🇺🇦

Fish0z: Epic

ValerioLegio: Skins and cosmetics always suck. Yellow, Lime, Red etc etc

Unknown gChrist: Best trailers, Bad game 😞

Pavel Zikmund: I don't see a single similarity with Czech

Soliduss Gamer: It's look like a decent battlefiled game. The way is realy good DICE.

Fears&Feelings: Season 6 with all portal weapons?

Velakor: here's to hoping again that this will finally be the season where they fix the 100% cpu usage issue. Each season looks better and better but the game is just unplayable. even if I try limit my cores my cpu still caps out, and this is a 9600k overclocked to 5ghz. Game stutters and drops like crazy.

Damien: Bring back the true Battlefield please !! Not this futuristic unrealistic junk ! Always good trailers 👍

Got_snubbed1412: I think they should add more countries (yes I know they didn’t add any bc the “storyline” but it still would be a more generic way of playing and not just playing with the us and Russia like I want an actual near end of world war and not just 2 super powers

JazTheCat: Jeep stuff❤

JHolland: I need to download this, but if there isn’t maps like bf4 where things explode which effect the map then we need more of them, such as the tower falling or map flooding

Viktor Kinski: 💩🤮

Abdullah Bahhari: We want battlefield 1 Remaster or Remake pls

Trying2B: Does the game have a leaderboard yet ?

Marcos_Pefe2: Trailer top como Sempre , isso alguém lá dentro sabe fazer , agora no jogo , no prática , não vejo Melhoras , os veículos é tudo estranhos , pedi reembolso mais a Microsoft nunca se quer respondeu meu e_ mail .. modo : portal é o que salvava esse Game , tá abandonado .. : (

Noneshere: Come on, wheres the kill cam shots ?

discminute: this looks incredible, hopefully it isnt just the marketing team that pulls through

U.N Forces Alx: may had a rough launch but im looking up for ya guys

Incroyableee Mec: je rêve d’un battlefield 64vs64🥰

Juggernaut🦦 [606]: Can we get a category for “BF3 map rotation” - “BF4 Map rotation” & a “BF1 map rotation” omg the entire community would rejoice❤️❤️❤️ we love 2042 but the nostalgia from old games is always fun to play too with 2042. You guys are close!! I see it, soon I know i will be playing rush on metro on 2042🫡

Aut alive: 「そっちじゃない」って時の兵士がちゃんと銃ごと横に振ってるの最高

j: 1:31 has the same helmet setup as bf4 us assault

FINAL_B: Very misleading! ''gameplay'' trailer. 😮‍💨😮‍💨 Pre rendered for 30FPS and cinematic edit it is not what gameplay is. 00:28 that is not even a raw gameplay, not even scripted one, it only has the first person view in it...

moonshineTheleocat: If they got rid of the operators and just let you customize your characters, I'd be on it

Syun Nakajima: This map brings back memories of ZAVOD 311.

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