Battlefield 2042 | Season 4: Eleventh Hour Gameplay Trailer

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Terror_GERmbH PS4: Diese Spezialisten haben nichts mit der Realität gemeinsam. Dieses Spiel stand Mal für einen ganz besonderen Taktik Shooter mit atemberaubenden Maps und einer besonderen Grafik und Soundkulisse. Wo man die map zerlegen konnte und viele hunderte Stunden Spaß hatte. Das was hier weiter gemacht wird ist nicht das wofür ich Battlefield liebe. Was für mich der Grund ist zum anderen Lager gewechselt zu haben. Spätestens wenn die es hinbekommen das die Maps zerstört werden können sieht Battlefield leider ganz alt aus.

Emre Bayram: I'd like to see more environmental interaction like more destroyable buildings.

Nimecast: 2:03 That is Me and my friends, it brings back nostalgic memories of BF4.

mixitup1: Worse battlefield game ever released!! No glossy trailer can’t hide the fact that this game is bad.

Samuel Samuel: I will not lie. When the game was released it was unfinished and didn’t feel like a battlefield game at ALL. But overtime with the recent updates and seasons this game has to potential to be a classic if not one of the best battlefields released! keep up the good work guys, glad your one of the only game dev teams who listen to their community and care! PS. This game has been my favorite battlefield released even with the glitches, poor content and negative community it had in the beginning I always thought it was fun. Love this game.

douglasr74: Has mouse and keyboard implementation been added?

Aakash Parikh: Let's go!!

so★: buff paik

TheCoolflameboi: PLayedfor hours this weekend, and omg finally it actually feels good now. Triend like once every few month since launch

Midas Zay: W BF42

Dan Taylor: yeah that just blew my mind. That was on another level. Weve come alond way since Tomb Raider on the PS1

JayBeast: Still hard to aim on console tho

ニャビエル: おいおい今更欲しくなったよ😅

Albin: I kind of enjoy this game atm xD

Mark Bennett: As much as I want to love the game it feels pretty much dead in my (New Zealand) region.

Nero Kero: 1:25 This is spartaaaaa!

Kenneth Cadiao: Like battlefield 3 weapons in this game it has ZERO recoil on it 😮

Dr WGA Labuschagne: Should've moved the map to a city at night. and Have levelolution be loadshedding...

Jeremy: we need actual music please ☹️

karonte_2735: i love this game and i am super exited about the new season ❤

SeriouslyNIX: Even with these trailers being super cinematic and scripted, Battlefield is the only game where I feel like the gameplay comes close to the feel of their trailers.

Red RuM: Would be dope if they put operation metro in portal 👌

🔥Chloe tAP Me to Hаve seXwiтн -ME-🔥: I don't know if I'm the only one.. but I had so much fun, when I was bored, on mobile app for battlefield 4 commander, that was very cool. Merging fps matches and commander mode in the same lobby awesome! A 360 gameplay experience

Julien M: We want more WW2 content

A Actual Ginger: Looking good

💗Sharon tAP МЕ TO Hаve sexWiТН *me*💗: Please DICE, dont give up on this game- theres so much potential

Clash Bot: reminds me of Zavod 311 BF4

hating myself.: Soundtrack: Kill the Crown (2WEI)

🔥Chloe tAP Me to Hаve seXwiтн -ME-🔥: Lets be honest the trailers for this game have always been great!

Neo: You should stop making video games and just make trailers

🍑Mу-iD-3082 - TAP Mе TO have Sех wiтн (me)🍑: I really like how they have been putting things into the trailers that the players actually do in game

Sean B: The whole identical faction thing still is an issue for me. Like for example it's typical 🇺🇲 vs 🇷🇺 on these maps yet I can spawn as IRISH on both teams who is still speaking English and wearing US style camo. One time i joined a server and one squad was only Dozers with a riot shield. I'm glad the class system is back but I feel like if it's 🇷🇺 vs 🇺🇲 the characters need to reflect that. That's my only gripe since bringing the class system back

🚨Alice- Go T0 МY chаnnеl live (now): Lets be honest the trailers for this game have always been great!

Polored Cencils: Can't wait for the new weapons!

Sami: So no one going to talk about her age on their website and I quote, "Birthdate: May 12th, 2012 (Age 31)"

Marcelo: Could you pay more attention to the fighters.. two missiles and hardly even damage to armored vehicles??? .30 gust in infantry doesn't even tickle??? Clown, and the respawn of the vehicles with a bug in the timer?

Sharik Letyn: DICE, one map? One map? F

🍑Susanna TAР МЕ T0 have sexWiТН -ME-🍑: BF trailers are always 10/10. Makes me pumped

Lazizjon Raxmatov: So realistic

💗Sharon tAP МЕ TO Hаve sexWiТН *me*💗: I finally picked the game up after playing the Beta because Ive heard good things and Im glad I did. The game seems to be in a pretty decent place. I just hope they dont abandon it in the next couple of months.

Be Mad: serbu nice

Denis Tatlybaev: Thank you Vince Zampella! Battlefield 2042 play new colours after your working and fix bugs this game! I love BF series, but more people leave bf2042 because she very bad work on the release, today, in this bild, i absolutely recommended battlefield2042 all my friends!

Skordil Wabramop: I still loathe every one of these specialists. MW2 ground war has been my BF and it makes me so depressed inside

Euro Charli: Date of out .?

Magnum Visuals: 22k likes but only 7k play it. Bunch of rookies

Anonymous69: still waiting for my refund


Bonnie Geesey: There no jered in my family

Leonardo Natera: So I don't currently got this battlefield, n I love battlefield but V wasn't it for me. Is this one worth it ? Now.

iN8k🎲IllumiNatey👁️Cyclops Cult: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

iN8k🎲IllumiNatey👁️Cyclops Cult: 🌋

Rob: Just start working on BF6. This game sucks.

alkaAdeluxx: nice unfinished game 17 month after release, this game is a joke

Kai_likes_pie: Matt Smith?????

vandl107: Mixed Girl Soldier 😂

Chase Playz KMC: I wonder if the big thing in the building will explode…

Rigger: I would not waste my money..

Danny Gordillo: Bf4/bf1 >>>>>>>>

who_me666: Going back to watch bf4 naval strike trailer , better than this , and bf3 close quarters was so perfect and better than this trash

II I: Showing off all the fancy technology of 2042 without showing the most advanced of them all, hovercrafts that can fly and drive up skyscrapers!

Mattmilli09: Idc what anyone says this is dope,ive been a battlefield gamer since part 1 i love battlefield

Buildamillionbridges: Ticks all the boxes

Erichihuahua: very impressive, now optimize the game

LT. Waleed: still no server browser i think

paskunji: still don't like the map: i want something like strike at karkand, sharqi peninsula

Kurt Williams: I been the biggest pro voice for 2042, but tbh I've gone back to BFV this year and loving it Please let this be the update we need

Herb Bean: maybe they'll finally implement some basic staples like squad management or optimize it enough so I can get some decent frames with my 4070ti

Gen-Odyssey: 1:25 OMG that was the best one I've seen

JC 4 Evur: So, how much computing power will I be needing for this game?

SonGras: Yes yes yes!🔥🔥🔥

Galax Space: I hope those 3 players left playing this game enjoy it

Wilsonite 00: I honestly wasn’t aware this game was still being supported I guess if you’re dying on a hill this one is alright

The Seeker: Battlefield used to be so cool now it looks like every other shooter

cocochris0: Man I wish they didn't miss this game up in the beginning

Never_Ending: Remake battlefield 4 and you’ll do great 😊

xQT: I love how DICE and EA can make trailers that are as far apart from actual gameplay as possible. But I am loving that they haven't given up on 2042 like all the rumors were saying after year 1.

Midwestrebel 2: New maps , & the ability to lean against walls , cover etc That's all I ask In patch the game , because when a round starts , it takes a little bit to load up still The game is only 50gb still

Jmac 86: I finally picked the game up after playing the Beta because I’ve heard good things and I’m glad I did. The game seems to be in a pretty decent place. I just hope they don’t abandon it in the next couple of months.

Jaime Valencia: Never going back to battlefield again thank you for the last two disappointing games

Erik Brand: that was sick

974Iverson: Insane trailer

Gerardo Lopez: I just wanted BF2042 was being a remastered version of BF3 or just a BF3/BF4 type of mix. Still have a variety of servers on Xbox360 and PS3 and often went around to play and enjoy them. Cherish the times I played and was happy and didnt knew was playing a masterpiece and wanted to stay on that time.

Abdalrahman Mahmoud: No third person view?

Андрей Миронов: Wow, this trailer is amazing.

Netriosilver: yeah that's what everyone wants in battlefield a vehicle buff

Salazar Reach: What an epic bullshi* for kids. So unrealistic everything in this game. Dumb shooter, waste of time.

Michael G: And me without a PS5

wolfattacker1: Yes yes yes reeeeeee

Sai: 乐色游戏,每局都有外挂乱杀,官方面对开挂玩家毫无作为,开载具在出生点两炮就被挂哥打爆,我玩nm,乐色游戏活该凉凉

setchicha: Dice, leave the people in charge of the trailers and fire the mediocrity who made the game. Unfortunately, Battlefield 2042 pleases only with its trailers.

Prometheus988: Waiting for a sale tbh, i would honestly play this instead of mw2 because its gotten meh

Genos: The game almost feels like a battlefield now…

adamantfang07: I picked this up recently and I'm honestly having a blast, definitely looking forward to all of the new stuff

Felix: i am so excited

Kwills: People sucking on EA’s micro because they’re re-releasing what they had to take out of the game because they botched it so bad the first time

mofino: Don't listen to any of this hate, they haven't played the game. This is likely the best FPS on the market right now. If you don't think so, prove your favourite FPS is better, good luck.

Jerbs: Will this season have a patch that fixes all the bad animations and jarring recoil?

Cain .Martin: I completed the Easter eggs challenge before season 4

Cat-Han Nguyen: Didn't play this game for the longest time because I heard how bad it was. Started playing Hell Let Loose instead (good game btw). Got this game via pass a few months ago. It's fun. A good more casual change of pace compared to something like Hell Let Loose.

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