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Daniel Nowicki: 21:27 kurwa

Krieg5 Gg: Zwag mate i do not know how much i have to thank you. I come back every day tired by solving tax problem to the ppl and when i start watching your videos i forget everything and you give me chills. Best regards mate

NoDragonsPlz: Did Zwag Xerath play Senna Mid Yet? No, it's Zac top Loss streak: 113

KOZ: This oriana tho ROFL

Edge2437: Nice.

Sean Anderson: That was.... very underwhelming to watch, and nothing like the title.

AkiRa22084: You should zoom in on the skin to show us at the start. Lol, you didn't notice the viktor until the end! :)

Sebastián Mies Goldschmied: “Did Zwag Xerath buy a Sheen?” No, still no... Sheen’t streak: 16

Magnakarta: is that nightblue channel?

iTzMimeKing: Jajajaja i love when he lost a cannon he says My cannon it's so funny

Mohammad Rk: Algorithm

Bartek Łukasiak: Ah yes the Polish people are everywhere, even in Zwag's game

Froilan: noob

Emil Cozianu: I think we need an introduction of your jungler, hes been playing amumu in almost all of your pbe vodeos

Ashezth: It is in fact, still not cup the grass. Coo de Grahss

Bnymin Afuha’amango: That zac skin is nothing short of terrifying. Wtf is happening.

Luka Butliashvili: 33:01 and then your step bro comes in your room😅😂😂

Tigerduck Swagbroi: I wonder if you maybe could increase the volume on your videos so ads are not extremely loud in comparison

Rosh Nuwest: Should try this build on vlad

Владимир Осипов: stop buiding dmg items every game Jesus Christ, u deal dmg if u just dont die

LolZzz: Is there a champ you havent played ??

Ben Kellen: Lethality jinx!

Dumpster Jedi: "Did Zwag play Bruiser Orn?" "Nah, fuck Orn up with Zac 🤘"

TheKappo: i think the title may be inaccurate

Lord Slick Rick: Ornn literally never stepping on blobs was killing me.

Jakub Biel: 21:28 Tahm from Poland.


Marius Nydal: me after completing a item: 27:55

Luis Núńez Pabón: Nanananana Batman

BravoEchoVictor: That Zac skin is really ugly ? Or is it just me that thinks that ?

Michelle Someone: Totally thought the title said INVISIBLE zac...spent the whole video waiting for him to go invisible...smh...its

Michelle Someone: 33:00...on Bandaid brand and Bandaids stuck on me!

Luka: I feel like Grasp would maybe be better than conqueror since conqeuror healing has been nerfed, then take some CD in sorcery runes or something else in another secondary.

Peter Enis: darn i was hoping to see one of the new tank items... but he got a riftmaker lols

Zaderax: Luv the peace in ur voice

Aladino Cuaresma: I believe Riftmaker makes fighters so op

adrian BYG: No one gonna talk about ashe's arrows?

InzeBTE: tanking minions for ages : 600 damage taken from minions at 3:40 "What did so much damage" wp

User Disconnected: Hey zwag i noticed you did not auto attacking while you your ultimate. Why, its bonus dmg.

bestLetsplayer: Can you stop with those clickbait titles? I love your content, but this deters me a ton

Jared: "I wish you could get [two mythic items]. That would be really strong."

Solar King: Plz try on hit AP rift maker kayle with PTA🙏🏼🙏🏼

Ari Ari Ari Viderci: Eclipse Ornn the future is now

Konto Gmail: Is IT zwag

JRN: Zwag, are you part of the LGBT?

Sanlorenzo Nunez: How do we play on the season 11 servers?

Tim Kemell: Does anyone know what music playlist he listens to?

Tony Sanchez: What skin is that??? Sexy af

Tony Sanchez: What skin is that??? Sexy af

Barayo Tank: Only ten

Lolikonchiki: What is the music at 18:34

Milad Sammouh: What's the music from 7:30 to around 10:00? Most familiar part is 9:32 - 9:52 but I cant remember where I heard it from. Please help!

Bahadır Ateş: Imagine playing Ezreal against Amumu, Tahm Kench and a Zac. Poor Ezreal

Iplay Videogames: Pretty sure riot is just incapable of making a good Zac skin

Davis: Aw almost wish you went frostbite to get big as possible but this was great

Dinh vo: Ya'know I feel like zwag is so underrated, His aim is crazy.

God Of Normies: “Am I late by more than 1 hour?” Yes, yes I am :( Lose streak: 1


Jurgen Smith: Please don’t make videos on my main, we hate to see him nerfed to the ground 😂

Mr. POSTMAN: That mexican band music tho got me on my feet dancin boiiii

TheQwertymon: Ugh the way he pronounces "coup de grace" *cringe*

Andrew Byrnes: linadrys was the play there for sure

Andrew Byrnes: 28:22 that was funny

acmecomments: 28 Farm at 8 mins 😂🤣

Jack Sinclair: Any chance I can get a AD Crit/Lethality Zac gameplay? Doesn't matter if with new items or old but would love to see a video. I saw Zac and got excited but didnt see no IE

Mega Bacon: Is so funny that when he do have a skin he puts the base chroma on the thumbnail lol

CryoSh22: I heard "cut the grass" for some reason

Shady Sam: Riftmaker amumu top?


Francesco Salvadori: Where is the OPness in this?

Saruken Ishino: Rageblade Ashe

Edward De Jesus: I love it when he says "my cannon" 🤣🤣

HerO's lPoint: It's ap jg build

Trevor Larson: I would rather watch a video then play among us at this point...

bedo sabry: Why did you make the second heal of singed video private ?

normanderi: Their only ad is ornn... False ornn deals mostly magic dmg

Anibal Urrutia: That ornn was kinda neat avoiding cc. Kudos to him

Daniel Kapusta: Lol Kurwa

The Devilman: Did Zwag listen to @TheEagleNut and play bruiser Ornn? Nope. Lose streak: 1.

Alan Beardsley: 21:05 That calvary coming in. You need to buy that guy a beer.

Wayne Smith: I so wanted to see in chat Ash type "Kobe"

Zac And Cheese: Finally a new skin

firefireburnjunk: can we just get a "My Cannon" shirt? xD

xqcL: Asking Zwag to play full Crit aatrox

SkillOrNoSkillToBe Exact: Everytime i hear cut the grass i get so confused and i have to SLOWDOWN THE VIDEO to make sure im not insane

Vasiliy Dementyev: 0:40

Brian Xu: how come when you play, it doesn't say so on the friends list

PairusDragonoid: The Champ need to be nerfed, no the item...

Wissi W: Can i please get a river shen video?🥺🥺😢

TheEagleNut: Did Zwag play Bruiser Ornn? Nope, it's up in the top lane, it's a Bruiser build,'s Zac. Come on Zwag, don't tease me like this. I get the other guy probably picked Ornn first, but give me something buddy! Loss Streak: 140

Van the 6th: I love seeing my main champion Zac

Alonso aparicio aparicio: Can i get a zwaglike?

Z0mbiie/ Digital: It's a new skin ?

Jonny Travis: Wait this was released 8 minutes ago. No way you've watched it all already so all your coments are false

Jonny Travis: Great video

Nelson Cade III: Honestly, these Zac videos have been super entertaining. Never play Zac but now I want to.

Kyle Berts: “Did Zwag Xerath get the first 6 CS?” No, he missed a melee and 2 caster minions Lose Streak: 1

Cookies Yum: Did zwag jebait us with a skin in the thumbnail? No he has no skin in the thumbnail and the new skin in game Reverse jebait streak: 1

XGman: Yes.

Delasom Stevie: Here!!

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