The ABSOLUTE BEST Season 11 Kayn Build - Use This EVERY Game - League of Legends

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Nasr Essa: Can anyone make a list of everything he bought?

Eternum Night: @karasmai Hey man. I love your Kayn videos. Made me want to main Kayn. I have a HUGE question though and there has not been any clarification on any forum or while watching your videos. How are you able to buy the Spectral Sickle? I am not able to buy this item at all. It shows up gray after I buy my jungle item. Is there a trick to it or something because I cannot find a way to buy the support item

xing li: i can get level 4 before 3:20, pro player can get even earlier. you are way too slow bro

Nevzat Erdogan: How do i buy the sythe i cant buy it in the shop??

Aussie Sang: My brain when he doesn’t get the small Krugs in the new season *TRIGGERED* Just so u know 6 of the small ones gives way more gold than 3 of the medium

Javier Landin: Hi, I want to be like u playing kayn

Nico Sigi: Yoo how many more best builds are there??? Come on man at least try and find a title

Domenico Loprete: Smurf

ARECOiD: Can someone please tell me if why my red kayn is always the first to unlock instead of the blue please?

Ali Mosaad: For those wondering what was he gonna buy next is problay seraph's and edge of night or yommu"s or maybe chempunk's anti heal thing.

Keereeto: how does this work? the game doesn't let me buy sickle cuz it's a support item...

rikkun not dzn: the support item is essencial? cuz i think if i make this like the whole team will ping me like forever

Surgeon of Death: NO PENTA FOR YOU HAHAHAHAH. I really enjoy this gameplay. Thank you

David Maldonado: that 7:15 clean and close

Hobsinator: I want to try it but I can't buy a supp item help pls

Zemkezis: The support item for junglers has been patched since before the first video that uses it. If you give so much advice in the videos, they have to be relevant too. Isn't there more recent games where you popped off ?


Hakai Uchiha: Picked up kayn the first time i started league and now its history. Watch you every now and then to get ideas on builds and since then ive used manamune every game. Lets go man kayn main all the way

Clammy: Man put serpent in the thumbnail but didnt even finish the item

jaytroll: hard to tell what to build when every video is titled BUILD THIS EVERY GAME, BEST KAYN BUILD BY FAR COMPLETELY BROKEN. just tell us whats actually good ya dingus

Alex Rivera: I stay loyal to duskblade

Andrew Lai: how did he check his lethality and armor pen? i haven't been able to figure it out in pre-season with the new item shop


Techy: Here before the 100k


Arda Ali A.: i wanna try the sup items but the game don't let me buy even if i finnished the smite item

Lucas Biermann: tbh he is not the best jungler. the best jungler is the one you can play. so no matter how op a champion is if you cant pick it its not good at all.

Teu Pa1: Dammn 7:10 was smothh.. that end tho 😬

Aaron Yoon: rip penta

Amelia Martina Esmeralda PM: Which are the runes?

Movieclip: Pentakill moments are posted daily on my channel. Those who want to watch can come to the channel.

Spongeclaw: first 2 min this mans was look at every lane for literally 1 second for every 2 seconds and its going to make me go blind

MesT: what is your runes ?

nicolas betancur: Kayn mid :3 ❤️

Leagueplays200: I love how Karasmai actually completes his support item before the actual support did.

Joshua Walters: One trick kayne like professor Akalis akali.....learn to play other champs or you'll lose ur viewers

Victor Cordeiro: well guys, if its any worth i found my personal blue build ( more like pink) cause damn that pink assassin chroma i go in order , prowler, mana, reaver, serylda, black cleaver, and mobil or cdr boots what'd yall think?

Vitor Henrique Miotti: Bring Red kayn build please, and save from Brazil

DB2: Every time I play kayn I win, any other jungler I int or can’t win

v0ren Firer: 3:18 was that 2 smites or a bug

Λάζαρος Ανδρεανίδης: u cant buy support item sadly, u uploaded kinda late kara, but u r helping a lot, i hit diam3 90lp in preseason from d4 easily, 75% wr with kayn on preseason he is a beast

Ariath Games: Is the support item thing now hotfixed or not?

Gio Mari Yumul: Im trying to do the support item rush after completing the smite but in the ph server it wont let me its so stupid

MatinKing: 💖

MatinKing: 💖

Peniasi Qimaqima: wwtf

Ender Playz: I really love the fact you came from about 40k subs to 220k in one year, congratulations and keep it up :)

leo leo: He moveee the camraa so muchhhh omggg

RVAN: i cant buy the support item in my games, did riot patch it?

hylario: why every time I want to buy a support item they tell me that it's not possible

Miguel: Eclipse, black clever, steraks, boots depending, ga, and heal cut item with hp if needed but last item always depends. But I like how ravenous hydra feels .

ReVzInFern0: 7:10 that was soo clean haha

Lộc Lê Văn: This game is definition of perfect (except the quadra LOL )

Lucas Biermann: Can you Try a full crit build? Navori being the main Item? I think its really op since if you intercalate your AA you get your Q W E much faster than with a ability haste build. its good on many champs but I am yet to see it on Kayn so it can be fun.

Michael LJ: He made a guide on Mobafire, explaing builds, runes and matchups

Hidden Lights: Eclipse is so fucking broken lmao

Tanveer Singh: Bro ur so underated

R0ffiE: I haven't been able to played Kayn for 10 games in the row because the other team pick him... He is really popular in s11.

Xenatas: I can't believe they robbed that penta. They definitely fucking timed that FF 😂

Thomas Mitchell: 0:14

Lotus 17: Real Kayn mains change forms when there on your core

Xshadowx32 HD: As if buying manamune isn't crazy enough, this dude buys a support item

Axiel: Why manamune?

SALZ: karasmai seems rich

Sett& Yone: Hello Sensei I'm your student from Philippines

David Wilson: 0:35

what is hooman doing??: "do u think im rich cuz" *Yes*

Dusan Popovic: Can you make tutorial how to play kayn in season 11 I started playing kayn in this season

Heartless: It won’t let me buy the item that gives you the free wards. Did they fix it?

Fujiwara Asahi: can't find any good Kayn build this season thank God your alive

erikku yurishizu: Moment to scale XD

Andre Dy: Gooo bluiser!!!

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