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Christian Reeves: "i had no mana left" constantly uses q on minions

NKS: anyone knows what is that notepad app that he uses? (34:46)

Santiago Fuentes: 24:36 They won the tf without ww xd

Bojan Bugarski: I only disagree about the item order - hydra is a must earlier just for cleave clear

StrunDoNhor: 26:00 Quick correction -- 50% damage reduction equates to +100% effective health/shielding, not +50%. If you have 1000 health and an enemy attack does 100 damage, with 0% damage reduction, that's 10 hits to kill (1000/100 = 10). With 50% damage reduction that turns to 1000/50 = 20 hits to kill (or, +100%).

Some One: 6 time cancel de recall, dislike

Kosmo Gameplay: PLAY GNAR TOP

Jesse Stewart: Yo, what is that Amumu Bandage Toss at 27:06???

Will Favier: Cringe olaf, cringe trades, if he wasn't playing in plat he'd get reckt vs olaf

Jay Em: 24:52 "they tyna fight me" like dude u blind or something?

Michael Welter: when mike doesnt realise that amumu is actually better than adc for taking baron cause of his w XD

Ryan W: What kind of keyboard do you have Solo?

Mely 863: How come every video every champ you play is op wtf unbeatable?

mypastlife: sunfire urgot

krasus1994: 18:30 never 6/0

Jaenald Javier: why not presence of mind and last stand second tree?

Mn'O bros: Would this same build work on sion???

mihaitha: "Unkillable Warwick" - never 6-0

Joshua Timbol: I love your hair dude

Kyle Ward: Yeah this build is meta now. Just tried it.

Chouderr 108: Im a ww top onetrick and im lovin this build, i build it most games now. Tho i do prefer conc bloodline over heal main runes overheal regularly blocks like 8000 damage per game more than all the healing from my runes combined

Mike McKinney: What build/runes for WW vs Kayle or similar Top Lane?

LordZanik: Video: 531 Cannons @ 15: 3 CS @15: 93 /171 Solo lane cannon fails post 15: 1 Total cannons missed today: 7 Cannons missed: 1740 % cannons missed @ 15: 27.93% Failed cannons today: 1 Total Failed cannons: 861

Aarekk: Devourer Warwick is back baby

Pyynö: Talking about all those baits made me appreciate you more for not saying once: "Warwick truly is the master baiter"

Triston S: wonder if the divine 10% hp damage would go well with BC execute

Timothy Stoddard: Crit warwick with shieldbow bt

Pepo: Am I the only one that when SRO misses a canyon likes the vid?

Emanuel Bădica: What happened with your gf? Why is she not in the videos more?

Dave A: Good playing. If you play him more you should practice holding Q to flip over them more.


Keniyah Meyers: pretty sure i would’ve at least built executioner’s this game

「Pinoy Beast」: Idk how i feel about this video. On the one hand, i need help with WW items this season. On the other, you’re revealing our secrets

Ibrahim Sampiyon: Kindred jung


TheUcheO: LETS GOOOO, Mike you're amazing at League man

Zachary Cunningham: DAMN that was a good game

Aaron Rapach: Commenting for the cannon minion algorithm

Jeannine De Maeseneer: I play a fair amount of Warwick. Build seems legit af. Only for jgl needs modification.

Borom_q8: Every time you catch me off guard with the “you didn’t like the vid” I end up laughing and like the video.

Sunken Drider: Ap ww is scary

Jimmy Kimmel: Guess no one ever accused Mike of being good at math... 50% damage reduction doesn't give you an additional 50% value to your shield, it doubles the value. So a 1500hp shield essentially becomes a 3000hp shield

Luc: dont use barrier when youre full health. use it to keep you in your max damage range at low health

Chaz McBride: fun build

Vegeta Saiyan: shield bash maybe? for that extra tanky-ness

Rob Moore: Captain Herman OMG HE BEAT YOU SO BAD :D

Joe Crawford: Watching parnelleyx play WW is the most gut wrenching experience for the simple fact that he does not die when we all think he should

Peter Russo: Damn is that bald man Mr. Clean?? "Boom What Up!" oh no its SRO.... that Leblanc kill late game tho

Valoruchiha: Great play on the lb. At the end.

Master Reaper: so i get that you are ww this game but jesus christ that is a dope af olaf skin!

Anto: "unkillable build" dies 2 times excuse me wtf

Jeffrey Gray: Have you tried Sunfire on Warwick? I was thinking that something like Sunfire -> Titanic -> Sterak's -> Death's Dance might be really strong, but I'm a terrible player, so I'm not really a good person to try it. You'd be a little less tanky than the build you did here, but you'd do more damage.

Steven LeBlanc: WW busted

Lion Sin Escanor: Man awesome the first kill good job brah watching all ur vids to learn :-) go on like this!!❤✌

Peyton Hicks: Not using spellblade on the tower eugh

Titus Young: Around great video, can we see you play Olaf soon!?!?

Eric Cheval: saw a clip of Thebausffs going AP Warwick with Dark harvest and one shoting everyone with Q, pretty hilarious

Alexandro Rubio: Hey Mike, Would be nice if you could rearrange your endcards for future videos so they wouldn't cover as much of the rune page info.

Daniel Jesus Santos: what runes did he use in that game? I'll test with WW too

Deezypeezy: I think divine sunderer max hp damage works on towers

Toliy Games: GoGo lets push the like button !🤗💯

TyraniusPrime: I see you over there drinking that blueberry bai my dude. xD

Fanda Verner: I tried this build on Shen and it worked great!

Slayz z: Imagine not getting tiamat or goredrinker on top lane warwick. No wave clear=useless to laner.

mobili2: 21:10 When your parents are harsh and judgemental about your future career

BADR AA: woow can i really play warwick top??

J Bragg: Mike, I know u don’t play ww much, but please activate e, then q, then fear. Doing it the other way just hurts me as a ww jungle main

carter manship: Month 3 of not liking the videos to make Mike have to carry harder without the aid of cannons. Tis a thankless job, but someone has to do it.

TheXTrunner: thanks, i was waiting for this

Jude Toothman: When I play sett in the top lane I see a Warwick top lane I usually body them though

Jude Toothman: Isn’t he a jungle though

Nexxxes: am I the only one playing with the like button on sro videos?

Anthony Sanchez: Gotta do this on nasus

Heath Alexander: When close to your turrent, i love using my E then Q past him so when your behind him. Ur fear sends him to turrent

Kaisaurus: For the love of god, get a damn tiamat earlier, watching ww clear waves is absolutely depressing

Justin Liu: Does this work with jungle

Rice San: I wonder if sro is ever gonna get a skin for warwick lol

Walter Calkins: You use like 70% of your mana out of your tiny mana pool on Qing minions >.<

mattbradley87: olaf is a troll for not purchasing the 800g bramble...

mattbradley87: proc your sunderer against first tower... the dmg is insane

ScatteredMind1: I feel like manaflow band is completely outclassed by presence of mind

John Hill: Warwick has a fear and a taunt

Kristian Martinez: What's up Mike. I just played a game on Illaoi with Divine Sunderer and I absolutely dominated the game. I'd love to see you try it out for yourself. Keep the vids up man.

Moritz Heidinger: first vid in a while that really isnt a clickbait!! nice vid, i like

William Ruiz: tanky, has great life sustain, and also has great ability haste. Only con would be mana issues.

cornn o' clock: Isn't Warwick exclusively jungle tho?

Eyem Knotdum: I would grab a tiamat early for wave clear.

Victor Ramirez: unkillable warwick :dies: :unsub:

Overshare: U can't play ww without an increased mana pool item... u need at least 1500 mana, cause u get survivability but if the fight lasts more then 30 sec u can just aatt

Roflm0vl: damn.. some spice in here mike !!

scott c: Pretty sure it doesn't calculate your kills and shut down until you are out of combat.

Jack Tyson: i think he would be a much better top laner if he had less mana issues

Chris Carter: I love the “you almost didn’t like the video” cannon minion thing going on

FatLeon93: Isn't unstoppable countered by suppression?

Remember son, dying is gay: i get that the titles are for clickbait and all, but nobody gets fooled by them anymore lol

Abhirup Neogy: yo olaf is so scary,and yet as expected you played 1000 IQ against him.Only a madman would fight him when he is in ult mode

Seb Clax: man make u mind up, aparently every top laner is the most broken

Julian Pighin: Can you do a Taric top build? Is for schooling purpouses

Michał Lipski: pls stop putting clickbaiting titles couse im not gonna watch anymore sorry

Soso Lobi: Why did u start Doran's Ring?

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