Armin Transforms Into Colossal Titan | Attack on Titan Season 4

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Demon God Monaka: Damn, Armin needs to learn how to suppress his ki while transforming so he doesn't destroy everything around! 😬 Also 0:19 "Can't cum" 🤭

Ajay Huynh: Colossal titan = MC2 Albert Armin

The Ashman: You can tell that he didn’t want to do that

Nakamasa: considering marley really doesnt even have the means to deal with even 1 normal titan properly i'd bet my ass even just 1 collossial titan would be enough to destroy all of them

ZioMichele: 0:36 is this Evangelion?

Aaron Mandao: fun fact: armin's titan has no ears because he does not like to hear people dying

xande: Armin completely broken for used colossal Titan's power and killed thousand of innocent people: Fandom: 🗣️🗣️👏👏👌✌️🤝🤝🤜👏👏🗣️🗣️

Lev Makarushkin: “Hi I’m Armin, welcome to Jackass”

Tainted Meat: ALL HAIL MAPPA

Quang Hưng Phạm: I like the transforming sound, so sick

Jading: Sad that this titan transformation didn’t have the original transformation sound effect but still very good, thank you Mappa.

Keithzen Dark: Look at that blue small titan eyes

UncleBens: Well I haven't watched season 3 onwards yet but now I know armin becomes the colloasal titan. My fault for clicking I guess. I liked bertholht tho. Gutted.

Utsav Raj: E = mc^2

vman91: So does lightning no longer go down whenever someone transform?

XoctopusXable: 変身しただけでこんな超爆発起こるなら1話でベルトルトが変身した時壁吹き飛ばせたんじゃないか

InoChan: They use hand drawn animations for the colossal in the episode but not the others ? Tf

CrimsonYoutube: This spoiler

Gryf: This guy a do his best crime wars

Selenatzu TV: Is it me or the titan in the manga looks better LOL

VglordX -ビジ 新人Vtuber Malaysia: Armin deeper inner monologue Row row row your boat gently through the Fleet nuke transformation destroy the Nation no life below my feet

baw's insignia: you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain

Snuvels: Man before transforming Armin really 😬

Drag8n: looks like bald female titan, why is so thick mappa even with 2d still ruin the anime :c

Sujit Bose: Just think about millions of them

Vivian T: Gabi gets on nerves

George M.: Look how shy is Armin, when he notices that we are all watching at him 0:53 🤣

jade castro: Where can i watch this episode? Its not in Netflix

Frenchy Gary: Later 30% died of radiation

Amanda de Luca: And here we have a few examples of the Titan powers: - Armored Titan: hardening - Jaw Titan: bite and claws - Colossal Titan: depression

funytomato: I realized how vulnerable armin is like his whole rib cage and neck are literally exposed, one good shot to the neck and his head comes off and he collapses and get get back up because of how much power that tian need or they shoot his rib cage until he collapses from the inside

Law Abo: I wonder how Armin trained for this lol I mean multiple training transformations in their island sounds like a lot of damage

Beluu S: N-nani 🤰?

PPMANツ: bruh why the f### all the other titan cgi and the colossal titan not O_o

Juriah Nengsih: Berthold colossal: Thicc Armin colossal: *M U S C L E*

Cecep Zaenal: Armin: Nukes Liberio Eren just standing: “you see that? Thats called being awesome”

Fusuy00: MVP


THICC Razor blade: Soldier : hey you on the boat what're you doing. It's dangerous there Armin : skibidibommdada

PeqqLaff: ngl armis colossal titan has actually bulked up quite a bit

SrPlayerX_X: es un fananimation

itz bxrry: armin look cold

クリイムs: Ok so this is the daily like of the navy fleet?

Matias Uchiha: Colosad :c

Connetification: Damn, Armin doesn't even need to attack. Just transform and blows everything into smithereen

Ave Imperio.: Tsar Bomb? Nope. Armin? HELL YEAH

Wolf Gang: am I the only seeing Armin colossal titan Has no ears

Levi Ackerman: Yup Armin Arlet

Kokuten Hyokaku: Damn Armin is looking handsome af. No homo.

Hello I'm Jordan: Imagine just trying a help a guy get to safety before he can get hurt and he just nukes you.

Neil B: Scouts: Dont kill civilans! Armin: "and I took that personally..."

999 forever long live juice: Live footage from nagasaki 0:06

CherryBomb: there’s two colossal titans.

Corey Barnes: Armin’s colossal titan has no ears ☠️

Riley Draws: How tf does he get down from there

AFNAN Studio: Foreshadowing the rumbling

Rockin Blaze: Navy Soldier: "Is that.. an Elidian?" Armin: *I don't if this is right, but based on what we've experienced and learned on Paradise, what choice do we have? ... I'm sorry for this.*

TheSociopathicpanda: Why tf is the macarena playing over this

Lazy Stud': 0:10 macarena starts

litt Crewsxxx: they got assssssss 0:09 😳

Dino_ Droop: Let's hope Erens rampage won't stop here lol can't wait for what's coming this is as sytisfying to watch as I hoped.

mooviemen1214: Goku wouldve taken all that screen time for the transformation

tauan: """"" Mappa ruined Attack On Titan""""""

Vladimir Putin: Is it just me or does Bertholdt’s titan look like it’s full of anger while Armin’s titan looks like it’s full of despair

Zain Sardar: I see a parallel between Armin and Albert Einstein - both brilliant men who want world peace yet Einstein's work was used to develop one of the most destructive weapons on the planet.

metalxmecha567: Galliard & Pieck: ZEKE WHY DID YOU LEAVE US Zeke: I’m sorry guys.. But they have the doomsday device & the nuke

The Mustache: In Eren’s mind: Good job best buddy, but I’m going to need a shit ton more.

David Ordoñez: Increíble, lo que quería en 2D esta en 3D, lo único que esperaba en 3D es 2D xD

The Doctor: My boy Armin got that 16 pack

Flex Johnson: This is the equivalent of Holocaust survivors attacking Germany I don’t see why everyone’s freaking out over them killing citizens of a tyrannical state what do you think happens to America or China if their military collapses?

gay bowser: The funny thing is bertolts colossal titan face is awesome but his body is chonk but armins colossal titan has muscular body but with a wussy face

Lovetohate: Ok but can someone make this a gif on wallpaper engine?

The Finalist: My ONLY problem this season is how thick his arms are...

せった: 漫画の時も思ったけど、アルミンの超大型やけにでかくね?

Sam2313: At 0:10 titans looking extra thicc 🥵🥵🥵

SweatshirtMusic: Doesn’t his skin hurt. I mean he literally peeled it off

death by cat: Jean: I don't want civilian casualties Armin: Welp, I did try

jordan simon: Armin probably got a high kd after that nuke

matan benshimol: i love how the first time we see the entire colossal titan drawn and not in CG is in the season where everything is CG

Logan: S3: tall titan S4: nuke

RTU a.k.a Exposed Snake: The ost was so fvcking weak what the hell

Anish Shrestha: Tactical nuke incoming

Powering Potatoes: Armin's colossal looks like a giant normal human with no skin exposing his ribs

Jilliane Rayo: Armin looks more masculine this season💖💝


HERROPREASE HERRO: Colossal has joined the chat

Rong Chen: Big boom

AttackOnVariousFilms: Well this scene is nothing short of fantastic, nice music. Good animation, one of my favourite scenes in the series so far and my favourite scene by MAPPA. I appreciate MAPPA massively for making this scene what it is, it's truly a masterpiece. Also I hope this'll now stop some of the MAPPA haters from harassing directors etc.

GRT Kiddo: *Armin "Paul Tibbets" Arlert*

mario babini: 0:19 make this a meme

hello hello: the fact that it has no ears

Josejosh 11: The armin titan is more proporcionated than the berthold one

タンジロ: Armin incarnate

タンジロ: The dark lord has returned

xxXXDragonSlayer69XXxx: I wonder why bertholt in the 1st season didn't create a huge explosion? Maybe he can control it or something.

Someone Else: The soundtrack fits much better than in manga

bites mc: So is no one gonna talk about how much of a fat spolier the thumbnail is

Utkarsh Aggarwal: armins looks better

Segev Krespi: Jean: remember to keep civilian casualties to a minimum! everyone copy? Almost everyone: Copy! Armin: "row row row your boat, gently down the stream..."

The GALLXY: 0:33 remind me of the third impact

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