Fuse Gameplay and Abilities! - Apex Legends Season 8 Mayhem!

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Igor Costa Gomes: I clicked so fast when I saw the cover, didn't even read the title and thought it was a new overwatch character

El Papi Saint: Might have to get on the wave because ow is lacking with the meta lately. Honestly depressing

Sl33PI ШпШ: A tropical jungle world map would be fuckin amazing

Patryk kilanowski: Guys, don't thumbs down his content just because it isn't overwatch.

Yotta _OW: fuse is a rip off of r6s fuze.

LazyBooth: Threw out dis whole vid u did not have to draw out every lil thing u see like bra chill

Beau Sokolski: Is fuse australian?

JebbyJam: 8:09 I don’t know if we know what his passive is, but could his passive change something about the ordnance, where he uses a launcher instead of throwing it?

riunosk: what method/application/whatever are you using to be able to draw on the screen while watching and being able to pause the video at the same time? i'd like to do that too

Doomeyz: Do you snort cocaine before recording by any chance?

Kar: More Apex pls!

Matt Trixs: If you have seen the skins from the current season you would not be saying that the new Bangalore skin is good they could do so much better

李海烁: Oh sty you should play it more! The gameplay is great and the lore is thick. There are just so many that can be explored.

Ray Adams: Imagine a fuse ult in a house

Video Gameing: imagone being a bangalore main

Bardock Ui: His ult will make a ring of fire

Billy Arshad: Fuse is basically a mixture of Junkrat, Torbjorn and McCree

runaway terrorist II: I’m not judging the abilities until we get a legend trailer and I get to play him myself

Icey: 6:22 is that a buff, how many fences is that? Or maybe it's just there in the environment but from a player? 🧐

David Speaker: Fuse looks like the streamer Crayator,lol

Austin Pannell: Ahhh Apex content from Sty. A rarity and a pleasure.

Ash Ketchup: 1:44 Besides Horizon, who's on the banners?

PickUpStixs69: But. But. Where’s the ow 🥺

The Pyromaniac: Honestly really want you to cover some more Apex. Helps itch that character based shooter filled with lore scratch that Overwatch is kinda lacking until Overwatch 2. I’m sure people wouldn’t really mind lol and it might be more enjoyable to have things to cover 😂

Yes: So his tactical is a wrist cluster bomb his passive is being able to launch his grenades from his wrist, and his ultimate is some sort of cluster strike incendiary mortar?

Azure A: More apex please!!!!!

Matt Elmleitner: Yeah of course. Your desire for Apex is soooo high right now. Pf what else

Enraged-Moth: I like the mix of apex and overwatch videos together, good combo!

theTopping Chimp: Why is the honest trailer guy in the trailer?

Styre GT: Borderlands vibes , love it ❤❤❤❤

Dr. SnipahMan: Is his tactical a Molotov the arm launcher a passive

Dr. SnipahMan: The repeater is probably gonna be what the g7 scout was before the nerf

Gundam5788: It looks like the arc star he launched detonated on impact. Or was it just perfectly timed? Pretty sure the timer doesn't start until it hits something.

Grim Cheefer Gaming: Fuse is Junkrat as done by Borderlands

Shea Turner: Sty are you gonna make more apex vids 👀👀👀👀

5steps: No

Plays NTraffic: Looks to me like it makes a ring of fire...

Live Free: Blizzard has nobody to blame but themselves in regards to overwatch shitting the bed. They brought this on when they decided to announce overwatch 2 wayyyy too early solely because they wanted to distract people from the free Hong Kong situation and banning that player. Overwatch is as good as dead without having 10 new maps, a few new comp game modes, 15 new supports, and 15 new tanks. People are sick and tired of queuing for tank and support and picking from the same tired 5 characters lmao.

Fruits136: Can’t wait to have johnny cash in my head every fuse ulti

Thots Mahogany: Fuze w clustermine sounds familiar, siege how many years ago :)

Hunter Warren: Like for apex coaching

Dark Introvert: Do you really play apex or is this just for views? 🤔...if you do can you upload more content of it.

Ralle Productions: Yessssss, looking forward for more apex content on your channel!

O.G Peter Rabbit: His ult and Horizon’s are going to be nasty 🙃

Vito Bambino: YES, MORE APEX PLZ!

TriXie Kat: Hey, that one kings canyon map looks a heck of a lot like a Titanfall 1 map actually.. just like in its Early state before Titanfall takes place in that universe.


Jhosep Santoro: 7:35 stun grenade???

Shannon Olivas: It begins! I kid, he's done Apex/Valorant content before.

JACUZZIE: It looks as though the ultimate makes the Ring of Fire

Cornish Ninja Average Gaming: Watches video....ladies & gentlemen - check.....I'm Styolosa - check.....Apex Legends!?!?!? It's not Overwatch 😮. Hope it is a nice change for you Sty. One question - Which is the best way to reach out to bigger content creators?

matMUthew: I saw new hero and was like new OW hero and then i read the rest if the title

patrick mulkey: I play apex hardcore along with overwatch I love to see my favorite youtuber getting into all my favorite games

Kh2lid: The 30-30 is basically the Viper of Ashe from overwatch even the same animation , reload and different damage with hip-fire or ADS

Cornflake Comando: Apex > overwatch

Onyekachi A: The new weapon reminds me of the shotgun that shoots incidinary rounds in Cod ww2

Sreedeep Surapaneni: THE PEN, it's back.

Wrath Fire: Haven't played OW in a hot minute (think I last played probably 9months or a year ago) but Ive played been playing apex since pre season 1 definitely one of the best BR's out there 👍

ShamGod TheCreator: More apex gameplay plz

Ewan Cook: Did anyone else is think it was a new overwatch hero?

Chief Sosa: No one cares

LG Sonic: Sty! My goodness you came back to Apex and the game has been doing great as of late.I’ve been improving at the game as time goes on and I reached 1,000 kills on Octane this season and I’m very excited for season 8 😄

Abken: Oh no. I hate Apex. It's fine though. Do what you like. I would love unranked to GM series. But from bronze, not like the other GMs are cheating with 5-0, start from Platinum after placements. Show us how would you rank up through bronze and silver without a voice chat! I challenge you! Who am I anyway? Sadge Bye

Lennart Hammarström: YOOOOOOOO, my main man finally covering APEX. I left OW like four weeks ago and now I get Stylosa-vids again, so stoked

Felix Cota: New flatline skin shown while they show the Bangalore skin

Mind Blown: couldnt care less about apex. that game is deader than overwatch

Tyler Balazic: That’s called a prowler not a pathfinder btw

Bertie Wise: More apex pls sty!

Tyler Balazic: Been following since overwatch day one, stopped watching when i went to apex, didn’t realize you played.

Harvey H: So basically fuze from siege?

Aleksander Stachowicz: early

Stylosa: been playing some apex, prob gonna play some more apex, game slaps tbh

Wabbit: I love apex and me seeing my favourite overwatch YouTuber making apex video is awesome

Marcus Schmit: I’m maining this man

ben petevinos: Please do more apex vids in the future!! 👍🏻👍🏻

Bruhify Bruh: Great to see you making vids on different games and doing what you want and makes you happy

DrowsyOwO: ur making apex content as im getting into apex. oh yes

Hydra 683: Back with ms paint

diesel-drew helm: Love the vids sty

Jtck421: First cuz notifications

The xSpirix: Hey

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