Fuse' Abilities makes him SO INSANELY GOOD!! (Apex Legends Season 8)

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Mr Pool: The best thing about Fuse’s character is that he is an Australian how else can he handle that much explosive equipment

Ethan Ken: I think jankz is the Best fuse sticker in the world

Tough Giraffe: Nice video. Check my short clips for multiple squad kills 🙏✔️

michaelcoetzer123: Does the new scuf headset work on PS4/PS5?

Junior Kushh: Jankz please do season 8 settings video!

NSG HYDRO: 5:25 laugh sound like seth rogen

Xero strife: Fuse is wicked fun though really

Kiddwill 420: Wouldn't it be better if for the new character when he picked up grenades it dont fill up bag space since he has the nade launcher ?

Ben p: gets an end game kraber, procees to kill the rest of the lobby with it. nice

Chance: You and Temps are so satisfying to watch

Joseph Kannookaden: ..Meh..

Top Tube MTB: The cluster grenade reminds me of North Star from Titanfall

Trey Wade: You playing with Seth Rogan?

Riley Kinsey: Ya know what's better than sticking an arc star? Sticking a Knuckle Cluster perfectly.... best feeling in the world....

Chris Bearse: Did you know you can zoom on fuses ult? Its pretty awesome for long range fights lol great vid as always!

joel G: I constantly get kill leader with fuse it’s insane

Devante Kerr: I thought he was normal for a second when he missed those two Kraber shots

Wes Gore: Just got my 1st scuf prestige and dude, I love it so much, used code Jankz too

PPG_Suluhofdinn: I got a question, do you stream and do you have a discord server. P.S love to watch your movement (like so he sees this please)

Bombastic: His passive alone is like the best thing ever, AND THE TACTICAL ABILITY?? OMG! So good. The only thing I struggle with is the ult, but if you can pin a team is a bad area while they have to med or a 3rd party is the best time to ult.

Mike Faloona: INSANE!!

Tyler Robinson: Your kraber shots are amazing!!

Ray Allen: I just came here to say that he looks like DonutOperator

This Is Life: Zeus laughing is the best

Tyler Morrow: I love your YouTube


Dorin Briciu: SCUF are very profesional, order your controller now and get it in 2 months. Literally. Very good customer service and super quick delivery. Lol u will get first a PS5 rather than a SCUF. They're PAINFULLY slow. So if you're willing to wait, grab a SCUF, if your controller's failing, don't get a SCUF unless u wanna miss the whole new season haha.

Jessica Goad: Can I be in 1 of your videos

Charles Pedersen: i kinda want to see you vs itemp vs sooxfar in the firing range

Forest Evans: I just watched Itemp's POV of the intro game before watching this

jj: i keep on thinking im good at apex, but then I watch you and know im not

butragenjo 007: Where is chicken?

Chris Hough: Is Seth Rogen playing? Lol

Sully09: 02:15 "Fuse my nuts to your death box"

I zack: fuse is op bro they are gonna nurf him pretty soon

Nathan Willey: His ult needs some work.

Jonatan Bucup: Jankz when are you gonna run trios with fans

Tim Von Drak: Just give that man a Kramer and sit back and watch the destruction happen

Anthony Maldonado: Does Jankz Reply!? Bro your absolutely chill af I love watching your videos long time fan homie! Actually thinking about buying your scuff controller.

stuntedmonk: Brand new season and we’re seeing the same content from the two content creators...

ShaneGamer13: At 3:00 whyyyy didn’t you cluster bomb & nade them

Salty Psianide: has anyone tried the crypto / fuse wombo combo with their ults?

Kristian Chulev: 4:10 that was insane

Matthew Boswell: 5:00 @ .25x speed

Parker Boone: Horizon and fuse have both been so cool. They really went off after rampart

Fernando Abreu: 0:45 How is possible this laser in controller omg

Hawkeye 5381: How is the new headset. I’m in the market for one.

eazyC music: 100 headshot

Alex Lloyd: Mad me say soreybhint . Whatdbu dobtidyanwtabpoipninkaised em u wash em? Brush

Alex Lloyd: Stole my spot himen brekabfastvfatb Joe smoek upstairs I'll draw lazyb

Alex Lloyd: Applicatirbvagayagay

Alex Lloyd: Naybore

Alex Lloyd: Ear cut Hugh Theo funnyt suming

TyTy: I just wanna see more use of his tactical

Alex Lloyd: Had use my $ for CBA cab

Aryan Agrawal: Wtf is Rich’s name 🤦‍♂️

E.A. 235: Those kraber shots were good

Alex Lloyd: Mom likes this hook me up soon down get me started 11 f we athr ow ohoen anywyas iPad I shoudl butbusless lazy 1 viewer 2 è anil plug . Juicebwrld shirt cahnged Udit Issa anchor

Nigward: 😂didn’t even notice Zeus’s name until half way into the video

K. Illa: Great video no other fuse video talks about his tactical enough or even shows how it can be used

Ryan RER_10101: Scuf Sucks Just use a strike pack its way cheaper 40$ only

Ryan RER_10101: Scuf sucks

Weak 37: HODOO! no more

Orlando Rodriguez: This new legend sounds like lazarbeam

Hayden Scarber: 4:50.... good gahd jankz

Angel Sanabria: Bro that is op..... def needs a nerf.... probably reduce his explosive damage maybe by 20%? Or am I wrong? Let me know what you guys think

Thomas Darby: My Scuff broke after 1 month. They're huge pieces of shit and I wish content creators would stop plugging them.

James Jones: Bro you’re cold on this game 🥶

James Jones: I hate that he damages your teammates when he uses the ring of fire

Sp33d Dem0n: Zeus and JankZ are my favorite team

mere ette: man if scuf had more like pink/white/pastel options i would be all over it, but im too attached to my razer raiju in quartz(pink) your controller is tempting tho :0

Tyler Arnold: R u a pred

James Cooper: The Jankz Scuf controller is insane. I got the Xbox “Prestige” version and love it. I had an Xbox Elite but the vertical back paddles and adjustable hair triggers are a huge upgrade.

Jaylin Sanders: good headset yo

CJ Wang: Bro Jankz can you make a movement guide? Idk if it's just your FOV but it looks like you're moving faster as Fuse than I do as Octane which is insane

Hamburger And Fries: Jankz do an only nade challenge with fuse

Mavicake: Jankz is that wholesome person who you instantly want to be friends with :)

CaptainBaconStripz: 105 head shot!!! the 30 30 is so satisfying screw soap cutting just pull up a vid of jankz using a 30 30 and sit back and relax

Karma 1233: Love you, Jankz, but Scuf controllers are hot garbage. Made with the cheapest materials so they're honestly made to break. When they step up their game and stop farming money off of people I'll buy another one with your code.

Michael B: The hype in this whole vid is what the world needs right now. Just hearing those arc stars stick and kraber shots hit got me hyped then jankz amplified my hype bc of his hype

RaizenTheTruth FMS: Not only did you stick that guy in the intro, you stuck him in the face.

Trenton Loyd: Does anyone know what Servers Big Janks plays on??

T J: Dude for the past season i have not even picked apex up, after seeing all them plays you best believe you will see me in the games

S: Goodbye golden barrel

Noob4Lyfe_: This is a prime example of why we need duo ranked. This looks like so much more fun then full squads at the end. And it gives a solo more of a chance to actually win

Maximilian Buberl: Who remembers the good old cod sniping videos ?

Towelie: I suck ass using him 😂 and is anyone else seriously struggling with 3rd,4th and 5th parties 😐

James Berry: The tactical at the end never came down 😂.

Gaming Channel: He deserves 1M sub frl he’s working so hard please give him 1M sub

Cody Graham: Jankz, I play and watch a lot of people play this game a fair amount, and if I had to put a Kraber in anyone's hands, it would be yours. Everytime I pick that gun up you could swear it was being shot by a newborn giraffe. Keep up the great work my friend.

KingEJskeleton gaming: I am getting the battle pass in 3 day

Jaydel Xiong: Scuf is so expensive

Ishaan Pillai: I cant checkon my device because its blocked for some reason but can someone tell me if the scuf controllers have paddles?

XepickillerX1: When they gon have a scuf janks PS5 controller

The Phoenix: Pls play with me @ militarysquid8

Benjamin Reynard: du you have in xbox

SharderGames: sticking people is alot more easier now

lonelykells on twitch: What do you think zeus looks like

Cass: I was playing yesterday with a fuse of course and he didn’t launch a single grenade the whole 17 minutes 😭

Devin Harry: Did anyone know that you can zoom in with Fuses Ultimate?

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