Apex Legends Season 8 Fuse Abilities, New Weapon, and Map Changes Explained

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Ricky Burgos: The only thing I hate about the characters out is your teammates can get affected by his ult

Yorkshireyuken: Glad they got rid of that awful new map. I'll play the game again now

Jae D.: See Wattson is just the best isn't she

BritMister_O6: Amazing video keep it up wow! Amazing rap up I have been out of the look for 2 weeks and now I’m all caught up thank you

Godspeed Prime: Yo hackers hackers!

ScorchedHam117: They ruined kings canyon

The Toilet Demon: I think the person who hijacked Fuse's ship is the one who disabled the tower all those seasons ago

Mor pheuz: Why Not Two Maps?

Mor pheuz: Toooooo small

The Chaos: Fuse: "Say hello to my beaut, Wallie!" Watson: "That's cute!"


I upload random sh*t: This game looks so bad now haven’t played since pre season one

Nathan yellL: Fuse is so OP... nerf incoming

A Random Pangolin: So basically fuze and Tachanka from r6 in apex

Michael Westen: still the hop ups are a mess, some guns are clearly better than others, no proper crossplay like in cod or fortnut and ea keeps going: money pleaaaaaaaaase...

No Café: Bring back Titanfall please :(

i be a lazy humin: Apex is just borderlands

Alexander Stoian: Apex: Take a look at our new legend with a really powerful kit! Watson: You think I’m afraid of you?

atom: I hate the map

Xplr hunter: Noice

Swacky: The 30 30 looks like Bangalore’s new toy😂😅

Bryan James: It bothers me soooo much how Fuse looks like Dr Disrespect... how is no one else talking about this

BLOCKBOY HANDO: I tried it And fuse has certainly changed the meta

Noah Lemley: Thermite grenade are already incredibly OP, especially with Horizon. I'm boycotting Apex until some actual balancing happens. Everything in this game favors campers and long-range gunfights which IS NOT what Apex was built upon. Total joke.

Noah Lemley: Rhys really let himself go.

Zlatko: Crypto+Fuse Wattson:Merde.

Niel: not wraiths hit box increasing. leave my girl alone istg

Senshai: My prayers to all the civilians who died in the kings canyon explosion .

Anyone: Waiting for the game to came for mobile.

CA VINAYAK: My game crashes everytime when i entered into match

iRivasTV: Funny how they catching up with Fortnite season.

kylergamer2: my ps4 said its gonna take 8h to install season 8.

Avid Crew: dang

Shadowbeast Titan: So I’m just wondering... Is APEX safe for new players?

George Lloyd: Im trying to connect my ea sports account to my console but idk where to go im logged in on the ea website but on the game it keep saying credentials expired or reset and i changed my password 3 times

Drake Armstrong: Fuse>Horizon


Heuristic Unified Entity: Worlds edge is laggy ashell

darknox78: People still play this?

Franklin: Best battle Royale out there..

MEDUSAvsSHOE: The way they are able to make each season worse than the one before is truly amazing. This game is pure garbage.

Blades Dark: This could be the best first person shooter on the switch if it's done right we need more games like this on the switch and I'm not talkin Battle Royale I'm talking serious Shooters not off brand Call of Duty war face we need Halo we need Call of Duty we need AAA titles that are meant for older audience

DeamonMind Gaming: So season 9 are we gonna see a character from echo arrive here?

Andrew Berndt: People still play battle royal games?

Who Dis: Let players pick the map That will bring back the community Map rotations keeps me from caring Do something different with battle royales

Jason Vazquez: Switch march 9th

Matthew M: One of my all time favorite games and it was free.

j carter: if they lock the frame rate on the switch it’ll be decent i rather have it run well than look pretty that’s what my xbox is for

Mauricio juarez: lets goooo

Mike: People still play this video game? Thought it was dead like fortnite

Nilo Rodriguez: SWITCH Gang here we come! Be ready for us! 😎

Saleh Seeker: When the ps5 version comes out?

shtupurgnamakit: Aww man I was hoping peace keeper and prowler would be free from the care package :( I miss the Peacekeeper a lot.

Josh Brown: Love the pirate outfit on fuse lol

Tyler Merrell: Cant wait to destroy the poor saps playing on switch

Sweet Project: First

Super Donut_1980: This season's looking awesome!

ValZic Playz: Why did the guy in the thumbnail reminded me of Joseph Stalin?

Geodude spits facts: Ability: copycat

BioHazarD: is this still alive?

DHTsunami: Early gang

Unwary Planet314: For some reason I don't like the new map, it just hits different... I like the season 7 map because it's big, flat, and it also has a flying a vehicle.

James Harris: THIRTY-FOURTH!

David Corral: FIRST

Frank Ochere: Look your not first.. there's like 100 of you

siguy923: I hope my comment has more likes than the video.

Mjd Ali: 4th

RPN 3lite sciz: first first

RPN 3lite sciz: third

Asphyviaa: Yes

Stick Man31415: nice

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