New Season 8 Hop Ups & Gold Stabilizer Removed + Apex Legends Fuse Abilities Confirmed

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Mizzy -_-: What does the anvil receiver do I wouldn’t know because I started this season

CallmeJohn: I can't believe they made a Jojo reference in Fuse's trailer

George D.: Rampart's gun = Shiela = Aussie slang for girl. Fuse's mortar launcher = Wally = wallaby = kangaroo

Morwand: They making new event, but can't fix their servers. They just like money (This isn't hate comment)

Hufex Chan: everybody is talking about the gold mag being op, but tbh I don't think so, even if the gold mag reload time is 0, because from my experience to kill a guy, 2 guns is more than enough to kill someone, and u rarely die to someone in 1v1 because u are reloading. and don't try too argue with me that gold mag is op in a 1v3 because the chances of u winning a 1v3 is almost 0. most of the 1v3 u see the pros pull off are technically 3 different 1v1. 1v3 is almost impossible to pull off.

Y.K JR: Ma man water Keep it up

Green sus He vented: My pk I will find u 😭😭

Jaylan Sam: They shoulda keep it an add a gold suppressor

killa blue: I cant wait

DanDaRandomPerson UwU: Wattson when she sees fuses meet fuse trailer: 😏

RJ Dulaney: Disruptor rounds?👀

Adrian Dube: Watch the fire be useless and deal 1 damage

Samuel Bocanegra: Is the peacekeeper still a care package weapon?

DAMN: Wait, does that mean turbocharger is removed? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo

jerome8015: Is it just me or did they already change the servers cuz I'd not connecting back to Dallas servers?

Rxdomness Xtes: why does the 30 30 Repeater remind me of Ashe from overwatch's primary gun?

kelvin singh: 0:57 Timezones when season 8 update goes live. Thanks, WaterGotHim. U the champ.

DXshallows: I swear if we have to go another season without the peacekeeper

Haroon Jaweed: Where tf does he get his info???

Xerendity Apex Legends: That Japanese tournament site looks so similar in style to Olympus lmao, almost Bonsai Plaza as much as reality allows

Dynoqwerty: Fuse gets to carry 2 nades per stack AND shoot them??? Main confirmed

Khawar Parvez: Rampart and Gold magzines, Unlimited shots

ItzNeiji: It's gonna be preds and masters abusing the hell out of fuse in lower tier lobbies. I can't wait to get murked by someone who's gonna have 10k kills with him by the end of season 8🥺

joão pedro: When my dad was young he dressed the exact same way fuse does, gonna be maining him just for the giggles

Kata Whampus: I think water just got half a 2k in that one last house scene and I can’t even seem to get a 4k

Abraham Dakin: He's shown in that trailer teamed up with Octane. With Octane's new jump pad, the pair could be a good aggressive duo!

Noah bruno: what will be the new item shop

cyanfireboi: The ultimate is a map of Australia

Skweez: What’s the rent on that place it seems nice I’d love to live there

1EvilDoGooder: So this is why they took away Havoc single shot.

Dhaliwal: His alt is useless horizon easily can come and her team

Alvyn Muharrom: It will be very interesting if the Sentinel use disruptor round to easily break the shields like it used to be.

Hank Baxter: Wally - meet Sheila!

Malcolm Gardner: Fuse, caustic, and octane. . . That is All

Johnathan Pumpernickel: bring the gold stab back and make it a suppressor with less muzzle flash

pageOne: Fuze + Horizon = Delete the game

Ricardo Paredes Jr: You talk too fast slow down lol

WetSxmii: fuze made a Jojo reference poggers

Ivan Renić: Is it true that There’s no Diamond dive Trai for Season 7 ranked rewards?

Jacob Hoffman: So is that laugh at the end of the trailer something to note or am I just hearing things now

VirtualFries: Fuses ult doesn't seem that powerful in the trailer; octane, horizon, loba, pathfinder, and wraith could all get out of the fire ring unscathed, but I'll wait until I can use it in game to make a decision

jcch: when will the patch notes come out?

mystic slender: hey water if you go to 3:45 on your vid im pretty sure theres a bolt or arrow that goes behind fuse and a sound that sounds like a arrow being shot from a bow or crossbow! The bolt/arrow color is yellow when it passes him.

Neo VR: Fortnite kids: tHeY sToLe ThE cHaRgE uP fEaTuRe FrOm FoRtNiTe

Chickenleg8023: The sentinels has the multi hop up thing

Pearlmaster123: How do you view events on PlayStation 5? Thank you!

Dc5speed: Can they turn the gold barrel stabilizer into a silencer👁👄👁

Juicy Doubles: Double spitfire with double gold mag, yeah, that’s not gonna be broken at all......

Miles GBTL: Hi I’m Water

HI: i hope the pk come back to the floor loot

Andrew Campbell: no mastiff nerf? sadge...

Son M: great video, but please slow down your talking speed. The videos won't be that much longer if you do :)

Maxx __: I think the little Hack shot at the end is a banner pose

lil tay wood: grate plays water i waiting for all recolors for event

krits: Can we take a second and appreciate that water times him saying "peace" with the champion screen for every single video

RedDice Money: Do u guys think fuse gonna be o.p ?

rustyshakelfur: I just wanna know if these cluster bombs have any status affects.

Joseph Stickyboi: They should add the April fools Mozambique as the care package weapon

Nova: Any1 still waiting on the switch version?

Sir Flame: Nice to know that season 9 might be on my bday (may 5) because season 5 was supposed to be then but COVID decided to shit on the devs lmao

Perfect BB: Crypto bully 😪

Voodoo: when you say hi I’m water can you show monkey swimming in your next video

Deppressed Sins: I going to main fuse I call dibs wraith can wait for a season or two (I wanna make 3030 repeater and peacekeeper combo)

Aykiro: Something that wasn't mentioned in the video: The Sentinel Hop Up slot is a blank hop up, which is used on weapons that can use more than one hop up such as the wingman and the havoc before they took out the selectfire. The only hop up seen in the sniper area is a Skull Piercer so this could also have implications that the Sentinel can also use this hop up. (This is just a theory however.)

Tikimohn: Fuse's ult looks kinda shit, especially compared to what the bombs did in KC.... It's just a ring of fire... I was expecting sporadic rings of fire... This is just to try and contain people, not really gonna do much damage by the looks of this trailer

Fallen Fishy: Can they plz make it so all items and hop up are in the firing range

FPS Region: Doors not op anymorrre

Samuel Portengen: Theory: respawn wanted to add the compound bow, but they found the design din't fit in the game so they changed it to a charged rifle

Yousef Esam: So the pk will come back or not since it appeared like 2 times in the trailer

Shaxx340: Idc about gold barrels being removed, I wasn't finding them anyways.😂😂

Hunter Wolfe: Season 7 was good but the content layout was strange and we had an entire month of apex where nothing happened. Hopefully the content in season 8 is more evenly laid out and we get NEW RECOLORS in the store haha

Oblivious SD: If theres dirty deeds need doing I'll do em dirt cheap dirty deeds done dirt cheap AYO IS THAT A JOJO-

Foxtrot 49: There is a new crypto recolor in the legend trailer

AuroraDarkAge: Imo the sentinel hop up needs to be Disruptor/Amped rounds tbh.

Dxvgie Dxvg: Anvil receiver is back let's go

Miss Yurei: If water had an actual team he could possibly be a masters if not pred no cap

UpstageBeast: Gold barrels barely had an effect anyway, so I'm happy they aren't crowding the loot pool.

Kaden Alvardo: So a charge shotgun longbow?

carmasem: 0:44 looks like concept art for olympus

Loose- Hotline: Ahhh yes sentinel hopup, and the anvil is back ......

burg er: When anvil reciver: woo yeah baby, that's what I've been waiting for!

O Block Scrappy: Yoo we have 3 days to make it to Masters. Lets link up Water ima solo que Diamond 3.

OFFICIAL JEFFREYYY: He's going to be op with the right people

Dakuu75: gonna be 2 grenades per slot, lmao. welcome back to season 1 bois'n gurls~

Plantey: The Didgeridoo at the end of the trailer was top noch 👌🏼

boy toy: “bUt ThEy PlAy By ThE rUlEs” but like, sir, what do you bring to the table that’s new? He has grenades as his passive, which means taking something that has existed and just doing it with more force, not new. He makes rings of fire, so like a thermite. Then he has concussion whatever, so a stun, like banga.... so really nothing about him is new... Horizon would be the the person who doesn’t play by the rules. She legit breaks physics, which are kinda the rules that allow anything to exist so....

FreezeMayhem: 30-30 is gonna be broken asf

MoveLikeTime: I'm getting the feeling. That he doesn't like crypto

HaydnFTW: 30-30 repeater is like the charge shotgun from Fortnite. Hold to charge, longer you hold the more damage it does

boy toy: Ngl but Fuse is just not it as a character. Rev, Loba, and Horizon (maybe even Rampart) continue to be the best dlc characters. And honestly, Horizon took the cake with her lore and design.

Markxlr8s Contreras: Swamps is my fav drop ever !!!

Youssef Abi Raad: Fuse ult seems useless

Youssef Abi Raad: Hurray for anvil

Snap_92: Why they remove the gold barrel ? Was my favorite gold item and don’t tell me it’s the same like purple becouse it’s not

OUIJA GHOST: Emty your mind be formless, shapeless like water. Now you put water in a cup it becomes the cup you put water in a bottle it becomes the bottle you put water in a teapot it becomes the teapot be water my friend💧🌊🌧🌧🌊💧

Tariq Jaradat: OK so 4 body shots with the new weapon that it's fire rate is based on your trigger finger. It will be nerfed in about a week but it's gonna be crazy. Picture this as a fully kitted p2020 but even better

Yusuf Ali: We need some gameplay without the news boy

Ghost Friar: You know what’s kinda weird that there was no horizon in the gameplay and he didn’t finish her like all legends do to the previous ones released?

Baby Cow: Water is actually cracked as fuck lmaooooo

Mist Best Waifu: Fuze and Horizon are gonna work so well together

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