Impending Disaster | Re:Zero Season 2 Episode 17 Review/Analysis

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Aryan Ar: The new opening is in the seal.

XxGamerBoyxX: How much you wanna bet that Subraru probably woulda saved Guese if he was alive back then :/

Krow Odom: It was probably puck

Wish: Mum fortuna is the best milf in anime history! It will be a big hit in the waifu leaderboard

ItsAraf BG: But why is everyone calling giuss "juice"?

WWT: Noooo probably the next episode where geuss gonna be the archbishop and insane

Seth Urbano: skip to 27th second of the video

Joseph O'yek: If we ever get a Re:zero gacha, I am _burning_ all my gems in a loli Emilia.

Seth Urbano: Smol Emilia

ZEO: Pandora Greatness approaching?!

ZEO: 0:25 OML NO!

MD Moyan: My question is why Fortune wearing Swimsuit! lol

Unknown_End: I feel really sad for Geuse 😢

Perry Roberts: i love ur content!

Sa Agic: geuse hot brain melted

Lelouch Lamperouge: LOL i love those edits.

Platinums: 0:26 goddammit

Random PlaY: Where should I watch this episode ?

Playboi Perez: Do u edit ur own videos? Bc ur videos r rlly well edited, and they’ve been getting even better recently.

TheMelnTeam: The episode said that Geuse was supposedly older than Emilia's aunt, who was self-conscious about being old to one of the other elves. Doesn't that imply he's pretty freaking old, especially if we add the time skip? Obviously not bound by normal human rules, so either he's not human or the witch cult magic is helping out with aging, if not with sanity.

marthvon: Betelgeuse truly is best girl Edit: SPOILER betelgeuse took in the witch factor that gave him the authority of sloth, to fight Regulus. The sin of sloth was conflicting with his personality... Or something like that. But he was able to manage the madness enough to fight Regulus. The final confrontation was in front of the seal, where fortuna, Betelgeuse, pandora and Emilia(the key) was going to duke things out. Pandora has the power to alter reality, so she altered Betelgeuse's perception to attack Fortuna. Betelgeuse kills Fortuna and goes mad. Emilia cries n stuff, then freezes the forest. Emilia actually isn't just a spirit contractor but also a latent magician. She calls herself the witch of glaciation. So, that's the backstory of Betelgeuse

Charles Martin-Jove: Before Episode 17 : I hate Geuse After : Why he die

Reazki Pradika: Am I the only one who think that Regulus is perfect for Pride sin?

Farihin Afzal: Geuse become crazy after he accindently kill Fortuna

LugyD1xd ONE: Regulus is pretty much the ultimate Karen

JAHSON: Back in my main account 🔥

TheSnypist8: love the hilarious editing !! always look forward to your videos

dripped goku: 3:03 ong 😠

Calvin Alexander: The Fans at Season 1: "Betelgeuse Romanee-conti killed our best girl, Rem. Thus, he is our common enemy!" The Fans at Season 2: "So this is the truth, Now, I hereby declare that Regulus Corneas as our common enemy!" Light Novel Readers: "W-What about Pandora? She's the one who made Betelgeuse killed Fortuna..." The Fans at Season 2: "W-Who cares? She's hot tho..."

keagan marshall: did we just get a nod to a nod in the texting scene

G7ost: Young geuse is kinda handsome tho ;o;

Red Ai: Geuse was a sweet person

Lambda: They finally show the protagonist again I really wanna see how geuse might have changed if they gonna show it in the upcoming episode/s

Kes: How does geus go from such a nice cool looking guy to the twisted guy?

Michael Soukup: I'm not sure but doesn't Pandora show up soon?

Howdy Partner: ''I feel bad for the singer'' Same, man. They're trampling on her rights and stuff.

Henrique Carvalho: Chibi donna where?

Pyro Thermite: Emilia lowkey be ballin

Huzaifa Muhammad: I wonder how beatrice knows geuse

jebes909090: to make it even creepier, fortuna looks like a female subaru. like put subaru's hair on her and she'd be the same. basically emilia fell in love with her mother figure?! P.s. i think puck is sealed inside that door. thats why after being released, he takes her memories of basically killing everyone in thier village away from emilia. I mean he's a world ending monster after all. and everythings frozen around the door. thats kinda pucks thing. plus all the spirits lead her there.

Daniel Koo: Hm it’s so saddening to see Geuse become into what he is now. I’m thinking that it could be possibly be related to the archbishop in the end. Maybe he kills or hurts Fortuna which makes Geuse kinda go crazy

MikeBoss: What's that chill background music?

ieat children: Do episode reviews for Redo of the healer? :3

こめっこKomekko: The slap in the face , which anime? \

Alberto: (0:00) (0:37) Where is this from?

Unflowz: JUICE Become psycho For loving emilia XD

Opal Blood: This Echidnut Review/Analysis gets another 10/10

alperar1: When did Chibi Echidna appear?

Dawn Light: what about Dona and Roswaal back then did they show that?

zekrom jr: got a discord server for re zero by chance?

Dawn Light: nice slap in the face

jordan jacobs: slap in the face shows best schlop schlop shalom combo of the season

「 」: I have a ground breaking theory Geuse is Betelgeuse.

Drew Frosty Walker: When regulus appeared I was actually worried... Riddled with anxiety

『Echidna 』: Smol

Evercite: why did you play a hentai clip? @0:26 That be hentai

Matias: You're not gonna talk about how mean is Echidna to our main girl? :(

Sebashtian Ryzel Baldovino: Regulus is definitely the epitome of Twitter.

Yoonster: im guessing geuse's insanity might be drawing parallels to the time subaru was sorta going insane when rem's body was being twisted and turned. Regelause or whatever his bitchass name is mightve done something to fortuna that may have made geuse gone cray cray or he mightve just done something directly to geuse

jn: Wait where did we see chibi echidna? Have I missed something?

Laze_AMVs: Me wanting to know what's in the seal:

g gameruleyt: That legend of Zelda music when you talked about fortuna being a guardian was perfect but somehow unsettling

MultiArtProductions: much much better content then chibi talks and he took 20min for the same topic.

Brian: God damn Fortuna is thicc

PlanetXclips: What chapters from the WN does this cover?

Sasha Blouse: Inside the seal is a pillow with a permanent cold side

ch1kbr3_ 2307: Where can I see chibi Dona?

Banano: Where can i find that first echidna scene?when she bumps her head on a tree

Hundvd 7: If I had a cent for every time Rie Takahashi played a loli where a major part of her life is her single parent hiding stuff from her - presumably for her own good - I would have 2 cents. Which isn't a lot, but it's still weird that it happened twice.

Lery Ventura: How about from geuse into betelNUT!

Steel: 0:25 LMFAO

justin Hughes: re-zero left allot of questions but the most important one is: how did Emillia get a basketball me dying of laughter

Legendary X infinite: Hey Echidnut,as a webnovel and light novel reader,do you think we will see Pandora next episode or in the one after?

Victor Roberts: CHIBI DONA

Jix x: Juice evolved to Beteljuice

Kuroneko Chan: 3:38 lol

Gwiz: Fortunut ftw

Stratospherical: Regulus seems to have a thing going with blasting some green haired folks.

Yash Singh: Where was chibi echidna from? Or was it in the episode and I missed it?

alvin smith: Love your videos man, still don't understand how you edit these so quickly though, like god damn

Mission Impossibruh: Loli Emilia: *CRACK* EKUSOSHISUTOOOOO!!! LMAO

Weirdy Fish: I'm sorry but the slap in the face joke was fucking gold.

Fruit Wagon: Normal Betelgeuse is sick

IamPotatoy: the cock slap

jie pin lim: totally ship kirito and asuna here

Victor Ledezma: Not gonna lie i was SUPER confused watching this episode.

M3k: 0:25 ahahahahha well, that was unexpected😂

Gelo: Aight here me out, Geuse loves Emilia, because she resembles Satella.

Aviv A: Is it not obvious? Everything more or less indicates that this is the seal of the witch of envy

Like _HS: Obrigado pela legenda! <3 assim posso acompanhar

Louro Hired: How did Geuse become Battle Geuse?

Finlay. S: Whoah did I miss chibi echidna? Where was she?

Darius: 500 lines of Regulus dialogue is about to leave no time for the OP

Zeus Olympya: Boy oh boy, prepare for a heart broke therapy

tom rosenstein: Loved the editing !

Flyzerd: Thanks for this review ! Always the best quality here ! Good job

Jubayer Islam: Yes I've read some parts of the novel so I know what happens to betelgeuse. Spoiler below: To protect Emilia and Fortuna, he brings out a box containing the power of sloth factor and even though he is not physically suitable for the power he uses it. Unfortunately he ends up killing Fortuna because he was tricked by a witch named Pandora, who came here with Regulus. This breaks his mind and turns him crazy. And seeing all these chaos and other circumstances, Emilia was forced to freeze the entire forest and village, I suppose. :D

miiasaurous: Honestly my theory was initially that fortuna was going to give up Emilia to the witch’s cult when she’s older as “payback” for all of the help over the years (hence geuse obsessively wanting to keep her safe) and when Emilia finds out this was the arrangement that’s why she freezes everyone but now idk since regulus is in the picture SMHHHHH no hints/spoilers from the opening since they didn’t even play it either 🤔🤔

alen đono: ok this your best analysis yet

András Hock: omg they really made asuna's va play fortuna? that's amazing lol

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