Season 8 Ranked Patch Notes & Rewards + Apex Legends Fuse Passive Ability

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WaterGotHim: Update: It appears the diamond dive trails were added onto the official rewards image by mistake. They are still making a return but will be a future reward in season 8 not for this season.

Javier Rivera: I like his intro when he says “HI IM WATER” then puts a water meme 😂

Mark Jordan: seems op to me fuse

gtaking gaming: Fuse gibby and Bangalore will make a unstoppable team nothing but explosions

Miles Filby: It’s free real estate for wattson mains now

wutdufk: Wait- but the diamond trail was ready... so...

Gwaxy2004: Why don’t we get trails this season? It looked like they had the art and everything done. This is so dissapointing. Of course I get D3 all 4 seasons dive trails aren’t rewarded for diamond players smh

World Of Tanks Gamer 7: Im a little confused, can someone clear this up for me? The description of the changes says they want diamond+ lobbies to be fairer and matched against players of similar skill, but in the specific bullet points, the matchmaking tightening says players in lobbies BELOW diamond are going to be matched fairer... is this supposed to say above? Is it that below and above diamond lobbies will be fairer and only filled with players in the same rank? Or is it only below diamond that they are tightening lobbies? (Because if so, thats bullshit, diamond 3 is the only rank that needs fixing so diamond 3s arent against predators all the time) So next season, if I play in a diamond 3 lobby, should my oponents only be other diamond 3s, only other diamonds or diamonds masters and preds like before?

mr. sharkie: Well bois let's get to pred

JeBolleMama: Idk abou no fill. I think getting 20 bombs will be impossible this way

Paul Dinnegan: Am I right in saying wattson counters every bit of fuses kit?because I wanna does it counter his ult

Zyrteh: Are the S8 Trails permanent ? If not, I dont see any reason to climb.

Honestly: Glad to see they’re brining back diamond dive trails.

Rolling Tides: Oh god people gonna start bitchin bout how op it is to have an extra grenade slot like wattson doesn't exist

Nikola Peric: no fill option is not even close to a solution for a solo players, its just bs

Yungseven007 Gaming: Rampart should get assist if a teammate use her walls to get a kill.

Matthew Lee: Why didn’t they give us dive trails this season that’s annoying

Mashrur Rahman: didnt understand 1:41 to 2:00 !! pls welp

TheBulletKin: I just bought rampart as my second legend, now I wish I’d saved it for fuse ;(

Enakgaming: You can talk calm okay. Don't talk fast haha

Henrique Gomes: Congrats on the checkmark

Lightning Charged: They need to add a duo ranked mode

Mud mud: Ayyy ik the arc star thing but look at when they introduce the 30-30 he downs a wraith then a frag blows up right under him he is completely fine

Meme ice: Hi @zakatree

Zak Attree: Hi trains

Meme ice: Hi zak

stephon porter: He's going to be so good paired with horizon and like a gibby or a rampart

Wafflez :3: Finally apex is listening. This makes me wanna play ranked again and more often. But one thing I want changed is that kills is double KP, i don't like how assist is the same as kill points, and if you do more damage to the person you're shooting, and the enemy snags him cause you got him one shot, you should take that kill or some points, because it's so frustrating how many times a 3rd party steals my kill when i did all the work and had them one shot. They do that and ranked would be more enjoyable and more aggressive.

Eshcroft: Solo ranks is all I ever wanted

A: Wattson: Oh no! Anyways

Rowan Hicks: Yo I’m so excited to play ranked next season!

Rylee McHardy: For the repeater it could maybe a shotgun with choke like the peacekeeper used to have

kai maier: The 30-30 uses heavy ammo. Some of the play testers released a video on the firing range with all infos about the gun and how it plays.

Thomasdrawstuff_: we can have solos but solo ranked will ruin the point of the game

Aris_ T: Are we gonna get a double xp event this season???

Vúxśé: ...

Oscar Gonzalez: U look like shroud .Love your vids tho straight to the point no b.s !

Lemonrk5: I am pretty sure if you have 30-30 reaper and hold the shoot button the weapon will charge

Dx SlayerX: I literally got diamond this season after trying for 3 other seasons just for them to remove the diamond dive trail 😕 getting diamond is going to be even harder next season this is such bs man

TheRealGator *: Wait since the kill/assit counter got raised to 6 what was it b4?

karma tam: I fucking hate this guy stage name

FaTe StaticZ: The 30 30 repeater is a heavy ammo gun, ea gave early access to Dazs(manager of soar) and he was just explaining how the gun works, kinda in the middle of a longbow and g7

Giurgea Teodor: Dazs, made a video with the 30-30 repeter

Mr. Pound Cake: Yo where my diamond squad At!!!!😏👌👌👌

ray lee: I got so excited for the diamond dive trail. Then i saw the pinned comment and now i wanna die

Aaron Chong: Wait so do you have to get diamond both splits this season to get the diamond dive trail or just once? Anybody know?

Eric Fernandes: Peas!

Honey Badger: imagine needing 7 stacks if sniper ammo for the 30 30 repeater

Tre molony: New solo option should come with match making penalties... if u queue up with a random squad then leave prematurely u get a penalty... not a full 10 minute but perhaps 5 min penalty where u can only queue solo no fill... this should emphasise TEAM WORK and commitment to the TEAM.... Also they should analyse who leaves games prematurely and only queue them up with other people who leave prematurely!! For a game that emphasises TEAM WORK they sure dont give a f*k about TEAM WORK 😅🤣

Ayla Metcalfe: I gotta say that I like the idea of fuses abilities time to put grenades to use

PokeMagiCraft 324: I'm so happy about the diamond dive trail

YT Ruko: so if i get diamond season 7 would i have a diamond trail in season 8?

Justin Vicente: What if the ammo for the 30/30 is shotgun. Could make sense with the peacekeeper charge shot which is similar to the clip. Im not sure if they want to bring the old mw2 model into the game though

Angus Stewart: Do you keep the trail forever or just the season

Abdulrahman Al-Hamed: im most excited about the diamond dive trails. Ive always wanted one and now I don't have to sweat my butt off trying to get to master because I've already been in diamond a few times

Enmarquez Hamilton: You mean to tell me that Fuse passive is not to take less damage from explosives? That should he's passive.

YXGTV: Hey I am 🔥 can you tell me where do you stream

Bubble Bird: Not sure but I think Fuse's passive is going to be some resistance to termite grenades, he's shown walking through fire in the trailer.

ATL_PHYSICS: Does anybody know about the peacekeeper?

Natsu3nd: Wait so if u get diamond this season, u get a trail for next season? Or is it starting next season. Someone help I’m dumb hahaha

Mike Sweeney: Any word on next gen console upgrades?

CALL ME IBZ: i made it to diamond 3 first split then stopped at plat 3 in second split. so will i still get the diamond dive trail? or do we get the diamond dive trails in season 9?

Vincent Cardona: It is confirmed that the 30-30 repeater is a *heavy* weapon.

dandelion: dont know if you saw but they relased a video on the 30-30 repeater and showed its dmg and ammo

Beans Rgud: From what it looks like the 30-30 repeater seems like a slower firing G7, so my guess is it might still take heavy ammo and will probably deal about 20 damage body shot to 45 ish for headshots, and the charge probably ups the damage for body to like 35. These are my guesses for it based off of what I think is balanced

Maxi Quiňones: *Vast majority of the community*: we want solos! We're tired of being left alone in pubs because anyone can leave at any time! *Respawn*: But Apex is a team-based game *Community*: so, you say it's a team-based game but we are forced to play by ourselves or without teammates in most games with randoms? *Respawn*: ... But apex is a team-based game :D *Community*: ... Not everyone has friends to play with and it sucks to face 1v3 in most games *Respawn*: ... But team :D

Isaac Garcia: Bro I’m so happy about the rank changes ! Great job Respawn !

Zack Lau: what server do you play on for ranked?

Anthony FERRARA: Gonna be lit.....

Oh Word: Are the diamond trials for next season or this season ?

Kay Stephan: NOW that I mostly step back from grinding Apex because of University they make it easiert to gain RP in general and you can get more RP in general due to the increased KP. And NOW they bring back Diamond Skydive trails. Was it that hard to make these changes earlier?

Ronix Yorukage: huh I actually hoped for the 30-30 repeater to be light ammo. but i guess heavy ammo makes sense

Shardy Daoud: Hey water great vid! Someone got early access to the repeater and since it’s early access anvil receivers can be seen and the repeater is heavy ammo. Here’s a look:

spelky _: The 30 30 gun could be a care package

Nico Hernandez: the one time i hit diamond dam, hold the fat L

The BipolarBear: Been seeing/hearing the word fill. What's that mean.

Elijah Ayedun: Mfw i realized i was not subscribed

JayJayMcAj: Talking About My Life: fuses ult will be op cuz you can just trap a kid in the ring of fire and fire a cluster missle in there they burn and then you shoot em down brah

Tactical-funky: i think fuse is gonna be pretty awful, but fun

Xstar gaming 98: Will there be character trackers in the upcoming anniversary event??

spoopy_croissant: 2:52 XD

a: Solo Rank?!?! AND Diamond Dive Trail?!?? Looks like my whole season 7 training is gonna come in hand

Zack Frost: the repeater is confirmed to use heavy ammo.

your local neighbor meme dealer: Woh, they're making it easier to play ranked? DUDE I CAN FINALLY GET TO BRONZE 4 NOW

Sean Baboolal: So just to clear things up if you hit diamond in this season(7) will you get the dive trail in the next season(8)?

Avary Doakes: thank God I got tired of worlds edge

Frank WWL: Is it true that we will have free heirloom for everyone in season 8 ?

sergio mayorga: Great the one season I didn’t grind to diamond they bring back the dive trail

StraightUpOldies: Not happy in a way too many campers in diamond. I think you deserve a trail in master tier and predator because you have to play in a team more and put effort in not diamond you get too many shit people in diamond hiding they don't deserve the trail or badge and it will ruin ranked aswel with too many skydive trails everywhere

DJ Wakki: Finally I can try and push for diamond rather then platinum! Didn't bother for diamond cause there was nothing unique, a dive trail will motivate me 👌🏽

Gage Warner: I wasn't too interested in Fuse, but, now I'm pretty excited after seeing the ultra function. However, I'm worried about aiming it on equal ground, as in the video he had a decent high ground and it didn't go too far forward

CourtCourt: Everybody’s going to be playing as fuse 😩

The Third eye24: He make videos like he don't got time to make videos

Mirage: So no news on the anniversary event

Adam Haker: So are we getting solo rank soon

Shane O-Mac: Well I'm glad they're making rank easier but I'm also glad I got to Masters this season while it was more of a challenge. I feel like there's gonna be a lot more masters next season

RixJoker: Ummmmmm... i think i seen that water before

rluy24: Do you get to keep the dive trail even though you don’t stay on the rank?

Jwick9000: Diamond trails are back..... im grinding now

Nota Robot: Wattson is gonna be a great counter to Fuse

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