The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 2 Watch Party Reaction!

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ResoluteRiot: was yoda a troublemaker like baby yoda?

JS Peña: Pretty sure X6911 is Qin the prisoner that Mando freed in Episode 6.

Reject: Where’s the episode screen

Awesomeman23 KC: This episode was like Dathomir in Jedi: Fallen Order where you had to run away from the undead night sisters

charlie f: I think Boba Fett possibly set up that ambush in the beginning, it seems unlikely that he was just walking along in the desert and randomly saw Mando. It's much more likely that he was tipped off that someone wearing Mandalorian armor is looking for Mandalorians by someone on the first planet from chapter 9, mos eisley, or the tuskens (Boba has a gaderffii stick and Mando has been in quite a bit of contact with them as well, could be nothing could be something). Boba sets this up as a multi-purpose test; principally for him to safely get intel on Mando's skills while maintaining anonymity. Should Mando fail he could easily retrieve his own armor from the attackers. Should Mando thwart the ambush (as he did) Boba could reassess his approach to contacting him. anyhow, that's my theory.

marcusinHD: definitely the same spiders

Thot Removal: Y’all hear March of the Resistance when they left?

True American: Ok, was I the only one thinking that those were the same spiders we see in the old KOTOR games when you go into the crystal caves on dantooine

ROnan Mckenzie II: wow. that was so bad.

Daniel Paquet: he didn't eat those eggs,he ate the spider.i think hes holding the eggs

Vitor Fanucchi: People keep wanting everything to happen as soon as possible, just enjoy the show, man. A fast pace all the time isn't good

Tee Lotus: I actually enjoyed this episode a lot surprisingly

Isaac Kurtz: They should make an episode of the Mandalorian about Boba and what he's doing.

TheJimSkipper: Is Mandalorian going to be monster-in-a-cave every week?

ゴゴOneFoxyBoi 06ゴゴ: His reaction through the whole spider thing was hillarious

7ender SWGoH: Aren't the spiders Kinarths? They were in crystal caves in KOTOR and their eggs had lightsaber crystals inside of them. I know we said it wasn't Ilum but I feel like these these two things have a strong connection...

justintime8: I think my new favorite thing is reading the chat from the live stream. "Theory, we can't see." "I'm not able to watch." "Fix the setup we can only see you." These people actually thinking he is going to live stream on the episode on his channel lmao.

X: X69-11 is Qin. Those eggs are what he’s carrying when we see the hooded figure. So next episode. Those spiders are actually fungus, and trask is the water planet.

Kyp Katarn: That first ambush would have been a great opportunity to have Fett show up. After that, I expected Fett to be "the passenger". I don't get it. Why do they have to focus on the mando and the child, when the tv show is really about Fett's return to the galactic scene?

STAR TOYS: 46:35 George Lucas

Mr. Allotov Nutz: Personally loved the episode, I can understand why people think it's a filler episode but i feel that mando building a relationship with the Alliance, picking up right where we left off in episode 1, and refering back to episode 6 in season 1 with the prisoners are all advances in Mando's/Baby Yoda story... Boba's non-appearance keeps anticipation in the audience for him popping up anytime

shronk: Absolutely loved this episode

Logan D: Same species of spiders from Rebels?

Satoru Gojo: Will You ever Talk about The Role Cal Kestis would Play in the Starwars Franchise

sith lord darth bong: I myself enjoyed the episode 👍

Scott Grimes: This episode was very...weak. I was almost yoda was going to vomit out toads. But, it ended, we are still goingg on with this toad and yoda eating baby eggs?

Jose Rodriguez: What's popping from Japan.

Uɹɐnus: The Mandalorion should paint his armor.

Jacob Olson: I just wish there were more episode in a season then I’d be happy with episodes like this

MonsterTeegs: Oh man I got a perfect sync on the videos.

Dennis Smith: The giant ant was weird

The Sponsor: First episode I did not like.

Phillip Dry: How did you get those Books? Theory. How do you order them?

Phillip Dry: Notice how the eggs were Xenomorph eggs (Alien)

Game Clips and Stuff: Totally Filler Episode tho

Maku Kenobi: Ahhh how did I miss this!

Jansen Baker: In Revenge of the Sith, Barriss only appeared in a deleted scene.

Wolf: I was pretty annoyed at how Baby Yoda ate so many eggs, it was funny but also it made me mad lol. I still love him and all it's just the poor frog mother has a whole species on the line and Baby Yodas taking out each new life every egg he takes. >.<

Spoder Jedi: that spider scene is the most terrifying thing in star wars since the Cave of Visions scene no joke

Sean Diemar: What planet was that

dude25101: lol only good part of the episode that was redeeming was getting to see Dave Filoni

dude25101: this episode could have never happened and no one would ever know

Arturo Benavides: I thought this episode was great tbh.... I know it's basically filler but I am just enjoying the content this show is providing.

Emamae: It's not filler - it's establishing things that will be used later.

Isaiah Eggebrecht: It’s clear that favreau was a lotr fan.

Joey Kessler: This episode freaking sucked. Chapter 9 was so awesome and now we get the adventures of frog lady and her eggs. I actually convinced myself I would enjoy season 2 after seeing chapter 9. Nope. Sorry disney, you've lost me.

Grandmaster Yoda: What if I took Luke to Dagobah when he was a baby and Obi Wan raised Leia as his own daughter?


Ferocious Flunky: I know it’s some random snow planet but I get ilum Jedi fallen order nostalgia vibes from it, quite cool

Rodney L. Jones III: It is called group watch

Rodney L. Jones III: You can

Rodney L. Jones III: I got helmet too but I will paint it black and cyan

Bgrows Mars: What you wanna bet the only eggs that make it are the ones I baby yodas belly

Charles Tillinghast: 4/10 for plot development 8/10 for Baby Yoda scenes 6/10 for action/visuals 5.5 overall

blurrg blurrg: This episode was a pure ride and I enjoyed it. You can tell when people making something enjoyed making it, and the delight in making the episode was apparent in it's outcome which made it a really enjoyable watch. Was it weird? yep. Best episode so far? Def not. Was it iconic? very lol Frog lady has greedo vibes in how memorable she is. The spider jumping on the ship is also an iconic moment. After a while I just accepted that this episode was wild and laughed a lot.

Ryan Smith: this episode wasn't bad was a bit lackluster but that's because it is obviously leading up to something

Mr Mauger: Nobody seemed to notice the child teleported an egg out the frog ladies chamber at the end of the episode. Count the eggs

Otinad Promos: Anyone else noticed the Resistance theme when the ships leave?

OTioPaco: I do have this book, and the "Jedi Path". One of my favorite things that I have from the Star Wars universe

aandris86: Man, calm tf down ppl, the episode was fine. Im sure we will see Moff Gideon, Boba, Lightsabers and Dark Sabers in due time! Have patience.

Brandon Wolf: In the trailers it looks like sabines on that barge where they bring the frog lady’s eggs

Lonewolf69: It’s a Gnarltree offspring

andy pete: Feelt like one of those side quests in skyrim.

Brandon Wolf: I think baby yoda “the child” is gonna at least say his first word this season 🚫🧢

João Guedes: baby yoda its gonna be a great Sith Master

HotdogNinja: Baby yoda is getting some kids killed he is prob close to anakin at this part

Nikolas Rinaldi: 5/10

Basic Cannabis2: Dont have Disney plus or hbo max Mandalorian season 1,2 episode 2 #Basic_Cannabis2 Raised by wolves No ads free in hd no troll

Tom N: The director of this episode really likes insects. Scott Lang is behind all these spiders.

wZem: Regarding Jango Fett being a Mandalorian or not, I saw an interview with Dave Filoni, where he explains that the reason why they put the line about the Mandalorians not knowing where Jango got his armor in the Clone Wars, was because George Lucas directly asked them to and it was to confirm that Jango was not born on Mandalore. I guess they could still change it, but I don‘t think Filoni will straight up go against what Lucas wanted.

Christmas Stormtrooper: #Bigspider form Harry potter

Super 16: Yummy frogs

Matthew West: So Theory have u said sorry to your Chair we everyone in last live stream knows what happened that night lol the Chair Derives a sorry Also love you're vids

imr obot: What headset do you use? Are those astros?

Attila János Nagy: This episode was plain and about nothing. Why Mando need Mandalorians to know what to do with the Child?

Mainostoimisto SYKE: One of the best episodes! The tension was much higher than in chapter 9, cold remote planet and spider creatures. The scene where the Frog lady uses the droid to speak was really touching!

Jesus Christ: The prisoner X somethingsomething is referring to the twilek male who mandalorian helped break out.

Francis Jimenez: Next episode will be at the water world

Rodrigo Trujillo Montoya: I wouldve been terrified if those spiders where in Fallen Order.

Not Tasteful • 69 years ago: I’d say this episode was a 7/10, not bad, but didn’t accomplish anything in the story

Wyatt Andrew: Bruh Star Wars fans are so picky, that was a good episode

Gregg Reaves: It doesn't seem like this episode moved the overall plot forward at all, unless that frog thing with the eggs is going to be a reoccuring character. I'm thinking not. Things started off with a bang on Tattooine, but quickly went to nothing special. Agree that it was still a good episode, just forgettable

Akinsaur: I think this episode is amazing, but everyone has different things that they enjoy, and not everyone only want to see the main story and fast action it too is awesome of course, some of us want to see also the environment, planets, creatures, different races and other things, it has really good worldbuilding and is nice.

swepsycho2 channel: I hoped we would see Boba in this episode.

Luke Huizenga: We've had two episodes where almost nothing significant changes. Wish I could like this more, but I'm really disappointed.

Tigerxsam13: Chapter 10: Baby Yoda Causes Chaos by Eating Everything in Sight

chichiboypumpi: How can they hear each other whilst riding on their pods and speeders with Vanth talking like as if they're just having coffee? Also wouldn't it be quick and with less casualty if they just baited the wyrm with banthas with bombs strapped to them?

Justin Bousquet: I think the X-Wing Pilots are going to come back in a big way. Every episode that feels like filler are going to mean something in the future. I feel it!!

Justin Bousquet: Cool that we got confirmation that Bill Burr and crew are alive and under arrest! lol

louisGWRX: It was eeehh. Now i have to wait until the next episode to get somewhere in the story

TreeShark 24: I love how he just lands the jetpack like a falcon 9

The Turkey Warriors: I wanna say that this may lead up to the boat seen with sabine?

The Turkey Warriors: Damn it gonna keep us on the hanger with boba

Daniel De Soto: so much for that ice planet being Ilum

Toby Irving: The Mandalorian Season 2: The eggs strike back

Robbie Reyes: Easily the worst episode of the series :///

justchyll2009: Is the name of the planet Trask a KOTOR Easter egg?

Dylan Drummond: This episode was pretty meh, I just don't see what this did in terms of the story or character development. Left feeling a bit disappointed now

Jack beuster: Are the spiders the same species as the ones in rebels?

Darth: They already have that syncing video thing you talked about. I've been trying to tell you but I haven't ever used it so im not sure how it works.. i do have D+ so just let me know.

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