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The Den of Nerds LIVE: Let us know what YOU thought of the episode! - Josh

TheMactonight: could the glowing eye creatures be Fyrnocks from Rebels?

David Y: you can def hear spurs when Boba turns around in that final shot

Brian K: I love being a Nerdnenger and I love this community. Thanks for being nerds fellas.

Ajith Gomes: Get Timothy Olyphant in more episodes, or his own series

darth wint: 2 things that didn't quite land with me was when Cobb Vanth was on his speeder his hair looked like it wasn't moving. & I don't know if it was because they looked thinner than one's in ROTJ but Gamorrean guards looked little to rubbery to me..

darth wint: With SW world the child mad right now i liked how the child kinda took a back seat in this chapter, ballsy move by Faverau..

darth wint: I got a heavy native Indian vibe with tuscan raiders...

darth wint: I was disgusted with the senseless amount of Banthas needlessly sacrificed in this chapter. It was unexceptable, I instantly had to got intouch with PETA...😉

darth wint: IN FAVERAU & FILONI I TRUST!!!....

darth wint: I loved shot of Mandalorian riding slowly through town on speederbike has town members look on curiously👌. it reminded me so much of a shot from a Sergio Leone spaghetti western.👏👏👏.

darth wint: I was 100% against Cobb Vanth appearing in Mandalorian but credit were due it worked out really well, infact they nailed it, so happy to be wrong.

Lego4366: Have y’all noticed Sasha Banks is wearing a similar cloak to the one Boba is wearing?

A H: Does anyone know the name of a reactor who is female blond and always wears black and white? I followed her until a year or so ago and can't recall her name. She was very smart. She is not the lady from Beyond the Trailer. I wish to follow again but don't see her anywhere or remember her screen name.

Roy-Boy: Lmao Al... “On the scene in Tattoine” I love it

Roy-Boy: The red eyed animals in the dark reminded me of those nocturnal animals in rebels episode, filoni said almek which is referring to ambassador almek from mandalor in clone wars, I think boba isn’t going to like the child and or din being with a force sensitive and they’ll be fighting a little... episode was so dope I loved it

Best Lex Luthor: It’s interesting. Very formulaic but clever. They use the dough on effects pay a name actor and very one else is pretty much extras. It does feel like filler but fun filler. However it’s done I already care above Olymphants character more than sequel ones.

Lefty Tears: Everyone thinks Boba and Mando are gonna team up, but Boba was the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. I think he’s gonna try to take the child

Cogito Ergo Zoom: I liked everything but the vomit the dragon was spewing, seemed very low budget.

Moone Shadow: I don't know if anyone played star wars galaxies mmorpg and hunting Kryat for pearls man but this was so star wars galaxies themed and there was great stuff in this episode 👏. I was on the edge of my seat! Because I experienced kryat dragon hunting and man I knew what was coming to a point!!! Wow just wow!

Andy H: Enjoyed it but it did feel a tad ripped from Knights of the Old Republic.

Hydrogenmissle: DUUUDE that first episode was like REEEAALLLY COOL

Aaron Hernandez: Rex would be 80-90 years old

desilver steel: Tremors

War Robots Virtual Legion clan: Am I wrong, or was Cobb Vanth's speeder bike look like it was made from Anakin's pod racer engine?

al chalant: I’m starting to think the name of the show is referring to baby yoda instead of the obvious leading man

azor ahai: Very happy to see boba fett return on the mandalorain show But with his return comes questions that I hope they answer and fix being one of the mistakes that George Lucas recently made by saying boba fett and jango fett are not mandalorain..Saying boba fett and jangle fett are not mandalorain is like saying Jack Kirby and Stanley are not comic book writers and artists And the reason I know this is a mistake by George Lucas is because this was recently mentioned it Contradicting himself because why did he write so much material after the clone wars movie and even in the original trilogy saying that he was mandalorain Bobba fett has been a character over 50 years and never once did you mention that he wasn't. All The Dark Horse Comics the novels all that written about him and now has all being thrown away because why. I think my theory is because they don't want boba fett overlooking this new character the show is base on I don't think George Lucas is fit to write starwars no more and that is obvious from the mistakes hes made I wouldn't even give him a grocery list. Your ask him to get u Milk and he will bring u back a plunger And what's with all Unnecessary fan service like characters from the Clone war Anime like Rex and Asoka Like those characters should be dead because this is the problem I have if those characters are alive where Were they for the last 30 years when the rebels was fighting the Empire the galactic war was happening you mean to tell me Asoka as a jedi couldn't help where was Rex and where was mando all these characters didn't help That's a act of a coward and now just pop out a thin air because or fan service sorry it hurts the story no one wants to see clone war characters

James Holliday: I mean isn't the long game all obvious - The Armorer said bring him to his kind and until then, he's your son. But the Yoda species are extinct now, so "his people" are Mandalorians now. So in other words, The Armorer's quest is making The Child a full, true Mandalorian. Speculation... The Child's lightsaber is the Darksaber...since he will also be a Mandalorian and Jedi. What if at the series ending, Din drops The Child off at Luke's Academy and leaves us wondering was he there for the destruction? Was he off world? Did Luke send him away? It lets us see a kid Ben Solo too!

winter1235: I'm probably wrong, but my thought on Boba Fett is that he's hung up his armour, so to speak. I know if a sarlacc ate me and I managed to survive, I'd be thinking about retiring. Maybe he's just living a peaceful life on Tatooine, not interested in getting back his armour or taking up a life of violence. Or, maybe he's just recuperating, waiting to come back with a vengeance. Future episode mighttell.

greenBV4: i put this on theory's video as well but for the same reason Din didnt want Vanth having the armour, his creed says that if he or someone else removes the helmet, it can never be put back on - that combined with the fact Boba isn't actually a Mandalorian makes me think he isn't just going the give the armour back to him and team up

Brad Dickinson: Great break down gents. Loved episode 9, loved this reaction video. Well done.

J W: Rex > Boba in other words I think Rex would clap Boba 100%

August Dalton: I love how the Tuskens act like they do in the Kenobi book. That book is sooooo good.

Clemon Youngblood: Do you think that Boba Fett crossed Moff Gideon in some way it had to go into hiding?

Bill Demarco: Smash the god damn like button

Nascarfan8809: Absolutely amazing first episode of season 2, loved the boba fett coming to light into the series, but I'm surprised he didn't mention in his video that the very big rumor is sasha banks is playing sabine wren who is a mandalorian, hasn't been confirmed put what is being speculated alot and she is in 7 episodes starting in the next episode next week, sasha is supposed to be a breakout character and this could heavily weigh on her character especially if she's sabine wren, shocked he did not mention her cause shes in the next 7 episodes and could play into alot if this speculation as well, also sasha banks could be the scorcer aka jedis that the mandalorian is too to take baby Yoda too, Disney said they were keeping her role secret but plays a huge role, that we will find out next week

Darth Klean: Sorry I missed the stream. I was still sleeping!! Love this episode!! Star Wars is back!!

madviola183: I lost it when you started talking at the end like a mountain preacher! I enjoyed your review, and I'll probably be back for the rest of them this season.

Peter Acker: KOTOR references out the wazoo!


Stephen Wright: since you like duel of the fates check my boy Yanni do a cover of it

Mr Savvy: Great recap.... "Wheww, yayaya"... i see ya josh, a little doc love!

Tyler McCollum: Those darkness creatures in the beginning. I'm thinking it's that planet Sabine and Hera visited in Season 1 of Rebels where they used the fuel to blow the creatures up.

Tyler McCollum: Not sure who noticed this but this story was pulled right out of Knights of the Old Republic. The sand people wanting the Krayt Dragon slain and the Star Map being in its cave.

Dagon Briggs: I like how it was straight up taken from Knights of the Old Republic 2 as far as befriending Raiders and slaying a dragon!!🔥🔥🔥

GLJunior: Where's Gideon?

scottyrossswingler: Chapter 9 was EXCELLENT. Everything I wanted. The Mandalorian continues to kick ass, and the reveal at the end got me HYPE for the rest of the season

Duran ‘Dman’ Bodasing: The spirit successor to JW! Well said mate 👍🏾

Seankwondo87: Ive been waiting to see a live action Krayt Dragon forever so this episode blew my mind.

Jason Copley: I thought that was a throwback to kotor, krayt dragon and all.

Bill Barrett: I think the dude at the beginning was referring to Cobb Vanth because he said that the Mandalorian was in Mos Pelgo and Boba was not in Mos Pelgo, but Cobb Vanth was.

Jeco1245: Favreau wants states in a interview to make Mando more like Game of Thrones. Episode 1 season 2 - wastes no time.. bring in the space dragon

quin trouble5: I'm really trying to get this comment out there and I know it may seem irrelevant to some people but I really believe that the Marshall's speeder was Jerry rigged by one of the engines from Anakin Skywalker's pod racer.

Hercules Rockerfeller: Bet we don’t see Boba for rest of this season

quin trouble5: The Marshall's speeder was jerry rigged by one of the engines from a pod racer.

OldHenry Lee: Loved the whole deal. Beginning to end. .... Simply awesome episode. UNREAL!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍🎉 😃

Daniel K. Demick: When Vanth and Mando head into the sand people’s village, check out that one sand person who walks in the background alone and out onto the cliffs edge.... Far enough away to not be noticed, yet close enough to hear about observe everything they’re saying at the fire.... Could THIS be Boba Fett in disguise? Had he been living amongst the sand people?

jareth loveberry: And I love this after show!

superherbs369: What an amazing episode!!! They're starting out the season with the bar set HIGH!!! Go Mando... keep Star Wars fresh!

Alex: So hyped I woke up early to watch this before work!!! Better believe I’m rewatching it over lunch 😎 can’t wait for the next episode now tho...

Dr. Detroit: The aerial shot of Bantha’s weaving their way through the sand, looked very much like Mando’s model of the plan, using the skeleton. They were spaced out like a spine buried in sand, it felt purposeful.

Alex Roesch: fave part was Cobb Vanth on the speeder from Anakin's pod racer was the best easter egg yet IMO

Mister Fett: Well we know that those feet on Tatooine from last season were Boba's.

Toe nay Hosa: i think boba is going to talk to mando about the republic and the galactic empire..he knows about camino...he knows about the jedi...thaqts why i think boba is going to lead mando to places to find the jedi..hes the most knowledgeable


Tabitha R: I look forward to your show after a new episode of The Mandalorian! Thank you for these!! Love this time of the year!! 🖤💚🥳

Alex boyajian: will we see boba fett again this season? I rly hope so

jareth loveberry: If you listen Mando has the spur sound also when he walks into the pub in the city

GodsOfWar: There got to be some kind of epic fight scene with Ashoka, Sabine, Gina, Mando, Moff Gideon

ZEWS SKYWALKER: C3PO n R2 are definitely gonna make a cameo in future seasons for surrrrre

jareth loveberry: This is Star Wars!!!

SCORPFPV: Anyone scream yoooooo!! At the very end ??? I know I did 🤣🤣

GodsOfWar: When he says there is another Mandalorian on Tatooine I think it's Sabine. And we possibly see Sasha Banks the next episode?

Peter Hsu: I don't know. I thought the direction was flat and the story predictable. Hopefully things will get better in the next couple of episodes.

Jeff Frazier: Sand people saved Boba he traded his armor with them for his life. He’s been with them ever since. Sand people traded armor with Jawas for other resources. 🤷‍♂️

Sava Grujica: Guy on the left lowkey looking like Daniel Cormier

Brock Samsonite: I enjoyed the episode but something felt off I can't put my finger on it yet. But the dragon of krait thing felt very predictable. I was actually talking with some friends about this six months ago because "the mandalorian" has focused heavily on the tuskan raiders. Especially the setup that mando can speak their language.

Justin Epperly: "Star Wars is back"

Turnedupfitness: It was awesome - great season opener

Mark Streeter: Having Confirmation Boba Fett survived...!?? Best Star Wars moment for me in 40 years...!!! - 'He's no good to me Dead....!!'

Ghost Des L: If Star Wars has taught us something its that communicating through our differences is the key to winning battles.

Big Mike: The Graffiti on Street walls lets you know that Sabine could be prowling out there in some upcoming episodes

Big Mike: Filoni and Favreau have resurrected the Star Wars Universe with what they created with The Mandalorian! My every expectation has been fulfilled!!! I’m excited for every Star Wars fan in the Galaxy!!!!!!

GZW Oronar Jett: Did young Boba Fett ever meet Yoda? He may recognise The Child as a species.

Donovangian: Maybe once boba took off the armor the code prevented him from putting it back on?

Jayme Sweten: I agree with his take on how we look at the Sandpeople, it makes what Anakin did even worse. This show is doing the same for the prequel trilogy that The Clone Wars animated show did.

Jayme Sweten: They have really nailed the old western vibe! Amazing parallel of the lone gunslinger riding slowly into town, with the suspicious townspeople silently watching as he rides by.

Diane Craig: I was surprised that Baby Yoda didn’t react when the dragon ate Mando, considering how he reacted to the Mudhorn.

Big Mike: I’m totally bout to watch this episode 9 for the 3rd time. I can’t believe how amazing this episode was.

irishaindriú: Thumbs down for yelling into your mic. Aside from that, the episode was very informative. I don't get why you guys are acting so surprised that the episode was cinematic. The whole 1st season was cinematic too!

Sahil Mehta: The legend is back Boba fett lives

Big Mike: This show is EPIC! Well worth the wait and hopelessly addictive! We’re definitely in ❤️💪🏼

Big Mike: Season two started off with a Big Bang!! I can’t wait until the next episode!!! I do however hope Boba somehow reclaims his Armor!!! The Tuskan Raiders were totally awesome!! This episode was over the top Star Wars and should have no problem whatsoever getting the thumbs up from George Lucas

Raymond Ramirez: Nah bro, you need to rewatch attack of the clones cause Anakin killing all those fools wasnt messed up at all. What they did to his mom was messed up and they got what they deserved. Isis has culture too, it doesnt excuse them from being savages though

mikewillis33: Boba will most definitely be going after his armor. Its not only the armor he made his name with, but it is also his father's armor.

Diane Craig: I think the gold robot artwork looked more like it came from “Metropolis.”

King Psyz: Fennic is mos def with Boba he had a black cloak and the walk up on Fennic in season one had a black cloak/cape

Kylo Robb: I HATE the PPL who call everyone CATS! IMO it sounds so FRIGGIN STUPID!!!! ....and it's like the tool bag is trying WAY TOO HARD to be SuperCool. Kind of like those LOSERS who spell it KEWL instead of COOL! Or when ppl say "it's been a minute" when they really mean "it's been a long time" or "a while".

Sack the Bastard: Been waiting to see Boba on screen again my entire life. It’s a childhood dream come true. God bless this show.

GZW Oronar Jett: That was so amazing!!!! Fett at the end looked bad ass! Mando is a legend.

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