The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 5 Review | Disney+ (SPOILERS)

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Zach Pope: ASHOKA IS FINALLY HERE HOLY OMG GOD MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US ALL FOR THIS ONE! Thank you all for watching! Make sure to hit that LIKE & SUBSCRIBE BUTTON this is the way!

Josh Ohea: Grogu 🤝

Max M: Why would they ever both to use Ashelys voice, Rosario is fine

Max M: Dave never said Ahsoka was dead in the sequel trilogy

Zachary Roeder: Hear me out now.... what if was an ET species that rescued Grogu before Order 66 went down?! The ET species does in fact exist in the Star Wars universe, and it could explain why ET got so excited when he saw the kid in the Yoda costume in his movie!

strictlystarlight: Grogou sounds like the Dragon from BBC merlin but he is Drogou(n ). Loved this episode, so exciting ! And Michael Beihn 💫 Benedict or Michael for Thrawn. I agree

Jordan Helton: dave has confirmed ahsoka isnt dead

Dave M.: The magistrate is played by Diana Lee Inosanto. The daughter of Bruce Lee's top student and also actor Dan Inosanto(a Filipino like myself)shes a real and very skilled martial artist, fun fact of the day. Besides Grogu lol

MrJlin1982: @Zach she isn't dead, Feloni confirmed that, not in ROS. Cal is another opition as Jedi, maybe Mace not only Luke

C Loker: I guess having characters so good that they merit their own show says a lot about Mandalorian. Maybe we get 1 or 2 spinoffs eventually but the fact is we are getting them all here.

Thomas Baker: Ahsoka Tano was so badass in the opening of the episode.

Ty Jensen: Awesome episode! It was nice seeing Ahsoka again but I haven't seen Rebels yet. I recognized Michael Biehn but I thought he was someone else.

Victor Serge: I just don’t watch the spin-off rumors it’s not a productive thing

Victor Serge: Ezra is out there

Damenicion Scott: Brilliant episode all the way love Star Wars no matter what so good to see Ahsoka Tano she is my favorite character next too Rey

Victor Serge: Watch kill bill 1 similar duel

Zeke Gonzalez-Ansaldi: Perfect episode to drop on Thanksgiving weekend because it gave me the opportunity to watch it in the same room with my brother. We lost our shit about 50 times in this episode. Favorite episode of the series so far 1000000%

Victor Serge: Zach you’re not a Star Wars geek! You’re a Star Wars Spazz!!!!

Victor Serge: Easily the greatest piece of star wars media ever made. Kill bill meets empire strikes back meets a few dollars more

Eric Thorpe: I just hope we see Ahsoka more this season

Barkugou420: Am I the only one that got Kurosawa vibes from the episodes cinematography?

Jack Vals: Just bc we all pretty much knew she was coming doesn’t mean it’s ok to post a pic of her right when it comes out that’s a spoiler u idiot

John Fredericks: My theory.... Grogu will become The Mandalorian

Josh: Kylo couldn't hold Ahsoka's jock strap. I really hope they don't do that to her character. To die by such a pathetic and inconsequential character would be a slap in the face.


Eric Kort: episode 6..the mandalorian takes yolo to the circular stone..same place wren finds luke skywalker

L Ron Cupboard: There was the pre-Grogu era, but that was yesterday.

Aarongee2003: Who could’ve escaped with grogu from the Jedi temple. Holy shit what an episode. The Jedi he connects with has to be Luke he is the biggest and most important name. It could be cal kestis but that just dosent feel right.

WillatTOS: She is not dead in The Last Jedi

Elwyn: amazing episode. star wars is in perfect hands when filoni and favreau are at the helm. I feel bad for people who watch mando without clonewars and rebels knowledge.

Krishanu Saha: besides ashoka i felt both the direction and writing was below standard in this episodes !!!!

king of the wild 3.0: GROKU

Clayton Christopher: I love how Ludwig Görannson used Ahsoka’s theme!

Bensmartz: There is only 1 reason why mando got that staff off beskar is so he can fight moff Gideon with the dark saber surely

matthew williams: Again I ask why is Dave Filoni not running the stories over at Lucasfilm. The man just gets star wars and has delivered mostly all of what I have been excited about with star wars.

Elliot: So is Mando still on his mission to find other mandalorians and does he still have Fett’s armor? This season kinda has me confused since now it’s like they just sidelined that story and are now trying to find Gorgu’s force abilities.

JRH: Not gonna lie, I wasn't sure about the name at first, but it kinda grogu on me by the end of the episode

Lc Bonastre: Reaction Movie Of Trilogy Of Lord Of The Rings Extended Edition: (1) The Felloship Of The Rings (2) The Two Towers (3) The Return Of The King Trilogy Of The Hobbit Extended Edition: (1) An Unexpected Journey (2) The Desolation Of Smaug (3) The Battle Five Army Adventures Of Bilbo Baggin

tr1p1ea: The score in this episode is also noticeably more cinematic.

Melanie Schulte: Ashokas "Hair" looks really wrong to me

tr1p1ea: The story in this 1 episode has more intrigue than the entire ST.

David Storm: Ahsoka isn’t dead in the rise of skywalker

David Storm: Can we just fast forward a few years and see grogru the mandolorian? He definitely isn’t gonna be a Jedi the way he’s so attached to Dinn.

Gideon P: Is she dead in the last trilogy?

Hannah Cardoza: Well I hope Luke or Leah will appear but I also wonder if Ezra from Star Wars rebel will make a return to.

Caleb Soberanes: The woman who played the magistrate , Morgan Elsbeth (Diana Lee Inosanto) is the daughter of legendary martial artist Dan Inosanto and goddaughter to Bruce Lee.

KanyeDefuse: Poor yaddle just completely forgotten😔

Maddin Pictures: We also got two Knights of the old Republic references with the HK 87 droids and with Tythoon (Jedi start planet in the old Republic) :D

Harri927: I loved this episode very much. I loved the cast. I would never expect Corporal Hicks himself in this episode and I loved Ashoka in live action.

actionvids35: Ahsoka is still alive in Sequal trilogy

Senn Tan: Best Episode So Far!

Marco Martinez: My family and I loved the episode. Start off with Ahsoka Tano, naming the child, and then hearing Grand Admiral Thrawn, really made us jump out of the sofa. The Mandalorian is becoming like Iron Man in the MCU.

actionvids35: Grand Admiral Thrawn comes back. Perhaps we will Luke or Mace come back as well

Sir- Mass: I think that the jedi that could train Grogu (and could also be the same jedi that saved Grogu) could be Mace Windu. After all, Samuel Jackson believes Mace Windu is still alive, we know that Jedi have survived worse than what Mace Windu faced, and there's also the fact that Boba Fett despises Mace, so we could perhaps be shown Mace's story come to an end by having Boba Fett kill Mace.

QuesoCookies: Very disappointing episode. The acting and direction of Ahsoka was terminally safe. Dawson nailed Ahsoka's mannerisms, the delivery of the quips and smirks were dead on, but the characterization and writing felt stiff and overly sagely, rather than Ahsoka's unwavering confidence, nobility, and sass. The choreography was lazy and Dawson seemed very unpracticed, and that's not even considering we didn't see any of Ahsoka's acrobatic form and only one glimpse of her signature underhand grip fighting style. The makeup was *horrible* . The contacts looked cheap and her headtails looked like they were a foam cast of a high school theatre crew. They could have at least cast them in rubber. If Dawson was unwilling or unable to pull off more ambitious choreography and stunt work, they should have had doubles handle it. Hire a gymnast for the dark, search and destroy scenes incorporating overwhelming speed and acrobatic flair, like Ahsoka do, and a martial artist for the one-on-one showdown to highlight the duel-wielding underhand grip (on at least her offhand saber). That fight needed ramped up tempo and no cutaways to Din outside the gate. It's clear they were paying some tribute to Anakin v. Dooku in Clone Wars with the sabers illuminating their faces in the darkness, and it could have been a badass fight, but the shootout scene interpreting it every 3 seconds ruined it. The magistrate character also needed more development for her and Ahsoka's fight to seem more meaningful. That's just the critique of Ahsoka. Din got yet another episode where he felt like a cameo for a one-off cameo in his own series and didn't have much to do or was made to look incompetent. That has been literally every episode but the ice spider episode this season. The pacing remains glacial, with many sequences taking way more time than they needed to (for instance, Ahsoka's communion with Grogu (which is such a dumb name) and the telekinesis test was about 3-5 minutes longer than it needed to be, and the search and destroy before the showdown took probably 2 minutes too long, and almost the entirety of the shootout scene, which felt like a calculated lightsaber budget cut tactic, was unnecessary, and the will she won't she with Ahsoka teaching Baby Yoda was unnecessary, too, so that's 2-3 more minutes wasted. She could have said, "I wont train him, but I can tell you how to find where he belongs if you help me," rather than needing to renege on the deal). The editing was really choppy, the plot didn't seem like it knew where it was trying to go (which is a problem with the season, in general), and worst of all, we got *yet another* video-game fetch-quest style plotline with a name drop cliff hanger. Overall, maybe one of the most underwhelming of all Mandalorian episodes, which feels especially disappointing and, honestly, shocking to have bungled so badly, because of its being the most hyped event of the season so far with Ahsoka's live action debut. I think it's probably safe to say the rest of this season probably won't diversify or get better, but here's fingers crossed for better writing and direction in season 3.

Mark Davidson: Ahsoka does not die in rise of skywalker

Sov: AHSOKA IS NOT DEAD THO! hahahahaha Jedi can talk telepathically without being dead. Dave did say she is not DEAD.

Big D: Man I hope they never bring more connections about the sequels in this show. Rather keep it separate as far as possible. The sequels divided the fans badly and rather this show not bring that back

Edward Sanchez Productions: I can't believe that baby yoda real name is Grogu

Steven Galloway: Outside of Ashoka not being able to train Baby Yoda, the thing that surprised me was that Moff Guidean didn't get BY while Mando was in the city with Ashoka. It would be the perfect opportunity for MG to do so... 😏

MagicianFlip69: Rosario Dawson smiling throughout scenes is so cute. And it does embodied ahsokas personality

Darth Sidious: I am still waiting for the moment Disney declares the Sequels as Legends. Can't understand how it is still Canon...

Mad the Monk: The moment I truly accepted her as Ahsoka was that subtle little smirk she gives - it screamed Clone Wars and was such a small thing that encapsulated the character perfectly. This episode was art quite honestly. I also got major Dagobah vibes when they were seeing what Grogu could do - also I love the name Grogu - it’s different but had a great vibe. And THRAWNNNNN! Oh my, in Filoni we truly trust. Fanastic stuff - Ahsoka better get her own show! I loved it so much. 5/5 easily.

Bored Person: Am I the only one who wanted a bigger Lekku, similiar to Shaak Ti's? It looked good nontheless

Michael Putman: THRAWNNNN

K8nk: This episode was an homage to samurai films and I loved every second of it

Solaeris: I'm very interested to see if Gorgu has backwards speech, and also what is lightsaber will look like, as well as his kyber crystal

Daniel Levy: WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: 1. The child's backstory though, I'm sure I'll get around 2. Ahsoka Tano. Yeah, you've heard me; Ahsoka in this episode is like we've never seen her. She almost looks like she enjoys killing those soildiers ! She is definitely tempted or even using the dark side. I've never liked Jedi killing in Star Wars but this is on another level. WHAT I LIKED: Also, Ahsoka 😂 coming into this episode, I wasn't looking for a badass Ahsoka, beating the crap out of everyone. I mean, sure, I wanted to see stuff like this but what was IMPORTENT to me was that we'd get 'deep' stuff. Which we did, but I wanted more; Ahsoka in this episode is broken. She may not act like it, but deep down, there are nuances. I liked that she was baisically a better version of The Last Jedi's Luke, because she WAS right; training Jedi IS dangerous (though I don't agree with them on ending the Jedi), but SHE still is a "Jedi". Overall, this episode will only be REALLY good if Ahsoka gets her own spin-off series or movie, exploring these times exactly, showing that she IS broken.

Solaeris: Do you think palpatine could've kept him alive in attempt to make him a Sith knowing how powerful yoda was?

Matt Neath: This season is good. It's just got so much stuff that's touched on but never gets addressed fully in each episode. Bo-Katan's group, Boba Fett, the clones, Grogu's past. I feel like there is so much and that we are going to just get a couple episodes that just spit exposition and backstory instead of sprinkling it through out and then bringing it to a head. I do love this series though.

Rich Hatwell: The creases in the tentacles feel like bad prosthetics, but they also make physiological sense

Kevin Nazario: This episode was cool. Star wars version of yojimbo vs zatoichi. One of the classic 60's samurai films.

Martin Hague: It had a magnificent 7 (The seven samurai) vibe to the episode

Stefan Davey: Ashoka is actually alive at the time of the sequel trilogy, this was actually confirmed. Kylo Ren wouldn't be able a beat Jedi veteran of the Clone Wars and The Empire like Ahoska. She was trained by Annakin., no way could Kylo best her.

Lachlan Hanley: prior to mando season 2, rebels has been my fav show at the moment. this is truely a dear diary moment

Louie Archer: Everyone is talking about thrawn, did anyone else see the loth-cats during the battle, reference to Ezra?👀

Daniel Goodwin: I think it was Jocasta Nu that hid Grogu when Order 66 happened, as she would’ve been in the temple at the time and we know that she somehow survives as we see her in the Vader comics

Big D: Is it bad I want to continue Ashoka’s journey more than what’s going on with Mandalorian? Haha...I like it but wish we got more fighting choreography fro Ashoka! Also her tendrils weren’t long enough for me

Alavax: now watching the episode i can make better comparison ..most are right ..saying Rasario played the best but i find the mannerism and the warmth that Ashley has is different..not bad but more practice and she will be perfect.

Louis Murphy: i really hope they don't bring thrawn into this series. Ahsoka was big enough and anything else will just make the show lose whats so special about it. Maybe bring in sabine for season 3 next but thats it.

Ziem83: If I wasn't deep into the current lore, I'd be a little disappointed by this season of Mando, but I am deep, so it's been more hype for me because it actual excites me about future projects. About me: I grew up on the OG trilogy, but I love Rey and the new films because of the lore.

T MAC: this is how you do fan service right, with logic ffs abrams

Movie Guy 2020: There is definitely a clone wars/rebels/mandalorian sequel series coming I like that they are setting up pieces to more.

BISHOP PETER: I bet palpateene took and hid him somewhere

Chicken Lips: Spoilers***** I was more shocked at the fact Ashoka said baby Yoda has a lot of fear and we all know “Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.” And there’s a 50/50 if baby Yoda (grogu) decides to chose the dark side and how powerful yet badass he would be it would also make way for a new starwars franchise or films as it would be about taking down Darth grogu but I don’t think they would take that route

MEISTER COMMODORE: Great Episode ...... Eastern & Western wooooh

Orions Angel: You have to remember it's like 30 years since the Clone Wars. Ahsoka is older and wiser. Her voice would probably be different and maybe her horns shed as she gets older? She files them down? Who knows? In the SW universe you can justify anything.

bridge0370: Dave Filoni said that Ahsoka is alive during Rise of Skywalker

The Star Wars Guy: i think in the last episode, Ashoka will help Din, kill Moff Gideon and in the last scene we will see Thrawn or Ashoka wont be with Din but they will save Thrawn for the Ashoka spin off

Drezden: One small correction. Mando never actually agreed to kill the Jedi. He just asked where to find the Jedi and the magistrate assumed he had agreed.

Bobby Gig: it got the alot of old school samuria vibes too

Drew Horst: I hate that in so many movies games and shows theyre just like oh that person that died? Yeah he didnt die

Philip Light: If Dave Filoni revived Star Wars hype with one episode of Mandalorian, imagine what he can do running all of Lucasfilms.

LJstudios: Dave filoni stated that Ashoka is still alive in rise of skywalker

John S: They needs to ignore the Sequel triology completely. Better yet please decanonize it.

25 - ANIMESH PATI: ok, so everyone was saying if ezra is found out thrawn will not be far behind now its opposite if thrawn is found out then either lucasfilm needs to kill ezra off-screen or introduce him live action

Jay 24: that last scene with ahsoka at the end of this episode was her remembering the bond that her and Anakin shared after witnessing The Mandalorian and Grogus bond. Knowing Dave Filoni i’m 100% sure that it was a tribute to her and Anakin. The music was out there at the end for a reason.

Keith TKW: so.. all this time.. "there is another.." meant GROGU?

Başak: Rosario NAILED IT!!! That was everything I expected from a live action Ahsoka! My mom is a casual who didn’t know anything about her and after the episode she immediately asked “tell me we’re gonna see her again she is cool” lol I loved it. Also, THRAWN is coming!!

Reel James: This episode was everything. Absolutely everything. I loved the backstory with Grogu, we got a Thrawn name drop, and even a nod to Anakin! Yo...Just wild.

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