The Mandalorian: Season 2, Episode 8 Review (Spoilers)

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Wither Ninja: *spoiler* Luke in the Last Jedi: what you want me to show up with a laser sword and take down the entire First Order? Rey: well idk I heard once you took out like 50 advanced Death Troopers with barely any effort Luke: oh wow your right and by now I should be even more experienced damn yeah let’s do this **absorbs entire First Order into a black hole**

Keith: I thought Gideon was force sensitive but it was interesting to find out he was not. The new Star Wars movies were awful but I loved The Mandalorian series. I would give it a five star rating over all.

The Dude: Series finale! Season finale!

ronki23: I'm very sad because Grogu and the Mandalorian split up and this is probably the end of the series. ☹️

iSwifty: I can’t wait to see Grogu with a lightsaber! Also I am curious now that we’ve seen Luke and R2 if we could possibly see a Han, leia, lando, Chewie or 3po Ezra or even Cal in the future. Maybe even a young Rey or phasma or even Finn . (Rey cameo would have to be way later on considering she’s not born yet, maybe a Rey/Finn cameo could be in the final episode of the mandalorian)

A Short Jaunt: Don't agree with the Dark Saber discussion. Sabine stole it from someone and was park of Bo Katan's clan. It's a bit different, as the owning of the saber has to do with earning leadership. Sabine never earned it, the saber was always Sabine's. Din Djarin did battle someone for it.

b b: I didn’t like it :( crucify me now I know

Akshay Kumar Singh: Din said he'll see him again. How? Do you know where Luke took him?

Carl Lister: CGI luke looks like the cyberpunk 2077 guys created it.....

Portabit: I was kinda surprised Luke didn’t throw Grogu over his shoulder when he got him

DarthRanger55: This episode was pure Star Wars of the highest order for us fans. It was a dream come true. A moment of pure joy like this gave me, in 2020, feels like a miracle. Thank you to Favereau and Filoni.

kelton pettigrew: 1000

javier book shadows contributor du: 998th comment

Chef Carl Casper: I cried.

amunra: This episode. WOW!

Aidas Vilkauskas: Geez i am speechlees. That was prob the best ep over all 2 sesons. Cant wait S3 boooooy ohh boooy.!

Herman Quintelier: They finally did luke skywalker justice. This is the grandmaster that I was anxious to see! Not the garbage from the last jedi.

Kimoka Records: Imma be honest i thought we were getting a thrawn post credit scene was i the only one

90's anime is the best: Damn it Disney just give Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau Star Wars already

Headbangerr 1983: Luke: appears. Gideon: well, sh*t.

T M: Is this finale episodes?

UNCAGED-MONSTA: The mandalorian is on a whole other level as far as tv shows go. It is officially THE 🐐

seven henson: The ending made me think boba fett was taking over the mandalorian series

hybridwesker: this was a 40-minute movie.

Dayle Davis: She doesn't want to be gifted the dark saber considering the last time she just took it things didn't work out. Seems to be some mandorlorian superstition going on.

Kost S: You guys do realize this means that kylo probably killed baby yoda

Mike Ockurtz: Why is it that guys on Youtube can do better facial replacement than million dollar studios?

The Shadow Man: The Kennedy trilogy is being erased.

pranav mohite: I think that because Sabine just found the blade in Maul's secret lair on Dathomir and didn't win that from him in a duel and she was not ready to wield the blade herself that's why she gave the blade to Bo Katan but Din fought Moff Gideon and then got the blade from him that's why i think Bo Katan is hesitating to take the blade from him

Ben S: I thought Luke looked great! I don't understand where all the hate is coming would be weird to have another actor play him.

pranav mohite: Season 2 Finale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Whole sequel Trilogy Change my mind

Peyton Cofer: 2:43 Way to kill the mood dude

irishboy664: my guess with the darksaber is that maul won it in combat against pre-vizla and was recognized as the leader by most, whereas bo being given the saber may have led to some more infighting and weakened mandalore to the point where the empire could just go in and take it from her.

DestoCorvus: do you guys know who the real Mandalorian is? You know that they forge their armors in different sizes, right?

Eddie: Now THIS was the way to go with Luke! The last Jedi took the piss out of him.

Jared: I think it's in the best interest of everyone to forget the last 3 movies and allow The Mandalorian to set up the REAL sequel trilogy

Samuel Mord: You knew what you were doing when you put the wrong version of that scene between Luke and Ben. Stop perpetuating hate towards the sequels

Chris Ortiz: Dear IGN guy: To clear up the Dark Saber lore, Sabine never won the Dark Saber in mortal combat. SHE STOLE IT FROM MAUL! So her giving it to Bo Katan is acceptable...

Fuck Shit: The scientist said that the “human on the inside” was the final weakness. Human? Isn’t that like.....aren’t they not humans?

Arturs Pimenovs: Book of Boba Fett is Mandalorian season 3 It's obvious

sweetieburnsbaby 66: My man din is king with bling now.

Soap MACtavish: The best of 2020 🔥

N7Mith: Many Mandalorians didn't accept Bo Katan's claim to Mandalore _because_ it was handed to her. This time around she needed to _earn_ it, because getting it handed to her a _second_ time would definitely not work for her.

mini X scale: This episode very epic🔥🔥🔥🔥

Tim Magnus: I thought it would have been Ezra :(

Wicked Shades Productions: Season one final: (refused to take off his helmet to save his life) Season two final: (takes his helmet off so his son can see him one last time)

Tyrann: This is the Star Wars i was looking for. Not that crap new trilogy with Rey. I hope they never reference the latest films in any of the new shows and they just pretend it never happened. When Lukes X-Wing flew in i had chills!

TheLastSpectre99: Mando knew who Luke was, he turned Darth Vader back into Anakin, which is why the Empire fell. So I'm pretty sure Den Jar had heard stories of one of the most powerful Jedi ever

Prince Procrastinate: The Darksaber loophole kinda works due to the fact that Sabine didn't win it from Maul she just took it from his stash, so her gifting it to Bo-Katan wasn't a big deal under those circumstances because it wasn't acquired in the traditional sense to begin with. Bo-Katan had the chance to take it the proper way this episode but instead Din beat her to it, and because of these specific circumstances she has no choice but to win it from him in combat, shouldn't need to be to the death though.

Raphi: The best Star Wars Episode in general, next to Empire and A new Hope. That’s a fact.

Savage Dragon: Grogu and Mando are the best pair since Clementine and Lee

Ahnaf Abid: This episodes of mandalorian kept me going in lockdown.

D L: 7/10 Episode

Debasmita Nandy: Luke skywalker walking in was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Thank you disney for this. My faith in star wars has been restored

Łukasz Bańdo: Galaxy is saved , Thank you Jon Favreau, New hope has a new meaning now.. when i saw Luke i felt like i was a kid again watching for the first time episode 4 ... Emotions are positively overwhelming, Justice has been done, we waited so many years for this

Shane Larfleeze: reviewer:grogu is not a living person me : HOW DARE YOU!!!

Hunter Henryk: I don't understand why the dark saber signifies rulership on Mandalore when it's useless and a joke against beskar?

David Orla: I can’t believe ppl actually think the darksaber thing was an error and not intentional

R Bee: Did Luke the service he was due, unlike...other depictions which won't be named.


J*ker: When he pulled the hood up the CGI was perfect. When he started talking then it wasn't. They could have done talking scene from behind his head so they wouldn't have to do the CGI lips

Joseph Piervincenti: You guys should put one of those video links up to Canon Fodder if you are going to mention it at the end of the video, like most IGN videos do :) Only because nothing recent comes up when I search for that!

Infamous Danimal: The Mandalorian!!! Bringing hope at a time we need it most

cali gula: Why didn't he give Grogu the "GEAR KNOB' . JUST WHY

brent Mosey: I think this episode should have been called A New Hope

Victor Baez: I honestly still have a ton of questions i need answers to lol

Victor Baez: As soon as i saw the x-wing i was like: Wait... Then i saw the green lightsaber and i was screaming. Then i cried

ZED EKARD: Is it just me or does no one care about space battle? Why doesn't star wars do space battles anymore? I feel like the last time I cared about a space battle was Scariff.

Geervan Ramasawmy: knew that Grogu and Mando were eventually going to part ways, but man it didn't make it any easier :( Pedro Pascal displaying some raw emotions there

Nayeeb G: My only wish for the Star wars franchise is it needs to be lead by the people behind this show. 💖 They'll save the franchise.

Anhad Sharma: This is the first IGN video i agree with in a long time

Scott Grimes: And personally, what was wrong with the CGI on Mark Hamill? I didn't see it much more than CGI airbrushing of the actual person. Much like Michael Douglas in Antman. Leia and Tarkin in Rogue one were not the real actors, but green screen with all those sensors on their faces like Sirkis does on his for Lord Snoke and Ceasar,and the guy who played Gollum, where it was complete CGI.

Scott Grimes: But, what happened to Axe Woves?

Krishna Panwar: Like the savage books guy said Its a show about nothing

xJ3ster: All Disney need to do now is renounce the Sequel Trilogy as Legends or completely abolish it - so we can start fresh.

Ishan: Give Jon the reins for Star Wars movies

Ishan: So basically they said Grogu is dead if we consider what happened to Luke's Jedis

ajfbarker: One of my least favourite episodes of the entire 2 series. Love the rest of the season, but that Luke CGI and the general cheapness was really off putting.

SavageSenzu: Now if only we can get a movie from the time luke starts his Jedi temple to the point of its fall and maybe sometime after, of course with Sebastian Stan playing luke. I really hope we do get a movie at some point that takes place between the 6th and 7th movie.

David Jones: Luke to grogu "I'm luke skywalker I'm here to rescue you" Din "aren't you a little short for a jedi?" I mean I'm glad they didn't.. But MUST have been tempting

Kevin Harbo: season 3 will be boba fett

Joseph Han: Single best Tv episode of ALL TIME

Ramiro Williman: Am I the only one who felt disappointed of how easily was moff gideon defeated? I liked the rest of the episode very much but didn't think moff gideon's arc was going to end so quickly without telling who is he and how he got the dark saber. I know it hasn't finished yet, but since he has already been defeated, all of that sorta looses some interest to me

Pavan Kumar: After this i wish that they would reboot the sequel trilogy.

Q: But in base playstations it’s a 3/10

PES Masterpiece: The most expensive episode in the Mandalorian series.

PES Masterpiece: Boba Fett in episode 8 be like: I'm outta' here. 😂

Davi C.: ...a presence i haven't felt since.......

Francisco Duarte: Ratings could go downhill the next season Since Grogu is with Luke. Primarily people watch it because of him. It could go both ways. Hopefully they show more CGi Luke.💯

Red_Hood: This is the Way! Thank you!

Aditya Badaya: Mando just got grogu and now he has lost him again😭

the gamer: bgsuzjhg

Anifowose Habeeb: This is up there along the finale of Breaking Bad for me. Masterpiece indeed!

Trevor: Sabine had no right to the darksaber since she stole it from Maul while Mando actually won it in battle

Sachin Rana: 🥺😭 When luke enters it's pure emotions coming out for me. I have never been so emotional watching StarWars and also the bonding of Mando and the Child 🥺 ❤️

Ghigareda01: Never liked Star Wars but cause of The Mandalorian I love it now

Jonathan: Let’s pray Disney keeps this direction going forward

Andrew Thomson: Was it just me or did it sound like Scrillex was playing when the Dark Troopers were around?

Lakmal Gunarathna: The reason why Bo katan didn't accept the dark saber could be because she lost while it was given to her freely. It may feel unworthy if she receive it again without a fight. Also Mandalorian is great.

Tyler Mcdonald: Delete the sequels and make this canon

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