The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 5 PLOT LEAK Breakdown | Ahsoka And The Child Spoilers

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Heavy Spoilers: Let us know your thoughts on the leaks, if you believe them and what you wanna see in the show. If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel

Michelle Mahabir: Thank you for tell us baby yoda's name. Even though I will still call him Baby Yoda cause he will always be that to me. I love the child.😁🤗❤

Ale Puglisi: If it's true, it will be an awesome episode!!

Lamplighter YT: I just wanna see gina

Darren Waggott: Easily my favourite channel on youtube, closey followed by joe rogan :)

Alex Martin: Didn’t Thrawn get sent in to hyperspace with Ezra?

chevrett: Don't take the video down!! Don't give in to the Man!!!

john o'neill: thank you for the videos,happy thanks giving to you and yours.

Tachie Billano: Growgoo? Eh. Not a good name. Iffy choice. If I were one of the writers, I’d probably name the child Yugo / Yogu.

Miles M: I really doubt all of these plot leaks

scott martzahl: Can't wait for next episode. Its gonna be great. Great video as well. Thanx!

BokBokTube: When you said that blue bastard’s name shook me

Carlos Esquivel: Honestly the only thing that got me excited was that it was 58 minutes then the actual leaks and I was like “eh?” is that really the plot?

Blue Falcons: If Ashoka stays I will actually be kind of relieved since I’ve imagined the episode in my head for Like ten minutes and in any other possibilities she gets stormed and held back on callodon (I think that’s how it’s spelt) due to moff Gideon’s dark troopers

Jack Metzger: Can we talk about how there is a little alien named Rogu on Anerican Dad??😂

TheFrostbite324: Grogu is Alien for “Baby Yoda”

always dirty: Ya I don't think this is legit.

Nicolò Arcuti: The name is shit.

Jessica Messica: Wait how to train an infant as a jedi for the clone wars. I know he's force sensitive but he probably still wears diapers

Aston Eden: If this is all true, then 'this is the way'

Jacob Bennett: so no tracking beacon and those troops being involved from the episode before?

that norwegianguy: I don't think the episode lenght is right since that was accidentally revealed two days ago it's 45 minutes not 58 minutes. So a shorter episode than the first episode of this season.

Itz Divinity: Am i the only one calling baby yoda , pedro?😟

sith lord: What if mando simps over ahsoka

Väinö Rajaniemi: Is this real

ZappaBlues: I heard a rumour that 'TheChild/BabyYoda' is getting a name. It should be a Star Wars name, similar to Luke Skywalker or Biggs Darklighter .... BIFF FROGEATER !!!

renji2792: This is NOT the way

Cobra SP TUBE: the child name is Gizmow

Nathan Armstrong: It all seems very plausible but the name Growgoo(sp?) is terrible!

Commander Dev: Grogu

michael graalum: Ahsoka is going to go find Ezra and Thrawn and find them, and then we get the Thrawn sequel trilogy

neil taylor: Glad to see Ashoku , but I can't wait to see the rest of the Rebels crew.

DCFAN 7953: If this is true I’m still gonna call him baby Yoda

Libruh moment: Homie its not even out yet calm down lmao

Richard Pickett: Why warn of spoilers, then place the spoiler in the title of your video. Smh

Jason Fontana: So Definition's secret identity is Paul

E-P Flow: I hope this spoiler is 100% accurate because that is a bad ass episode... If you're wrong than i hate you... lol just kidding...

Rick Derris: I don't have a problem with the name (Grogu) but I am kind of disappointed to have the answers we have been asking since S1 E1. It just kind of takes away the mystery and wonder, but I understand that's the nature of the beast. Also, if Grogu survived Order 66, that means he was about....10 years old or so during Episode III (Math was never my strong suit)?

Ed Sullivan: Just weird there’s no mention of Sabine

jorge rodriguez: :O *Mickey: "nobody messes with me ! or Disney "

E T: I figured he was already a Jedi or trained as such, so this could be interesting. I figured Disney would give him a tiny Lightsaber to boost the christmas sales.

E 1615881939: I will upvote, but I will not watch just in case anything is true.

DrunkenYoda: The Bar/Standard is finally rising up👍. Now just don't disney it🤭💯😷🤣.

Naya: Do a live watch on Friday that would be so awesome

Naya: ❤️❤️❤️

petercoxable: Either way, something really big is going to happen. Every piece of footage from the trailers has been from episode 1 to 4.That is solid proof that something huge is coming; they couldn’t even slip a .5 second clip in one of the trailers with out giving away the plot.🤔

Michael Salatzar: If this is true, you will have gained a sub

Butchy Harding: How come this baby has eyes like Kit Fisto instead of like Yoda with whites and color?

Professor P: Sounds way more legitimate than anything Mike zeroh would put out there

Linda Shattuck: Keep it coming. I can't get enough.

cristian verzelloni: ok.. trained as a Jedi but cannot talk? mhhh.. I am not sure about this.. maybe he is "damaged2 by the experiment? mhh again.. he is strong in the force so dunno..

Din Djarin: Naw, Imma name the child Kevin

William Whitlock: Nice work

Maurice Questel: The funny thing is that everyone is thinking snok is a clone of palpatine when he has a similar scar as anakin/vador

Jessie Grabow: There is NO ONE who's been watching this show that would miss chapter 13.

Bob Aaron: Isn’t it obv the emperor would know of grogu? Since grogu is 50 he probably would’ve been trained at the Jedi temple before it fell - would be cool to see grogu evade death by anakin in a flashback

Linnaeus Lowrey: NO! SHUT UP I DON"T WANT ANYTHING SPOILED!!! gosh, I really want them to do live action ahsoka well...

Grandsome: Nah, you're wrong about the name of Baby Yoda, it's actually: Yoda Baby.

David Escamilla: I think we all guessed that Mando was not going to be able to dump baby yoda off with Ahsoka. They’re now stuck with each other.

25 - ANIMESH PATI: IF all ur leaks are true i will make sure tht all my star wars friends sub to ur channel

Murad Wali: The leaks make me want to watch it more FYI disney

The AstroNerdBoy: If they bring back Thrawn, then I say, "Let the rubbish sequel movies be shifted to alt-universe, non-canon status!" My goodness, can you imagine having Thrawn be a presence in multiple Disney+ Star Wars titles, ultimately leading to a proper trilogy with him at the top and maybe with some some darkside Force users at his command? The mind boggles!

Carbonite Gamorrean: After Bo said what she did, why would Din get physical with Lady Tano ? Ahsoka would mop the floor with Djarin as easy as squishing a nat with your thumb. And WhTaF would that kid's name be wasted on such a big disappointment ? IMO it should have an outstanding & memorable (cool/neat) name everyone would like the day of the show and decades later still.

Saul Gonzalez: Sooooo proud of you and your channel! Overt other channel is using your info to report on! Finally getting that recognition you deserve

Dracus: I rather they not give baby yoda a name

Bo Mulder: How could Grogu be trained as a Jed but have the mind of a Toddler ? Doesn't add up.

JK JK: Oh no... jedi temple... skywalkers? Oh noooo... he is fish food...

Calvin’s Comics & Coffee: I was really hoping for Gideon vs Ahsoka but what the hell, feel like they even set it up last episode by him tracking mando

dress for the dystopia you want: Rosario Dawson signed a pretty big contract so I think this leak is fake and not only will she stick around to help guide the Child, but she'll also be with Sabine and both will convince Dinn to join Bo-Katan on her mission.

phenixwryter: Grogu. Rily. Grow goo. I hope Din gives his son a Mandalorian name, like Dral-which means bright, glowing and strong, powerful. Dral Djarin. Muuuuch betta. Can hardly wait until the next chapter drops. : )

killzone 1401: I geuss Sabine won’t show up with Ahsoka?

SuperMario Alex: Gife me marvel

kempiro: I'm hoping this stuff isn't true. The main things I would love were never a part of this are: 1.) Replaying episode one by having Mando go after and then befriend a light side force user. Bo-Katan told him to visit Lady Tano, so it makes no sense for him to accept her as a prospective bounty (unless, of course, he's just using the fob or whatever to make finding her easier). And 2.) Deus ex Mindmeldina - really convenient as hell to just read the kid's mind for backstory. And 3.) dishonorable mention: Grogu? Please, no.

Prince DaKing: I like the channel, but I sorta want the vid to get taken down becuz it's so tempting to watch

americandesign: I have rewatched the whole Mandalorian s02 from e01- to e04 in one go . And I tell you guys, there are no filler episodes if you consider the whole 4 parts we've seen (so far) as one feature film. It has the "waving" right, so one episode is giving us hints and slower pace, but building to the "explosion" of the next chapter. Don't let you fooled by the weekly release! In one go feels like a whole movie. A moovie that we've all awaited for a long time. A moovie that's whole better than the sequels together! (RIP Reylo-Nobody-Palpatine-Skywalker!) I strongly suggest to do the same! - Find some time 4 it! (C'mon you too have the chapters dowloaded already on your winchester, dont you?) - And BTW the music is AMAZING, Thanx to Göran Ludvigsson for the whole stuff! You're the composer! So try it... I have spoken. THIS IS THE WAY!

kromdar the dark one: Honestly I hope they lead up to a sith in yoda's species. I hope he falls to the darkside

Jason Hayes: ok what if hes jabba the hut.. i mean cmon

Matt Granberg: Where's Rex through all of this? And I feel Gideon would arrive in this episode if he is tracking Din's ship. He wouldn't waste his time, because he needs the child ASAP.

Philia // Phobia: Grogu strangely fits i think. Lil baby Grogu

Knight of Kenobi: I don't think they're trying to bring back Palpatine. I see Moff Gideon taking control at large and these clones being Dark Troopers. Edit: I'd love to see Thrawne in live action.

Taniz: Grogu is better than Baby Yoda. Don't bother arguing.

valeriesghost: This episode is the most excited I’ve been for Star Wars since just before I went into “The Force Awakens”. When I heard Rosario got the roll I was pumped, they don’t get an actress like that if they aren’t going to do her justice.

iam jarrettdean: Grogu doesn't exactly roll off the tongue now does it? Weird. 🤔👅🤪

Samuel Wang: Dude if they have thrawn they better foreshadow with the tune to his theme

IdolEyes84: Kwinyody would be a good name (Kwill, Din, Yoda and Baby), Yody for short.

Casmir Galian: did you know that, mando will die!?

Anthony Green: I was hoping he was Yoda and they took him to the place between worlds and drop him off years ago so he could hide and grow up and be Yoda.

IdolEyes84: The baby needs new clothes and a new pram. :)

Raven's Treasures - Raven: Interesting. If that is the child's name...then.. Oooo.K. Yea this next episode is gonna be epic I believe. Interesting theories 🤔 something to ponder while waiting. Ty

IdolEyes84: I want to see a NEWBORN "Baby Yoda" and who named him. :)

IdolEyes84: Can we call the baby Yo-Din (Yoda Din), or Yody (Yoda Baby) please. :) Even Yo-Yo, then his name is the same in English and in Yoderian. :)

IdolEyes84: Did they call him that because he never grows and just makes "goo" noises?

IdolEyes84: Can't the baby just use the "Zero" robot the Frog Lady used to communicate with Mando?

Citizen Kang: Don't think so..things don't make sense

Loki Nakor: THRAWN IS NOT CHISS!! THIS IS ALREADY KNOWN!!! Chiss pluralize any noun at the end of a sentence. Thawn does not. Chiss have sharp pointed ears like an elf. Thrawn does not. Check 6:23 of this video to confirm... no elf ears... NOT CHISS!! WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU NERDS GET IT!? THRAWN IS NOT A CHISS YOU FUCKING IDIOT! STOP SAYING IT!

Loki Nakor: I am particularly good at naming things... and Grogu (grow goo... nice...) is about the fucking stupidest name I have ever heard. TOTAL SHITE! I have been calling him Yado... or Yaddle + Yoda.... I didn't think a rare species would reuse names and give junior designations... so Baby Yoda or Yoda jr are just stupid as well.

AnticommentWarrior: Asoka and din will fall in love she will become baby yodas surrogate mother and teacher, they will continue to run and adventure looking for answers. I dont see how mando takes a bounty on the person he's went looking for. Asoka always helps ppl so this will redeem her when she couldn't save anakin.

Alee Enn: To quote Darth Vader, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why? Why do we have to have plot leaks? Can't (whoever leaked it) just let people see it and enjoy when it airs?

Callum Evans: Baby yoda is older than me so I can make sweet love to him/ how do we know BY isnt a girl?

Pinto PP Lx: Grogu... My new favorite name!

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