So Every Champion in League of Legends Gets a Dash in Season 11.....

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Mario Skylight: I haven't played League in like 3/4 years but I love your choice of words lol

Jesus: This would be a lot funnier if it wasn't text to speech.

Zander Burright: 4:39 put your cursor half way thru the wall but leaning towards the other side. The game will make up for the flash distance cuz it'll try putting you there and push you further when you can't go into the wall. If you put your cursor on the other side, it's too far so the game just won't let you attempt it and you will flash in place.

Winged programme Hero626: Rav really sucks at league

Joshyboy: better with no sound unless you like a robot talking your ear off for 12 mins but a good video

M Williams: That Q bounce got me hard.

Memento Mori: Can't wait to kidnap a scuttle crab and feed it gamer girl bathwater.

Avernuum Solantis: @4:17 lol wtf was that bounce :'D

Lord Hyperdragon: "3 Executes? Is that some sort of peasant joke i am too pyke to understand?" Before somebody says, that pyke is obviously no adc, then i have to tell you to just try harder, because everything can be an adc if you int hard enough.

SiakaTheFallen: i love u

GimmeAllUrMoney: The amount of times people on my team attempt to ff, and then we end up winning is astounding.

Daniel Smith: Is this how you slam poetry?


Yin: I dont get why they want abilities as items. This isnt Mobile Legends :(. Theres a reason why that game isnt as popular.

Mychael Jones: 4:19 yooooooo that was tight

Neb: >Asks me to like and subscribe Fuck that >3 and a half minutes into this comedy platinum You have given me extreme giggles and have earned my sub and like. Excellent work sir.

That one man who makes shit posts on the daily.: I didn't regret it that I got permabanned running down mid because my team were acting like morons in the team chat ,if this what the game has come to ,then I regret even less.

Spaddled C: I'm gonna tell you right now. Don't get your hopes up. This will either never get to live servers or it will be deleted sooner or later after making it into live servers. It won't stay at least.

Railgun Gaming: If penguinz0 was a lol player

Alex Painter: Nasus mains rise up Actually they should remove the dash item

Skavek: pls oh the power of everything, just watch this while trippin.......... thats shiiiiiiiiiii gooooood

Naberius: okey i need to find some vods with ZED.............

FUKU TORA: Why now? After soo manyu years, why only now? They should've kept the original, I don't recognize this game anymore. Fuck that game, I hate it. If everybody gets a dash, what is the difference anyway then?

lineM: title is just stupid. not every champion gets a dash. i'm not building that on ryze.

Archangelous3003: Half way through I forgot about the point this video was even trying to make, as that commentary was just so good I was actually laughing out loud haha. I need this guy commentating championship games in future!

Grasuke Kun: This Ahri is exactly the reason why i stopped playing this game ^^

mr مهند: Season 11 : mario double dash

Horyss: Season 11 will gets double flash

Cayyrax: So season 11 items are just Dota items?

Newaz Mohammed: I want a gif like the one rav uses as his facecam, can anyone help?

Cansado Rodrigues: i feel like Rav is a trump sprtr.

Nick Copia: I remember back in S2 people were complaining about Flash needing to be removed as it was way too OP.... and here we are :|

Dendran Gardner: 3:59 I think I and any other Jhin in the world just creamed ourselves edit: 3 days too late, but undermines its general value of statement

Ben K-P: Why even build galeforce tho, shield bow and kraken slayer are just better

Pantheon Player: No one commenting about him addressing his sp?

CDS: Oprah Halloween costume. Make that a real word pls.

Pink Elephant: if anything this item just makes teamfighting harder for assasins

GRAVITY: Laughs in Pantheon

I'm Baby: that Q was orgasmic oh my god

Joel Deserve: I need some of whatever this dude is smoking.

Quietdeep: how is that "webcam" plugin called?

Lime: Champion: Is balanced around being immobile Also that champion: "So anyway, I started dashing..."

Adam Baker: Jhins a great champ, but that item and a few other season 11 items basically ruined an already shaky game for me lol

Jason Tax: Lol, this video was top notch quality Rav! But I also gotta say it's reminder number 1004 of why I am glad I deleted my LOL account in October. This game is headed for the trash can in season 11.

Shawn Louis: I thought it was another oprah joke when I heard GALEforce

Mylok: "I donated a red bean to the poor accuracy foundation" X'D also, special mention to that 3:59 4th ult shot dealing 444 dmg

patukka: Protobelt: am I a joke to you

Diamond Dave: What the fuck did i just watch , i want it more

Rá: Everybody's gangsta until a 21/1/3 Jinx dashes foward your team

ClownOfKings: I'm so glad I let autoplay show me this because this man's delivery is S+

Omena: Did you not know, that the game already had Hextech Protobelt? So by your logic every champion already had a dash before season 11.

HoedjevanPapier: Wow that line at 10:10

HoedjevanPapier: What is fascinating about LoL is that is almost a perfect depiction of society and working environment and you really get to know people in 15 minutes. Sometimes it's fun, other times you feel like how am I gonna get through this time and you cannot leave. In summary, your team will be like this: 1 person is feeding 3 times is the first 4 minutes of gameplay, he is impulsive. Then, another one will shout at him in capslock, he's the real alpha. Then you have 1 person, who tries to cool them down and hold the team together. The 4th person is in the meantime secretly doing all the work. And then there's the Jungler. The Jungler is like a goalkeeper, because if you win, he is hero, but if you lose it's Junglers fault

Hiệu Nguyễn bá: I saw that q bounce on reddit

A. F.: Oprah coming to LoL confirmed xD You get a Dash and you get a dash and youuuuuuuuuuuu get a DASH!

:p: 3:03 bruhh those items look ugly, it looks like a minecraft medieval texture pack jesus

Daniel Klein: Girls can dodge me much more often now, nice!

nikola milojevic: Dude just keep goind i have watched 2 videos and i love u<3

Stampynator 2007: Sure next season add won't be the most broken role again

Peter Bergania: yeah without the execute this will just look like an ad protobelt.

Everything i see is cringe: Jinx: *gets double dash* Me: 100x my favorite

Stix_the_Mitch: thank u for reminding me to brush my teeth at the end

Golden Crow: 3:57 the fourth shot is 444. All according to plan

Duncan Burke: Hell yeah I’ll take it

Anthony Cooper: Rav we need to play on the PBE add me!

JibbyGibs: "Uhh yeah dota has it why not in LoL? lol" -riot employee of the month

IPFreely: trying way too hard to be funny with this script its kinda cringe tbh

Toukoha: I would pay to see you cast iron games If I had money But seriously though, you are entertaining as fuck!

Artem O: I mean ofc everyone gets a dash. Not like people know how to position properly and not get caught out and then blame riot cause their champion is immobile.

Laggy Boy: dude just use your original voice it's gonna be so great lol btw I love your content so funny

The Killer: I found this channel amazing

olimpia: The first game is my rankeds

J S: 4:00 the graetest highlight in league history. You deserve a nobel jhin prize

widowmaker edits: god imagine irelia and fiora with the dash.

Roux Quier: 0:39 when you wasted, it hit different

Lincoln Ealefoh: Rav bruh pls I need more roasting videos from you you make my day u kept me laughing and crying same time you are a ledge

GoldSm1th: but he could have 4 exacutes if you add the collector

Stephine Jose: So, this item is a downgrade of Force Staff?

Lone Walker: Walker here, stonks sub count man keep going <3

Andrian: Legend!

packingraw: just put a blink dagger on the shop lmao

PerseveranceTheGreat: Leave kindred alone :(

PerseveranceTheGreat: Leave kindred alone :(

Katie McBritish: I never noticed that the Little Rav figure moves and hits the keyboard when the mouse moves and abilities are used.

DD Thebuai: 3:48 the damage dealt from FOURTH shot is PERFECTION!

Chance D: Darn it was going to comment about the 4th shot 444 dmg 4 minute but realized Rav commented it XD

Charleaf: Fr tho, that q bounce looked dope as hell

boccalandrotv: league players : "ohh no, adc are going to have a dash" dota 2 players: NOOBS

Sean: "I edited this before Tuesday" well that didn't age well

MidnightDarkness666: Jhin: 4! Rav:No Jhin you moron it's 3 Jhin: 3...? Dude you had me chocking on my biscuit at lunch

Irineu José: Kda ahri btw

Antal Majdanics: It so sad that a "player" like this ahri is not properly banned for eternity even after you put him on youtube.

DCUODesgaroth: cancer game

Noor Hazem: 3:59 444 dmg Jhin art at its finest!

Lennard Fokey: If you think about it, it's necessary , because adc's are genuenly week in this season, and if you give adc's more damage a even braindead retard could carry with them, so they gave a dash, and in this case a dash needs more skill to use properly than more damage. It's my opinion, and also, league balance team (if you belive it or not) spends a lot lot lot of time trying to fix the game, so you aren't some kind of mastermind who can tell what to do. It's hard to balance the game and if you really look at it everyone tries to nerf other players champs/runes, so in the end it's hard (and impossible) to keep everyone happy about the game.

Plocký: I think league is gonna be some fun again next season. i dont care if stuff is balanced. i just want to be able to slaughter the whole rift if im fed

TheDudeDarius: Dude xddd how do you always come up with these stupid metaphors :'''DDDD

nickgamerbg: I onli see lux and sion playng a game were jhin is tryng to do smth

Wiell Nyan: Yasuo’s dash is still going to be op even with dash update.

suprakirby: Draven with this is hilarious

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