Destiny 2: Last Minute Prep Guide! (Season of the Chosen)
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Harry Hetzel: I'm going to be honest I really don't enjoy destiny 2 anymore it was fun at the start but now it feels like its a mess for meНаписать
Aidan Thireos: I got a god role steady hand
T: Nice video. I’m a new player and I dont understand hardly any of this extra stuff as far as end of the season goes. I got grilled by a clan leader for not playing IB. I had no idea it was that serious. This game is overwhelming af for noobs at this point.
Kanden Carroll: will I still be able to get the catalyst for the hawk moon during the new season
Kai Huizing: I started playing destiny 2 days ago. I bought beyond light with a season pass, not knowing the season would end in 2 days LOL.
lucian Ovidiu: Ya 33k token y dont think so
Jeezus B: why do people bitch and complain about sunset? It was literally in d1
ThatPieceofcrud: just got done grinding on my warlock
Sage Covert: I remember when you had 8k subs and man you have grown so much
Herman Syversen: Im adding to this that you shold wait to turn in bounties before getting next seasons artifact so u can get a early xp boost on that
James Hildebrand: Sun setting is to keep the game fresh, it's a great idea. Executed poorly, but it is what it is. I don't understand why people are so butt hurt about it. If you can still use something from year one, and it's OP and a god roll that stops you from going and grinding out the next god roll weapon. It's common sense, get the hell over it, or play a different game.
Stormblessed: Do legendary and exotic engrams also drop at current light level or should I claim them now?
Gaafdovjun Gaming: Commit pp door
Furion Max: Any news on new catalysts being added to the new Season of Chosen? Kind of hoping for Travelers Chosen catalyst or last word
FCKD: thanks for the uplad haven't touched d2 on pc in weeks lmao
Paul Harris: Just turned in 2,600 crucible tokens. Good Lord that was a lot of clicking
Irwin Cardozo: question - should I claim my exotic cypher/ ascendant shards? or can I claim it from the Bungie website even after this season ends?
Jerry_ wonderkid: I just restarted playing after months, is it worth it buying the deluxe edition of beyond light?
Colorado Shooter: Straight to the point. Clear and concise information. Subscribed.
Noah S: anyone have a guide to maximize XP gained from bounties like where to redeem, when, ghost shells . PLS help.
VenaDrill: Something that everyone should know: have a good day :)
Zeoty: what about normal crucible bounties. are they gonna disappear cause they have crucible tokens in them
NotoriousRob 13: I’m just not excited for this season it’s been getting less and less excitement each season
Unknown Unknown: When will VoG Raid coming to D2? Will we have to pay for it? or is it free content?
CSCOTTREDFIELD: I do have a big doubt, if I don’t have beyond the light yet and purchase it tomorrow, will I get the new season pass?
Enexion: Will you still be able to get the hawkmoon cataylst when the new season drops?
Herpil: Destiny is not a serious enough game to need to “prepare” for
whitestreamz: This is exactly the info I needed thankyou... you saved me losing alot of stuff
whitestreamz: Red alert... red alert... COMMAND AND CONQUER vibes triggered
Sid: Don’t do any prep work. This is why people complain halfway through a season that there’s nothing to do.
Phantom Synthesizer: Does anyone know if we should keep the weekly iron banner bounties for exp next season?
DaggerCatz: I literally bought the Battle Pass a few hours ago to get hawkmoon, ill probably get it tomorrow in the morning but the catalyst could be difficult.
Diederik: Use the materials for Ascendant shards @banshee, people keep forgetting!
Ian Todd: yeah I've got some head and chest armour on my titan and they are around lvl 85 so I'm going to be pissed off when they become useless to update 😩
Lusinon W: I legit didn't know about the season pass thing. I claimed stuff for my hunter from last season (and I didn't even make a hunter for last season). You're a legend!
Patrick Dietrich: yes i should be on the show
Mikejonez001: What happens to gunsmith part??
Bronwyn Moore: Well sad to say it but the guyvi play with ditch me tomorrow and play with the other guys only thing I hate about d2 everyone ditches you and I hate 3 man fire teams its so stupid
Ilija Tomic: Nothing special is coming.
centrevez gaming: very informative and helpful thanks
Dimitron84: Setup Ghost for XP and Glimmer, most people im sure maxed out over 100 last season and then changed Xp to something else, however new season!
Adrian Plays: I mean, I fill my vault with Otherside sparrows for glimmer next season, and the once I id that I went to Spider to refill on Glimmer using Planetary materials that are going away.
Tyler Sobczak: LOL. I feel seen... "delete those sunset weapons you have an emotional connection to" - I still have a master worked Origin Story sitting in my vault from D2 vanilla.
S1n4m0n: yall prepare hours before the season, i prepare when bungie kicks me from strikes cus maintenance
Luca Latowsky: whats the power cap gonna be in season of the chosen
Rowan Llew: I wish I could get that warlock chest ornament you’re wearing
Count: The PlayStation bundle for dying light + season works for this new season right if you purchase it once it’s out
Ghost: I would love to prepare for the up coming challenge against the cabal. Sadly though........ my guardian keeps dragging me The Deep Stone Crypt trying to get that rocket launcher......
I Am The Hogosha: I'm turning in 6k crucible tokens atm lots of clicking
WTFAnyNameWorks: I ain't doing jack shit, I'm out! Nice video though.
The Multi Gamer: No matter what, I'm keeping my 0 light gear
Anthony Rolen: Run Pit of Heresy with 2 friends, save boss checkpoint, get your 3 pieces of masterworked gear and dismamtle it for 18 cores and prisms. Never a bad idea to have an extra 18 prisms. :p
CG valarun: I wish if bungie nerfs warmind cells damage by 55% Cuz i want to experience the good and old destiny content without those cells #nerf_warmind_cells
X Feaulo: Does power reset on a new season?
luis cunha: @myfi you can go to bungie web site and reclaim previus season stuff
Ru: This was very helpful thanks. I just started D2 in season 11, so this is my first season change over that isn't a big expansion change.
MxIxTxC: Keeping my sunset weapons
Drunkmonkey1115: Agreed, gonna miss my Last Hope Breachlight Surprise Attack combo. Next season sunsetting my fav loadout ever.
Femboy VA: Does your discord consist of d1 stuff too?
Steve F: I had over 20k crucible tokens. Handed in 10k, but I couldn't face pressing the button anymore
BrotherKnowtheledge: Thanks for this video. I've been looking for a helpful one for the last 3 days.
Kenneth Yearber: Very excited about the new season
Nemisis 89: How about where is the end of season event or when bungie?
V1B3CHECK: I haven’t played in weeeks
W Y: Just an fyi if you have a lot of ascendant shards do not take the ascendant shards from your season pass use it as a way to store them
Mark Graf: What about exotic engrams in the season pass?
loepa 4PF: I clicked the link and viewed my previous season pass progress, got to rank 33 and it won’t let me claim anything?
Short Story Universe: Fantastic prep information! Thanks!
Phoenix502: There's also some activities that give out some XP, such as placing the Europa Penguins at Variks' place for the lorebook Triumphs. so if you haven't gone out of your way to clear those ASAP, GOOD, cause those XP amounts will definitely give you a substantial head start.
Michael Sharp: Deluxe edition dummy here...I'm not the preseason grinder type. But I would have been if we would have had iron banner last week and double ordeal rewards this week. Only grind worth doing really
Major D0nutzs: Turn in the bountys for the powerful now, but don't claim it. The powerful will save over the season.
MrDbest109: Yea was planning on taking a break this next season. I just don’t see anything worth having me play season 13 day 1.
stoned fish: What is the new light level in season of the chosen?
José Lopez: Great video. I wish Loud Lullaby would return....
Denis Belov: 0:41
RADIO ACTIVE: The new titan helmet looks like a party hat
iiiCLOVER: I'm at 199 in the season pass. I must reach 200
R- Wild: Dude what roll is on your Ikelos SMG...absolute laser
Rjbadboy55: If you haven't turned in your iron banner bounties and they aren't getting removed keep them for the 4 pinnacles
Gnar Dogg: I usually prep like crazy but I've got maybe 20 bounties on each character. Still got over 30 shards and 150+ prisms so I'm good on materials. Just can't be bothered to grind bounties anymore.
Zach Boozer: About the deep stone crypt thing, if I already spent spoils this season if I go back and get the guns next season will the power cap still be raised?
Ryan James: I've been having a bad day, but this actually helped. Thank you.
Iron Dragon Studios: Lol I figured they would sunset last hope from that season so I already pre deleted mine and got some nice legendary shards and a nice enhancement core
Tariq Jaradat: No I'm not gonna clean my vualt 😠. I just want one more second with the love of my life. Spare rations 😔. Well maybe I'm gonna have to let go 😭😭😢
DopeyDoobs: Cryyy errry time 🥲🥲🥴
Koda Stoned: I just started playing again like 3 days ago and I’m at 1200+, they gonna level cap everyone again and level cap certain weapons or naw
Coltifyyy: Remember: Rocket Launchers are getting a buff next season! Drifter is selling bad omens right now, make sure to pick it up before the season ends! Free god roll
End TriX: I would add more : -Save your bright dust for good looking ornament that possibly could purchase by bright dust
Harsh Patel: get the seasonal exotic armor pieces so you can get the new one guaranteed instead of having a chance to get the old one
MangoGaming: nice video myfi! what exotic do you use for your armour?
_ImSnowflake: Bounties Smile :)
Merih S.: I grinded 800 Vanguard tokens and 2800 Gunsmith materials for the season. So excited!
KinpiBjorn: so you’re telling me myfi gets an ikelos smg on his first weapon from a vendor and I’ve been grinding for week and I didn’t get a single one
Coltifyyy: Straight grinding and pumping out content! Love the work your putting in to these vids! Keep going meefee :D
F e m t o r i s t i c: Gonna be nice
EefTooEasy: I do nothing, I sleep teleport to new seasons
Carter Phillips: hi
trvlswift: *F I R S T* ... Is what a loser would say:)
CrimsonCloudi: first comment
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