15 Changes coming Today! (Season of the Chosen) | Destiny 2 NEWS

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Aztecross: *Let's get it!!* We'll be live going over patch notes and kicking off the season on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/aztecross

BastyTHz: bright dust nerf, u can get only 450 a week now, it was 1800 for last season and 3200 before ...

In_Motion96: It's a good time to return to Destiny. Been out since before Beyond Light

Nozie: Could you do a video on armor sunsetting? I dont see a reason for it since mods from past seasons dont get sunset and it sucks to have to regrind your godroll armor every 3 seasons

Simon Maduxx: YAWN

DopeScope: The M&K nerf and Controller buff is an awful idea. Specially since controller users have aim assist it’s not gonna be balanced at all.

ProjectGG: i wish that if you have a version of a weapon that you like and you get an adept version that doesnt have that great of a roll that you could like infuse the non adept version into one using the one that you got

anthony alvarado: Dumb ass changes.


Roger Abdella: FUN FACT!! if anyone saved iron banner bounties from last season, they drop the new seasons armor and weapons. I received the new smg with Iron reach!

Dragon Guardian: wow we might get a crossplay I thought they were going to do was cross gen

CBJ: Eyes of tomorrow nerf to the point it’s useless

Jack Davis: the messenger has desperado btw

Daniel g: Taking charge mod "nerf" :/

x9x9x9x9x9: seeing my boy get that shoutout brins me a lot of joy. Kid is incredible and growing his channel. Also entertaining as hell. I can't wait for him to start streaming again.

Vincent Magallon: I just wanna know how to get the Ikelos_HC v1.02, please someone respond..

rxibot: Oh awesome we get to get new guns that will sun set who f****** cares this game is done. You're only getting free to plays now and you're going to lose them because they can't play PVP which I agree with but it's too late. The whole game model is messed up.

Red Ribbon X: Your dreams are crushed

TheBCdoesMC: Yo cross I have a god roll on the new battleground sniper (QuickDraw + Opening Shot + Accurized + Fluted) if you need footage 🥶🥶🥶

Waffle 8: wow i literally dont give a shit about destiny anymore. ive been playing since d1 y1 and this these seasons have been the most uninteresting things to ever come out. i legit have 0 hype for this game. plz bungo make game good i like destiny. its not even content, the games core mechanics and gameplay are the same shit weve been doing forever. i want to see actually crazy shit. 16 player strikes, full clan support, more interesting loadouts, srl, faction wars. not another re skin public event that gives you mediocre guns or good guns just because the perks are good. idk

Zijeo's Boyfriend: They need to add buttmeat to this game

GameThots: https://youtu.be/RolWyjWDGkY

Vaughn Booker: No mention of the sword nerf? Could it be they listened to community feedback?!?!?!?!? Impossible!

SaffronTown: who the actual fuck uses aeon guantlets? seriously bungies needs to fire people

Idontknowone1able: Gotta disagree with the bright dust comment. It is even harder to get bright dust now. We used to be able to get 1,800 a week just from doing the weekly bounties on all three characters. Over a 90 day period, that's about 23,400 bright dust in a season. Substantially less with this new weekly challenge bullshit. 75 bright dust? for getting 50 super kills in mayhem? Yeah Id rather play two games of control and get 100 instead.

SaffronTown: change 3...only been 4 years of it existing and noting been done loooolololol

Vaughn Booker: Nothing gives me more FOMO or anxiety than deciding on which legendary armor to upgrade, since as a casual I can only afford one set. Why can't we just have a "sunrise" shard to bring our favorite armor to the current cap.

Niklas Breuer: Change 1 most steam players cant even start the game :D

Niles Rodriguez: Okay I guess I gotta hop on this season

Captain Buzzkill: It's just another room in the tower. 😐

Orbit: What about higher sens for controller players???????

Yugo Synchro: Better have an opt ok for console, I'm not playing with pc players

G B II: I actuallay love the recoil now on ps4 for the smg, very nice update, much better control

MrBeans: yay more reworked reskinned weapons.....

Shen Kichin: This recoil change is beyond retarded

SpaghetInDaHood: Eyes of tomorrow received a debuff of 10,000 damage from EACH of its rockets per volley. Its exotic perk also received a debuff. In my opinion, it's now unusable.

Okuyasu Nijimura: I love how much this guy sounds like Vic from RvB lmaooooi

Gavin Jackson: F in chat to Eyes of Tomorrow

septo ninja: Eyes of Tomorrow got a fat nerf Like A really bad nerf It hurts, the weapon has no DPS qualities, and you can ONLY charge adaptive ordnance from getting kills with the exotic Deathbringer is better

Luke Hodgson: H.E.L.M.... crush him

Henke Gorman: I think they nerfed eyes of tomorrow with 50%😳

Beatbox510: Eyes of tomorrow stealth nerf

Toxic masculinity: This might be a bug but desperado is in the messengers perkpool

chillpandas 69: Holy shit, your accent is hellllaaaaaa niceeeeee

Chronic Leukemia: Looooool eyes got nerfed 😂

FrontierBrainRobby: I'm sorry dude you call them Space TURTLES??? I'll have you know the Cabal are Space RHINOS friend

Painrisk Matt: GMNF + Aeons

DickNixon19: “Hopefully this is nit just a room in the tower.” Well, horse piss. 😑😑😑

Steve W: Crossplay coming is not a good idea. They need to have an option to crossplay but not force it as a standard. It will kill PvP.

Jack Bloomer: they nerfed dunemarchers into the dirt

Sean Got Gjally: “Returning to the Tower!” (sam o nella voice) *No, No not really.*

TheAsterixxx: Anyone noticed Crow occasionally whistles Savathun's viral song in the H.E.L.M!

Alexandr Lux: ‪But can we talk about eyes of tomorrow getting nerfed ‬

Robert Robson: The quests for older seasonal exotic catalysts are a joke.

Iwell: im new to destiny 2 can anybody tell me where xur is

Thisguy 2532: I turned in 2,000 crucible tokens last night and it took me a solid 10 mins just hitting the button then going to the postmaster twice

Honest Opinion: Is there anything to do yet?


TheDarkNeSs 0630: I’m tired of this game, the content is so dry and garbage, they NEVER listen to the players, they won’t fix PvP, they won’t bring us new weapons, they won’t bring us faction rally’s orrr more activities like gambit to do, I’m done, another 70$ down the drain

Joe Ramsay: They’re nightfall weapons that also have adept versions😐

demonfox51321: If anyone doesn't have true prophecy pistol banshee is selling it now

Rocky: What a letdown. I'm wondering which YouTuber is going to have the guts to say stasis was the nail in the coffin for the crucible. It has literally no place even if they ever nerf it to the ground. They definitely can't rework it to not being the most annoying ability ever that just slowly kills u. Idk man might be time to find a new game

Vagrant Ender: Devils Lair has the Sepix Redux theme, huge win!

Special k: Dreambane is some of the only good looking warlock gear. I'm happy

TheJesus Man: So how do we earn bright dust now that weeklys are gone

Rogue Paragon: Sadly the HELM is truly just a room

J C: Hug rework for bright dust eh? Sounds pretty wholesome

Harry Kish: D2 is completely lying about more brightdust. Weekly ritual vendors during and before season of arrivals. Weekly bounties giving 200 each would give 3,600 a week with 3 characters doing the math over 12 weeks to equal a season earns 43,200 bright dust. Then they cut it in half in season of the hunt getting 21,600 per season. Now they nerfed it to 14k per ritual vendor. That is what destiny 2 is not showing you.

Haste: Maaann.. I was hyped for that Pursuit GL until you said it was an energy.. Give us a damn Kinetic, bungo! Everything else sounds great, hopefully it's a good sign of things to come.

J Silva: Same boring ass Cabal, why?

Larry Watts: whats the new power cap, soft, hard and total?

x Ronin x: Is the Outbreak Perfected catalyst going to be available since you can buy the weapon now?

Roger Rabbit: I am soooo unimpressed with this season Edit: also the seasonal hunter cloaks hood looks like the end of a condom.

Julian Grant: Funny thing is..palindrome was a crucible gun lol

I Spaz Samuel: Old Tower.

Edward Flores: how the fuck does it look like Mountain Top lmfao

XrazgarX: Anyone see old gear capped at 1060 are now 1100 which is above the cap? my Traitors Fate sword is 1100 / 1060. The Traitors Fate was a sword that came with the collectors edition. Also noticed the same thing on my Trials of the Nine guns.

DR MURDER: And doing our 3 plays on strikes to get pinnacle is gone? Wtf ??? 1 step forward 10 steps back .this is the worst ive seen in a game update..i looked forward to my weekly now ...pffff..who plays strikes cuz they absolutely just love it?..i get my pinnacle..they took that away..man..talk about dropping the ball bungie

Rockalanche: That sect of vigor for the aeon gloves seems super powerful

DR MURDER: Am i the only one pissed they took weekly bounties away? Wtf take planets away now removed more content? Wtf is going on ..ruining this game..updates are supposed to add content..not remove content..this is fucking retarded bungie

Corey Frazier: Bungie: "and for our next trick, we'll piss off and disappoint our entire playerbase and the idiots will still eat it up! mwuahahaha!"

I H: I guess one of the changes was breaking Dunemarchers so they proc only 15% of the time and do little to no damage.

The Bostanator: If you look at exotic kinetic collection the other exotic we are getting is unknown. But if you look at the weapon ornaments in the scout rifle category you'll see a unknown as well.

M: The cross play changes are gonna create such a shitshow

Spoodaba: I love when he said MOVIN ON

Waru720: What happened to the new transmog system?

v7MDv: Can someone further explain what is exactly the change for breech grenade launchers ? Thanks .

Brad Rose: I personally hate shattered thrown I wish they would just take it away


Henry Siguencia: Wait why is my crucible rank 1?

TheOnlyMB-: Only the real OGs know shadow price from Destiny 1 😎

Rubencito Munoz: lying false advertisement.

Rubencito Munoz: Bungie said we have 6 ritual weapons but we only get one

Simple: I'm only upset about the devil's lair due to a lore standpoint. The ball's supposed to be in little pieces.

Liminality: Out of everything they have brought back I’ve always wanted them to bring “No Land Beyond” into d2 and I don’t think they ever will lol

richard peck: You guys keep on saying new tower old tower It's old tower The Annex And And the farm We moved to the annex after the tower was attacked Not to a new tower People get confused because they opened a area in the annex And named it the Annex lol

Exible: Is the True Prophecy back in the world loot pool? My friend turned it some gunsmith materials and managed to get two of them to drop!

Ross Stephens: Cross play I don't know bungee a little stupid Looks like computers gonna be mowing down consul players another bad idea from bungee

DreadHelium: The trials sword has chain reaction on it


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