Paradise PD: Season 3 | Official Trailer | Netflix

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Kytras Bangers: The age restriction for the trailer is higher than most movies🤮🤮

DaWaxFax __: Yall gay for deleting my comment this show is a family guy rip off and it's highly highly gay for no reason

Kevin Carvalho: oh man, I really wanna like this show but I always get too grossed out to continue.

Mike Walters: A wholesome show to watch with the family 😳

Njeru Sam: This is soo messed up, I like it

MARTIN NICOLAS: The anime of this Time compared to Castlevania 😞

pewisland: Nahhhhhhhhhhhh like WTF this I thought Rick and Morty is weird, but this is on another level fam

Pinkie Pool GamerBrony30: things are going to get weird this season

The Pineears: This gets a season 3 but I cant get a season 2 of HOOPS!?!?! This some Netflix HQ .B.S!

Retire Satisfied: What the hell did I just... Please tell me I can block this from my kids.

Grimoire Weiss: In the immortal word of DEADPOOL, "I think we can all agree that SH*T just went sideways in the most colossal way."

Jackson Teller: hell yes!

krishnajiify: Yuck

Josh Benjoe: Dusty looks kinda Different? Since from the previous Seasons 0:14

lil Brucey: Where was this when I had Netflix

R G07: Can you guys Bring back Bordertown?? Please Netflix!

Vincent Hammons: this is the kind of depravity I expected from netflix show looks stupid.

WelshGiraffa93: Dobby better be alive and neat the DnD Kids and Clappers are back

Zero2Hero: Ngl cant wait

The Spidercat: I miss brickleberry

Rick Villalobos playlister: 0:40 🤜🥜🦶

andrea severino: Too ugly. 💩

rockingmaniac1808: This show is the dumbest show ever, and i fuckin' love it. Had season 1 and 2 blasting on repeat lolol

super Felipe Studios: Best show ever hopefully gets a season 4

manuel chavez: brickleberry bring it back

Salomon Hurtado: Sweetie Paradise PD is back can't wait🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

oshomroni: "Yeah, we're getting weird this season" Me: oh no, because before that you were just an absolutely average TV show that only made South Park look like Sesame Street

Lamein Pennington: "Yeah we getting weird this season" truer words have never been spoken 👏

shellman1 yt: Paradise PD season three is coming next month

shellman1 yt: That is funny

Noah Mishael: May God help us all

Tomasz Mintah: Whennnnnnn?????

KaiSigmonte: I find it weird Netflix can upload the uncensored trailer on Youtube but not on their own app.


Vinh Dong Quoc: Ewwww

MOHAMMED RAFI: It's not what it used to be.. It's just getting gross and nasty 🤢

Nexus Aquarian: Facepalm 🤦‍♂️

Anti.4k: LFG

Ontrix Uryte: YEssssss been waiting to watch this shit been needing somthing crude and funny as shit


Yoshi 2oo8: After waiting a year... it looks ok

Cuseball121: Agent Clappers!

Raymond Chung: A threesome with an Octopus and a dolphin. Well they just made my day.😂

Skadoodly_ Dave: Oh good god not this, anything but this

michael collins: Anyone else wondering how Randal got Karen pregnant

nobel carranza palomino: Q mierdaaa

Phnx Kng: So much cringe...


TPORTRADE: The-day-has-come...

Erik Popovič: Where are Delbert and Robbie?😭😭😭

Ella Miaf: Netflix I don't like what y'all are doing please stop with the gay movie about Jesus stop moking Jesus Jesus was never gay how told you he was the bible didn't say that Jesus is gay y'all are crazy people I don't know if you are working with satan but please I'm begging you too stop know I can't believe that you are saying this bad things about Jesus your king your saver and you father he died on the cross for us and you what's wrong with you hell is real you are moking Jesus he can send you too hell forever stop moking Jesus

Kagiso Totwe: Didn't expect that but then I wasn't expecting this trailer, so it doesn't count.

GhostWarriorMar: This show is nothing but garbage I am not watching it.

Thibo Meurkens: OMG OMG OMG!!!

Bryce Cherry: Without a doubt, I predict that something bizarre involving Stanley Hopson would occur in this season as with the previous two seasons - one thing I would like to see is Hopson using a Toilet Duck bottle.

Rick Villalobos playlister: 1:18 🤮

Rick Villalobos playlister: 0:58 🐖💨

Rick Villalobos playlister: 0:40🤜🥜🦶

red hornet: So it's next month

Master Of Lonk: Hell yeah new season from a kickass show

Akuma Unknown: From the words of Biden “oh f*ck yeeeeaaaah”

JakeTheLemur: WTF?

IM MO: How the hell does this keep getting more seasons. It's the worst animated series I have ever watched.

LORD EXTINCTION: 1:37 Oh so that’s why Japan does this

anthony howell: I hope the animators got paid extra for this season 😳

Amor Bendhaou: When I go to watch the trailer on Netflix it blurs it out how do I make it so it doesn’t

David Teshaun McIlwain: Dusty wow he grow wings

Mackenzie Glidden: I carnt wait for them 911 calls

Kai Craft: Oh yeah one thing I wonder who the villain is

Count anime avenger: WTF is this show anymore

Rofuturekid: I knew clappers was alive

jacob drolet: I love this show it’s so hilarious and can’t wait for season 3 laugh all over again too.

Hunter Thixton: 1:37 what the hell is with this shit!😂😂

simphiwe gama: Brickleberry????

OSF Books: why would you down vote this. Protect this show at all costs :)

Diego _is_emo: This is to much for me but the world is sad and depressing and we need this in our lives

Hillhouse Productions: I stopped after Season 1 because there were literally two good jokes in that whole season.

Thando Phakela: What... The... Yeah I'm in.

Deku: perfect, I'm already looking forward to the next season

Victor Reign: I didn't think there was going to be another season after what happened last season. They really are going beyond the limits 😜 on this one.

Jayden Saunders: Suprise this didnt get cancel already

Unknown?: Big mouth + Brickleberry = Paradise pd Season 3

CryLittleSister: 0:43 How could that hurt if he doesn't have any balls?

Entropic Pedro: March? Noice...

БОСС Цехоев: Ох да блядь наконец то


lucas cordeiro pires: Daora q vai voltar

Adrian Martinez: Actually it's part 2 of season 2

Adrian Martinez: You know I was expecting for dusty to save paradise by eating the giant pizza and becoming a giant blob like the movie the blob

まじんぶー: なんで生きてんだよ核兵器食ったんだろう

Maximilian: Glad to see good tv making a comeback

Itza Trejo: More episode of avatar aang

Bryce Blackwell: 💀🤣🤣

Jester josie: I have to wait one full month just to watch the season

Alex Mbugua: Now this is more like it

[Lake Monster]: YEA BOIIIII

muku free fire: When was Lucifer season 5 part 2 comes

Duang Chuang: Is the cartoon worth watching? Compared to family guy ? I don’t have time for both of them

Commander Cody: So they cancelled F is for Family but they continue this shit.

Speed Gamer: Plz subscribe my channel

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