PARADISE CITY - Season 1 Official Trailer (Andy Black, Cameron Boyce, Bella Thorne, Hopsin)

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Tatiana Braz: I'm waiting for this season for a hundred years. I just see parts and trailers on Instagram, so, Where's the series? I'm excited SO MUCH

Kallen Kozuki: First, I blinked with excitement. Then confusion. Now I’m just sad.

Aline Felicio: Why I'm so happy and excited but sad at the same time😢🥺

e em0barbie: Cam :(

gnsey: shook seeing andy even more shook when ben showed up

Nancy Lopez: I’m a simple woman- I see Andy and, but honestly I’ve been waiting for awhile :)) so excited

inflame Draw: Pera, tacaram edo tensei pro cameron reviver?

Pipitha Kolbjörn: I saw Andy Black, I clicked

Amy Rivers: Really wish this was available on other platforms like hulu

MC Lam: We want more Hopsin

Jennifer Joyner: So weird with him no longer here.

JaNay Ferguson: Ugh my baby Cameron 🥺❤️


sakura marta: I hope they can put it in Spanish I love Andy black ahhhhh I love him 🐥😻😻

Natalie. S: Ahh cam

Adriel Gutierrez: Wtf is Bella Thorne in this


Damy Chan: O Cameron Boyce vei mds Pq vc se foi Cameron?????

Sierra Knudsen: I’m confused is Jonny Faust (Andy) Cameron Boyce’s characters father?

Franco Dario: Todos pecamos, y estamos destituidos de la gloria de Dios, la paga del pecado es muerte, el pecado entró en el mundo por un hombre(Adán), y por el pecado la muerte, así la muerte pasó a todos los hombres, por cuanto todos pecaron, debido al pecado de  Adán en el Jardín del Edén la naturaleza humana se corrompió, es decir nuestros cuerpos empezaron a tener deseos propios que van en contra de lo que Dios quiere para nuestras vidas, por eso nadie es capaz de cumplir los 10 mandamientos y como todos pecamos hemos muerto(separados de Dios) y  nuestro destino es el lago de fuego.  Más Dios muestra su amor para con nosotros, en que, siendo aún pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros, dice Jesús: El que oye mi palabra, y cree al que me envió (Dios Padre), tiene vida eterna; y no vendrá a condenación, más ha pasado de muerte a vida. El juicio de Dios sobre la humanidad se acerca, los tiempos se están terminando y el Señor vendrá de nuevo por los que en el creen, tan cierto como que yo vivo dice el SEÑOR, toda rodilla se doblará ante mí, y toda lengua confesara a Dios, arrepiéntete de tus pecados pídele perdón a Dios por ellos, acepta a Jesús como tu Señor y serás salvo!

Madam Feline TY: He casted for this and descendants while he was alive? It's almost like seeing his ghost in this. Rip Cameron!!

Lucky Lila: RIP😔 cameron 😭

The Bridge: I love disarm by smashing pumpkins so much

Niki Bethani: Disarm by smashing pumpkins playing in the background 🥺

Johannes Comia-Orellano: Jesus, Cameron is dead. Why are they still releasing stuff he's been in?

slenderman 98: No se habia muerto ese cabron?

Cool Cat3.0: 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑠 𝑎𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒

Jeremy Sixx: I really wanna be the best music star on the history of the earth


ar!zxna: I love how it’s Andy and then just the cast of descendants 💀😂

El m3x: Bella thorne on the show <3

Olivia Rice: 𝕀 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕟𝕖𝕪 𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕤

Daniel Bienapfl: This looks interesting

dansketch: Oh shit R.I.P Cameron gone way too soon

six doublesix: What a random assortment of people

I'm That Otaku Guy: Holy shit this looks so good, so emotional! Cant wait to watch it!

clarisa stevany: I loro stati di salute respettivi prevenirli

Alexandra Ioana Sauciuc: Song?

Tim Jopson: I see hopsin in there even

Autumn fleming: ITS ABOUT FUCKEN TIME!!!!!

Fernando Silva: PSIU... E AI GENTE BOA... vc mesmo *↓* Já viu os 20 Dinossauros Gigantes da Pré-História? *↓* VEM Comigo.... *↓* PASSA AQUI *↓* Já que clicou, tenha um ótimo dia (❤_❤) e... *Galera VEM VER* tem Vídeo novo, uma variedade de assuntos. CLIQUE AQUI: Se inscreva no Luis MS e mande para um amigo !!!!!

Mkxx1300: So im guessing this is some what based around guns n roses. Loving all the rock band movies coming out so im excited for this. When i say its based around guns n rosee i mean like the name axl, the name paradise city and some of the other things ive seen in the trailer.

Leovanny Lubiss: 💖𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐓 🐻𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄≔⫸https: // --------------------------------------------- Miako! ฅ (̳ ・ ̫̳ ฅ) Nin TANTA BEYEZAS QUE DIOS A HECHO EN ESTE MUNDO ASERE Y. DISEN QUE DIOS ES MALO SI DIOS ES MALO NADIE ES BUENO ASERE MIL GRASIAS POR TANTA BEYESAS I loro stati dans le salut rispettivi prevenirli .Ik hou van uw mening dat het rispettivi prevenirli Klik hier om de directe verkoop te reorganiseren! De directe distributie van vandaag is een beetje belachelijk! Meer dan 10.000 mensen hebben het gezien. Dat is een geweldig idee (lacht) Wortelen zijn de beste! Ik ben zo blij dat ik de camera ben vergeten! Ik moet voorzichtig zijn in de toekomst.

Alista Cupido: Cameron is dead 😢

Christy Potatoes: The cast of this is so so perfect, all of my favourite people on screen. Cameron Boyce will be forever missed <3

Maximiliano Rodriguez: How?

Inkew: Cam?

Jayy Anthony: Is this gonna be a series or movie?

SERGIO MAX: todos los pendejos de disney ahora no saben a donde mandarlos y hacen esto, son niños disney todavia se hacen los reveldes jajjaa

Mark Will Cam: Opie lives! Bobby and Wendy too!

Brooke Is meh name: Everything about this trailer is awesome! The plot, smashing pumpkins in the background, Andy Biersack and Cameron Boyce. 👏

Samuel Ditta Sarmiento: I thought the guy talking at the beginning of the video was Bob Odenkirk

Mariana GG: We love you Cameron RIP🥺🥺❤️❤️

Sofia López: CAMEROON!😭❤❤

José Cícero Santos: Nome da música do trailer alguém?

eat my shorts: i’m watching this trailer for the 34th time, and if this show is only going to be available in the us i’m going to die

Despoina Polyxr: Cameron, Booboo, Bella... Oh my Gosh...

Tara Sakhitabe: rest in paradise cameron boyce

Matxalen C: I hope they have music like the movie did. Honestly, the music is what saved the movie.

Tuğçe güler: Love you andy 💜

el from space: is that andy biersack or am i going insane?

Rafaela Do nascimento: I miss Cameron 😭😭😭😭😭😭

ৎ୭Biaxxbey Hirai⸼ ͆: Parece bom...😔❤️

Annastazia Goodwin: Can’t fucking wait <3

This is Kevin: Guns 'n Roses's Paradise City ?

Wren: I'm the 1111th commenter. Yessss. (Also, I've been waiting for this show forever)

JuniGear X: Oh my god! Oh my god!! I cant wait

Lizzie Hernandez: What song is in this?

A-Aron B.: Is it March yet?! This looks incredible!

Jaymie Karla: we have SO MANY ICONS

Rosa Andrea Zarate García: Marzo del 2021?, Cameron murió hace 1 año y hasta el próximo vamos a poder verlo? :c ya que, igual lo espero con ansias

stephanie bardales: To think that I went from being an emo to a man, I did it right

Emily Gulley: Wtf Cameron boyce...

Lezzy Mcguire: Nancy!!!!!!

Garrett Segars: What is this getting released on?

T Blue: Wow this must've been filmed over a year ago since Cameron was still alive. And now being Released 2 years later. Time flies. RIP Cameron.

Alexis Hannon: Y’all forgot to mention Ben Bruce and that makes me upset lol


Pasquale1205: When you thought it was about guns n roses

Francisco Torres: I can’t wait to see this show. Been waiting a long time for it. Such a great cast and looks so intense.

AlexLeMonroeee: Hate bella thone

Julian Garcia: I saw an ad of this and I looked it up just to double check if it was Hopsin I saw.

pau: yo no quiero ver esta serie, Dios yo NECESITO VERLA

Ana Beatriz Oliveira: Best cast 💖

Enigma Popstar: Cameron and Boo Boo in another production together

•Mailin -demon•: No que Cameron boyce está muerto =v

aaron cdebaca: I thought cameron was dead???

mandy rolfe: Me when I saw Cameron Boyce:👋👁👄👁🤚

Erick Bastos: Bella Thorne is actually looking very good on this one


ALEJO: alguien habla español¡¡¡¡¡? jams aceptare que cameron boyce murio que descanse en paz

XxPurple SkittlezxX: Was excited til I saw bella thorne is in it

Tony Vision: Faruza?!?!?!

Beeh Trausula: Mais como?? O Comeron Boyce n morreu?

Katy Lynn: Andy Black is really just a younger version of Detective Quinn from Dexter. I can't see other wise lol.

Myles Pointer Mace?: Why no Guns N’ Roses on the trailer

Samandcolbyfan: i all of a sudden saw andy and was like ok i need to watch this when it comes out cause i love him so so much and also because cam is in it to

Elissa Orna: How do they have Cameron Boyce? WaaaaAAHHah —;—..—;—

I am No One: I love it. Seeing bobby oppie and wendy from SOA. Cant wait to watch this. Rip Cameron Boyce your were gone too soon.

Frogeface 2007: I thought Cameron Boyce is u know diead😥

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