Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season Four: Mauer Der Toten - Official Trailer

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ThisisDan: Klaus needs to be a playable operator

Michael De Leon: BATTLEFIELD 2042 is gonna shut warzone off.

JohnsGames: Remember when we were hyped for Cold War before release

BanDiiT 08: zombies are ruined

Aether The Eldritch Astral Entity: If you ask who the weird people floating in the sky with red energy were. They are basically Apothicon Keepers.

AussieNation: Can’t beat the original zombie maps please bring them back

Olgierd von Everec: Terrible game, MW for life

SnK Aron: It some what pains me that we still don't have original zombie cast members in warzone...

DOXY OUT: Left for dead still better

JVL: 1:03 Ah Yes, the bus driver from Tranzit

Doc. Retro: T.E.D.D's cold war version.

Эль Снег: 👍

Flores Rose: What ever happened to the old school call of duty zombies? :/ like in world at war, black ops, and black ops 2.

UKWN Jae: Dear Zombies we missed you🥲

ᴀᴅᴏᴏʀᴡᴀʏ: More dead here than a goth party

DAVID IBARRA: Are the New Zombie maps connected to the original story?

krumplisteszta: give us this robot soldier as a bundle !!!!

Funding 101: Looks like a little playground for adults.

Burger King man: I’m sorry but Cold War zombies just ain’t it boys

Wyatt Guidetti: So shaolin shuffle remastered?

ً: Cant wait for vanoss to play this

Tavell Morris: Still 1080p that’s a damn shame

Clam Chowdah: Let’s go civil protector is back bois

Privatesectorsec: 1:02 My boy Klaus strutting down the streets of Berlin

McIzzy: I’m getting so many different vibes off this trailer.

Zavex: Nope again. Battlefield 2042.

Sebastian Oyola: Zzzzzz

obi kenobi from star trek: Something decent from cold war...that's shocking

hotstufff7: Hype

Zombie Kast: It comes out on my birthday

NFLX Siy: Thought the thumbnail was a gingerbread man with a gun

Joseph Carrino: dang

kyle price: COD is dead

José Rosa: Yess, more maps for zombies.

The Dark Knight: Where’s the Dark Knight Sparda when you need him. 😅

Conner Aikman: Finally a map that isn't an extra outbreak map

LycanTroop 3: Mauer der toten? Is that the extent of their creativity? You guys are so easy to please arent you, what a bunch of morons. Que the "let's go!" From literally every cod youtuber out there lol

Knowledge Born Smith: When does it drop for Xbox?

k an: Just give us new guns in modern warfare, cw is just terrible

Colby Halterman: Yet again im pissed off

Jay C: Connection Interrupted

Benji The Fox: This looks like a remake of City of Evil with the Town map added to it or something.

Brian Fields: Whaattt? They got Skelotor in this? Dope.

UnknownMigs: This game dead asab

Daria Winnicka: Dam! 🔥 Looking forward to it! 🤙🏼

Kawaii Uzi: *Sees the Panzersoldat again* *Starts to get flashbacks to Origins from BO2* Oh I'm In Danger...

Veeno D: Family

BROCKLY: waiting for BF2042 meanwhile we enjoy zombies and later new zombies dlc.

joseph stalin: K l a u s


Aaron Hasler: Zombies has officially hit rock bottom! This doesn’t embody anything about what made zombies so great. Sad to see

Monster (FNF): It looks like the Apothicans maybe returning..? But that's just me.

BIGDAWG 91331: 1:01 When the bus driver on transit is tierd of you melee him so he calls his brother

Noah McCabe: It’s absurd, but looks like so much freaking fun

Diana In Wonderland: Ummm Yes! This looks amazing!

Clash Con: Looks boring...🙄

Unicorn Thug: Where's the Kool song cod you were slipping

Jake Burgoyne: ok...

Corey Abbott: Train

Goten Boolin: BRING ME 115!!!!!!

Kevin Betancourt: No one cares chain

TheRealShinyHero: Raptor one looks like beck without his pilot helmet

El Chirpo: 1:25 *berleezy* “IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?”

Philippe van Heek: Resident - Evil is better =)

Sabas Casarrubias: So where has the zombies story gone ?

Mindlestial FM: Looks like a part of Tranzit

PLATINUM: zzzzzzzzzz


Logan Greyhawk: WooooooooooooooooooW another recycled zombie map, looks just like the original only nerfed and recycled!

Atari火: Ohhhh ...... Don't care..

Vdubbed: Struggling to complete the Easter eggs in time

Neon GD: Cant wait to hear "yo watch out for krasny on round 8"

Quail Banks: Alot of new gadgets to try 🤯

Rias: The reminds me of zombie army 4 dead war

Liam C.: Can we just all agree that we’re happy Raptor-1 is alive

guy _: Season 4 ... season 5 .... season 6 ..... season 10000000000

IT'S Kane: Die machine, 😞 firebase z 😐 maurer der toten 😌

JC Gaming: The flying Guy reminds me of Higgs from Death Stranding 🤣🤣

Luke Noble: Why does it kind of look like the outside of kino?

Sam: Did COD just redpill us?

A ClockWork Cupples: Tight tight tight YEAH!!

Sadaf Foysal: Come on activition give us zombie in cod mobile 😠

Cpt.Jon: When do we get the Wonderwaffle again?

N Orkid: Commie zombie

Bry Yan: Protect Cloud

On1y Death: Meh iam play Bo4 with my friends were all done with cold war

Josh Huston: That shilouette is Richthofen I’m calling it now

Brye Almodovar: should of been the first thing they dropped

No soul: meh

Mr Fantastic yellow: 1:07 Omg remember the robotic bus driver in Black ops 2 transit? He reminded me of it

low-key autummn: About time a new zombies map came out

Youtube_Unfamous: Giving me Zombie Army 3 Vibes

SeeNoEvL65: Finally after 2 years 😩

Ceen Crazy Official: Is this going to be a DLC or apart of the actual game?

Chris Garcia: Do Infinite Warfare 2 but tie it into the Halo universe

Gil Francis Jen O. Pancho: Another worst COD.

Pam G: Saint-14???

Nick tanico/SIlva: Rictofen?

mrpelon1000: all the time wasted on this crap could've been spent on making more better multiplayer maps smh

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