EARLY Black Ops Cold War Season 4 Download & Mauer Der Toten Gameplay | ALL NEW Maps & DLC 3 Trailer

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dkdynamite: Download Fishing Clash For FREE - https://mtchm.de/ksbnc

SennuS: I really like amsterdam... im dutch so the vibes of amsterdam is real like in rl

Charles Crittenden: I think that repurposing the campaign areas as multiplayer/zombies maps really helps make the stories for the different modes to feel closer together.

Jskiillz Ent.: This battle pass is the worst

StarTTv Wolf: Has anyone noticed that the ffar in zombies is bugged with mag size

Ricardo Juarez: Bruh tha new zombie map really coming out mid season , it was the whole reason why I re download Cold War This stupid Asf

Roger Pogger: Here’s my Activision Support Creator: キモチサン12

you will never find it: Mauer de toten is likely coming out July first treyarch is realeseing way to many teasers for it to be the reloaded update.

Mini_Insane555: I’m so excited for Mauer der toten :)

Jake Maher: Bro I’m tired of this shit Cold War gets so much hype and we get nothing this update was terrible and we still have to wait till July to get Berlin?? It’s like they don’t care about the game

Jason Weglarz: I can not Afro it not at all

Jason Weglarz: Sigh I was I had the battle pass

Jacob Cordova: 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 don't 5 hit

bob jokes: Not really a fan of this year's zombies, the way they hold your hand to show us where to go, takes away of the exploration, not like the maps are big either

Bob bob: pugey

Michael Garza: I'm leaving this nugget in a few creators comment sections. Weaver is Warsaw Pact. He's always been double agent.

rushmore0811: “Iri Descent” 🤣

Christian Ilg: This new zombies map + Hijacked gonna be a crazy update

Nastynate2604 H: Letssss gooooo season 4 🛰🛰🛰🛰

Looney bateman Scotch: Bruh. Thought the zombies map would come out on the day of update and season 4.

Chuck Quib: IRI-DES-CENT

DoomJolt FromFlordia: Everyone let’s boycott character bundles but just the zombies characters alright until they give us crypto keys back P.S what am I doing no no this is for a better tomorrow MAKE ZOMBIES CHARACTERS FREE

THTS_TXC: Opening was fire lowkey 🔥

KajunGamers: I’m buying that pack just for the gosh darn Komodo dragon. See ya tonight on the stream! Hope you’re having a great day Dk! 👍 Also all y’all in the comment section! 😁

Just chillin: Too bad zoo is not coming for fire team looks really good 🤔

Ryan Fraser: The island you see from hijacked IS Cove. You can see Hijacked from Cove

Montana Tatum: You can play zoo right now, it come out at 12:00am yesterday for zombies

Jalen Berry: How do you get the nail gun

britain burks: I have a lot of cod points to completely buy the battle pass I don’t skip out season 4 looks fucking amazing

Circumvention: Def gonna download the game looks sick

Jump Lizard 59: I SOULD STAY ONLY COD POINTS srry all caps ive spent lot of money on this game and it isnt fair for some noobs with an empty act getting mastercrafts i litterly spent 20$ on

XWoods16X: Am I the only one that feels like there's not a single Map on cold war that looks remotely good? The ground is not detailed whatsoever, color hue is not realistic, and there's almost no light bounce to anything, it's either light or it's dark. I know the engine is old but GOD old gen cods did better than this. The only thing they've done decent is shadows, and I mean *decent*. I know graphics don't make a game good but when a games not good you try to atleast give props to the graphics, but it seems I can't do either. No worries, Battlefield will show us how to have good ganeplay and visuals.

Christian Peveto: Yo DK glad to hear I won the giveaway! Activision ID is PledgeToLemons#9232608! Thanks a ton for this DK, can’t wait to grind out the BP with my pal tonight!

Adam115: You're making me want to listen to the buried soundtrack now 😂

Joe Joe: Is the splat operator part of the battle pass or a separate pack you need to buy??

The Revival Artist: Honestly, I was hoping for other areas in the world outside of the Ural Mountains. Locations like New York, Egypt (imagine playing outbreak in/around a massive pyramid). I don't want Green Run in Outbreak personally, but I like the idea of other locations on Earth being outbreak zones and not just the Urals.

ShAdy_SmOkeS: Didn’t they make a statement a few years back that the map cove is the island from hijacked? Or am I trippin

Mr. Houdini: Wasn't cove the island near hijacked?

Max Oliver Veight: How about a working anti-cheat????

Savage Gaming: DK LEGEND!!!

JPwendigo: I was about to save till watch later till I saw the cat-girl Park skin.

The Revival Artist: Hot take, Apocalypse was bad and I would like to see Contraband from BO4 on Cold War. Just your hot takes segment 😊

Declan Keown: If u go In the wolf exhibit and go through the tunnel a bunch of hell hounds will spawn

Brendan Norman: RyansToyReview is my activision name

Steven Charles: Who are the “bad German dudes” ???

seraj jast: dk💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💙💙💙💙💙💙id(verdant-blade9)

Richard Andrews: There is like a chrome and gold varint u can unlock for the reactive skin. In the notes for the battle pass

Mcdannt Gaming: Nobody acknowledges this, but did you see nuketown is being added to containment, they confirmed they are bringing the mode back this season and nuketown for it in the blogpost

Mcdannt Gaming: Mauer der toten better be a massive map, especially big streets and being able to go in atleast most of the buildings, hopefully all though

Richard Andrews: Great videos man. Would love to win. richieagame503 is my screen name

Gealuvuh: I love the orda background

Bud Man: I really like u DK but I quit watching ur stuff cause so many of ur titles are misleading. Case in point Mayer See Totem gameplay. Come on bro. It's been a couple months but seen that title and figured I'd give ya another shot. More than likely won't happen again. I hope u don't take this as me being mean cause that's not why I'm saying this to u. I really do like ur content and think ur a good YouTuber and hope u take this criticism and make better choices going forward so u don't lose anyone else

Alex: Why does dk defend Treyarch so damn much lmao

Xx YOUR_TRASH xX: Is the beck skin in the thumbnail part of the season pass?

mcm4090: Just disappointed that the Zoo map is not coming to fireteam. With fireteam Elimination added and fireteam Sat-Link being added why would they not add Zoo.

mash2481: This game has brought me back to zombies. Loved it, then didn’t care for it, now I love it again! Yay!

Ivan008: The way they ended the interview with Samantha's voice actress was way too emotional. Are they killing her off in the zombies story? 😐

jangofettjr 123: How did you get to play the new maps before everyone else?😭

mash2481: I swear to god, people live to complain about CoD.

Ernesto Manuel Colon Jr: Wow excited for tonight

Oliva Buckhanon: I'm ready for Mauer der toten to rise and give hell to all of us

Christian Rodriguez: 6:05 a nice look at an island? That's cove my guy 😭. I remember seeing hijacked in the water when cove dropped in Bo2. That was so cool

HaZardEmotions: Im upset zoo doesnt have any animals. They couldve just ported the tigers and elephants. Also nova crawlers were kinda cool too. I would like to see all 3 variations in one map someday.

Hollywood1127: So the new round based zombies map is not launching with season 4 battle pass?

Anthony Smith: The hand cannon sucks it's so bad it should not be 2,800 points to get 👿👿👿👿🧨

Anthony Smith: The hand cannon sucks it's so bad it should not be 2,800 points to get 👿👿👿👿🧨

Michael Huber: New op looks like black panther and killmonger at the same time

Kessonga Cherry-Clark: can't you see the hijacked boat when you play cove and vice versa or am i bugging? pretty sure those maps are canonically connected to each other lol

Declan Millar: Black Ops 4's MP had some bad maps, but a few I could see working in Cold War: Masquerade, Artifact, Hacienda, Lock Up, Contraband, The Zombie Museum... (I forgot it's name)

Wafflez :3: I have all my prestige keys still (9 keys since I'm prestige 9) so using prestige keys wouldn't be bad, but the thing is will still get them after we reach level 1000??

Ben: DK I had a minor surgery this week and have to stay in bed pretty much for 2weeks so thank you for providing great content to keep me from losing my shit😂😂 looking forward to the stream man 🙏

Landon Tobey: Any prediction when season 4 reloaded will occur?

DeadSilance18: DK When We Playing I have Had You ADDED for sooo long lmao

JUAN: 16:45 😳

Cody Johnson: can’t wait to purchased all this amazing stunning bundles from Call of Duty Cold War ! best season ever so far just my opinion they’re releasing a lot this season can’t wait to buy & enjoyed them !

Ian Smith: Jeez everyone's getting this fish game sponsor

BLUTUBER: 13:58 me waiting for muer der toten while everyone else hates on the game

CPT. Wendigo: JACKAL GANG!!!!!!!

Rune A.: Sorry dude, you did the percentage thing in the beginning so gonna have to flag this vid and downvote it. Can't stand sub begging especially before the vid has even started.

Dominic Teddy: 13:57 that is man that really wants to fish

Krypt1cK3n Tv: Screw u DK

Joshard Thomas: How is he playing hijacked already?

Call me Snipes: Oooo can't wait for the stream tonight

R.S. S.: 🛰

Nitrogen Peep: The nail gun looks lit i can’t wait to use it

Josh Richardson: They need to fix the crap when u go up ropes on tower in duga. When reach top you'll end up hearing a splash sound and sometimes you'll even have a splash onto your screen. Idk if it only happens when using the raygun or what but it causes all the weapons your using to disappear unless you ads. Other than that when u hip fire you actually are shooting behind u. You can see its projectiles going up and behind your character if it happens to somebody on your team. It's happened to me 3 diff times.

Dimox115 X: I think they need to do this time more bo1 maps, like Radiation, Array, WMD and Grid. I mean not just remakes and also new maps .

ɢнσѕт: Eh I'll just wait till season 6 to buy the BP anyways congratulations to the winner

robot pirate: What's the music at the beginning.

Short4 Diamond: Can we play rush yet

Atelophobia 9837: It pronounced ear eh deh sent

Mico Palleria: I wish the hand cannon was a pistol you can use as a secondary weapon not a kill streak

Dalton Williams: I really hope that in the future that we can trade guns for a new pack

Glxtchy B345T: honestly,you’re incredibly underrated,to my knowledge you’re the earliest and most reliant cod news channel

Nostalgicflamingos Production: I wonder if the head cannon is in zombies too🤔

Parsa Koolaji: The teaser that Treyarch dropped for Mauer der Toten reminded me of the very first teaser we got for cold war zombies at the end of the MP reveal. I got goosebumps at both of them. I'm so hyped for season 4 specially zombies and Mauer der Toten.

Sad Stone: 🛰

Kingdeadpool2008 ali: playing cod zombies is my favorite thing to do but my parents say I'm playing too much and I agree they said to delete it so I did and my account so bye cod fans I'll miss you guys

Shadowkiller 420: The island in the background of Hijacked is Cove

Theodore Sherman: hg0 vun.fyi

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