Mauer Der Toten Trailer | Season Four | Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War - Zombies

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Jack Boyer: the robot, the myth, the legend, the t.e.d.d. is back

brain: repackaged shadows of evil


Ryan Ilari: This feels a lot like a waw map and I love it.

Kinslayer 360: Eye candy

Russman: I think at the End of the Egg we’re gonna be saved by Ravenoev

Caleb Harwell: Still no double tap huh?

Ironman2O99: Let go!!!!!! 4 more days

Matija Badrov: U got my blood pumping ❤️

Le Pain: That one friend that’s been offline for 7 years getting back on 1:03

ParagonOriginal: I Am just happy to have that old zombies vibes with a new amazing take on it. So we will be getting mule kick. How about double tap next ? :D

xsavian: Treyarch back then: you get several extremely detailed zombies maps on release day Treyarch nowadays: you get 1 zombies map, then you wait 1 year to get 2 more. Nice effort Treyarch

ItsHolyWaffle: About time that we get a new map...

LEO 0020: Tô muito ansioso

VINYL SQUAD: How many Der Totens?

iThunderArrow: Wow this new outbreak location looks great Srsly tho, why did this take so long?

エンビングミカイル: The only reason why i play coldwar

hoiy vinosa: I'll do everything in my powers to save Raptor one

Emir Erginer: Name of Map is german

MixSona Productions: Bring back zombies to codm

Mr.Lucky Man: It's about time we wait like season 2 for a new zombie map

God Of Gaming: Now this was we were waiting for🔥🔥🔥🔥

Hugar 34: 1:53 Richtofen?

Huh ?: Finally a new perk

declaredzeus6: Sorry, this content is age-restricted

Fortnite Bruh: Ah yes... “wall of the undead”

YFN KING: Triple gun is trash I don’t want to play no more we’re my bubble tap

Neox: Raptor one is alive 😃😃😃

Gang Gang: Brooooooooo the character that kravchenko is talking about is valintina from the final cutscene for firebase z I thought he wanted Samantha dead 😂 (don’t hate on me just because I’m overthinking it)

《Remedy 》: Who is "her"??

_Avoided_: Tbh, I honestly think Song, Vargas, Hunter, and Garcia are the canon strike team. They are the operators in every round based map trailer.

DucK: I love how he kidnaps and tortures us to do his bidding but its fighting against something legit just could have asked requim for help and we probaly would have helped lpl

Duquette Beats: Do we get 10 points per bullet nope 130 a stab nope did you add acutal zombie characters nope did you get rid of the mini map nope do we start with a pistol nope. So stop calling this zombies.

Piggynator Cool: in a perfect world their would've been a metal song playing in the background instead of epic trailer music.

Ethan Irvine: I miss the old Cod Zombie days.

J M: Nevermind Zombies.. nobody cares. Fix your trash multiplayer game! Activision you ripped off millions of gamers. We all want our money back and have gone back to modern warfare. #canceltreyarch

Isaías González: The only thing balanced about this game

mapache fanfarron: NO JACKERS NO 🐭🐭🐭🐭PLIS IN WARZONE O.K 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬

Keshawn Dancer: Nicely done look's great

Edgy the Hedgy: 0:38 is that Primis Richthofen?

Agnipunch: MuleKick shooting zombies? Oh yes

Deaf Nound: Fix bo4 bo3

PlayfulLogic21 xx: Glad mule kick was finally brought back but that and this map still aren't enough to make me redownload this awful game. 👌 No thanks

MariNate: Why is everyone saying they can’t believe this is happening? I don’t play zombies much these days so what’s so shocking

Ce Qui Est Bon: Every YouTuber that’s commenting they’re amazed or excited are complete sell out bs liars. Except for wave* he made an emoji comment

German Gaijin: Servers can't even be stable in outbreak to round 3/4 than disconect. How it will be here. New content same trash servers.

Ego Dragonking: This looking nice the new zombie map. I'm hype.

GUG4TZ: when will the cold war get a discount?

Roberto Tormin Peiró Neto: Mapa de noite é de fude hein minha pit

Brandon Lawson: Samantha opened the dark either and let richtofen escape the dark either to seek revenge

エディッツ - Editz: This Looks so cool, but I hope they will make a tranzit remake

Rorick Martinez: reminds me of shadow of evils


Be Zombiee: #MauerDerToten

John Steele: Do something abour the cheating ffs

Gamer Fool: Still tryna save your game huh


Jonathan Gammage: Ehh

xXCookie GirXx: I'm not really educated on what's going on with this new storyline... Those purple floaty dead people, are they Ultimus/Primus?!

Old school Wragon Queen!!: #makezombiesfunagain

zooted: Y'all better have came correct with this map, looks ok. We'll have to see how round 50+ fairs on all platforms


LostontheMoon: All I want is that wonder weapon

3jeie99 سليمان: Hejeht

Yodax Boi: Der toten never gets old

Mustaga Kapucu: I cant wait for this to come out looks awsome😍😍😍

{Donny•CrazyBaby} Gaming,Art,Edits: Klaus kinda sounds like richtofen, am I the only one who hears it?

H3F4Y: Forgot about cold War zombies

HISOKA _Alpicino: can some one buy me this game for free This an outbreak add on guys

TeslaTerminater: The She he is talking about is Valentina..... If you collected all the intel like I have it's pretty OBVIOUS.

iAmTheSenate 517: Havnt even played the last map they released this game fall off hard for me and my friends

Luis Garcia: Finally took them long enough

shadow eric: Black ops 1 remasterd like if you want bo1 remasterd


ViiRal: Am i the only one who doesn’t care about the main characters in zombies? I just play zombies for the sake of zombies.

The brawn jame: Call of duty is dead

SoCrates Pews: Fix the issues with consoles!!! The texture issues make the game almost unplayable. And the fact that we have to change settings just to be able to play in verdansk!

Thrax Fanatic: I’m liking it

Reaper: "This Is exactly what I've been waiting for."

Chris_downbad: Finally holy christ.

A Spartan: This is gonna be awesome and also they should make a zombies themed battle pass and the reactive gun for the battle pass should look like pack a punch camos

J G: I don't see any free call of duty cold war

Teddy 313: Is it just me or is zombies just lame and boring now? Idk I remember getting so excited for zombies and the next cod in general, but they just aren’t exciting anymore…to me…

JG310HOE: I Got Freestyle Rap Beats 🌊.

Velli Nyc: Sooooo like.… I’m guessing kravchenko don’t die?😂

Staci Carter: Worth the wait i hope treyarch

Joseph Herman: Nice to hear Andrew Divoff playing Kravchenko,he's always played Russian bad guys,as he is Russian.Looking forward to playing this Mauer De Toten.Looks awesome.

I don’t like bananas: Get the pizza rolls and mtn dew ready mate

Ach Illes: this game full of bugs trash

red heavy200: Can’t wait to see Klaus in action

Luis Aroche: Zombies changed sooo much since bo2 :/

MisterCasen: Lets Go you already know this is going to be lit based on fire base Z!

Shagster: What utter drivel 😂😂 zombies went so downhill after black ops 2, even a couple of maps on bo2 were bad like tranzit and die rise, I miss the maps on bo1 and waw the most

Batou: Now everyone is like: "Yes, Zombies is back baby!" Only to be like: "Dead Game." One week later on 3arc Twitter.

C R X Z Y COD: Broo it's Ted's dad!!!

Definitly Black: I hope they make the subway area actually dark with those red lights.

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