Riverdale 5x06 Promo "Back to School" (HD) Season 5 Episode 6 Promo

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Anish Ghadi: f**k barchie bring bughead back : (

ALEXIS ZUT: What do u think is going to happen with barchie. Are they going to be a couple or stay as friends with benefits?

Juonithz Ramos: Archie really needs to stop driving home th fact that they're "in their twenties" every episode. We get it you're grown.

Vlad Leiva: Now that we got Barchie.... it wouldn’t hurt to have some Jeronica too.... just saying 🌚

Eduardo Silva Rosa: Brasileiros cadê vcs kkk

Natasia Lambros: 😭😭😭 rip bughead

Petra V.: Jughead slowly turning into Colonel Sanders over there

Jesse: 0:00

A Juliet: Betty and Archie..time to watch this show again 🤣

Katrice Profit: I hope Jughead and Betty find their way back to each other,Veronica and Archie too

ROYALE MOON: ok i’m sorry but this season isn’t feeling right to me, especially with no bughead as of atm. i know most people have switched to barchie now that it’s more interesting and hot and heavy but bughead is endgame. i really hope they pull through

Nuageciel Soleil: WHERE IS CHERYL?

Ava Wrenne: The only reason Im watching riverdale right now is to see what happens with betty and archie.

Betty Boo: Omg finally, I've always wanted barche to happen since day 1

Kayla Clendennen: I have no idea, but it makes a great story 😂

Choco gacha: I love Bughead me !!!

Choco gacha: Why Barchie ???!!! 😭😭😭😭

FullyPilar: Betty is such a crappy friend

STILL: One doesn’t experience self-transcendence, the illusion of self only dissipates ♦️

Soap: People still watch this? Lmao


Tah Ia: Barchie ✊🏼❤️

Matthew Beardy: The Mothman 🤣 let's go Barchie

KayraaaEsy 3555: wtf is this


Ellen Ariana: i really hate barchie:(

Zanariah Martins: umm idc about any of this, when is choni getting more screen time ??? i lives for them😭🤝

Iriana Herimanjato: Archie and Betty !!!!!

anny doležalová: it hurts my eyes

LegitAllyson: I’m pretty sure the TBK took Polly and Betty will stop at nothing to get Polly back. Plus Alice and Polly had no right to yell at Betty they have no idea what she went through with being kidnapped by the TBK.

Surmilita Biswas: Bughead was sweet and I used to ship it too but that was according to the storyline of the previous seasons but for this season especially how the storyline is working barchie could be a thing..and I don't mind that. They look so hot together !!

Emilie Jakob: Can I just point out that Season 1 was incredible and as they’ve gone further on into the series it’s just gotten progressively worse and worse and you can’t blame it on the actors cos they aren’t bad but, I’m sorry this is getting a sixth season but the society isn’t getting a season 2 which is just bull shit.

Anna Watchman: I don't want barchie it's just 🤮 hell no

Funtimes: I fucking hate season 5 so far 1: bughead broke up 2: barchie is doing to dirty every episode 3: jughead is so depressed

xmxixax: BARCHIEE Yesss, I have been waiting for this one. Turn it up!

Cha Paf: Betty and archie👀👄

frut loops: I watch this every single day until the next episode comes out, and I think it's very unhealthy... :'))

S’moredrey Harsley: I’m pissed that Archie and Betty are just friends with benefits. If you’re gonna break Bughead up, do it properly lmao

Maria Clara: 😔👌

Alec DiLoreto: The dynamic bolt untypically perform because kidney visually change except a big october. quirky, fretful facilities

Justin Jocell: Can someone were can i watch riverdale season 5

Muhamad Luqmaan: Wow, not surprise that Bettie cheated again, kinda messed up

Chelsea Chantal: Well i admit that shower scene with Archie and Betty was too INTENSE, yeah that's nice but.. I still want Bughead back. I've always felt their spark with each other, its better than Barchie lol. Not gonna lie im starting to hate this series since there's been a complicated relationship between those 4 main casts. Jughead and Betty were together in the last episodes, not until this season 5 came up, that's kinda fcked up tho. I just miss those Varchie and Bughead memories..

ImoogiYangofLight: Matthew 25:31-46 New International Version (NIV) The Sheep and the Goats 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” --- ---------------- --------------------- ------



Lucas Brito: did archie say we need to find a place to hook?

xx Maddie Alice xx: jughead is gonna get with pop tates grandaughter tabitha its so obvious i just want it to be like a one night stand and i hope barchie dosent last long bc i want and NEEDDDDD BUGHEADDD back and varchie and choni

Amc1294: Damn never thought I’d say I love Betty and Archie together. Also Mothman is a West Virginia thing. I just want more barchie and whatever is going on with Polly.

Grace Jompe: It's finally time for Archie and Betty's love to blossom ☺️

mahire can: i think tonis baby father is hiram

•Not Berry•: i hate Barchie

Vera Noguera Boído: I hate Barchie

Kira Lou: FIinally Betty and Archie 🙄🙄 i really liked her with Jug, but he become boring as a person. Sorry not sorry. It's just my opinion :)


Aurora Luz: Oh my god, Betty and Archie are finally end game

Ευη Καλτέκη: I want Betty and jaghead together...

Sahil Singh: Archie and Betty are just so boring together 🤮

لهفہَ -: متى ينزل

TheDoctorwho747: That last shot of Polly running with the truck lights behind her made me think of Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks specifically the FWWM movie.

Hevin Nurda: I want bughead back💔

Maria Otto: Archi and betty noooo eyyyww Bughead are better

Weirdos Inc: I love how when the trailer from last episode the toxic bugheads were all like "its polly and sweetpea" or "no it's 2 different scenes" and they were attacking the Barchie shippers saying it was never gonna happen and bughead was endgame. And now they've all juts disappeared. 😅🤣

Abigail Perrin: barchie is superior and i have thought this FOREVER.

Jojo32.2: Am I the only person that jumps when they see the trash paper killer pop out of nowhere

Taleah Jones: Bruh yeah Barchie cute but I’m kinda still team Bughead. And half the promo was Betty and achrie honking up ⬆️ 🆙. Like damn💀

steve tallatron: Reggie needs to kill Hiram after he is reminded how Hiram treated him on Riot night.

thezelia: No betty and archie😭😢😤 omg

Brianna Lynch: I used to be a bughead fan but barchie is so cute together 🥰🥰

kidflashgirl123: So this is what happened to the mothman after the ghoulboys took over his bridge

Jonny Pearson: Please don’t give us another Gargoyle king type thing in the form of ‘mothman’

Niki Tzer: WHAT THE HELL???? Ok, 1st, BRING JUGHEAD's CHARACTER BACK ASAP!! and 2nd, BARCHIE??? SERIOUSLY??? Cmon, Bughead was end game from the beginning, i REALLY hope you directors just take a break and you'll get them back together eventually....THIS IS NOT COOL!!! -.-

Claudette Campbell: Honestly I was a fan of barchie at first in season 1 but TBH my mind changed when I see Varchie get together and Bughead together cause I Love their chemistry better........I was so socked and disappointed when I see barchie together in season 5 cause that was not I was looking for

Renzo barrionuevo: I don't understand anything now Archie and Betty are dating, I don't understand anything, this is difficult, but riverdale is very good

Georgi Dobrev: Am i the only one who prefer Varchi than Barchi?

Sammy Gipe: I miss Bughead but I kinda like Barchie but friends with benefits never work out

Ale Chettos: Nadie te mereces job👊😭😭😭😭

that girl: Okay betty and archie are really spicing up shit so I am so freaking excited. Yesss give me that barchie content!

abbey manning: anyone else pissed of that betty and jughead didnt get a closure they should of?

Tara Vitorovic: i want choni backkkk

Toxic Records: I should be happy for Betty and Archie, but I don’t ship them :/

Maria Pilar Morales: NOOOOO

Kika Avery: Everyone talking about Jughead, but they don't notice Veronica. On top of that she married an idiot, her ex-boyfriend and ex-friend who cheated on her 7 years ago are together. It sucks, poor Veronica.

Miley love: The fact that they are bringing barchie back, when literally Jughead is the one that has always been for her and was the only one there for her when she needed him.

Not PolarBear: Who supports barchie

Jaya Chalmers: those this sesasons villain have to be someone who looks like an apex legends charecter

Broken Peace: Y'all still watching this show?

Angel McCray: Tbh I never doubt that Hiram was gonna be the major knowing how he is

Angel McCray: Woah Archie and Betty little freaks 😏😏😏😏😏

AQuinn0630: I didn’t even know the new season came out

Mxdnightdreams: Do I even keep watching this show- ;-;

Besime Kamberi: I like hate brachie



Issy Marshall: Finally barchie and together 🥰🥰🥰

Julia Antunes da Silva: Betty and archie together , no no no no no💔

ztgzd: Betty 🤢🤧sad mood

Valerie Hart: They did it in the car like Grundy😂

Vanessa Rothe: Finally we're getting Barchie <3 Please let them be endgame!!!

Victor Wanjala: I don't like the show going back to highschool. I wanted the time jump to focus on adults, with adult problems, not high school again.

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