Riverdale 5x18 Promo "Next to Normal" (HD) Season 5 Episode 18 Promo

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rachel: polly isnt dead

Damn Dinosaurs: Bro wasn’t Veronica ever in love with her ex husband to murdering him and wanting to move in with Archie all in the span of what 1 episode? Isn’t that a bit too much riverdale you write shows to atleast make it logical but that bitch went from marriage to obsessing over Archie like he’s some accessory just absolutely pathetic

Shreya Makkar: Varchie sucks <3

Shreya Makkar: Hoping varchie ends next week

Rynae' Miles: If Alice would have done more for Polly and not throw her away. Not to mention, she didn't stop Polly from going to tge streets and selling her body and now she blaming Betty again. Really!

Simple Pleasures: 0:11 i loved the way betty leaned on his shoulder and how worried he was abt her

שירי ויס: When is Betty and Jaghead coming together?🥲🥲

adry Galasso: I want to know If there is a kiss of the CHONI

Dhruv Raghavan: Let us ask the real questions . The twins are now orphaned! Who has been caring for them during this and how will they react to the news given about Polly’s demise?

Spideyfan127: That’s pretty poor timing airing the episode of the discovery of Pollys body the same week a beautiful missing blonde girl Gabby Petito was discovered dead.

Tea: if they pair Jug with Tabatha and we dont get our Bughead this season ill be pissed

Ediliana: I wanna see barchie next episode 😒 at least as friends I mean she lost her sister!!! and I’m 100% sure Archie and veronica ain’t moving in together 🙄

Naira Gatsby: I didnt actually think riverdale would go through with killing Polly wow

Kelena Davis: I’ve never seen Alice take responsibility for ANYTHING in this damn show. Does blaming Betty seems better than accepting she was a bad mom to her children. 🤨.

SHE'S THE QUEEN OF ALL TIME 👑: I know Polly was just not sitting at their table is she back💕🤗🤗

Αλεξάνδρα Μαυρουδή: Wait polly lives?

Janhvi Sairam: Goodness me, alice!!

Mel: At this point i'm only watching riverdale for betty and choni

A.G.L Topic: This season sucked ngl and watch, episode 20 is gonna put Toni and Cheryl super close to being together or they’re gonna hook up then the season ends

lorencja05: How it's Betty fault that some psycho killed Polly? Like how?

Simple Pleasures: y'all dead serious too calling veronica a sociopath for killing her abusive ex husband in self defense? like what was she supposed to do? let him shoot her?

Asha John: As a bughead fan, I am enjoying varchie scene... I specifically Don feel anything about varchie or anything with Archie at all as he kisses every girl he knows... and Betty was only second fiddle to Archie.... so I know we still have to wait for bughead, I am happy there is no barchie..

N R: atleast plz bring couple back together archi and Veronica and Betty and jughed... become without them it's become boring

Grace Johansson Edits: Jabitha fake dating ooh interesting, also Betty needs to get a break she’s been through too much

Isabel Buttaboni: I’m so tired of boring Varchie after 5 seasons PLEASE STOP WE’VE HAD ENOUGH

panconquesolol mwah: sick and tired of va can they ruin that ship already i cant see it anymore give it a rest

Emily Jimenez: Bughead endgame

Emily Jimenez: Choniiiii endgame

Emily Jimenez: Varchieeeee end gameeee

Emily Jimenez: Varchie

Tillythings meh: Bughead is ENDGAME! END OF STORY

MC: Uhmmm Roberto, with Varchie moving in together I don't see how you'll make more out of Barchie???

Andrea Fabe-Heywood: Oh god no! Not singing!

Isabella: when are the writers ever gonna give varchie a storyline that DOES NOT INCLUDE hiram trying to kill archie?!?!?!?!!!! does that man not have better things to do with his life then ruin his daughters life and relationships??? just let them be happy!!!!

Twilight2009ize: I am so sick of this shipping war! This is like TVD Shipping all over again! Polly is dead and Alicia is going crazy and all you care about is your shippings instead of the storyline! This is why Riverdale is going down the tub cause now it's all the shipping. It's all the writers fault starting that cheating kiss scandal now we are in WWIII shipping war!

poppy: jabitha next episode :))

Poonam Gandhi: I'm only here for tabitha and jug and where the hell is toni?Don't care for either barchie or varchie lmao...

Ryan Stannard: Jabitha fake dating, cuties 🥰

Brianna Rose: Death is a better fate than sitting through MORE Varchie.

Hailey Oliver: We just need one scene with choni like not dramatic maybe a movie night as they feel fire between them again just a cute scene

María Camila Pérez Ortiz: So, Frank and Archie had to leave and they left their food, but Jughead took his dinner with him??? 😂😂😂😂

ryan smith: My god get rid of Archie and Veronica togther. We've seen it already. Boring

cutekittens6: bruh polly died lmao?

Hibah Iftikhar: Can anyone tell me when Betty tells someone she was kidnapped? I want to know when!

Tahmena Ferdous: Wow I can't believe Alice would blame Betty

rochimelimelirochi: I cant believe they perform next to normal. REALLY I CAN NOT. Im trying to convince myself that its just a title. My expectations are SO LOW and ill be disappointed anyway lol but the thematic is accurate somehow. If Casey doesnt sing it will be a WASTE OF TIME

Rozaima Shella: pretend to be a boyfriend??? 🙄🙄🙄

xmxixax: Why ship with 6 stans has been getting content? Explain quickly. No one wants Varchie ew

Debra Lazarus: Kinda of agree with Alice like if Betty wouldn’t have yelled and argued with Polly then Polly wouldn’t have been missing in the first place

Emma Pierskalla: im gonna lose it if they do the whole 'barchie to get over grief' bullshit

Debra Lazarus: Alice better not be hurt next episode

Price Wright: All the shit Alice has done over the years she got a lot of fucking nerve coming at Betty like that, fuck her grief I'd cuss her ass out & read her for filth "let's talk about the cult you was in how bout that mom? Or the serial killer you let move in with us against my wishes, " TF.

fernanda oñate: Without lying the only good thing about the damn spiesodio this was the excellent performance of betty and Alice

fernanda oñate: Roberto saying that season 5 was totally different and fresh and doesn't come bringing the same shit from before

John Harder: I really hope that Varchie will not separate after 2 episodes because frankly ... it would have been pointless for Veronica to do all this ..

fernanda oñate: It will be the day when Roberto will fulfill some of what he says

fernanda oñate: I didn't expect anything and I'm still disappointed

Kaitlin Lennox: Oh my god

Tash: Varchie is toxic and unhealthy Veronica brushes everything off and she’s crazy asf wait till he cheats again for the last time

Haya James: It supposed to be climax at the end of the season not singing..

Parth Sarwade: Seriously Veronica . Moving in with Archie . This show just doesn't want to give up on Archie . At this point , I feel even Archie and Miss Grundy had better dynamics . Please bring Barchie and Jughead with Tabitha .

Evie Ryan: When I saw “Next to Normal” my heart dropped

Anusha Khaitan: Why is nobody talking about Varchie taking a huge step together

Keana De Lumen: So y’all really needed to keep dragging out Varchie and for what? NO ONE WANTS THEM. THEY ARE OVERDONE. YOU SAID NEW DYNAMICS? WHERE IS BARCHIE? WHY ARENT YOU GIVING THEM A STORY?? You hype these eps up for Barchies and then give us NOTHING

Squidwardsnose: Watching varchie makes me feel nothing but death 🙄 I’m so over the bs. Veronica just killed her husband and is just like “oh let’s move in together archiekins” I’m so done with them 😐

Mahlet Getenet: bughead going back to investigating in this most recent episode FINALLY AH i’m so happy and missed them sm ☹️

akaisha hrynyk: Alice is a bitch. Like really Alice Betty has done nothing but save and basically play superhero for you and Polly since the beginning and you you emotionally abused her and physically abused her her whole life almost got her killed multiple times when she almost got her brain cut out of her body but crazy Penelope saved her, you got her drugged everyday and abused by fake nuns , and after her saving you and everyone from a cult you tried stabbing her to death with a kitchen knife bc your brain was still fucked and you started fucking her boyfriends dad, and you literally told her to save Polly and tried getting her to kill that guy last episode but he did myself like disappear already

Mason James: These better be some good last two episodes and better make some changes. That isn’t bad writing and the same old same old. Because if it’s the same stuff and the finale sucks. I’m not wasting my time watching season 6 Bc what’s the point 😂

FrozenHawaiian: Love how the title of the episode is “Next to Normal” which is the title for a musical that has a similar theme as the episode.

kyla koch: I was gonna read the comments thennn people started hating on Alice like its season 3 again ... like common people SHE LOST HER DAUGHTER she gonna be fucking distraught for awhile. Get a grip people

sylvia: Riverdale writers really had something with Barchie but they shoved it down the drain . Thankyou what a wonderful waste of five years

As If: Next to Normal? As in the musical?!

Lee: Imma be mad if Polly’s alive

ale hurtado: I don’t care about who is with who anymore, just give Betty Cooper a break please, she is been miserable for 7 years, mentally unstable and she doesn’t realized

« lys »: get rid of the bh/va storyline. Barchie is better pls 💀 bh is just old as well as va. Let Veronica be without a man for awhile. I love her but always revolving her storyline with stupid men drives me crazy.

Akash sb: Y is this show still running?😀

Matthew Kimberly: Didn't Roberto say in a recent interview that Barchie may be back in the last half of season 5? Hope to see it in the last two episodes of the season lol.

Asmaul Hosna: Idk why I have this feeling that Tabitha is kinda going to be a villain. I mean it's kinda not normal for someone to join in someone's (who you know just for a few days) dangerous mission so easily.

jessy Sarkesian: Sorry but I’m done with this show, it’s too repetitive and boring and they can’t let other couples shine for once, I’m not gonna watch them use Tabitha/jabitha to hype up the ugly toxic ship that is bughead. These writers are a joke

Lucy Sukalski: Riverdale has not earned the right to adapt a musical as outstanding as Next to Normal, especially when their own depictions of mental illness have been nothing short of insulting. I’m so mad.

Tommy Long: get bughead together again

Ashmit Kumar: Barchie fans throwing things cause all they got was a steamy, shower scene.

Ricardo Castañeda: Alice mood Wandavision

Meghan Hillier: It's the musical which means barchie duet

Zacari Adkins: It’s about time Netflix been a lil bit boring lately

Nidka HG: VARCHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!🥰

Nahla Walcott: Not alice saying betty killed her own sister

Rachel Tan: Alice should cut Betty some slack, like she is not the only one suffering from grief. And it isn’t Betty’s fault that Polly was mixed up with the Ghoulies.. and some bad shitt 😕😕

xwf1000v3: I’d maybe have not watch a lot of the show but why is there hatred for Veronica & Archie? Not sure why you people are not fans of the couple but I’m just asking a question. In the comics, both Veronica & Betty were friends & Rivals due to them fighting for Archie’s love but I know the TV show is different.

nithin teja: Betty dating anyone in the show

Spideyfan127: How is it that Tiera Skovbye was available for next weeks episode to return as Polly in a fantasyland but she couldn’t show up as her dead body?

Alya: Varchie is so cute

Alya: Varchie

REYES JOHANN CHRIS SEBASTIAN C.: wish we see Hal Cooper next week

The Flash: Cheryl a Witch Now?!?!? She needs to go visit Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda in Greendale ASAP!!!!!

M.Melone Crazy: Varchie is endgame argue with a wall

varchie exes to lovers: VARCHIE ENDGAME!

layla barbz: varchie is together ❤️😍

N: I’m so tired of varchie, most boring and annoying ship from the show. They need to bring barchie back.

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